Bus Stop250字

  Bus Stop  
  Alice:Hi!My name is Alice.  
  Lily:Hi!My name is Lily.  
  Alice:Nice to meet you.  
  Lily:Nice to meet you,too.  
  Alice:Where are you come from?  
  Lily:I am come from china.  
  Alice:Really?I am come from china too.  
  Lily:What's your favourite hobby?  
  Alice:I like climbing mountains.How about you?  
  Lily:I like reading.  
  Alice:Where are you going?  
  Lily:I am going to my new school.  
  Alice:All ringt.  
  Lily:My bus is coming.See you.  
  Alice:See you!  
  Lily:I hope I can see you the next time.  
  Alice:Me too.
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