


苏州英语导游词 篇1

  Tongli is located on the Bank of Taihu Lake and east of the ancient canal.It is surrounded by eight Lakes (Tongli, Jiuli, Chenghu, Muzhuang, Baiyan, yeze,Nanxing and pangshanhu). It is 80 km away from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport in theEast, 318 National Highway in the south, Sujia Expressway in the West and 18 kmaway from Suzhou in the north. In October of the year, Tongli and Tuncun townsmerged into Tongli Town, with a total area of 102.91 square kilometers and atotal population of 58000. Tongli town has 12 administrative villages, 1 aquaticfarm and 6 community neighborhood committees. The total length of city river inTongli town is 5.14 km, covering an area of 9.37 hectares, with an average of13.9 square meters per citizen; the total length of stone revetment is 6.04 km,with 54600 square meters of residential buildings near water, accounting for36.9% of the total construction area of residential buildings.

  Tongli, formerly known as "futu", was changed to "Tongli" in the early TangDynasty due to its extravagant name. In the Song Dynasty, the old name "futu"was overlapped with the word "Tongli", which is still used today. Tongli ancienttown has beautiful scenery, surrounded by water on all sides. It is inlaid inTongli, Jiuli, yeze, Nanxing and Pangshan lakes. The town is divided into sevensmall islands by 15 rivers in the shape of Sichuan, and 49 ancient bridgesconnect the small islands as a whole. The building is built according to thewater and is famous for "small bridge, flowing water and family". It is the mostcomplete water town in Jiangsu Province. It is also a key cultural relicprotection unit in Jiangsu Province. It has been listed as one of the thirteenscenic spots in Taihu Lake.

  The ancient town was opened to the outside world in 1986 and was listed asone of the first batch of famous historical and cultural towns in JiangsuProvince by the provincial government in 1995. Tongli, a beautiful and simpleTown, is known as "the Little Venice of the East". Tongli is characterized bymany buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties, many bridges in water towns, and manycelebrities. There are 38 gardens and houses of Ming and Qing Dynasties, 47temples and ancestral halls, hundreds of gentry houses and former residences ofcelebrities. There are more than 20 natural landscapes in the ancient town, suchas "eight sceneries before", "eight sceneries after" and "four sceneries after".Today, there are still many sceneries, such as "moon in Dongxi", "Xiaoyan inNanshi", "spring in Beishan", "fishing flute in Shuicun" and "lancui inChangshan".

  Tongli people have been diligent and hardworking for generations,knowledgeable and reasonable, well-developed in education and rich in talents.From 1247 A.D. to the end of Qing Dynasty, Tongli had one number one scholar, 42Jinshi and 93 wenwuju. Ancient famous Li people include Ye Yin, Xu Chunfu, MoDan, Zou Yi, Liang Shi, he yuan, Ji Cheng, Wang Chong, Zhu Heling, Shen Guifen,Lu Lianfu, Yuan long, Chen Yizhen, Gu Wuzhen, Huang zengkang, Huang Zenglu, RenYu, etc. Since modern times, famous Li people have been Chen Qubing, JinSongcen, Yan Baoli, Fei Gong, Wang Shaofan, LAN Gongwu, Feng Xinde, Yang Tianji,Fei Yifu, Liu ruli, fan Yanqiao, Jin Guobao, Shen shanjiong, Feng yingzi, etc.Ni Zan, Gu Ying, Han Yi, Yao Guangxiao, Dong Qichang, Shu Dansheng, Shen Deqianand others also lived in Tongli. It is such a person that can create such aprofound culture.

  At present, tuisiyuan in Tongli town has been listed as a world culturalheritage, and the ancient town Tongli is also applying for the world culturalheritage. With the strengthening of publicity, the ancient town is known andfamiliar by more and more people. The major newspapers in China, the UnitedStates, Hong Kong and other places all introduce Tongli in the form of picturesand texts. The film and television crew also frequently take pictures of Tongli,which is a natural studio Known at home and abroad, the China Film Associationhas also set up "China Tongli film and television production base" here.

  Tongli, in the process of development, has become a typical "land of fishand rice" in the south of the Yangtze River with its traditional ricecultivation and aquatic products breeding. With the pace of reform and openingup, Tongli town's national economy, small town construction, science, education,culture and health and other social undertakings have been developed at the sametime. The people's living standards are improving day by day, and thecomprehensive strength of the whole town is significantly enhanced.

  Tongli was built in Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 1000 years.It is the earliest ancient town in Jiangsu Province (1982) and the only one thattakes the whole town as a cultural relic protection unit. In 1995, it was listedas one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural towns in JiangsuProvince. At present, it is actively applying for inclusion in the "WorldCultural Heritage List". Tongli is absolutely a rare "rich land" in the south ofthe Yangtze River.

  Historically, Tongli town was really called "rich soil". But the name of"Fu Tu" is too ostentatious, so the word "Fu" does not stand out, a little bitis removed, and then the word is divided into two parts, the upper part is"Tong", the lower part of "Tian" and "Tu" are added together to become "Li", thename of Tongli comes from this. According to the records of Tongli annals inJiaqing period of Qing Dynasty, Tongli was changed from bronze in early TangDynasty to Tongli in Song Dynasty. The old name of Fu Tu is too extravagant forits name, which means that "Tian Jia Tu is Tongli". There is another folkloreabout changing futu to Tongli. It is said that a long time ago, many people camehere to reclaim wasteland. Due to hard work and favorable weather, the productsare abundant and people live and work in peace and contentment, so it is called"rich soil". One year, there was a drought in the north and a flood in thesouth. In many places, there was a crop failure and they were unable to deliver"imperial grain". Therefore, the emperor decreed that the rich people inJiangnan would pay three extra dues of grain, which would be paid within tendays. The rich people are very anxious when they get the news. He asked ascholar surnamed Jin in the town at that time, and Jin Xiucai made sucharrangements.

  In the twinkling of an eye, the ten day deadline has arrived, and theimperial envoy of grain collection arrived at futu by boat. Jin Xiucai led allthe villagers to kneel down on the shore to meet him. As soon as the imperialenvoy came ashore, he urged him to pay more imperial grain. Jin Xiucai calmlyreplied, "this year, the harvest has been greatly reduced, so it's hard to payfor it.". "Don't talk nonsense! Rich soil is rich land, how can there be nofood? If it's not as good as turning in the money, we must comply with the orderand impose heavy penalties. " Jin Xiucai is neither humble nor overbearing, andexplains with a smile: "please listen to me, my Lord. This place was originallycalled "Tongli", not "Fuji". Please be aware of it. " After hearing this, theimperial envoy was puzzled. He walked around the street and found that all hesaw were "Tongli", but there was no trace of "rich soil", so he had to give up.Which tourist can guess what arrangement Jin Xiucai made? It turned out that JinXiucai took care of all the villagers and used the method of word splitting tosplit the word "Fu" into two parts. When he went up a little bit, he broke downthe fields and connected the land, which became the word "Tongli". At that time,the writing habit was different from today. It was vertical writing, so it savedthe day from the disaster. Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli,Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli,Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli, Tongli,Tong.

  Tongli town has "three more", more celebrities, more Ming and Qingbuildings, more water and more bridges.

