The big day(大喜的日子)150字


I am vry happy that i find th wbsid of th nglish study room this noon . I am a slf-taught studnt and i dram i can mak a lot of frinds that lov nglish study .I hav no chanc to b a school studnt but i bliv hard work can qual to th smart. Thr wr only two cratur that can gt th top of th high point th agl and th snail .Th agl may gt th targt vry asily but th snail is much mor difficult but if thr a frind who can do him a favor mayb h can gt th point mor asy .

Th nam of my ssay is th big day for i am on th way to mak frind on this day .A frind in nd is a frind indd .

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