61 缓和悲伤 to ease ( alleviate ) the sorrow
62 承受负担 to bear the responsibility
63 考虑到 to make allowance for
64 把握机会 to seize the opportunity
65 跑腿 to run an errand
66 树立楷模 to set a good example
67 接受教育 to receive education
68 提升生活的水平 to raise the standard of living
69 告辞 to take one"s leave
70 有很深的了解 to have a deep understanding of
71 跟随流行 to follow the fashion
72 提钱 to withdraw money
73 存钱 to deposit money
74 良心不安 the conscience stirs
75 自立 to be independent; to stand on one"s own
76 英文很好 to have a good command of English
77 有广泛的知识 to have a wide range of knowledge
78 喜爱艺术 to have a great liking for arts
79 扮演重要角色 to play an important role in
80 聊天 to have a chat with
81 有...才能 to have a talent for
82 选择 to make a choice
83 有很大的影响 to have a great influence on
84 予人...很深的印象 to make a deep impression on
85 愚弄 to make a fool of
86 找借口 to make an excuse
87 给人搭便车 to give one a lift
88 打电话 to give someone a ring
89 冒险 to take chances
90 怀恨 to bear grudge against someone