  1. There are many celebrities. From the Song Dynasty to the end of the QingDynasty, there were one number one scholar, 42 Jinshi and 93 Wenwu Juren. Thefamous figures in Tongli town include Ye Yin, a poet of the Southern SongDynasty, Wang Chong, a painter of the Ming Dynasty, Shen Guifen, a militaryaircraft Minister of the Qing Dynasty, Lu Lianfu, a calligrapher and painter,Chen Qubing, a famous figure in the 1911 Revolution, Jin songqin, a famouseducator, fan Yanqiao, a writer, Wang Shaofen, chairman of the China Associationfor the promotion of democracy, and Jin Guobao, a famous economist.

  2. There were many buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties. According to theannals of the town, from 1271 to 1911, 38 houses and 47 temples, temples andbuildings were built in the town.

  3. There are many rivers and bridges. There are 49 ancient bridges indifferent dynasties, Siben bridge built by Ye Yin, a poet of Southern SongDynasty, and Gaoguan bridge in Yuan Dynasty.

  According to the records of Tongli, the environment of the five lakes isoutside, and one town is inside. Every family in the town is near the water andevery family is connected by boat. The most famous garden in the town is TuisiGarden, with an area of 10 mu and 8 Fen, small and exquisite. It ischaracterized by residential buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, whichare combined with residential and garden. Such as tuisiyuan, Chongben hall,Jiayin hall, etc.

  Tongli is a veritable land of fish and rice in the south of the YangtzeRiver. Due to the large number of Danghe harbor, there is an inexhaustiblevariety of aquatic products. Rich in fish and shrimp, the more precious areTaihu silverfish, whitefish, mandarin fish, eel, eel, turtle, perch and Channa,as well as black carp, grass carp, bighead carp, silver carp, bream, carp andcrucian carp. In addition to fish, shrimp, mussels and other aquatic products,Tongli has a wide range of aquatic plants, mainly including water bamboo,celery, water shield, Euryale ferox, water chestnut, water chestnut, taro,arrowhead, etc. some can be served on the table, some are seasonal supplements,and some are seasonal fruits. Among them, Qianshi (commonly known as chickenhead meat) is known as "ginseng in water", which is the best local specialty inTongli. Because of the water, Tongli people have a stronger habit of drinkingtea than other ancient towns. Before the Anti Japanese War, there were more than20 teahouses in Tongli. For the convenience of getting water, they weregenerally built along the river. After alum precipitation, the river can maketea.

  In history, the landscape architecture of Tongli was connected with water,which formed an indissoluble bond with water. Ye Yin, a poet of the SongDynasty, is called "Shuizhu villa bieye". There are ten sceneries in the garden,such as "Qushui Liuqi", "Zhufeng Shuiyue" and "cliff cold pool", all of whichare connected with water. In the Yuan Dynasty, ye Zhenzong lived in the "watergarden" in Tongli, which is located on the Bank of Tongli lake. In the MingDynasty, there was a "Lake Forest Industry" in Tongli, which was the firstgarden of Ren Xiuzhi, located on the Bank of Pangshan lake. In the Qing Dynasty,there was a famous garden named "Tuisi Garden". Professor Chen Congzhou ofTongji University pointed out that Renshi Tuisi Garden had a unique way inJiangnan gardens. It was a special case of the garden. Mountains, pavilions,pavilions, corridors, pavilions and pavilions were all close to the water, andthe garden was like water. Professor Chen Congzhou also spoke highly of Tongli'swater: "Tongli is named after water, and there is no Tongli without water."Next, let's go to visit this millennium old town together!

  Ladies and gentlemen, the archway you see in front of you is a Ming stylebuilding. It is a representative of many Ming and Qing architectures in Tongliancient town. Mr. Fei Xiaotong, former vice chairman of the Standing Committeeof the National People's Congress, inscribed "a famous historical and culturaltown in China".

  After passing Sanyuan bridge, we enter Tongli ancient town, which has ahistory of more than 1000 years. Today, I'd like to tell you about the onegarden, two halls and three bridges in Tongli. Please follow me to find thecharm of "small bridge, flowing water and other people" in Jiangnan. The layoutof Tongli ancient town is different, with a network of rivers and bridges. Thestreets and dwellings are built by water, and there are a lot of deep houses andgardens. Therefore, in 1982, it was fortunate to become a cultural relicsprotection town in Jiangsu Province.

  Now, we have come to what Mr. Yu Qiuyu called the most satisfying andattractive place in Chinese classical gardens. This is Tuisi Garden, which islisted as the supplementary list of Suzhou classical gardens as the worldcultural heritage.

  Tuisiyuan was built in 1885-1887. Lan Sheng, the director of the garden,was born in 1838. At the age of 26, he went to Anhui Province to join thegovernor Qiao Songnian and worked in the former enemy battalion office. Due tohis meritorious service in the war, he successively served as a registered salttransportation history officer, alternate Minister of Dao, and concurrently heldthe posts of Huaibei Pingli Bureau and Fengyang chaoguan. In 1879, he wasappointed Fengying to prepare roads, build city walls, manage post roads, buildbridges, set up boat ponds, set up baby rearing halls and smoking cessationbureaus. The comprehensive treatment has achieved remarkable results. In 1885,because of the ineffective suppression of the Nien army, he was dismissed andreturned to his hometown. Taking Zuozhuan as an example, we built tuisiyuan.

  Tuisi Garden covers an area of 9 Mu and 8 Fen. Due to the limited terrain,it can not be developed from south to North in depth. Therefore, under theingenious design of an outstanding artist named yuan long in this town, TuisiGarden has constructed a new format of left house, atrium and right garden fromWest to East.

  House is divided into inner house and outer house, outer house has sedanhall, tea hall and main hall. We are now in the tea hall. When we entered thegarden just now, we passed the sedan hall. The sedan chair hall and tea hall areused to stop the sedan chair and receive ordinary guests. If there is a wedding,ancestor worship ceremony or a VIP visit, the owner of the garden will open themain hall door to show solemnity. All of you are distinguished guests of Tonglipeople. Please enter through the main hall gate. It can be seen from thefurnishings in the hall that the reception standard of the main hall issignificantly higher than that of the tea hall. Usually when the main hall dooris closed, you can only get in and out from the escort lane.

  Now let's visit the inner house. The inner house is the living place forthe owner and his family. Ren Lansheng, the owner of the garden, has been livingin Anhui for a long time, so he has built a big Zoumalou with Huizhoucharacteristics, so that you can see the rare buildings in the south of theYangtze River. So why build two stairs? The galleries on both sides of thebuilding not only shade from the sun, wind, rain and snow, but also make itconvenient for the master and servant to give way when they go upstairs anddownstairs.

  Look at these two doors of the same age as tuisiyuan. The wood inside andthe brick outside the gate seem to be heavy, but in fact, they are not small.Can anyone guess what it does? Brick wood structure, green brick can preventfire, and the door can prevent theft after being bolted. Now we come to the endof the house, the atrium of the garden.

