
  窗外优美的风景给我的梦插上了想象的翅膀,令我思潮翻涌。我闭上眼睛,张开双臂,用心感受,用感觉领悟,双脚轻轻一踮,仿佛置身于云海中。我踏着洁白的云朵随风舞动,赤脚下的云柔如丝棉,轻如薄纱,白如冬雪,美如兰花,我情不自禁地弯下腰,伸出手捧起这些可爱的云,放进玻璃瓶中珍藏起来。我在云端漫步,穿梭于阳光和白云之间。一阵强烈的熏风汹涌而来,所向披靡,在我还没来得及躲闪时穿越了我的身躯,卷起了我的长发,其速度之快无人能及。顿时,我觉得一股凉快的感觉顺着脚根而上直至头顶,过后一丝丝热气在我的体内迅速流动,豆大的汗珠从我的额头沁出。前方的云层被风吹散了,只留下淡雾一片。我没有停下前进的步伐,我要寻找七色的彩虹,让它装点着天空。我伸手在额头上抹了抹汗,然后用手指划出一个弯弯的半圆弧度,在阳光照耀下,形成了一挂美丽的彩虹。我笑着走到天边,摘下那里 的丝带云,把飘零的云一朵朵地连起来,铺开在天幕中。  
  it's a long long journey  
  till i know where i'm supposed to be  
  it's a long long journey  
  and i don't know if i can believe  
  when shadows fall and block my eyes  
  i am lost and know that i must hide  
  it's a long long journey  
  till i find my way home to you  
  many days i've spent  
  drifting on through empty shores  
  wondering what's my purpose  
  wondering how to make me strong  
  i know i will falter i know i will cry  
  i know you'll be standing by my side  
  it's a long long journey  
  and i need to be close to you  
  sometimes it feels no one understands  
  i don't even know why  
  i do the things i do  
  when pride builds me up till i can't see my soul  
  will you break down these walls and pull me through  
  cause it's a long long journey  
  till i feel that i am worth the price  
  you paid for me on calvary  
  beneath those stormy skies  
  when satan mocks and friends turn to foes  
  it feel like everything is out to make me lose control  
  cause it's a long long journey  
  till i find my way home to you.to you  
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