广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇1
广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇2
广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇3
广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇4
广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇5
广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇6
Hello and welcome to Qixingyan. I'm your guide. Qixingyan is located inZhaoqing City, with majestic mountains in the north and Xijiang River flowingeastward in the south. By borrowing a circle of water from the West Lake, wemoved the Qidui mountain in Yangshuo. Add silk willow on the embankment, and thepainting is long on the ground. How about friends? Are you beautiful? In frontof you is the man-made lake, which is known as the water of Hangzhou. Pleasefollow me to visit it, and remember not to get lost. Xinghu Lake used to be aswamp on the North Bank of the river and Beiling mountain, with springs gushingout from the bottom of the lake. The long dike divides the ten kilometer XinghuLake into six great lakes. Friends, think about the size of star lake? OK, let'sgo to the next scenic spot.
This is a place with beautiful scenery. There are long stone mountains witha height of 96 meters. Attention! Don't climb up when you disband. There areother scenic spots, such as lotus cave, Qinglian lake, etc. you can visit themby yourself. Have you had a good time today? Have a good rest tonight.
广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇7
讲解线索: 【天柱岩】——【千年诗廊】——【水月宫】——【阆风岩、玉屏岩】——【阿坡岩】——【湿地公园】
【天柱岩】 各位游客,我们现在已经进入七星岩景区了。整个景区的面积共8.227平方公里,我们今天只能游览其中的几个景点。面前这座山就是天柱岩,高约114米。峰顶上的摘星亭,是七星岩最高的建筑物。
天柱岩有如擎天柱,半山上的天柱阁,曾住过陈毅和罗瑞卿等党和领导人,柬埔寨国家元首西哈努克亲王也曾在此就餐。当年郭沫若十分欣赏此阁,曾作诗留记:“七星落地上,天柱立中流。山多红豆树,窗对白凫洲。月下开菱镜,云间结彩楼。勾留过一宿,灯火是端州。” 我们在附近找找,看谁能见到散落在地上的红豆----相思豆。
【千年诗廊】 1962年2月,外交部长陈毅元帅来游七星岩,曾写下一首古体长诗,其中对石室岩的摩崖石刻有这样的赞美: “壁上题词句,千年成诗廊”。
什么叫“摩崖石刻”?中国人自古习惯把可有图文的方形石板叫做“碑”,圆形的则称为“碣”;对于镌刻在天然岩石上的图文,则称为“摩崖石刻”,也简称为“摩崖”或者“石刻。 “摩崖石刻”原来是为了铭功和记事的,发展至后来,也加入了选刻诗文、佛经佛像等内容。
在这些石刻中,最有艺术价值的,就是我们眼前的这幅李邕的《端州石室记》。像初唐其他散文一样,这篇文章仍沿袭汉魏六朝赋体骈文的句式,读起来抑扬顿挫,朗朗上口。可惜由于年代久远,有些字已残缺难辨了。宋朝时,这里又多了个马蹄形的损痕,所以后人称它为“马蹄碑”。 这篇《端州石室记》的价值,在于它是七星岩现存摩崖石刻中年代最早的一篇,刻于唐代开元十五年(727年),距今已有1200多年。它的作者文名满天下!连李白和杜甫都崇拜和颂扬他。他书法艺术精湛,开一代书风,印证了初唐疏朗痩劲书风向盛唐时期的丰厚磅礴书法风格的转变。