  The atrium design centers on "hospitality". The dry boat, which isconnected with the leaky window, is like a passenger ship that has just landed,carrying guests from afar to the warm host's home. On the right side is Magnoliagrandiflora planted by Lan Sheng, the director of the garden. On the left sideis Magnolia grandiflora, which was transplanted during the restoration of TuisiGarden. Magnolia is a plant that blooms earlier in spring, so it symbolizesspring scenery. So why Plant Magnolia instead of peach or other tree speciesthat bloom in spring? First, the name of the garden owner is Lansheng. Since heis Lansheng, he can't live without "Lansheng". Second, Magnolia means "gold andjade", and the fragrance of Magnolia means "gold and jade". If the relatives andfriends who come from afar have to spend many days in the moon watching tower inspring, they can not only watch the moon all the year round and sing poems, butalso walk on the moon in front of the tower to enjoy the flowers and trees, sothat the guests will not feel that they are living in a foreign land. It is aplace for the master to enjoy tea and poetry with his confidant in the wind andsnow. Because the owner of the garden was dismissed and returned to his hometownto build the garden, his years of official career was destroyed. Fortunately,with the help of his friends Zuo Zongtang and Peng Yulin, Cixi didn't kill him.Therefore, the host himself and Zuo, Peng two people as the three friends.Through the flower window, you can see the quiet wintersweet, the resolute pineand the beautiful bamboo. The natural picture of "three friends in cold and oldyears" promotes the taste of the subject and the object.

  The atrium and the right garden are connected by the moon cave gate of"leisure buildings, clouds and smoke lock the moon". In the garden, there are"nine winding corridors" with winding paths leading to seclusion. You can roamamong them with different scenery.

  Although Tuisi Garden occupies only 9.8 mu of land, it has all kinds ofpavilions and pavilions, galleries, bridges, pavilions, halls, rooms, andpavilions. The scale of the building is appropriate, and the layout of flowers,trees, water and stones is appropriate. It is small, exquisite and simple. Withthe pool as the center, all kinds of buildings are close to the water surface,such as floating on the water. It is praised as "water garden" by contemporarygarden scholar and Professor Chen Congzhou of Shanghai Tongji University.

  Tuisi thatched cottage is the main scenery of the whole garden. It issimple, elegant and steady, reflecting the identity of the master. In Tuisithatched cottage, there is a tablet extension of GUI Qu Lai CI written by ZhaoMengfu, a calligrapher and painter of Yuan Dynasty. The original tablet andTaicang Mo Miao Pavilion were destroyed at the same time, so the tabletextension is more and more precious. In front of the hall, a long scroll oflandscape painting is unfolding slowly.

  Please have a look! A boat carrying a red boat out of the lake rocks ishalf soaked in blue water. The water swirls through the holes of the lake rocks,and the sound of gurgling is heard all the time. Standing at the bow of theboat, people can walk like a boat because of the waves, and the boat can movebecause of the fish swimming. What's more, the clouds are reflected andfloating. It's like a boat sailing. It's very interesting.

  On the other side of the river, the overpass is connected with Xintai. Theoverpass is a bridge on the top and a corridor on the bottom. It simulates thecompound road building of Afang palace in the Qin Dynasty. Born across the sky,flying over the top of the mountain, connecting Ziyu Shengliang pavilion withXintai as a whole, climbing up the stone path along the mountain cave, climbingthe overpass, making people suddenly enlightened. When the top ten scenic spotsin China were selected in 1985, experts first put forward that the overpassrepresents the masterpiece of Suzhou classical gardens. At the end of thegallery of the overpass building, there is Xintai, which is "walking to the endof the bridge seems to have no road, and suddenly connecting with themountain.". Xintai should be a place of study. At that time, the master of thekindergarten painstakingly taught his children to study. Although he may not be"hanging his head on the beam and pricking his teeth", he once paid the price of"breaking three roots in order to find a good sentence". As a result, RenChuanxin, the son of Ren Lansheng, followed the revolution and advocatededucation to save the country. When he was 20 years old (1906), he tooktuisiyuan as the school building and invested a lot of money to hire famousteachers to establish a private Lize women's school. Among the teachers employedare Qian Jibo (the father of Qian Zhongshu), the calligrapher Qian Zuyi, fanYanqiao, Ren Chuanhe and Gu Naifu. It started the trend of women's education inmodern China.

  To the east of the thatched cottage, there is a Sanqu bridge lying on thewater,

苏州英语导游词 篇2

  Suzhou, China city, called wu, is referred to as "su, with gusu, wu, wu, wu, wu jiang peace and other multiple times and nickname. Suzhou the spirit, is known as "paradise on earth", always is famous for its beautiful landscape, garden elegance, have "jiangnan garden enjoys, suzhou garden armor chiangnan" the laudatory name, and because of its small Bridges the somebody else of the characteristics of the ancient city, the "Oriental Venice" reputation. Suzhou ever since the dawn of recorded history of more than 4000 years, founded in 514 BC, the key scenic tourist city in China, the Yangtze river delta important economic center. Suzhou in jiangsu province is important to the economy, foreign trade, industry and commerce and logistics center, it is important to culture, art, education, and transportation center.

  Suzhou, one of China's super city in east China, east of Shanghai, near the east China sea; West lake taihu, back to wuxi, across the lake far out at changzhou; The Yangtze river in the north, with the economic development of nantong, zhejiang in the south, borders and jiaxing, reduce the water in taihu lake near huzhou, east 81 kilometers away from downtown Shanghai. Is in jiangsu province, the southeast gateway, Shanghai's throat, middle and north jiangsu to zhejiang. Suzhou the spirit, is known as "paradise on earth", "garden city". Suzhou have is famous for its beautiful landscape, garden elegance, have "jiangnan garden enjoys, suzhou garden armor chiangnan" the laudatory name, and because of its small Bridges the somebody else of the characteristics of the ancient city, and has the "Oriental Venice", "Oriental water (east shuicheng)," said. Today's suzhou has become a "city garden", "garden city", mountain, water, city, forest, park, town is an organic whole, classic with contemporary perfect combination, ancient and modern, the harmonious development of international city. Suzhou is located in the temperate zone, four seasons, mild climate, rain

  Amount of energy. North subtropical monsoon climate, annual average rainfall of 1100 mm, annual average temperature 15.7 ℃, average temperature 2.5 ℃. 28 ℃, 7 monthly average temperature. Plains of the whole city was low, accounting for 55% of the total area, a watery, fertile land, rich products, abundant rainfall, smooth rice incense, blue waves fish is very rich in agricultural and sideline products, the people told the "near cook a scented rice red-violet knowledge", "peach blossom water mandarin fish fertilizer", "yee from a ship through the night market to buy ling, spring" verse, is all previous dynasties poet of suzhou rich natural resources, a praise and praise. Main plant rice, wheat, rape, producing cotton, sericulture, fruit, specialty "biluochun" tea, saury Yangtze river, taihu whitebait, yangcheng lake hairy crabs, etc. Suzhou is a famous "land of fish and rice", "silk house".

苏州英语导游词 篇3

  Welcome to Luzhi ancient town for sightseeing. Luzhi ancient town is about25 kilometers southeast of Suzhou. There are many lakes and rivers around theancient town, and "small bridges, flowing water and people" can be seeneverywhere. Therefore, it can be said that Luzhi is a typical "watercountry".

