


景点英语导游词 篇1

  Dear tourists

  How do you do!

  Welcome to the beautiful Sanqing mountain. First of all, let me introducethe general situation of Sanqing mountain

  Sanqingshan is located at the junction of Yushan and Dexing in thenortheast of jiubei. The main peak, Yujing peak, is 1817 meters above sea leveland is located on the top of the Huaiyu mountains. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the towering peaks of Yujing, Yuhua and yuxu, just like the three gods ofYuqing (Yuanshi Tianzun), Shangqing (Lingbao Daojun) and Taiqing (TaishangLaojun) worshipped by Taoism, and the ancient Sanqing palace.

  Sanqing mountain is located in the subtropical climate zone, but it has thecharacteristics of alpine climate. The annual average temperature is between10-12 ℃, the average temperature in July is 21.8 ℃, and the average annualprecipitation is about 20__ mm.

  The scenery of the Fourth Committee of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, withazaleas in full swing in spring and flowers in full bloom; at the turn of springand summer, with flowing springs and clouds; in midsummer, with thick shade, itis cool and pleasant; around mid autumn, with thousands of peaks competing andlayers of forests flying; in the cold of March, with ice flowers and jadebranches, it is like a glass fairyland.

  Sanqing mountain scenic spot is rich in tourism resources, with largescale, complete types and many scenic spots. The area of the scenic spot is morethan 220 square kilometers, and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.It is divided into seven scenic spots: Sanqing palace, tiyunling, sandongkou,Yulingguan, xihuatai, shiguling and Yujingfeng. Shandong Province in the threeQing Dynasty is unique in the west, North and south. It has the characteristicsof "the grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke andclouds of Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu". It has the characteristics ofQifeng and Yishi, Yunwu and Foguang, Cangsong and ancient trees, canyons andcaves, Xiquan waterfall, ancient buildings, stone carvings and stone carvings,which are wonderful and lifelike.

  Next, let's visit the above scenic spots everywhere!

景点英语导游词 篇2

  Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province. Itgoverns Yangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi County, Jiangcheng district andhailing Economic Development Experimental Zone. The coastline (Island) is 390.8km long, with a total area of 7813.4 square kilometers and a population of 2.4million. It enjoys preferential policies granted by the state, such as coastalopen areas, pilot economic development zones, industrial satellite towns,mountainous areas and small amount of trade with Chinese Taiwan. It is one of thecoastal open cities in Guangdong Province.

  Yangjiang City is rich in marine industrial resources. There are six famousfishing ports in China, such as Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou, Hebei and theother side. The fishing ground is vast and the beach is gentle. It is suitablefor deep-sea fishing and mariculture, and rich in high-quality and valuablefresh aquatic products. Yangjiang's mineral resources mainly include iron ore,copper ore, pyrite, quartz sand, tin ore, gold ore, rare earth ore, etc. Thereare abundant forest and hydropower resources for comprehensive utilization. Theindustry has formed ten pillar industries, including automobile, rare earth,electromechanical, building materials, metallurgy, food, hardware, textile,clothing and forest industry. Yangjiang knife, Yangjiang Douchi, Yangjianglacquerware and leather plastic, clothing, packaging, stainless steel utensilsand other famous, excellent and special products are also very popular.

  Yangjiang's scenery also has its own characteristics, such as the beautifuland peculiar Moyang mountain and sea scenery, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longguanyan and sandongtian, which are known as the first scenic spot in SouthChina, shachao of Mawei Island natural beach, which is also known as EastHawaii, and Hebei tourist resort, etc. Since the reform and opening up, theinvestment environment of Yangjiang has been gradually improved. Yangjiang portand Xingneng diesel power plant have been built. The second phase expansionproject of Mojiang water plant with daily water supply of 200000 tons has beencompleted. The Yangchun section of Sanmao railway has been put into operation.The reconstruction of national highway 325 has been completed. The station porthighway, access to Island Highway, access to port highway, Jianshan bridge andshouchang bridge have been completed and opened to traffic, connecting withSanmao railway The railway from Yangchun railway station to Yangjiang port isunder construction. The third nuclear calling station in Guangdong has beenlocated in Yangjiang and has entered the stage of feasibility study.

