妈妈,原来您也有犯错误的时候Mom, I Th400字

  以前,妈妈在我眼里永远是正确的。因为妈妈总是给我灌输这种观点,妈妈说的每一句话都是对的。因此我对妈妈言听计从,习以为常。可是不久前发生的一件事,连妈妈自己也承认错了。事情是这样的。妈妈虽然爱我,但她却不喜欢女孩子,一直想再给我生一个小弟弟。可是她这样做严重违背了我们国家的计划生育政策,因此受到单位领导的严厉批评。看样子妈妈生一个小弟弟的梦想是破灭了。妈妈,起初我真的以为你总是正确的,但我错了。   Mom, I Thought You Were Always Right   Mom was always right in my eyes before. This is what mom implanted into my mind. Every sentence she said to me was correct. So I got used to following her words. Then there came one thing lately, which made mom herself admit that she was wrong. The fact goes like this. Although mom loves me, she doesn't like girls. So she wanted all along to have a boy. But what she did violated the birth control policy of China. She was seriously condemned. It seemed that mom's dream of having a boy had come to nothing. Mom, I really thought you were right at the beginning, but I was wrong.
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