我们的花园式学校(Our Garden School)250字


Our school is a beautiful garden school。 When you enter the school gate, you will see a road。 It leads to the teaching building。

On each side of the road there is a flowerbed, and there are all kinds of flowers there。 On your left is the library。 We can borrow books there。

The office building is on the other side。 Behind the taacing building is a playground。 We have planted many trees in our school, and they are growing well。

Welcome to our school! 【译文】 我们学校是一座漂亮的花园学校。当你走进校门,你会看到一条路。这条路通往教学楼。


教学楼后面是操场。我们在校内种了许多树,长得很好。 欢迎你到我们学校来!

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