唐代在这里题刻的名人还有稍后的李绅。李绅,他是中唐时期有名的诗人。对于他,大家可能不大熟悉,但他有两句古风,倒是家喻户晓的—“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽。四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死。此后,宋代的名臣清官包包拯、《爱莲说》的作者哲学家周敦颐哲学家祖无择、诗人郭祥正、明代抗倭名将俞大猷、“永历三忠”之一的陈子壮等,都在此留下了摩崖石刻作品,至于清代的石刻就更不胜枚举了。 所以,XX年“千年诗廊”被列为全国重点文物保护单位。
【水月宫】 大家都看到了山门檐下的“水月宫”三个字吧,宫名为“水月”一说岩下本有座观音堂,供奉着水月观音;一说取“水月双清”之义。水月宫始建于明嘉靖年间,万历三年重修扩建,后废,崇祯九年又重建 ,并铸造铜像。1985年春由国家拨款重建。
【阆风岩、玉屏岩】 我们面前的石山东西相连,气势雄浑,并列如屏,古时合称为“屏风岩”。明朝开辟这岩时,人们将东、西峰分开,东峰称“阆风岩”, 古书云:“高门为阆,阆风乃昆仑山极顶之门户”;西峰称“玉屏岩”。陈毅元帅形容“玉屏如铁墙”。 早在明万历年间这里就修了蹬道,清乾隆年间又再次重修,所以沿途可见明、清的摩崖石刻。 好了,都上来了吧,这座亭名为“十友亭”,从这里俯瞰平湖幽堤、村落城郭,一览无遗。请过来看看这幅石刻,它叫“状元碑”。诗是清代诗人、书法家黄培芳作的,字是清代广东三大状元之一的林召棠写的。待会我们还可以看到清初诗坛着名的“岭南三大家”-----顺德陈恭尹、南海梁佩兰、番禺屈大均的题名石刻。 各位游客,参观了三仙观,过了扶啸台、环翠台,我们终于来到玉皇殿了。它始建于明万历四十六年(1598年),清康熙二十年(1681年)重修。建筑物砖木结构,重檐歇山顶,檐下的斗拱铺作繁多而且精细。瞧,这就是“莲花托”,这就是“燕尾昂”。支撑殿顶的四根金色木柱,前两根褛刻云龙,鳞甲毕具,形若飞动。
【阿坡岩】 我们现在抬头看见的这座石山,就是阿婆岩,阿坡是“阿婆”、“禾婆”的转音。 相传古时有一仙女,在这里教打渔为生的乡民种植水涨禾高的大禾,使四乡获得鱼稻双丰收。她老了,乡民便称她为“禾后”、“禾婆”。至今在岩山东北麓还有明代刻的“禾后岩”三个大字。 阿婆岩下周围的石壁上,遍布当代名人的摩崖石刻,很有书法价值。 岩下这个水洞,全长300多米,是七星岩“八洞”中最长的一个水洞。这里属于冷洞型的脚洞,夏天进去,凉风习习,令人暑气全消,如果乘船进洞探胜,里面的钟乳石千姿百态,为七星诸洞之冠。
【湿地公园】 各位游客,我们眼前这片湖面是东湖的一部分,因禾花仙女的传说而称仙女湖。它是星湖湿地公园的核心,面积约2平方公里,水深平均达2米,是最能体现湿地环境的游览区。现在请各位上船游浏览。 湿地公园你们听说过吗?湿地是指天然或人工的、长久或暂时的沼泽地、泥炭地或水域地带,静止或流动的或为淡水、咸水、咸淡水的水体,还包括低潮时水深不超过6米的海域。湿地被誉为“生命的摇篮”、“地球之肾”。它是鸟类、爬行类、哺乳类动物的乐园,是物种的基因库,它与森林、海洋并称为全球三大生态系统。
广东肇庆七星岩导游词 篇8
Zhaoqing seven star rock is located 4 kilometers north of Zhaoqing City.The scenic area is composed of five lakes, six hills, seven rocks and eightcaves, covering an area of 8.23 square kilometers. There are mountains in thelake, caves in the mountains and rivers in the caves. The scenery is asbeautiful as fairyland in the world. Qixingyan is mainly characterized by karstkarst landform of rock peaks and lake landscape. Seven limestone peaks arrangedlike Beidou Qixing are skillfully distributed on the surface of the lake with anarea of 6.3 square kilometers. The lake is divided into five lakes by more than20 kilometers of levees, with beautiful scenery. It is known as "fairyland onearth" and "the first wonder in Lingnan". Qixingyan cliff carvings, a nationalcultural relic protection unit, is the most preserved and concentrated group ofcliff carvings in South China, so it is named Qixingyan.