  The city's urban and rural telephone exchange capacity has reached 223000,and mobile phones and wireless paging have been fully opened. Yangjiang port, aclass I port approved by the State Council to open to foreign nationality shipsin February 1993, was officially opened to the outside world in July 1996. Theinfrastructure was further improved, creating a broader and solid social andeconomic foundation for investors to come to our city for extensive economic andtechnological cooperation. In order to make our city's industrial andagricultural productivity leap to a new level through the use of foreign capitaland the introduction of technology and equipment, the municipal government hasformulated a series of preferential measures to further simplify procedures andprocedures and improve service quality and efficiency. At the same time, themunicipal government has set up a special administrative service center toprovide "one-stop" services for domestic and foreign investors. Over the pastfew years, with the improvement of the investment environment, the utilizationof foreign capital in Yangjiang City has doubled, foreign economic andtechnological trade, cooperation and exchange have made gratifying achievements,and a new economic situation of all-round opening has initially formed.

景点英语导游词 篇3

  Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province,close to the Pearl River Delta, the hub of western Guangdong. It is adjacent toNanhai in the south, Yunfu in the north, Jiangmen in the East and Maoming in theWest. It is located at 21 ° 28 ′ 45 ″ - 22 ° 41 ′ 02 ″ N and 111 ° 16 ′ 35 ″ -112 ° 21 ′ 51 ″ E. It is 112 km from east to west and 132 km from north tosouth. The total land area is 7813.4 square kilometers, including 26.03% hillyarea, 42.73% mountainous area and 22.17% plain area. The total population is2.8281 million, and the permanent resident population is 2.42 million(20__).

  Yangjiang is 247 kilometers away from Guangzhou, 300 kilometers away fromShenzhen and Hong Kong, 160 kilometers away from Zhuhai and Macao, and 230kilometers away from Zhanjiang. The coastline is 341. There are 30 major islandswith a coastline of 49.3 km. The terrain inclines from north to south, close tomountains and sea. The highest peak in the territory is e Huang Zhang (thesecond highest peak in western Guangdong) of Wangfu mountains, with an altitudeof 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River (one of the six major riversin Guangdong), with a total length of 199 kilometers. It runs through the cityfrom north to South and flows into the South China Sea from north to south. In20__, the provincial Environmental Protection Department announced that the airquality of Yangjiang reached the national first-class standard.

  Water resources: there are 24 rivers in the city with a rainfall collectionarea of more than 100 square kilometers. The water resources reserve is 677000kW and 317000 kW can be developed and utilized. 251 large, medium and smallhydropower stations with an installed capacity of 187200 kW have been built.

  Marine resources: the coastline of Yangjiang sea (Island) is 476 km long,the sea area is 34000 square kilometers, the sea beach area is 197000 mu, andthe aquaculture area is 166000 mu. There are seven fishing ports approved by theMinistry of agriculture in the city, including Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou,Hebei, the opposite bank and Jiangcheng. Among them, Zhapo fishing port is thenational central fishing port, and Dongping fishing port is the nationalfirst-class fishing port for the masses. Rich squid, shark fin, jellyfish, crab,shrimp, mackerel, grouper and so on. Marine fishing has a long history, richexperience in mariculture, and the output of marine products ranks first in theprovince.

  Mineral resources: the proven reserves of coal mine are 7.536 million tons,iron ore 35.216 million tons, copper ore 61.55 million tons, pyrite 70.79million tons, and titanium, tungsten, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal, gold, rareearth, limestone, granite, quartz sand and other minerals.

