I feel really lonely. It's like the whole world dislike me. I really want to be a part of them, the popular ones. but I can't. I wish I was never born. Mum said that I was lucky. I was born in the time when all the chaos began. All the other babies died, except me. That's why I'm so ugly and so stupid, and older that the others in the grade. They say that I was such an idiot, that I couldn't go on with school. I feel sad. I never wanted to be that ugly, that stupid, and older that the others. But, how can I choose? Is there any use. Now mum died. The only one that I once loved. It's so unfair, how all the people are better than you, and you're so unlucky. My mumu is a nurse, but my dad is so bad. He doesn’t have a proper job, and he alwany get drunk. Mum had enough of him, ao we moved away. Sometimes, I even want to die. I have nothing, now my mum has died of a disease. Since I have no friends, no family, I have nothing to care about. Sherry, you’re the only one who likes me, I thank you. But I’d rather you not, I don’t want you to feel pity of me. I’m going to go to a far away land., where nothing is harder that it seems. Everythings so happy there. Goodbye.