Qixingyan was originally a Lihu lake formed by the ancient river course ofXijiang River. Its main body is composed of seven limestone peaks, namelylangfengyan, yupingyan, shishishiyan, tianzhuyan, Bufo rock, xianzhangyan andapoyan. It is arranged like a big dipper and falls on nearly 600 hectares oflake surface with a mirror like blue waves. The 20 kilometer long tree linedLake dike, like a green belt, floats Xiannu lake, Central Lake, Bohai lake,Qinglian lake and Lihu lake The lakes are linked together, with beautifulscenery.
Qixingyan has a long history
As early as the Jin Dynasty, there were written records. Li Yong (Beihai),a writer and calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, came here to visit and wrote thefamous Duanzhou stone chamber, which was engraved on the stone wall at theentrance of the stone chamber. During his visit to Qixingyan in April 1964,Marshal Ye Jianying once wrote a poem: "borrow the water from the West Lake,move the seven mounds of Yangshuo; add silk willows to the dike, and keep thepainting between heaven and earth for a long time." Qixingyan is a beautifulplace with "the same Guilin and the same water in Hangzhou". Since ancienttimes, it has been called "dangerous peaks, strange rocks, strange caves andancient temples". The key tourist areas include "Qiyan, Badong, Wuhu andLiugang". There are more than 80 scenic spots for viewing. Tianzhuyan is thehighest, 117 meters above sea level; Longyan cave is the most strange, with acave in it, which has the reputation of "Millennium poetry Gallery"; Shidongtemple is the oldest, with a temple in it.
Admission: 60 yuan (some attractions need to be charged separately)
At the end of 1997, Zhaoqing municipal Party committee and governmentsuccessively invested 15 million yuan to install 560 garden street lamps aroundthe lake, 1000 Watt spotlights, 250 color floodlights and 3000 meter rainbowtubes on six small islands, seven rocks and eight kilometer long lake dykes inQixingyan scenic area. The most advanced third-generation light source has beenused for various changes. Different colors are alternately projected on thescenery to outline the mysterious and elegant dykes, bridges, flowers and trees,rocks and lakes in Qixingyan scenic area, making Qixingyan more colorful underthe night. At the same time, the star lake night tour project is opened up toprovide a beautiful environment for the general public and tourists to visit thelake at night, and recreate the "second star lake".
In recent years, many new scenic spots have been added, such as memorialarchway Cultural Square. When night falls, neon lights shine, tourists are likecrucian carp, and the largest open-air music fountain in China is launched,seven star rock memorial archway square is even more spectacular. Every weekendor holiday, you can enjoy a variety of artistic programs, which is reallyintoxicating. Fairy Lake, located in the east of Xingyan, can also enjoy thenatural wonder of wofotunri when the sun goes down to the West. The new BuddhistGrand View Garden on the lake between Xiannv lake and Xingyan, the Oriental Zenforest, can also appreciate the mystery of Zen. Recently, a 3-kilometer-long"Hehua waterway" has been newly excavated, which has increased the tourist areaof the star lake scenic spot by five times and integrated the land scenic spotwith the water landscape. If you take a cruise around the lake, you will have anew feeling.
Qixingyan memorial archway
Located in the center of the scenic spot in Hunan, completed in 1959,reinforced concrete antique building, 12 meters high, 17.5 meters wide, fourcolumns and three rooms, column base basket shaped, four large columns decoratedwith vermilion, imitation Xie peak, covered with glazed tiles, above the middledoor inlaid with Zhu De's handwritten "Seven Star Rock" in 1959, is an importantsymbol of Zhaoqing. There is a square on the north side of the archway, coveringan area of 28300 square meters. It is an activity center and a large publicactivity place integrating entertainment, leisure, viewing and shopping. Thesquare has the largest music fountain in Guangdong. The square culture iswell-known in the province. Visitors can enjoy free artistic performances hereon weekends.
