


外语导游词 篇1

  Hello, dear tourists. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Bing. Firstof all, welcome to the beautiful lotus Buddha Jiuhua Mountain scenic spot. Thereis a saying that 500 times of looking back in the past life can only get ashoulder rub in this life. Today, we can get together happily. It is estimatedthat our past lives are constantly looking back. Xiao Wang also cherishes thisrare encounter. You can visit Jiuhua Mountain. It's predestined relationshipwith Buddha, mountain and me. I'm very glad to be your tour guide. I hope mysincerity will bring you a satisfied smile.

  First of all, let's briefly introduce Jiuhua Mountain scenic area. JiuhuaMountain is located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province. In theSouthern Dynasties, there were nine peaks, which were called Jiuzi mountain.When Li Bai visited the mountain in the Tang Dynasty, he looked at the ninepeaks like a lotus, and wrote that "there are two kinds of wonderful things, andLingshan opens up Jiuhua". From then on, people called this mountain JiuhuaMountain. In the 7th century, that is, in the Tang Dynasty, King Jin qiaojue,Prince of Silla (today's Korean Peninsula), sailed eastward and settled down inJiuhua Mountain. He had been practicing hard for decades. He died at the age of99. It is said that when he opened the jar three years later, he was "asbeautiful as a face and as beautiful as flesh." It is not corrupt. It wasthought that the Bodhisattva of Tibet "showed his spiritual trace". From thenon, Jiuhua Mountain was established as the Bodhisattva's Taoist center ofTibet.

  Now we are entering Jiuhua Street scenic area. First of all, you can see astone gate square. It is dignified and elegant. It is carved from marble and is9 meters high. You can see the four characters "Jiuhua Holy Land" engraved onthe banner. It is written by Emperor Kangxi himself. After passing the gatesquare, you can see Yingxian bridge. The bridge was built in Qianlong period,which is a beautiful place There are three single span stone arch bridges,Yingxian bridge and Yingxian bridge. As the name suggests, after crossing thisbridge, we will arrive at the fairyland from the ordinary world. There, we willstep on this ancient bridge with me, and we will enter the fairylandtogether.

  You can see that the front of the bridge is the main hall of Zhiyuantemple. Zhiyuan temple is a national key temple with the largest scale among thefour jungles of Jiuhua Mountain. "Jungle" means that many monks share the sameaspiration, just like many big trees. They live together and practice together.Zhiyuan temple is composed of more than ten single buildings, such as mountaingate, Tianwang hall, main hall, guest hall, lecture hall and Sutra Pavilion. Itis a typical composite building.

  Its Mountain Gate deviates from the central axis of the main hall. Do youunderstand why? It's very particular to set the Mountain Gate askew. First, it'sto ward off evil spirits. Second, the gate faces kaishanzu temple and Huachengtemple. The intention is also very ingenious. Let's take a look at it again. Onthe front wall of the temple, there is a moment when the big words "Taishanshigandang" are very eye-catching. Guess what What is it used for? Yes, it isalso used to suppress demons and ward off evil spirits. This is unique toZhiyuan temple. The cultural relics of Zhiyuan temple are precious. The plaqueof Daxiong hall written by you Ren in 1933 is still hanging on the hall. Thereare also seven large copper pots in the kitchen of the temple in the period ofthe Republic of China, the largest of which is 173 cm in diameter. It is called"qianseng kitchen".

  Let's go into the temple to experience the mysterious Buddhist culture.Before entering the temple, Xiao Wang will tell you about the rules andregulations of entering the temple. Entering the temple is to walk through bothsides of the door as far as possible. If you walk on the right side, step on theright foot first, and walk on the left side. Don't step on the threshold, anddon't stand or sit on the threshold. This is disrespect to the Buddha.

  OK, after visiting Zhiyuan temple. Next, we're going to Huacheng temple.There is a saying in the Buddhist Scripture that "refers to the earth and turnsit into a city". According to historical records, Tianzhu monk Beidu built atemple here in 401, the fifth year of Long'an in the Jin Dynasty. At the end ofKaiyuan in the Tang Dynasty, there was a monk Tan who lived here. The temple wasinscribed "Huacheng". Later, the old Zhuge festival in Qingyang County went upthe mountain and found Jin qiaojue, who was practicing hard in the cliff cave.He was deeply moved, so he bought the old land of Tan Gong, built a temple, andasked Jin qiaojue to live here. Later, the title of Hua Cheng was moved here, soHua Cheng Temple became kaishanzu Temple of dizang Daochang in Jiuhua Mountain.At the moment, there is the Jiuhuashan historical relics museum. The name of themuseum was inscribed by Mr. Zhao Puchu, former president of the BuddhistAssociation. The museum now displays Jin qiaojue's life story and precioushistorical relics.

