



–例2 :何云峰等:《认识的真理度及其评价问题》,《哲学研究》1999年第9期,第95-98页。


–例4(internet文献):何云峰:《论知识经济条件下社区管理的新特征》,internet html 文献,1999.(注:时间可以以相应网站的最新更新日期为准)

–例5(英文书目):sternberg, r. j. (1990). metaphors of mind: conceptions of the nature of intelligence. new york: cambridge university press.

–例6(英文杂志文章):sternberg, r. j. (1988). mental self-government: a theory of intellectual styles and their development. human development, 31, 197-224. new york: cambridge university press.

–例7(英文杂志文章):thorne, a. (1987). the press of personality: a study of conversations between introverts and extraverts. journal of personality and social psychology, 53(4), 718-728.

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