Qixingyan cliff carvings
Located in the center of the scenic spot, there are 531 questions in total,including 333 questions in Shishi cave. It is the most preserved andconcentrated group of stone carvings in Guangdong Province. It was listed as akey cultural relic protection unit at the provincial level in 1957. Tang Dynastyis the most important stone carving in Guangdong Province. There are four TangDynasty inscriptions in Qixingyan. The stone inscriptions are mainly in Chinesecharacters, as well as Tibetan and Spanish. Among them, Duanzhou shishijiwritten in regular script by Li Beihai in Tang Dynasty is a treasure ofQixingyan cliff carvings. Among them, there are 252 poems, which are called"Millennium poetry Gallery" by Marshal Chen Yi.
Stone chamber cave
It is composed of Longyan cave, Bixia cave and Lianhua cave. Longyan caveis guided by boat, and the last two caves can be visited on foot. Shishi cave isthe earliest karst cave with the most scenery in Qixingyan. The lofty, variedand dreamlike landscape intoxicated the literati and poets of the past dynastiesand left poems of praise. There are 333 stone carvings of various styles in thecave, which shows how remarkable the cave is in the Seven Star Rock Scenicspot.
Shidong ancient temple
Located in the northeast of Qixingyan, Xiannv Lake tourist area. It wasfirst built in the early Tang Dynasty. It was rebuilt in the 13th year of Wanli(1585) of the Ming Dynasty. It was rebuilt in the 3rd year of Jiaqing (1798) andthe 22nd year of Daoguang (1842) of the Qing Dynasty. The ancient temple waslocated in a cave and got its name. The temple worships the God of the peoplenearby, which is called Zhou's God. It is said that there was a small hole inthe stalactite in the temple where white rice flowed out, so it is commonlyknown as "Chumi hole".
Boating in Lianhu Lake
The best viewing point is the South style wharf of honglianqiao.
There are bamboo rafts, rowing wooden boats, battery boats and so on. Theboats can travel in the water and walk on both sides of the scenery. If you arein the middle of a painting, you can enjoy leisure and pleasure. There has beena saying since ancient times: "if you don't take a boat to swim in the lake, youdon't know the victory of the lake light, you will come to Xingyan in vain."
Zhaoqing's specialty
Zhaoqing steamed dumplings, is a kind of dumplings, with glutinous rice,mung beans, fat pork, and then add the right amount of refined salt, liquor,peanut oil, white sesame, five spice powder and other ingredients refined.Zhaoqing wrap steamed with Zhaoqing specialty winter leaves package system, waspillow shaped or quadrangular Shanbao shape. The ratio of glutinous rice, mungbean and fat pork is 10:6:4, and the wrapped steamed pork is about 0.5kg. Thesemi-finished products should be placed in a large vat and cooked with high heatfor 8 hours. A large amount of water should be added while cooking until theglutinous rice, mung beans and fat pork melt. At present, in addition toglutinous rice, mung beans and pig meat, the Zhaoqing steamed dumplings made bysome shops during the festival also include mushrooms, eggs and sausage. Thiskind of steaming is called Zhaoqing special steaming king. Zhaoqing is atraditional food for local residents to celebrate the Spring Festival.
Begonia zibeiensis, named Danye and sanxuezi, is the best cool drink insummer. Begoniaceae is a kind of short herbaceous plant. It grows on the darkand humid cliff. Its leaves are hairy, dark green and purple. It can clear awayheat and toxin, moisten dryness and relieve cough. When brewed with boilingwater, it is purplish red in color, slightly sour in taste and delicious infragrance. If a little sugar is added, it will taste better. It can eliminateheat and relieve alcohol.
Qixingyan scenic spot is a hot summer resort. It is full of trees and coolwind. The annual average temperature is 21.6 degrees centigrade. The highestmonthly average temperature in summer is 28.9 degrees centigrade, and the lowestmonthly average temperature in winter is 13.4 degrees centigrade. It is really ahot summer resort. The best tourist seasons are July, August, September andSpring Festival, with a maximum of 40000 people per day.