  We can see that there is a release pool in front of Huacheng temple. It issaid that it was excavated by jindizang when he led his disciples to buildHuacheng temple. On the square in front of the pool, there is an empress towerbase made of stone strips. It is said that after learning about her son table XiJiuhua, Jin dizang's mother trekked to the mountains to find her son. She wasworried about her son for a long time, and her eyes were going to be blind.Jindizang washed her mother's eyes with spring water from a well beside thesquare, and cured her mother's eye disease. This well is called Mingyan spring.Jin dizang was attentive to his mother and told her about Buddhism. Finally, hermother was enlightened and left the mountain to help her son protect the Buddha.In memory of Jin qiaojue's mother, later generations built this empress towerhere.

  OK, now take the cable car with me to Minyuan scenic area. Why is it called"Minyuan"? It's said that there was a family surnamed min in the Tang Dynasty,which had a rich industry, and all of them were outside min yuan. When jindizangfirst came to Jiuhua Mountain, he borrowed land from min Gong. The story of "acassock land" has been handed down to this day. After that, the father and sonof Min converted to Buddhism, and the Min family had no descendants. Therefore,there is no family surnamed min in today's Jiuhua Mountain, but the name Minyuanhas been handed down.

  There is Minyuan bamboo sea. There are many bamboos all over the hills.Walking into the bamboo sea, you must be able to wash away the hustle and bustleof the city and get rid of worldly worries. When you come to Minyuan scenicspot, you have to see this ancient pine of Phoenix. It's 1400 years old and thepine is 7.8 meters high. The trunk is flat and cocked, like Phoenix crown; twobranches, one high and one low, like phoenix tail. There is a big round stoneunder the loose tail, which is called "phoenix egg". Li Keran, a master oftraditional Chinese painting, praised this pine as "the first pine in theworld". It is as famous as Huangshan Yingke pine.

  After visiting Minyuan scenic spot, our trip today is over. Today we willhave a day off at Jiuhua Mountain, and tomorrow we will continue to visitTiantai and Huatai scenic spots. Tiantai scenic area is a high mountain touristarea of Jiuhua Mountain, with overlapping peaks and jagged rocks. The mainscenic spots are more than 100 places, such as ancient worship platform, Dapenglistening stone, dizang temple, Tiantai peak, Shiwang peak, etc.

  Huatai scenic area is located in the mountains, no dust pollution, adhereto the original, simple, pure, fresh natural beauty. As we have just developedsome exquisite and dreamlike scenery, we do not have a proper reputation. Wewarmly welcome you to name them. I also appreciate your support for my worktoday. If you have any suggestions, please tell Xiao Wang. I will improve it intime. thank you very much.

外语导游词 篇2

  Dear friends, at the moment, our location is Jiuhua street, 600 metersabove sea level, which is the reception center of the whole mountain. Walkingalong the street, we come to the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain_ Huachengtemple, according to the Buddhist scriptures, once Sakyamuni and his discipleswent to the countryside to preach. After a long walk, the disciples were hungryand thirsty, and could not sit up. At this time, the Buddha pointed to the frontand said, "there is a city in front. Go to huazhai quickly.". The apprenticeimmediately came to the spirit. In fact, the so-called Huacheng comes from theEnlightenment of Buddha.

  In addition, before entering the temple, we should pay attention to thefollowing points: first, when entering the temple, we should step across thethreshold. The threshold of the temple is the shoulder of the Buddha, so we mustnot step on it. Second, we should not make loud noises or bring jokes from theworld of mortals into the temple. Third, please do not touch the monks' magicweapons at will. OK, let's go into Huacheng temple. Huacheng Temple

  After that, we come to the palace of the flesh. Please take a look at thewords on the flat forehead: the palace of the moon! Why is it called the palaceof the moon? Because in the past, the moon and the flesh were interchangeable,so now many words describing human body parts and organs will have a month nextto them.