  Luzhi was called Fuli in ancient times. It was not until the Qing Dynastythat it was renamed Luzhi. Luzhi, originated from Liuzhi. The so-called "sixstraight" means that the three rivers of Dazhi, Xiaozhi and zhishangjing in theeast of the ancient town can reach six places. "Yong" is an auspicious Unicornnamed luduan in the myths and legends of the Zhan Dynasty. It's the image yousee on this sculpture. It is said that it has the special function of fastwalking, understanding all kinds of words and well-informed information, whichcan ensure the smooth weather and protect the peace of the people. Therefore, ittakes the homonym of "Lu" and "six" in Wu dialect and names the town "Luzhi". Atthe same time, it takes luduan as the town logo of the ancient town and standshere, which fully shows the good wishes of Luzhi people for a better life.

  Luzhi ancient town belongs to Wuzhong District of Suzhou city. The area ofthe ancient town is only 1.1 square kilometers. The ancient town is adjacent toWusong River in the north and Chenghu Lake in the south. It has wide waters andrivers. Since ancient times, it is rich in rice, wheat, freshwater fish, matgrass, Lingou and other aquatic plants. It can be called a genuine "land of fishand rice".

  The ancient town is not only rich in water products, but also has a longhistory and strong cultural atmosphere compared with other ancient towns in thesouth of the Yangtze River. The history of the ancient town can be traced backto the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period 2500 years ago. Atthat time, Helu, the king of Wu, and fuchai, the king of Wu, successively builtthe Li palace here. Zhang Lingshan in the southwest of the town is the burialplace of Zhang Cang, the Prime Minister of the Western Han Dynasty; Lu guimeng,a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once lived in seclusion in the west of Bailiantemple in the ancient town, and still has his tomb. Since the establishment ofFuli Academy in the Yuan Dynasty, the ancient town has always attached greatimportance to education and trained countless scholars. In the early years ofthe Republic of China in modern times, the ancient town took the lead in settingup new schools. Ye Shengtao, Wang Boxiang and Shen Baihan, the famous educators,taught here, and cultivated many excellent talents for the ancient town.

  The long history and profound cultural accumulation have left manyhistorical sites and celebrity footprints for the ancient town. From the ancienttemples, gardens and streets to the ancient houses of historical celebrities,the whole zhanzhen town is like a dazzling Museum of historical relics. Amongthem, we can not only feel the vicissitudes of history, but also get thenourishment of culture. At present, the ancient town preserves historic sitesand cultural landscapes such as the ancient castle temple, Lu guimeng's Ci,Shengtao memorial hall, Shen house, Xiao house, Wansheng rice shop, Wang Taomemorial hall, etc. In particular, the painted arhat statue preserved in theancient castle temple is the only national key cultural relics protection unitin the ancient town of Jiangnan. Mr. Fei Xiaotong, vice chairman of the NationalPeople's Congress and a famous sociologist, wrote the words "the first watertown in China" after visiting the ancient town. Today, "the first water town inChina" has become the pride of town people and the pronoun of Luzhi ancienttown. The town was named as a famous historical and cultural town in JiangsuProvince in 19q4, and was listed as one of the 13 scenic spots of Taihu Lakescenic spot. Now, please follow me to the ancient town to appreciate the uniquestyle of "the first water town in China".

  [Baosheng Temple]

  Luzhi ancient town is famous, to a large extent, because there is aBaosheng Temple Museum in the town, which was one of the first batch of nationalkey cultural relics protection units announced after the founding of new China.So far, Luzhi is probably the only ancient town in the south of the YangtzeRiver with national key cultural relics protection units.

  Baosheng temple was built in the period of Liang Tianjian in the northernand Southern Dynasties. It has a history of 1500 years. Like the famous HanshanTemple outside Gusu City, it is one of the 480 temples in the Southern Dynasty.In history, it has been used repeatedly. At that time, there were more than 5000temples and thousands of monks in the temple, covering half of the ancient town.By the early years of the Republic of China, almost all the buildings in thetemple had collapsed, and some of the temples had been rebuilt into schools. Inthe 1920s, when the Daxiong hall collapsed, the statue of arhat on the west wallof the hall was destroyed. Later, under the initiative of Cai Yuanpei, GuJiegang and other famous scholars, in 1932, an Antiquities Museum was built onthe site of Daxiong hall to protect the statue of arhat. After liberation, thepeople's Government renovated the ancient temple. The existing ancient templegate was rebuilt in 964 according to the original appearance of the gate duringthe reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The word "Baosheng Temple" onthe mountain gate is inscribed by Mr. Fei Xini, a contemporary sweeper.

  Through the two Mountain Gate with the title of "Fuyang Xianmi", you cansee the heavenly king hall standing in the middle of the courtyard. Tianwanghall was built in the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt in the Tongzhi period of the lateQing Dynasty, but it still retains the style of the Ming Dynasty. However, thebasin type plinth of the Bu column is a relic of the Northern Song Dynasty.According to textual research, the Tianwang hall was rebuilt on the site of thelast dynasty hall in the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty. It is said thatthere was no iron nail used in the construction of Tianwang hall, and the jointwas completely connected by tenon, which shows the exquisite craftsmanship ofwoodworking. The original four clay statues of Vajra in the hall were alldestroyed by the Japanese during the Anti Japanese war. In 1956, Tianwang hallwas listed as a cultural relic protection unit in Jiangsu Province.

  To the north of the courtyard of Tianwang hall is the Museum of antiquitiesbuilt on the site of Daxiong hall. There are two treasures of the ancient templein the courtyard. Standing on the west side is a blue stone Scripture building,which originally stood in front of the heavenly king hall, next to the stonewith a coiled pole on the east side, to exorcise evil spirits. Jingchuang andJiashi are relics of the Northern Song Dynasty. In fact, Jingchuang is a kind ofBuddhist stone carving that began to appear in the Tang Dynasty. It is generallycomposed of cover, column and seat. The pillar is engraved with Buddha statue,Buddha name or Sutra. The handwriting on the existing Qingshi Scripture buildingis no longer clear. On the east side of the courtyard, there is an iron clock,about 1.5 meters high and 1 meter in diameter, which was cast in the late Mingand early Qing Dynasties. On the clock, there is an auspicious saying of "goodweather, good harvest".

  There is a famous plastic wall arhat in the museum. Under the eaves infront of the museum is a plaque inscribed by Mr. Chang Yinren. The "nine Arhats"on the lintel of the Museum of antiquities was written by Zhang Ting, aprofessor of the Central Academy of fine arts. According to Wu Jun Fu Li Zhi,the original Daxiong hall was built in 1013. During the Northern Song Dynasty,there were Buddha statues of Sakyamuni and eighteen Arhats in the hall, whichwas copied by Yang Huizhi of the Tang Dynasty. Yang Huizhi is a native of WuCounty in Tang Dynasty, who is as famous as Wu Tongguang, the "sage ofpainting". Because clay sculptures are not as easy to preserve as stone and woodcarvings, it is not easy for Yang Huizhi's authentic works to be millenniumold.