It's about two hours' drive from Guangzhou to Zhaoqing. Not far from theYingbin Avenue in front of Zhaoqing railway station is Qixingyan. There arebuses, special tour buses around the lake, taxis and transportation boats inZhaoqing directly to the scenic spot. There are buses, tour buses around thelake, taxis and boats in the scenic area. It's very convenient for traveling,vacation and meeting.
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Seven Star Rock - scenic spot history
Qixingyan has a long history and has been recorded as early as Jin Dynasty.Li Yong (Beihai), a writer and calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, came to visitand wrote the famous Duanzhou stone chamber, which was engraved on the stonewall at the entrance of the stone chamber.
During his visit to Qixingyan in April 1964, Marshal Ye Jianying once wrotea poem: "borrow the water from the West Lake, move the seven piles of mountainsin Yangshuo, add silk willows to the dike, and keep the painting between heavenand earth for a long time." Qixingyan is a beautiful place with "the same Guilinand the same water in Hangzhou". Since ancient times, it has been called"dangerous peaks, strange rocks, strange caves and ancient temples". The keytourist areas include "Qiyan, Badong, Wuhu and Liugang". There are more than 80scenic spots for viewing. Tianzhuyan is the highest, 117 meters above sea level;Longyan cave is the most strange, with a cave in it, which has the reputation of"Millennium poetry Gallery"; Shidong temple is the oldest, with a temple init.
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Seven Star Rock Scenic Spots
Qixingyan, from Sui and Tang Dynasties to Song Dynasty, is called Qixiacave. It is said that Guilin was a sea in ancient times. After the changes ofsea and land, it swelled into today's seven star cave. For one million years,limestone was dissolved into emulsion by rain, then condensed, forming variousshapes over time, which made the stone emulsion, stalagmite, stone pillar andstone mantle in various shapes and forms. The cave is divided into upper, middleand lower layers. The upper layer is 10 meters higher than the middle layer, andthe lower layer is an underground river. Tour the middle, 820 meters, cavetemperature about 20 ℃. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it became a touristattraction. At the entrance of the cave, there are two inscriptions: the Qixiacave inscribed by TanQian in 590 and the whole cave inscribed by Xuanxuan in659. From Yankou down the stone steps, there is the first Dongtian characterwritten by Zhang Wenxi of Ming Dynasty. After laojuntai and white rabbitguarding the door, there is the white jade corridor. Here, the top of the rockis smooth and smooth, and the stone walls are white and crystal clear. Jade isthe wall and snow is the city. There are many beautiful sceneries, such asimmortal sun net, rice grain mountain and Tang Monk sun cassock.
After the lion snatches Huangsha scenic spot, it is gexiantai. It is saidthat third sister Liu and her lover Bai Malang went to Qixingyan in Guilin andsang songs for three days and nights, which attracted many audiences. Later,when the third sister wanted to leave, Bai Malang was reluctant to part with herand held her hand tightly. The third sister sang a song of parting in his earand turned it into a stone statue. Because the voice was very small, only BaiMalang could hear it clearly. Only these words passed down: don't accompany meThe sun sets in the West. Each side of the world has its own heart. From thefrescoes of Yunshan mountain to the square, there are the most concentratedscenic spots, such as the Milky Way magpie bridge, the eighteen dolls' climbinglotus, the strange elephant cave, and so on
Qixingyan is majestic and profound. The whole journey is 814 meters. Manypoems and inscriptions have been left in the cave for many years, and beautifullegends have also been handed down. The Bi Xu Ming by Fan Chengda, a poet ofSong Dynasty, is the most famous. Zhang Wenxi, a painter of Ming Dynasty, calledit "the first cave" and carved it on the stone wall. The ancients called thisscene "Qixia real scene". In 1963, after touring Qixingyan, Ye Jianying wrote apoem: "the sea washes the mountain through the cave, and the stone milkcondenses the jade to mold the mountain. The secluded caves have been used forrefuge for thousands of years, and today's tourists enjoy the heaven of Shun andYao. "
There is no palace in the sky, but there are the Big Dipper in the world.This is the true portrayal of Qixingyan. The seven peaks of karst karst landformare arranged like the Big Dipper in the sky, inlaid on the lake like a mirror,like a dream. Marshal Ye Jianying also praised the poem: "borrow the water fromthe West Lake and move the seven mounds of Yangshuo."