  The architecture of the hall of the flesh body is very distinctive, "thereare towers in the hall and tanks in the towers."; Jin qiaojue, the king ofTibetans, died at the age of 99 after 75 years of cultivation in Jiuhua Mountainin the 10th year of Yuanzhen of Tang Dynasty. Three years later, when he openedthe jar, his body was soft and his face looked like a living one. The sound of agolden lock shook his bony joints. According to the Buddhist scriptures, he wasa Bodhisattva, so he was honored as the Bodhisattva of Tibetans.

  Walking into the hall of the body, you can see the great wish of the earthhanging on the lintel: all living beings will pass through, and the Bodhisattvadike will be proved; the hell will not be empty, and the oath will not become aBuddha. Therefore, the Bodhisattva of Tibet is also known as the great wishBodhisattva. I believe that with the blessing of the great wish Bodhisattva, youmust have good luck in the future.

  Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou don't get on the roof, you don't come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big. Looking from afar, heaven and earth areintegrated, and the Yangtze River is indistinctly visible. The clear mountainwind brings waves of pines and bamboos, which makes people intoxicated. Thesurrounding rocks are strange in shape and mostly dark. There is a huge stoneengraved with the word "non human". At this moment, it really makes people feellike they are in the fairyland of Penglai. It is said that watching the sunriseon the rooftop is no less magnificent than watching the sunrise on Mount Tai.Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the "ten sceneries ofJiuhua".

  Well, my friends, the short journey to Jiuhua Mountain is over in a hurry.I hope you can fulfill your wish. When you come to Jiuhua Mountain, I can stillserve you.

外语导游词 篇3

  Hello, everyone! Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain scenic spot. I'm Xiao Zhao, thetour guide of Jiuhua Mountain scenic spot. It's my great honor to accompany youto the tour. Next, I'll explain Jiuhua Mountain scenic spot to you.

  Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Itis characterized by splendid Buddhist culture and beautiful natural landscape.It is a national 5A tourist area and a national courtesy tourism demonstrationsite. Together with Mt. Wutai, Mt. Emei and Mt. Putuo, China's four famousBuddhist mountains.

  Jiuhua Mountain is located on the South Bank of the lower reaches of theYangtze River and in the southwest of Anhui Province. It is an ancient famousLingyang mountain. Before the Tang Dynasty, it was named "Jiuzi mountain"because it was so beautiful that it was higher than the surface of the cloudsand had nine peaks. During the reign of Tang Tianbao, Li Bai, a poet, went toJiuhua three times, and wrote "wonderful is divided into two parts, Lingshanopens Jiuhua", "Tianhe hangs green water, showing jiufurong" In the poem, hecompares the nine main peaks of Jiuzi mountain to nine blooming lotus flowers.In ancient Chinese, "Hua" was connected with "Hua", so in the 13th year ofTianbao, Jiuzi mountain was renamed Jiuhua Mountain, and its name has alwaysbeen used today.

  Jiuhua Mountain is not only famous for its steep rocks, waterfalls, flowingsprings and beautiful natural scenery, but also famous for "dizang BodhisattvaTaoist temple", known as "the first mountain in Southeast China" and "LianhuaBuddhist kingdom". At present, there are 99 temples in Jiuhua Mountain, nine ofwhich are national key temples. Let's walk into Huacheng temple, the main templeof Jiuhua Mountain! According to the Buddhist scriptures, once Sakyamuni and hisdisciples went to the countryside to preach. After a long walk, the discipleswere hungry and thirsty, and could not sit up. At this time, the Buddha pointedto the front and said, "there is a city in front of us. Go to huazhai quickly,and the disciples immediately came to the spirit.". In fact, the so-calledHuacheng comes from the Enlightenment of Buddha. [by [finishing]

  There, I would like to remind you that when you enter the temple, you muststep across the threshold. The threshold of the temple is the shoulder of theBuddha. You must not step on it. This is respect for the Buddha. OK, let's go inand have a look at it now.

  Huacheng temple is an ancient temple of Jin Dynasty with the longesthistory in Jiuhua Mountain. The layout of the temple buildings is close to themountain, reflecting the superb art of architectural design. In front of thetemple, the horizontal plaque of "Jiuhuashan historical relics museum" inscribedby Zhao Puchu is majestic and beautiful. In the temple, there is an ancientclock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"Jiuhua ten sceneries".