  Tourism resources: Yangjiang is an excellent tourism city in China withrich tourism resources. Mountains, seas, springs, lakes, forests and caves areall over the city. The natural tourism resources are full of varieties, highgrade and good spatial combination, ranking second to none in GuangdongProvince. Zhapo dajiaowan scenic spot is a national AAAA scenic spot. Lingxiao,Yangchun Bay, has been rated as a national geopark. Hailing Island was named"China's top ten most beautiful islands" by China National Geographic magazine,and it is also the only island selected in Guangdong Province. In 20__,Yangjiang City was rated as "China's excellent tourism city". The main scenicspots are Dongyue Park, forest park, Beishan Park, Yuanyang Lake Park, BeihuPark and Shijue temple in the urban area, dajiaowan, Mawei island and Shilisilver beach in Hailing Island, Yangjiang hot spring, Donghu, Dongping Pearl Bayand Xinzhou hot spring tourist resort in Yangdong County, Dadongshan andYueliangwan tourist resort in Yangxi County, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longgongyan and Shijue temple in Yangchun City Yuwangshi, Chunwan stone forest,Yuxi three caves, Bajia Baishui waterfall, Baiyong primeval forest area,etc.

景点英语导游词 篇4

  Dear tourists

  Hello, everyone. I'm Hu Keyi, the tour guide of Sanqing mountain. Today, Iwill take you to visit Sanqing mountain, which is known as "the first fairy peakin the south of the Yangtze River and the most blessed place in the world".

  Sanqing mountain, located in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, is a famousTaoist mountain in China. It has beautiful scenery. It was listed as a nationalkey scenic spot in August 1988 and listed in the world natural heritage list inJuly 20__. Sanqing mountain scenic area covers a total area of 229 squarekilometers, which is "dangerous in the East and strange in the west, beautifulin the north and unique in the South".

  First of all, I'd like to show you the unique scenery of Sanqing mountain,goddess Sichun. Friends, please follow the direction of my fingers: the Qifengin front of me is more than 80 meters high. She looks like a dignified andbeautiful girl with high nose, cherry mouth, round chin and shoulder lengthhair. She is sitting upright, holding two pines in her hands, looking down onthe earth gently, as if to spread spring on the earth. It is said that thisgoddess is the 23rd daughter of Queen Mother of the west, named Yaoji. Peoplethink that she is the embodiment of spring, so she is called "goddess ofspring".

  Next, I'm going to show you another wonderful scenery of Sanqing mountain.Look, what does that stone peak look like? Yes, it looks like a python. It ismore than 120 meters high, leaping out of the deep canyon, holding its headhigh, guarding Sanqing mountain, which is the famous "Python out of themountain". My friends, if you look at it from another angle, what does it looklike? The lower half of it looks like an old man on his way in a hurry, and theupper half looks like a child about 10 years old, riding on the old man'sshoulder and staring at the front with two eyes. The whole huge peak is like afather carrying his son to the examination room. The local people call it"looking forward to success". It's really a masterpiece of nature, and it'samazing.

  There are many wonderful landscapes in Sanqing mountain, such as sea lionswallowing the moon, Guanyin listening to pipa, turtle exploring the sea, fairydrying shoes Dear tourists, if you have enough time, you can stay in Sanqingmountain for two days. I will take you all over Sanqing mountain to enjoy thebeautiful scenery of Sanqing mountain.

景点英语导游词 篇5

  The scenic spot we came to is called "strange garden and strange building",which is a strange place. Strange rare is called strange, strange alone iscalled strange. Strange is strange, not strange is strange. Qiyuan is a new parkbuilt in 1991, but strange building has a real history.

