

(   )(1)A.baby    B.take    C.day    D,cat

(   )(2)A.fly    B.why    C.yellow    D.sky
(   )(3)A.know    B.how    C.cow    D.now
(   )(4)A.here    B.cheer    C.where    D.ear
(   )(5)A.mum    B.use    C.but    D.bus
(1)have a headache____________  (2)take pictures______________
(3)eat good food______________  (4)row a boat__________________
(5)funnier__________________    (6)感冒_________________________
(7)滑冰______________________   (8)更强壮的_____________________
(9)更大的____________________   (10)喉咙疼______________________
三、按括号内要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 (10分)
(1)watch(过去式)________ (2)go(过去式)________(3)see(过去式)__________ (4)sing(过去式)___________(5)buy(过去式)__________
How does Zhang Peng feel?                  56 cm.
What did Mike do yesterday?                He went to a park.
What’s the matter?                         I have a sore throat.
How long are your arms?                    No,I didn’t.
Did you go fishing?                          He’s excited.
四、连词组句,自己加标点。 (10分)
(1)Did you go to the library last weekend? (做出否定回答)   
(2)I am l59 cm tall.(对划线部分提问)
(3)1 washed clothes yesterday.(对划线部分提问)
(4)1 went to Qingdao on Sunday. (对划线部分提问)
(5)Are you taller than your mother? (根据实际情况回答问题)
(1)How tall are you? I’m165_______ _________.(我的身高是一米六五.)
(2)What did you do last weekend? 1 1istened to music and______ ___ ______ at home.(我在家里读书听音乐。)
(3)_______ the_________, Chen Jie?  I_______ ___ toothache.(陈洁,你怎么了?我牙疼。)
(4)The white bear is_________ ________ the black one.(那只白熊比黑熊重。)
(   )(1)What______Zoom do last weekend?   
    A.does    B.did
(   )(2)Some people feel sick________winter.
    A.in      B.at
(   )(3)There is a foot ball match_______Class One and Class Two.
    A.between    B.at
(   )(4)1 went_______on my holiday.
    A.sking    B.、skiing
(   )(5)We went Beijing________Jan.1st.
    A.in    B.On
(   )(6)Wu Yifan played football_______his friends.
    A.with    B.together
(   )(7)What are you doing?__________________.
    A. I am doing the dishes.    B.I do the dishes.
(   )(8)Your bag is_______than mine(我的).
    A.heavy    B.heavier
(   )(9)What’s Wu Yifan’s hobby?_____________________.
    A.He likes making things.    B.He likes making things.
(10)I am ore year________than you.
A. old          B. older
(1) What can you do?
   I can ________. (swim)  I like _________.(swim)
(2) Did you go _______(hike) yesterday?
   No, I didn’t. I ______(sing) and __________(dance) with my friends.
(3)What are you going to do this weekend?
   I ____________________(climb) a mountain.
(4) How does your mother go to work?
   She ______(go) to work by bike.
(5) Look! What are the boys doing?
   They _________________(play) football.

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