  Now please follow the direction of my finger, that is the famous "centenaryPalace", a palace built on a cliff. On the plaque, there are ten goldcharacters: "imperial grant to the centenary palace, protect the country WannianTemple". Now let's take the cable car to approach the centenary palace! It issaid that in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a monk named Wuxu.He came to Jiuhua Mountain at the age of 26 and lived in a Zen home inMotianling, Dongya peak. He was strict in discipline and worked hard in hismeditation. It took him 28 years to write the Huayan Sutra of Dafang Guangfowith blood and gold powder. It took him 20 years to finish 81 volumes of theSutra. In the autumn of the third year of apocalypse, he had no time tounderstand himself. After calling all living beings to say goodbye, he diedpeacefully. He was 110 years old. All the disciples put his body into a jaraccording to his instructions. Three years later, his apprentice Hui Guang oftensaw the glow in the jar, so he opened the jar and found that he had no time toface and was in good health, so he offered it with gold. Emperor Chongzhen ofthe Ming Dynasty granted him the title of "Yingshen Bodhisattva". Please see,the monk with monk hat and red cassock is the golden body of the flawless monk.The ancients said: "less than a hundred years old palace is nothing, to thehundred years old palace everything is good and successful." this time everyonewill come to the hundred years old palace, everything will be smooth.

  Next, let's go to the rooftop of Jiuhua Mountain. We have to passfenghuangsong scenic spot to go to the rooftop. Fenghuangsong is located in theMin garden of Jiuhua Mountain, which is a major landscape of Jiuhua Mountain.Please see, the pine is 7.68 meters high and 1 meter diameter at breast height.It has a peculiar shape, just like the phoenix spreading its wings, so it iscalled Fenghuang pine. The trunk is flat and cocked, like a phoenix crown. Thetwo branches are one high and one low, like a phoenix tail. The grass around theroot is as green as grass. There is a big garden stone under the pine tail,which is called "phoenix egg". This phoenix ancient pine is recorded in thesouthern and Northern Dynasties. It has a history of 1400 years. Now it is stillfull of branches, luxuriant leaves and green. Fenghuangsong has become theleading role in many ancient and modern poets, painters and photographers' hymnsand beautiful paintings with its majestic appearance and legendary stories. Itis known as "the first pine in the world".

  Now let's go up to the Tiantai Mountain. Tiantai peak is the main peak ofJiuhua Mountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a sayingthat "if you don't get on the roof, you don't come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhuastreet, about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots.When you are out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in frontof you will make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling,looking at Jiuhua street, only palm so big. Looking from afar, heaven and earthare integrated, and the Yangtze River is indistinctly visible. The clearmountain wind brings waves of pines and bamboos, which makes people intoxicated.The surrounding rocks are strange in shape and mostly dark. There is a hugestone engraved with the word "non human". At this moment, it really makes peoplefeel like they are in the fairyland of Penglai. It is said that watching thesunrise on the rooftop is no less magnificent than watching the sunrise on MountTai. Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the "ten sceneries ofJiuhua".

  Next, let's go to the palace of flesh. Please have a look at the words onthe flat forehead: Palace of moon! Why is it called moon body palace? Because inthe past month and meat were interchangeable words, many words describing humanbody parts and organs now have a month next to them. The building of the palaceof flesh is very distinctive. "There is a tower in the hall, a jar in the tower,and a flesh in the jar". This flesh is the flesh of King jinqiaojue of Tibet. Inthe 10th year of Yuanzhen of Tang Dynasty, jinqiaojue practiced hard in JiuhuaMountain for 75 years. In the 10th year of Zhenyuan of Tang Dynasty, he died onJuly 30 of the lunar calendar and lived to 99 years old. The Buddha's youngerbrother built the jar of jinqiaojue for three years according to the method ofFu Tu. Three years later, he opened the jar and found various signs similar tothe Buddhist Scriptures All monks believe that Jin qiaojue is the reincarnationof the Bodhisattva. Because Jin qiaojue's common family name is Jin, Buddhistsrespect him as "Jin dizang". His body is worshipped in the body hall onShenguang ridge of Jiuhua Mountain, so he is honored as the Bodhisattva of theking of dizang. Walking into the hall of the body, you can see the great wish ofthe earth hanging on the lintel: all living beings will pass through, and theBodhisattva dike will be proved; the hell will not be empty, and the oath willnot become a Buddha. Therefore, the Bodhisattva of Tibet is also known as thegreat wish Bodhisattva. You may not know the Bodhisattva of Tibet very well. TheBodhisattva of Tibet (Sanskrit: Ksitigarbha) gets its name because it "can'tbear to move, just like the earth, meditates deeply, just like a secretcollection". According to the Buddhist scriptures, in the past, the Bodhisattvaof Tibet saved his mother who suffered in hell for several times, and has beenvowing to save all living beings, especially those living in hell. Therefore,this Bodhisattva is widely spread by Buddhism with his virtue of "great filialpiety" and "great wish". Therefore, it is widely known as the "great wish toTibetan Bodhisattva" and becomes the Han Buddhism

  One of the four Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. I believe that with the blessingof the great wish Bodhisattva, you must have good luck in the future.