  In 1918, historian Gu Jiegang visited Baosheng temple at the invitation ofYe Shengtao and Wang Boxiang. A well preserved work of Tang Dynasty'smasterpieces attracted the attention of historians. In 1922, Gu Jiegang foundthat the statue of a member of the Luohan tribe was badly damaged and in urgentneed of protection, so he ran around and called for the rescue of "art works of1100 years ago". Later, under the care and advocacy of Mr. Hu Shi and Mr. CaiYuanpei, a "preservation Committee of Luzhi Tang sculpture" was established tocollect funds and invite famous painters and sculptors such as Xu Beihong, LiuHaisu, Jiang xiaostork and Hua Tianyou to study and draw up preservation plans.In view of the collapse of the original main hall, it was decided to build anAntiquities Museum on the site of the hall to preserve these precious artrelics.

  The museum started construction in the autumn of 1930 and was completed inthe autumn of 1932. The Antiquities Museum was originally a Roman style redbrick building with flat roof. Because the flat roof was easy to accumulatewater, the leakage of the roof was found in the early 1950s, so the AntiquitiesMuseum was renovated and the flat roof was changed to a sloping roof. Afterchanging it into the top of the slope, although it can drain water, it does notcoordinate with the overall architecture of the temple. So in 1987, it wasrebuilt again, and the roof was changed to Xieshan single eaves type.

  When you enter the museum, you can see a statue wall arhat facing south.The statues of Arhats can be seen in many temples, either five hundred Arhats oreighteen Arhats, but they hardly have any background, which is different here.In addition to the nine Arhats on the wall, there are rocks, clouds and spray,which give people a feeling of being near the sea and heaven. Except for the twoArhats who are discussing Buddhist scriptures, the rest of the nine Arhats arescattered and sitting, with different shapes and expressions, giving people avery vivid, realistic and natural feeling, which makes the whole design a littleless religious and adds a bit of human affinity He Li.

  High in the middle is Bodhidharma, the forefather of Zen. Because there isno him in the 16 Arhats and 18 Arhats, some people think that the statue in themiddle is Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty, which is a portrayal of hisresignation when he was trapped in Taicheng. To the east of Dharma cave is thevenerable Jiaxi, also known as "WangYan Luohan", with thick eyebrows and bigeyes. At first glance, he is an Indian. His clothes are the most gorgeous of allthe Arhats.

  Under "Wang Yan Luo Han", there is a pair of Luo Han. To the East is thevenerable nuojulu, who is kind-hearted and kind-hearted. He seems to bepreaching scriptures, so he is also called "preaching arhat". So who is helecturing to? Look at the statue of Ximei, who is listening attentively. This is"listening to the Sutra arhat". His name is ashdodo venerable.

  To the east of the "preaching arhat" is the batara. Because of his peculiarfacial expression, he is also called "embarrassed Rohan".

  To the west of the Dharma patriarch is the venerable tanthidra. Look at hisbroad-minded, fat, detached look, known as "barefoot arhat.".

  In the west of "barefoot arhat", the one with angry eyes is the one whoguards Bojia. From his angry look, he is commonly known as "angry arhat". Belowhim is the "lonely arhat" supindra, with an impassive expression.

  Sitting at the westernmost end of the wall is the bantorga. His expressionis deep, as if thinking about something, so people also call it "meditativearhat".

  The nine Arhats we see now are only half of the eighteen Arhats worshippedon the East and west sides in the main hall of Baosheng temple, and there aremany damages. In addition, whether the author of it is Yang Huizhi, the"sculptor" of the Tang Dynasty, is controversial in the field of historiographyfrom the following aspects: before the end of the Tang Dynasty, there were noeighteen Arhats, only sixteen Arhats, and the great hall was built in theNorthern Song Dynasty. However, whether it was created by Yang Huizhi or byimitating Yang's style, its superb sculpture art shows people the wisdom andtalent of ancient Chinese artists, which is of great artistic appeal andcultural value. Therefore, after the founding of new China, it was listed in thefirst batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In front of theLuohan wall, there are two stone statues carved from blue stones, which areantiquities of the Six Dynasties. In the past, it was usually placed in themiddle of the street, which means that the Buddha is everywhere and cares forall living beings.

  [Ye Shengtao Memorial]

  Now you come to the yard is Ye Shengtao Memorial Hall. It was originallythe site of Puli Academy. In 1906, a new school was set up, and Fuli Academy wastransformed into Fuli primary school. Later, it was reorganized into "the fifthhigher primary school of Wu county", which is called "wugao" for short. In thespring of 1917, Mr. Ye Shengtao was invited by his classmates Wu binruo and WangBoxiang to teach at the "five high school". He worked and lived here for morethan four years. During this period, he carried out the experiment ofeducational reform and created many literary works, such as "Han Xiao's Qinsong" and "low energy children", all of which were directly based on the ancienttown of Luzhi. Therefore, Mr. Ye has always affectionately compared Luzhi to hissecond hometown. After his death in Beijing in February 1988, in order to showhis respect and memory, the people of the ancient town renovated several oldsites where he was teaching and turned them into Ye Shengtao Memorial Hall. "YeShengtao Memorial Hall" engraved on the main entrance of the memorial hall wasinscribed by the late president of the Chinese Buddhist Association, Mr. ZhaoPuchu.

  The two-story building on the east side of the courtyard was the "fivehigh" women's department at that time. In 1919, Ye Shengtao's wife, Hu Molin,was employed by the "five high" and served as a teacher in the women'sdepartment for three years.

  In the middle of the courtyard is a four side hall building that looks likea Square Pavilion. This is the "five high" Expo room, that is, the reading room.Now there is a flower basket on the table in the middle of the four side hall.In front of the flower basket, ye Lao's face model is placed for people to lookforward to.

  On the west side of the four side hall is a mandarin duck hall. At thattime, it was the dormitory and office of the "five high" foreign teachers. Thenorth side has been restored to the original appearance of the "five high"teachers' office.

  To the north of the courtyard, there are seven bungalows lined up with along corridor. This is the exhibition hall of the memorial hall. Starting fromthe preface hall in the East, it is divided into eight parts to introduce YeShengtao's life and his outstanding achievements in education, literature,publishing and social activities with photos, objects, literature and otherexhibits. In particular, it highlights the work and life of Ye Lao in theancient town.

  From the north gate of the memorial, we came to Ye Shengtao cemetery. Thegranite platform faces east in the West. On the wall of the monument areengraved six gilded characters of "Tomb of Mr. Ye Shengtao" inscribed by Mr.Zhao Puchu. There is a six corner Pavilion in the east of the tomb platform,which is called Weiyan Pavilion. "Not tired" on the plaque in the pavilion isthe ink left by Ye Lao. In his early years, ye used to call his residence "nottired of living". The word "not tired" means never tired of learning, constantlypursuing and making progress.

  [Lu guimeng Temple]

  From the west gate of Baosheng temple, there is an open space. To the northof it is the Bailian Temple site founded in the northern and Southern Dynasties.To the west of the Bailian Temple site is Lu guimeng temple, also known as Mr.Fuli temple. It was originally the residence of Lu guimeng, and was built as theancestral hall of Mr. Fuli in the Northern Song Dynasty.

