Wise:Hello! Where are you from?
Marcia:I am from Mars.
Wise:Mars? What is your name?
Marcia:My name is Marcia..What is your name?
Wise:My name is Wise.
Wise:Hi Mom.
Wise:Mom.This is Marcia .She is from Mars.
Mother:From Mars?...Oh,nice to meet you,Marcia .
Marcia:nice to meet you,,too.
Peter:Hi! I am Peter,his brother.Welcome to our home.
Wise:Look.This is a picture of family.
Marcia:Can I have a look?
Marcia:How many children are there in your family.
Wise:There are three ,and I am the eldest.
Marcia:Is thix your younger sister?
Marcia:How old is she?
Wise:she is eight.she is in Grade 3.
Marcia:She is so pretty.
Wise:Mrcia,come here,please.
Marcia:Yes,I am coming.
Wise:This is Jim,my friend.
Marcia:Glad to meet you.
Jim:Glad to meet you,too.How old are you?
Marcia:It is secret.
Maecia:It smells good.What is this?
Wise:It is a peach.
Marcia:What is that?
Wise:It is an orange.
Marcia:Can I have a peach?
Wise:Here you are.
Marcia:It is delicious.
Wise:Where is your spaceship?
Marcia:It is outside your house.
Wise:Thanks.Good bye!
Wise:Good bye!see you next time.
Marcia:see you.(5,4,3,2,1,Go)Good bye,Wise!good bye,Earth!