  The introduction of Jiuhua Mountain scenic spot is there for you. Now youcan visit it freely and return there according to the schedule. Have a goodtime.

外语导游词 篇4

  Hello, everyone! Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain, our lotus Buddha kingdom. I'myour tour guide. My name is Wang Ping. Just call me Xiao Wang. First of all, Iwould like to introduce the general situation of Jiuhua Mountain. JiuhuaMountain is located in Chizhou City, Anhui Province. It is the main scenic spotof the "two mountains and one lake" golden tourist area in Anhui Province. Ithas beautiful scenery and numerous ancient temples. It is also known as the fourfamous Buddhist mountains in China with Mount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Wutai inShanxi and Mount Putuo in Zhejiang.

  Jiuhua Mountain was not originally called Jiuhua Mountain, but Jiuzimountain in the Tang Dynasty. Because of its beautiful peaks, there are ninepeaks above the clouds, so there are nine Jiuzi mountains. During the reign ofTang Tianbao, Li Bai, a poetic immortal, visited this place twice. He wrote downsuch ancient lines as "wonderful is divided into two parts, Lingshan opensJiuhua, Tianhe hangs green water, and shows jiufurong". Jiuhua Mountain is namedafter it and has been used to this day.

  Jiuhua Mountain has a long history of religious activities. Taoism firstdeveloped in Jiuhua Mountain, and Buddhism became more prosperous. During theKaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, King qiaojue, Prince of Silla, sailedeastward to visit famous mountains, and finally chose to practice in our JiuhuaMountain. Sleep in the cave on the mountain at night, drink the mountain springwater when thirsty, and eat the wild plants when hungry.

  Finally he died at the age of 99. Buddhism believes that he practiced hardbefore he died, and after his death, he was consistent with the Bodhisattva ofTibet recorded in the Buddhist scriptures. He was respected as the Bodhisattvaof Tibet Yinghua. Because his family name was Jin when he was not a monk, he wasalso called Jin dizang. Since then, Jiuhua Mountain has been established as theTaoist center of the Bodhisattva. After the Tang Dynasty, the Buddhistdeclaration of Jiuhua Mountain gradually came into being. By the end of the QingDynasty, there were more than 150 temples in the whole mountain, includingZhiyuan temple, Dongya temple, baishuigong temple and Ganlu temple.

  Next, we first enter the Jiuhua Street scenic spot, and the first thing wesee is a stone gate square. It is carved out of marble, 9 meters high, and is animitation of the Hui style architecture of the Qing Dynasty. The banner isengraved with the four characters "Jiuhua Shengjing" written by Emperor Kangxi.There are stone lions carved under the two pillars of the middle gate. The gateis dignified and elegant. After passing the gate, you can see Yingxian bridge.This bridge was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It is a single holestone arch bridge. Please follow me to this ancient bridge and step into thefairyland!

  You see, the front of the bridge is the main hall of Zhiyuan temple.Zhiyuan temple is a national key temple. Its scale is the largest in the fourjungles of Jiuhua Mountain. It is composed of more than ten single buildings,such as the mountain gate, Tianwang hall, Daxiong hall, guest hall, lecture halland Sutra library. It is a typical composite building. Its Mountain Gatedeviates from the central axis of the hall. Do you understand why? Because, ah,it is very particular about skewing the mountain gate. One is to ward off evilspirits, Secondly, the gate is towards kaishanzu temple and Huacheng temple.

  The main hall is decorated with glass and green tiles, and the eaves aretilted. It has a very prominent position. There is a stone carving on the frontwall of the temple. The five big characters "Tai Shan Shi Gan Dang" on it arevery eye-catching. Let's guess what this is for. In fact, this is unique to theGarden Temple, which is used to ward off evil spirits.