  Lu guimeng is a late Tang Dynasty writer, a native of Suzhou, another nameof Mr. Fuli. He had a distinguished family background and had two primeministers. Lu guimeng studied hard since childhood in order to serve hiscountry. However, with bad luck, he failed in the exam. In this case, I came toLuzhi ancient town to buy farmland and live in seclusion. In spite of the feudaland secular ideas, he went to work in the field himself. This was a valuablemove at that time. Apart from farming, he often went boating and traveled in therivers and lakes, and wrote many poems reflecting the life of Wu's watercountry. His works have been handed down from generation to generation, such asMr. Fuli's collection and Lize's series. He is the best friend of PI Rixiu, apoet of Tang Dynasty, and is known as "Pi Lu" in the world. In addition, Luguimeng also has a lot of research on agricultural tools, and his "leifujing" isan important material for the study of ancient agricultural tools in China.

  Lu guimeng's tomb covers an area of about one mu. In front of the tombstands a stone tablet of the reign of Kangxi and Tongzhi of the QingDynasty.

  There is a qingfengting beside yiguanzhong, which means to praise Luguimeng's elegant character of "qingfengliangjie". There is a pool besideqingfengting. This is the pool where Lu guimeng raised green ducks. Because thegreen duck is good at fighting, the pool is also known as the duck fightingpool.

  Qingfengting and douyachi were first built in the Northern Song Dynasty,and were rebuilt in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. When qingfengting was rebuiltin Tongzhi period of Qing Dynasty, a plaque of "qingfengliangjie" was hung inthe pavilion and a statue of Lu guimeng was erected. During the culturalrevolution, it was destroyed again. The existing qingfengting and douyachi wererestored after 1981. Among them, Lu guimeng's yiguanzhong and douyachi arelisted as cultural relics protection units in Jiangsu Province. There are threeancient ginkgo trees on both sides of douyachi, which are said to be planted byLu guimeng. They are just like three experienced historical elders, standinghere, witnessing the vicissitudes of the ancient town.

  [Wansheng rice line]

  The place we come to now is Wansheng rice line written in Mr. Ye Shengtao'snovel "collected more than three or five Dou". Its prototype is Wanchenghengmihang. In the early years of the Republic of China, this rice shop wasjointly operated by Shen and fan in the town, and it was also a rice shop inJiaozhi ancient town. In the past, every time I went to the new Valley, manyboats selling grain and buying rice would gather in the river channel at thegate of the new valley. The lively scene of loading and unloading grain and ricecan be imagined.

  In the 1950s, it was transformed into a grain purchasing station and agrain warehouse. Now, in order to adapt to the development of the tourismmarket, develop the cultural tourism resources of the ancient town, renovate itas "Wansheng rice shop", and reproduce the style of "front shop and back yard"of the small town rice market in the Republic of China. Facing Hebu, the threeBay shop is a rice shop. On the high wooden counter is a billboard of "thousandsof merchants gather". Behind the shop was a large yard, with stone slabs on theground, and the south side of it

苏州英语导游词 篇4

  Suzhou is one of the areas with great influence on Buddhism in China.Chongyuan temple is a famous temple in Suzhou. Chongyuan temple, originallyknown as Chongxuan temple, was built in the second year of Tianjian, Emperor Wuof Liang Dynasty (A.D. 503). It was contemporaneous with Hanshan Temple, Lingyantemple and Baosheng temple. Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty, ruled thecountry with Buddhism, and for a time he was superior to others and worshippedBuddhism all over the country. Lu Seng Zan, an official living in the secondmile northwest of Changzhou county government, immediately invited emperor LiangWu to abandon his official residence and rebuild the temple, which was namedchongyun temple. Emperor Liang Wu gladly bestowed a plaque with the title of"Chongxuan temple in Guangde, Daliang". "Chongyun" is mistaken for "Chongxuan",which is an error in the process of copying and delivering memorials. ChongyuanTemple flourished until the middle Tang Dynasty.

  In 842 ad, in the second year of Huichang of Wuzong in the late TangDynasty, the biggest "extermination of Buddhism" movement in Chinese historysuddenly broke out. The court persecuted and killed the monks cruelly. A largenumber of temples in Suzhou City were destroyed. Monks moved out of the city oneafter another, and some built new temples elsewhere. There is a new Chongyuantemple in Weiting Town, thirty miles away from Suzhou city. During the qianmiaoperiod (908-932 AD), the Chongyuan temple was repaired on a large scale. Therebuilt Chongyuan temple is still a giant temple. There are two earth mountainsin front of the temple, two different stones standing in front of the court, abronze statue of wuliangshou Buddha standing in the center, and 16 Arhatsstanding on both sides. There are five other hospitals.

  Chongyuan temple was renamed Chengtian temple in Song Dynasty. During thereign of Xuanhe in Song Dynasty (1119-1125 AD), it was renamed "Nengren Temple"because the imperial court prohibited the temple, temple and bridge from beingnamed after "heaven, saint, emperor and King". From Yuan Dynasty to shun Dynasty(1330-1333), Chongyuan temple was destroyed by fire. During the reign of YuanZhizheng (1341-1368 AD), it was rebuilt by the Chu monk in Yuenan and restoredto a new level. At that time, in addition to the bronze statue of wuliangshouBuddha, there were pangou great saint temple, Lingyou temple and Wanfo Pavilion.In the Qing Dynasty, because of avoiding the taboo of Emperor Kangxi Xuanye,"Xuan" was changed to "Yuan", and the name of Chongyuan temple has been used upto now. Chongyuan temple was finally destroyed during the cultural revolution inthe 1970s. Poets such as Bai Juyi, Wei Yingwu, PI Rixiu, Lu guimeng and FanChengda all chanted it.

  In November, in order to further implement the party's religious policy,build a socialist harmonious society, carry forward the traditional Buddhistculture, and meet the religious needs of Buddhist believers, the restoration andreconstruction of Chongyuan temple was approved by the people's Government ofJiangsu Province, and the abbot of Hanshan Temple, Qiu Shuang, was also theabbot. On November 17, __X, the grand opening ceremony was held. The restorationand reconstruction of Chongyuan Temple fills the gap that there is no temple inthe east of the ancient city of Suzhou. After completion, Chongyuan temple hasbecome a beautiful scenic spot in Suzhou Industrial Park.

  According to the five principles of "classics have basis, history hasinheritance, art has innovation, convenience has characteristics, and functionhas induction", the newly built Chongyuan temple has made careful planning.Chongyuan temple, which reappears in front of people's eyes, covers an area ofmore than 300 mu and is located in the beautiful Yangcheng Lake peninsula. Thewater Guanyin Pavilion and the main temple area echo each other, showing thecharacteristics of the largest Guanyin Taoist temple in Jiangdong. The statue ofgreat mercy Guanyin in the Guanyin Pavilion is 33 meters high. It is made of 88tons of bronze. The surface of the statue is covered with gold. Its Dharmaappearance is extremely solemn. It is the highest indoor Guanyin in China.Besides the outdoor Guanyin in Emei Mountain, it is the second highest in China.There is the largest Mahatma hall in China. The first Sanskrit bell of the TangDynasty is suspended in the bell tower, and the largest copper cavity leatherdrum in China is placed in the drum tower. There are a large number of Buddhas,Bodhisattvas and Vajrayana in the temple, which reproduces the elegant demeanorof Chongyuan temple in that year, and makes it a Buddhist temple with threetreasures of Buddha, Dharma and monk.

