各位家长、亲爱的小朋友们: 仲夏阳光争明媚,缤纷幼儿载欢欣。以推动幼儿教事业发展的幼儿园庆"六?一"国际儿童节为宗旨。我向在座的小朋友致以亲切的节日问候!感谢各位家长能在万忙之中,抽出宝贵的时间来参加这次的活动,这是他们在幼儿园度过的第一个自己的节日! 欢歌笑语庆佳节,百态千姿展新颜。这里有孩子们茁壮成长的活泼身影,这里有孩子们充满憧憬的瑰丽梦想,这里有孩子们雏鹰展翅的艺术风采,这里有孩子们蓬勃向上的精神风貌。
通过这次活动,我们真诚地希望大家可以共同托起明天的太阳。立足于提高幼儿的综合素质,创造出更多、更生动活泼的有效教育形式,推动他们学习、实践、健康成长。 最后 ,祝小朋友们节日快乐,身体健康!祝各位家长工作顺心,万事如意!
Fellow guardians, dear children: Midsummer the sunlight struggles beautifully, the riotous baby carries delightedly。 Impels the baby to teach the kindergarten which the enterprise develops to celebrate " six? One " the International Children"s Day is an objective。 I to the child who presents extend the kind holiday regards! Thanks the fellow guardians to be able in ten thousand busy, extracts the precious time to participate in this time activity, this is they the first own holiday which passed in the kindergarten!
The happy song joke celebrates the festival, hundred condition thousand posture exhibition new face。 Here has the lively form which the children grow healthy and strong, here has the children yearning magnificent dream, here has the artistic elegant demeanor which the children eyas spreads the wings, here has the children vigorous upward spiritual outlook。 Through this activity, we hoped sincerely everybody may pick up tomorrow"s sun together。 bases in improves baby"s overall quality, creates are more, the more spirited effective education form, impels them to study, the practice, the healthy development。
Finally, wishes the children holiday to be joyful, health! Wishes the fellow guardians to work satisfactorily, good luck in everything!