Qixingyan is located in the north central part of Duanzhou District,Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. It is adjacent to the urban area in the Southand Beiling mountain in the north. It covers an area of about 10 squarekilometers, including 6.5 square kilometers of lake water. It is one of thefirst batch of national key scenic spots. There are seven steep limestonemountains in the lake, named Langfeng, Yuping, Shishi, Tianzhu, toad, Xianzhangand apoyan. It is similar to the Big Dipper in shape, so it is named "Seven StarRock". Among them, shishiyan has become a tourist center due to its numeroushistorical sites. The lake around Qixingyan is called Xinghu, which is dividedinto five lakes: East Lake, Qinglian lake, Central Lake, Bohai lake and Lihulake. The scenic spot is famous for its "dangerous peaks, strange rocks, strangecaves and ancient temples". There are more than 80 scenic spots for viewing. Thescenic area is divided into central tourist area, Fairy Lake tourist area,Oriental Zen forest tourist area, Yuping and langfengyan tourist area,xianzhangyan tourist area and yinzigang (Peninsula) tourist area. There areTianzhu, Shishi, Xianzhang, Yuping and langfengyan for tourists to climb. Thereare Shuangyuan cave, Shishi cave and Chumi cave for visitors to visit. The firsttwo caves are water caves and the latter are dry caves.
Characteristic landscape
Qixingyan memorial archway
Located in the south of the center of the scenic spot, it is an antiquebuilding, 12 meters high and 17.5 meters wide, with four pillars and threerooms. The pillar base is basket shaped, covered with glazed tiles, and abovethe middle door is inlaid with the three characters "Seven Star Rock" written byZhu de in 1959. It is an important landmark of Zhaoqing. There is a square onthe north side of the archway, covering an area of 28300 square meters, with thelargest music fountain in Guangdong. It is an activity center and large-scalepublic activity place integrating entertainment, leisure, viewing andshopping.
Qixingyan cliff carvings
The most preserved and concentrated group of cliff stone carvings in SouthChina. Located in the center of the scenic spot, there are 531 questions,including 333 questions in Shishi cave, which is the most preserved andconcentrated group of stone carvings in Guangdong Province. Marshal Chen Yiwrote a poem and called it "Millennium poetry Gallery". Among them, Duanzhoushishiji written by Li Beihai in regular script in Tang Dynasty is a treasure ofQixingyan cliff carvings.
Stone chamber cave
It is composed of Longyan cave, Bixia cave and Lianhua cave. Longyan caveis guided by boat, and the last two caves can be visited on foot. Shishi cave isthe earliest karst cave with the most scenery in Qixingyan. It intoxicated theliterati and poets of all dynasties and left behind poems of praise. There are333 stone inscriptions in the cave, which shows how remarkable the cave is inthe Seven Star Rock Scenic spot.
Shidong ancient temple
Located in the northeast of Qixingyan, Xiannv Lake tourist area. It wasfirst built in the early Tang Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming and QingDynasties. The ancient temple is named after the cave. The temple worships theGod of the people nearby, which is called Zhou's God. It is said that there wasa small hole in the stalactite in the temple where white rice flowed out, so itis commonly known as "Chumi hole".
On the left side of the south entrance of Shishi cave, there is a palacelike building, named Shuiyue palace. Beside Shuiyue palace, there are a group ofexquisitely carved water pavilions arranged radially on the lake. There is anoctagonal double eaves in the middle and a single quadrangular eaves on eachside. The curving railings connect with each other and form a whole. A longbridge connects the lakeside and forms a whole with Shuiyue palace. Lookingaround the pavilion, you can see that water, moon, rock and cloud are integratedinto the sky and the earth.