  Puji bridge, Lianhua Island, Guanyin Pavilion and liuguanyin Templeconstitute the pure land world, which is solemn and complete. Buddhistactivities should be prepared in time. It is an ideal place for believers tomake vows, repent and pray. In the Guanyin Pavilion, there are 9999 smallGuanyin that can be provided for. The dizang hall and nihongcangdian hall offermemorial tablets for the dead and the extended life for many years, andregularly hold Buddhist and Dharma meetings. Every year, the "global Chinesereunion" in the Mid Autumn Festival and the "head worship" in the SpringFestival are both large-scale activities that Chongyuan Temple strives to build,such as Li Ru FA, which are deeply praised by the majority of tourists andbelievers.

  Reconstruction of Chongyuan Temple

  In November, the general office of Jiangsu Provincial People's governmentand Suzhou Municipal People's Government approved the reconstruction ofChongyuan temple. The reconstructed Chongyuan temple is located in Chenyan Bay,Yangcheng Island, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park. The newly builtChongyuan temple will respect history, display culture, adjust measures to localconditions, make scientific and flexible planning and layout by using theexisting water network, vegetation and other topography, and try to retain thenatural landscape, so as to reflect the existing rural scenery andcharacteristic waterscape of the base. The planning layout is in line with theBuddhist concept and traditional habits, while taking into account the needs ofmodern Buddhist temples in educating the public, personnel training, Buddhistresearch and other uses.

  The design and construction orientation of the whole project is thecombination of religion and tourism, history and reality, retro and innovation,environmental protection and development, culture and research. As the largesttemple complex in the south of the Yangtze River, Chongyuan Temple aims to beexcellent and pass down from generation to generation, providing a broader spacefor communication and development for the inheritance and development ofBuddhism and traditional culture and charity in Suzhou. The design of Chongyuantemple has a high starting point, ancient architectural form, novel creativity,and strong participation in architectural space. The reconstruction plan andconstruction of Chongyuan temple have achieved five principles: classics havebasis, history has inheritance, righteousness has innovation, convenience hascharacteristics, and function has induction.

  The reconstructed Chongyuan temple covers an area of more than 300 mu. Thewhole project is divided into four parts: temple area, Guanyin island area,Buddhist Culture Park area and commercial area. Guanyin island will present thelargest 33 meter high Guanyin statue in China. After the reconstruction of theChongyuan temple, the water Guanyin temple, the Chongyuan Zen temple and thepharmacist tower echo each other, and cooperate with the Buddhist culturalattractions to build a Buddhist cultural area with the purpose of caring forlife and living and protecting Dharma, showing the characteristics of theGuanyin Taoist temple of the lotus Kingdom and the solemn unique style of TenThousand Buddhas.

  Master Qiushuang, the abbot of Hanshan Temple, has officially moved intoChongyuan temple to carry out the construction of Buddhist legal affairs andBuddhist culture. According to master Qiu Shuang, Chongyuan temple will take"Zen and pure cultivation" as its main development idea, cultivate Buddhisttalents, and promote social harmony with charity. In the middle of September,Mr. Qiu Shuang and Mr. Wang Peng, chairman of Shanghai Tianyu Media Co., Ltd.shook hands to celebrate and formally signed the cooperation agreement on thecompletion ceremony of Chongyuan temple and the whole hall Buddha statueKaiguang Dharma Association project. "Charity is a social cause. Its developmentneeds a kind of social atmosphere, the support of citizens' charityconsciousness and social charity values, and the formation of this atmosphereand support needs the guidance of charity publicity and the participation andpromotion of leaders at all levels." The great monk Qiu Shuang said that it isnecessary to stimulate the enthusiasm of all sectors of society to participatein charity by vigorously publicizing the model of charity among the people; itis necessary to stimulate the sense of social responsibility of enterprises andinstitutions to participate in charity and build a harmonious society byvigorously publicizing the model of enterprises and institutions participatingin and supporting charity. This is also one of the significance of thereconstruction of Chongyuan temple. To contribute to the construction of socialspiritual civilization. Moreover, the construction of Chongyuan temple hascreated some of the best in the south of the Yangtze River, one is the largesttemple group in the south of the Yangtze River, the other is the giant leatherdrum. The drum is made of bronze with a diameter of 2.19 meters of cowhide atboth ends. The height and width of the drum are 2.8 meters and it weighs 4 tons.It took more than 100 workers more than 4 months to make the drum, and theconstruction lasted more than 9 months.

  Introduction to scenic spots

  Entering the Chongyuan Temple scenic area, the first thing we see is the200 meter long Buddha Road. The stone murals of Amitabha's 48 great wishes areengraved on the north and south sides of the road. There are also seven sevenlotus praying pillars on the road of worshiping Buddha, each of which is carvedwith relief. The first six pillars show the six degrees of Buddhist practice,and the seventh pillar shows the scene of worshiping Buddha. The design conceptand construction method of the seven lotus praying column are unique toChongyuan temple.

  At the end of the LIFO Avenue is an imitation ancient gate. The threecharacters of Chongyuan temple on the middle gate were written by Zhao Puchu,the late vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people'sPolitical Consultative Conference, President of the Chinese BuddhistAssociation, a famous poet and calligrapher. On the left and right city gates,"Jiangnan grand view, Xiao Liang relics" is written by Ji Xianlin, a famousmaster of Chinese culture and former vice president of Peking University.

  Chongyuan Temple faces south from the north. In front of the three gates ofthe temple, there are two sutras engraved with the Sutra of Zunsheng on the topof the Buddha.

  When you enter Chongyuan temple, the first thing you see is Tianwang hall.The plaque of Tianwang hall was inscribed by the late famous calligrapher Mr.Sha Menghai. Maitreya Buddha is in the middle of Tianwang hall, and WeituoBodhisattva is in the back, facing north. There are four heavenly kings on bothsides.

  To the west of Tianwang hall is the drum tower. The plaque was inscribed byelder Jinghui, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China. The diameterof the drum hanging from the drum tower is 2.19 meters, which is the largestcopper cavity leather drum in the world.

  To the east of the temple is the bell tower. The plaque was inscribed bythe former abbot of Hanshan Temple and the elder of the Dharma Master of HanshanTemple. The clock tower is about 12 tons in weight, 3.8 meters in height and2.19 meters in diameter. The sound of this bell is the first tone in the TangDynasty. The sound is powerful and thick, and the remaining sound is around theears. So the name of the big bell is "the first law of the Tang Dynasty, thefirst Sanskrit bell".

  To the north of Tianwang hall is the release pool. There are three bridgeson the pond, namely Nengren bridge, wisdom bridge and Ford bridge. Nengrenbridge was inscribed by Feng Qiyong, a master of Chinese culture and an expertof Redology. Wisdom bridge and Ford bridge are inscribed by the abbot Qiu Shuangof Hanshan Temple and Chongyuan temple.

  To the north of the release pool is a wide granite square. To the west ofthe square is the hall of Da Xing Pu Xian Bodhisattva. The plaque of PuxianBodhisattva hall was inscribed by elder Weixian, vice chairman of advisorycommittee of China Buddhist Association and President of Chongqing BuddhistAssociation.