  The owner of the strange building is w. J. sinbeson, a Californian born in1898. He graduated from Yale University, a famous university in the UnitedStates, and is a doctor of forestry specializing in horticulture. In 1928, hewas sent to Beidaihe seaside by American Protestant church and founded Dongshanhorticultural farm. He worked and lived in Beidaihe for 12 years. During thisperiod, he introduced more than 20 kinds of excellent fruit trees, such asapples, grapes, plums, cherries, and other excellent livestock, such as Dutchcows, Yorkshire pigs, Leghorn chickens, and introduced and promoted Amorphafruticosa, the pioneer shrub of North China greening. Simpson worked hard everyday, often sweating heavily, and his clothes were covered with soil; heseriously carried out scientific research, wrote many scientific papers andbooks on the promotion of agricultural technology. He set up a "volunteerresearch association" and trained many technicians. Until the liberation of thewhole country, some of the key garden technicians in Jingdong and Beidaihe werestill students of Simpson. His forthright character, humorous language, profoundknowledge and practical spirit made him establish a deep friendship with thepeasants and intellectuals in Beidaihe. He is an emissary of Sino US friendship,a mentor of science and technology, and a founder of modern horticulture inBeidaihe. Beidaihe will never forget anyone who is full of kindness, love andcontribution. Simpson's name, like the flowers and trees he cultivated, willtake root in the land of Beidaihe and spread his eternal fragrance.

  In 1936, Simpson designed a villa with unique external shape and internalstructure, which was built by local architect Su Quanren. Simpson's villa, as awhole, belongs to European Gothic architecture. It has three floors, five roofs,seven corners and eight sides. Every corner of the roof is made of granite. It'svery beautiful. There are 44 doors and 46 windows in the building, but there isno square room. Inside the villa, house to house, suite to suite, big and small,connected. When a stranger comes in, it's hard to find the door that just camein. When you enter the middle hall, there are big glass mirrors all around. Whenyou go to the pawnshop, there are people everywhere. When you turn around, it'shard to find the door to go out. There is a well in the middle of the basement.Around the well head, a spiral staircase is built to run up and down. This wellis the natural temperature and humidity regulator in the villa: it is used toreduce the temperature in summer and increase the humidity in winter; thisstaircase is made of vines and dried branches of fruit trees. It's reallyinteresting to walk up, flickering, soft and trembling. This strange villa soonwon the reputation of "strange building". In 1940, on the eve of the outbreak ofthe Pacific War, Dr. Simpson returned to the United States, but his "strangebuilding" became even more famous. It became a magnificent and mysteriouslandscape of Beidaihe and attracted many tourists to enjoy and investigate.However, more than 30 years ago, an innocent and strange building could notescape. Finally one day, the strange building was demolished artificially.

  Today, the strange building in front of us was redesigned and rebuilt in1991 according to the original architectural style of the strange building. Mr.Hua Junwu, a famous cartoonist in China, inscribed "strange garden and strangebuilding", which makes people feel more humorous and relaxed. Qiyuan covers anarea of 90 mu, with a building area of 999 square meters and 99 wonderfulscenes. Why do you choose so many "9"? Because "9" is a big number, I just wantto explain to you: when you come here, you can appreciate what is called bigstrange, big strange and special strange. The designer has made every effort tocreate the wonderful, the strange and the happy in the strange garden and thestrange building. Strange garden and strange building is a monument set up bythe people of Beidaihe for Dr. Xin Baisen. It is also a paradise for thousandsof tourists to experience the wonderful and strange. Please enjoy yourself hereand have a long laugh. There is a "Fang directory" in Qiyuan strange building.Please write down your feelings here and leave your name.

景点英语导游词 篇6

  Yangjiang City, located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province, is aprefecture level city approved by the State Council in February 1988. It governsYangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi county and Jiangcheng district. It isadjacent to Jiangmen City in the East, Maoming City in the west, Yunfu City inthe north and Nanhai City in the south. The urban area is 219 km away fromGuangzhou, 220 km away from Zhanjiang and 165 km away from Hong Kong. NationalHighway 325 (Guang Zhan highway) and Guang Mao railway run through the city,covering an area of 7813 square kilometers, with a population of more than 2.4million.

