The general will is an underlying principle that expresses what is best for the community. For Rousseau, the general will by definition is always right and always works to the community’s advantage. Obedience to the general will transforms an individual motivated by self-interest, appetites and passions into a higher type of person- a citizen committed to the general good. Whoever refuses to obey the general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole body. The general will isn’t always exactly what everyone wanted, but evened out by the whole idea.
Rousseau said that human nature, which was originally good, had been corrupted by society. “Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.” How can humanity be made moral and free again? He suggested reforming the political system. He argued that in the existing civil society the rich and powerful that controlled the state oppressed the majority. And that makes him a champion of democracy.
But on the other hand, he granted the sovereigns virtually unlimited authority over the citizenry. Meaning more consideration as whole rather than just individuals, some critics view him as a spiritual precursor of totalitarianism.