  To the east of the square is the great wisdom Manjusri Bodhisattva hall.The plaque of Manjusri temple was inscribed by elder Yicheng, the currentpresident of China Buddhist Association.

  The main hall is in the middle of the square. The main hall is the mainbuilding of the temple and the main hall of the Buddhist temple. It is built ona high platform in the center of the central axis. The main hall of Chongyuantemple is 36 meters high and has a construction area of 2100 square meters. Itis the largest main hall in China. The hall is dedicated to Wang III Buddha. Thefour characters of "Da Xiong Bao Dian" were inscribed by the old president ZhaoPuchu, "supreme cool" is the handwriting of the modern eminent monk Hongyi, and"Hengshun sentient beings" is the handwriting of the modern Buddhist eminentmonk Dade Mingshan elder. There are eighteen Arhats on both sides of the mainhall. At the back of the main hall, there are group sculptures of Guanyin on theisland, which mainly tells the story of the good fortune boy 53 Shen. Guanyingroup sculptures on the island are made of traditional lacquer, with a totallength of 25.8 meters and a height of 12.2 meters. The group sculpture covers anarea of nearly 300 square meters, the largest in China.

  There are two side halls in the north of the main hall. In the west is theBodhisattva Hall of the great wish. The plaque of dizang Bodhisattva hall waswritten by the great monk Mingxue, the current Vice President of China BuddhistAssociation and the abbot of lingyanshan temple in Suzhou.

  On the east side is the hall of vainly hidden Bodhisattva. The plaque onthe hall of Bodhisattva in void is the handwriting of elder benhuan, a hundredyear old monk and a contemporary Zen master.

  Walking out of Chongyuan temple, you can see the memorial archway of"Shuitian Buddha kingdom" inscribed by elder Mingshan. Then there is a 19 holeapproach bridge, called Puji bridge. It was written by elder Jue Guang,President of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association. After crossing this bridge, wecame to the lotus kingdom. The traditional copper forging process is used forthe side wall of the underground palace of Guanyin Pavilion. With a height of 46meters, Guanyin Pavilion is the highest water Guanyin Pavilion in China. Theplaque is the handwriting of elder benhuan. The 33 meter (total height) YangzhiAvalokitesvara in Guanyin Pavilion (26 meters high) is the highest indoorAvalokitesvara in China, with an area of 1160 square meters. At the same time,this bronze bodied Avalokitesvara is also the heaviest indoor Avalokitesvara inChina. The whole body is made of 80 tons of bronze and gilded. There are 9999small Guanyin statues 33 cm high cast from the same furnace of copper water.

  In the east of the main hall, there is a Suzhai hall called Xiangjikitchen. There are 180 dining places in the hall on the first floor, servingplain noodles, dim sum and vegetarian food. There are 12 boxes on the secondfloor. Each box can accommodate 8 to 10 people. You can order dishes, set mealsor drink at will. There are 48 guest rooms on the east side of Tianwang hall,which can solve the accommodation problem of tourists. On the west side ofTianwang hall, there is a law logistics office, in which there are various kindsof Kaiguang law objects for you to choose.

苏州英语导游词 篇5

  Lion forest, one of the four famous gardens in Suzhou, has a history ofmore than 650 years and is the representative of garden in Yuan Dynasty. No.23Yuanyuan Road, located in the northeast corner of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,is a rectangle with a width from east to west, covering an area of 1.1 hectaresand an open area of 0.88 hectares. There are rockeries all over the park,surrounded by long corridors, buildings looming, winding paths leading toseclusion, with the general feeling of maze. The wall of the corridor isembedded with the calligraphy steles of Su Shi, Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian and CaiXiang, as well as the inscription of plum blossom poem by Wen Tianxiang of theSouthern Song Dynasty. This garden was built by Zen master tianru of YuanDynasty in memory of his teacher, Zen master Zhongfeng. In the first gate, theteacher of "Shizilin" is the teacher's teacher. Later, because there were manyrockeries in the garden, which looked like a lion, it was changed to the LionForest in the way of writing, and has been used up to now. The word "LionForest" on the forehead of the ticket office was written by Emperor Qianlong ofthe Qing Dynasty.

  Step into the garden, you can see a hall, which is the Bei ancestral hall.In the middle of the plaque, there is Gu Tinglong's handwritten "Yunlin Yiyun",which is one of the designers of lion forest. Ni Yunlin's design has the charmof emptiness and quietness. The wooden railings on both sides of the corridorare carved with peony, Phoenix and Shou characters, and hanging screens withvases and shell leaves. Beiye is used to write Buddhist scriptures, which notonly reflects that Shizilin is a place for Zen to study Buddhism, but also hascommemorative significance, because the last master of Shizilin is Beiye. Theancestral hall is a place for worshiping and worshiping ancestors and gatheringof clansmen. On the roof, there are statues of three immortals, Fu, Lu and Shou,and a child. It shows that the garden owner hopes that his descendants can beoutstanding and glorify their ancestors. At the entrance of the corridor, thereis the word "Chunhua", which means the garden is full of spring. Please goahead.

  It is said that the stone lions in the lion forest came from TianmuMountain in Zhejiang Province. The eight immortals tie Guai Li and LV Chunyangwent to the banquet of the queen mother and rode a green lion past TianmuMountain. From the top of the mountain came a clear spring. Li Zheng, Tieguai,was thirsty. He was very happy and fell down to Yuntou. He took down his owngourd and went to the spring to drink. The green lion also jumped into the waterto play. After a moment, the lion climbed up to the shore and shook his body.The water on his body was scattered on the surrounding rocks, and suddenlybecame a group of lively and lovely little lions. The green Lion plays with thelittle lions intimately. Tieguai Li smiles and says to LV Yuyang, "look, thegreen lion has moved everyone's heart. Now that there are so many descendants,let's punish him to be a lion king here." After that, with the help of the ironcrutch, the lions turned back to the appearance of stones, and the green lionsturned into a mountain peak because they couldn't bear to leave.

  In Song Renzong's time, Zhongfeng monk of Zhejiang Guoshi temple had aprofound Buddhism. One day, he traveled to Tianmu Mountain and recitedscriptures in Jielu. Every morning, he recited scriptures in front of Qingshimountain. It turned out that he was an eminent monk and knew the origin ofshiziyan and shizifeng. Lion is called lion dragon (Su ā n'n í) in Buddhism. Itis the beast of Buddhism. He wants to enlighten the green lion and make itreturn to its original appearance. For a long time, because I often listen tothe eminent monk's words, I became a spirit and became a green lion again. Thegreen lion became monk Zhongfeng's mount. Monk Zhongfeng rode the green lion tovisit his apprentice tianru Zen master in Puti temple in Suzhou. There were manystrange stones in Puti temple, and the shape of them was vivid, like many lions.The green lion was very happy and thought that he had returned to the lioncolony in the Buddhist kingdom, so he changed into a lion bee, and the lion furscattered on the green lion became a variety of lion cubs. Some are playing withHydrangea, some are fighting with two lions, and some are full of prestige. WhenZen master tianru saw his hands together, he even said "Amitabha". He praisedmaster tianru for his boundless power and perfect merits. Bodhi Temple becamethe kingdom of Buddha and lion. Monk Zhongfeng said, "it might a

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