  Entering the mountain gate is Lingguan hall. When you enter the hall, youcan see Wang Lingguan standing in the shrine with red face and red beard, eyeswide open and iron whip high. Wang Lingguan is the Dharma protector of Taoism.How can he protect the Dharma here? It is said that Wei Tuo, the Dharmaprotector of Buddhism, made the mistake of "killing animals" and was "dismissed"by the Bodhisattva of Tibet, which made Wang Lingguan take the post. Thisreflects the meaning of "cooperation" between Buddhism and Taoism in the templeof heavenly kings, which is probably the only one in the country.

  From Lingguan hall to a small courtyard, there is a pavilion style squaredouble eaves hall, resting on the top of the mountain. There are four statues ofheavenly kings inside, which are called heavenly kings hall. In the middle nichesits Maitreya Buddha, who is always smiling and tolerant. "A bowl of rice forthousands of families, traveling thousands of miles alone" is his two verses. Onboth sides are four statues of the heavenly king.

  Lingguan hall and Tianwang hall are on the same platform, and on theplatform of a higher level, there is a great hall. In the main hall, on thefront, there stands the third Buddha about 12 meters high. Under the seat is thegreen lotus seat, and under the seat is the Xumi seat (also known as the diamondplatform). The carving is exquisite. On the front of the offering table, thereis a large relief of the story of "monk Tang's taking scriptures". In front ofthe statue of the Buddha, the monk who presided over the Dharma Association wentto worship the Buddha.

  Well, after visiting Zhiyuan temple, we are now at the center of Jiuhuastreet. What you can see is Huacheng temple, the kaishanzu Temple of JiuhuaMountain. There is a saying in Buddhist Scripture that "refers to the city ofthe earth". Huacheng temple is located in the southwest of Huacheng peak inJiuhua Mountain and in the center of Huacheng basin, so it is named Huachengtemple. Huacheng temple has a long history. It was built in the Jin Dynasty, andit is also the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain. The architecture of the temple isarranged according to the mountain situation, reflecting the superb art ofarchitectural design. In the temple, there is an ancient clock which is morethan ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It is exquisitely cast and has aloud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemn and clear sound of the bellreverberates in the valley, which often makes people feel extraordinarilyrefined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the "Jiuhua tensceneries".

  After the rise and fall of the ancient temple, it still stands in the longriver of time. There are four existing dwellings, the first three are QingDynasty buildings: one is Lingguan hall, the second is Tianwang hall, and thethird is Daxiong hall. 2、 Among the three entrances, there is a huge four waterpatio, which means "four water Guiming hall". The main hall is full of woodenwindows and doors, and the lintel is carved with ice lattice. The relief of"Jiulong Panzhu" in Dingzhong caisson is an art treasure. Sijin Sutra house isthe only Ming Dynasty building in Jiuhua Mountain, which has been restored toits original appearance recently. Huacheng Temple gradually rises according tothe terrain, with rigorous structure, simple and elegant, basically preservingthe original style of kaishanzu temple.

  Under the stone steps of Huacheng temple, there are a pair of stone lionsin Song Dynasty, one female and one male, which are ancient and clumsy. There isa release pool in the front, crescent shaped. It is said that it was excavatedby jindizang when he led the disciples to build Huacheng temple. It is not onlyfor the fire prevention of the temple, but also for the release of monks andpilgrims. In front of the pool is a flat and open Huacheng square. In thesquare, there is a "Niangniang tower" base made of stone bars, which is inmemory of jindizang's mother. It is said that after learning about zhuoxiJiuhua, jindizang's mother trekked thousands of miles to find her son back inthe mountains. She thought about her son for a long time, and her eyes weregoing to be blind. Jindizang used spring water from a well beside the square towash his mother's eyes, and cured her mother's eye disease.

  Jin dizang attentively waited on his mother and told her about Buddhism.His mother was enlightened and eventually stayed in the mountain to help herprotect the Buddha. Later generations built a memorial tower in the square,which is called "Niangniang tower". However, some people in Jiuhua Mountain alsocall "Niangniang tower" to commemorate Jin dizang's wife before he became amonk. Whether mother or wife, the legend of "Niangniang tower" is beautiful.

  Well, our tour of Jiuhua Mountain has come to an end. Thank you for yoursupport and cooperation in Xiao Wang's work. I hope I can continue to serve youin the future. Have a good trip! Thank you very much

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