
    一个农夫干完农活,看见一条蛇冻僵了,觉得它很可怜,就把它拾起来,小心翼翼地揣进怀里,用暖热的身体温暖着它。那蛇受了暖气,渐渐复苏了,又恢复了生机。等到它彻底苏醒过来,便立即恢复了本性,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度用尖利的毒牙狠狠地咬了恩人一口,使他受了致命的创伤。农夫临死的时候痛悔地说:“我可怜恶人,不辨好坏,结果害了自己,遭到这样的恶报,我真是活该”        这个故事是说,做人一定要分清善恶,只能把援助之手伸向善良的人。对那些恶人即使仁至义尽,他们的本性也是不会改变的。讽刺了那些恩将仇报的恶人和帮助恶人的人。  
  英语是   The Farmer and the Snake   ONE winter a farmer found a snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound. “Oh,” cried the farmer with his last breath, “I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel,   ” The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.
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