  The total land area of Yangjiang is 7813.4 square kilometers, of which26.03% is hilly area, 42.73% is mountainous area and 22.17% is plain area. Thepopulation is 2.56 million. It borders Enping and Taishan in Jiangmen City inthe East, Luoding and Xinxing in Yunfu City and Xinyi in Maoming City in thenorth, Gaozhou and Dianbai in Maoming City in the west, and Nanhai in the south.The coastline is 341.5 km long, with 30 major islands and 49.3 km long. Theterrain inclines from north to south, close to the mountain and the sea, withTianlu mountain in the northeast and Yunwu Mountain in the northwest. Thehighest mountain in the territory is e Huang Zhang in Wangfu mountain range,with an altitude of 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River, with a totallength of 199 km, running through the whole city from north to South and flowinginto the South China Sea from north to south.

  Yangjiang City is a famous coastal tourist city in Guangdong Province. Itis rich in tourism resources, including coastal beaches, peak forests, karstcaves, hot springs, waterfalls, lakes and mountains, and splendid culturallandscape. Among them, Hailing Island and yangchunwan lingxiaoyan are provincialtourist resorts, and dajiaowan of Hailing Island was rated as 4A nationaltourist area in 20__. In order to continuously open up new ways of tourism,Yangjiang Tourism Bureau has designed and created a new tourism image of"Haitian emotional Yangjiang Tour". Yangjiang tourism highlights four tourismlandscapes with local characteristics. The first is the "sea view", with HailingIsland as the center, highlighting its coastal scenery; the second is the "skyview", represented by Chunwan zaolingxiaoyan, the stalactites, undergroundrivers and lights in the cave constitute the ethereal, illusory and magical skylandscape; the third is the "dynamic view", showing Yangjiang kites flutteringlike colorful clouds in the clear sky; The fourth is the "Scene", that is, thepicturesque Moyangjiang River with green mountains on both sides of the river,nurturing Yangjiang's children. In addition, Yangjiang has opened up two specialtourism lines: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Lun's papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach, where oysters can be picked on site.

  At present, the city has opened up five tourist routes and two specialtourist routes: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Lun's papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach. You can try to pick oysters on site, which has a unique taste.

景点英语导游词 篇7

  Ladies and gentlemen, through the dalinggeng tunnel, it's Zhapo town.

  As for the origin of Zhapo's name, some people say that once upon a time,when men went out to sea, the women in their families often stood on the highslopes and waited for their husbands to come back, so they called it "zhanpo";ganmin in Yangjiang pronounced "Zhan" and "Zhapo", so they called it "Zhapo";others said that Zhapo was originally built on a very messy hillside, so it wascalled "zapo" In fact, the origin of Zhapo's name comes from the couplets at thegate of Mayuan temple.

  In ancient times, on the island along the coast of Yangjiang, fishermenlived happily and peacefully.

  It is said that since then, an evil dragon has been swimming in the sea,often making waves, and the fishermen's life is not peaceful.

  When the tsunami came, families were destroyed and devastated.

  Later, Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Eastern Han Dynasty, passed throughYangjiang. Knowing this, he called for a big stone from the sea to suppress thewaves.

  This big stone is now the "Butterfly Island" in front of Zhapo town.

  From then on, the sea did not raise waves, and fishermen moved in one afteranother, making it a new fishing port.

  In memory of the Fubo General Ma Yuan, people built a Ma Yuan Temple on theseaside mountain. A couplet was written at the entrance of the temple: "chishisilently protects the stability of the boat, and the gate wave maintains thepeace of Hailing." it means: General Ma Yuan moved the big stone here to protectthe safety of the fishing boat; the big stone blocked the waves, and the windand waves were calm from then on, maintaining the peace of Hailing Island.

  Later, the local fishermen were grateful and nostalgic for General MaYuan's kindness of "chishizhapo", so they named the new port "Zhapo".

景点英语导游词 篇8

  Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Zheng. Today, I'mtaking you to Linjinyu, Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark.

  Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark includes Linjinyu ancient volcanicisland, Niutoushan ancient volcanic pass, Nanding Island, Yulinshan, etc. Today,I will take you to appreciate the special geological features of Linjinyu, anancient volcanic island.

  How did the name "Lin Jin Yu" come from? There is a legend here: long ago,there was a man named Lin Zhen in Changtai County who suffered from leprosy andwas abandoned on this island by his people. He eats the animals and plants onthe island, drinks the water on the island, and concentrates on reading. Later,he recovered from his illness. Soon, he won the number one prize and worked inliupin. He worked in the capital for eight years. He was indifferent to fame andwealth. He was unwilling to flatter and said he was ill. This nameless island iscalled "linzhenyu" by later generations. In order to avoid it, it is also called"Linjinyu".

  Now we have landed on Linjinyu, please be careful. Alkaline olivinebasaltic rocks can be seen locally on the island. In the long process ofgeological evolution, a rare volcanic landscape in the world has been formed:first, basaltic rock group with complete mechanism; second, lava lakephenomenon; third, giant columnar joints.

  In the middle of the island are lush peaks, 72.7 meters above sea level.The spring on the island is clear, and there are goats running in the forest.The island is surrounded by basaltic rocks formed after volcanic eruption. Onthe island's Beihai beach, you can see that 16 craters are closely connected toform a circular ring, like VCT floppy disks. You feel that you can read itsgreat changes in the past thousands of years. The craters here are small andnumerous, there are giant columnar joints of basalt, and there are neat "giantcolumnar stone forest". How can it be controlled? You can think about it.

  The island is full of rocks formed after volcanic eruption. The rocks hereare not as orderly arranged as the "stone pillars" in Niutoushan, but they areof various shapes.

  Linjinyu in Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark is an old and energeticisland. It is not only a scientific research base and creative base, but also agood place for sightseeing, leisure and vacation.

  Here you are. Next you can visit freely. Please pay attention tosafety.

景点英语导游词 篇9

  Wuyang river originates from Weng'an, the hinterland of Miaoling, runsthrough the mountains of eastern Guizhou, and then flows into the YuanjiangRiver in Tingxi. She left the most beautiful reach to Zhenyuan. Wuyang Riverscenic area is 95 km long from Jiuzhou of Huangping to Yueliang Bay of Zhenyuancity. There are eight famous canyons in the area. Among them, touxia, Wulugorge, Laodong gorge and Guanyin gorge from Jiuzhou to Shibing can be calledshangwuyang gorge, or shangwuyang gorge for short. The Zhuge gorge, Longwanggorge, Xixia gorge and Dongxia gorge from Shibing to Yueliang Bay are commonlyknown as xiahuayang gorge, or "xiawuyang" for short. In these two scenic spots,there are many bays, difficult and dangerous, strange peaks, differentwaterfalls, deep caves and dense bamboo and wood. There are more than 200 baysup and down the river, and there are more than 200 interesting beaches.

  Touxia is located in the upper reaches of Wuyang River scenic spot, about17 kilometers long. Because of its twists and turns, it is called"jiuzhuanhuifeng". About 18 kilometers long, it is the most beautiful canyonsection in Wuyang River Canyon group. Down the river from huangpingping EastVillage, through the stone tablet of "Zhongqiao Yidu", through "tiger mouth",and through the dangerous beach of "yaozilang" in front of a cliff shaped like"Yaozi". From the "talc Feishui" waterfall, which is shaped like "ShuangliuShuyu", to the East, there are some beautiful sceneries, such as the "JinqueYuzhu" stone peak and the "Xifeng bamboo forest" on the branch weir.

  Wulutang, located in this gorge, is high and deep with dense forest. Thereare many monkey groups from bottom to top. When the amusement boat sails intothis gorge with dense forest and quiet landscape, it feels like boating in thelabyrinth on the ground and a paradise. Laodongxia is from suodongzhai toxiaotanghekou. It is about 8 kilometers long. Because it is close to the exit,there are stone hills like women, and huge stones like coffins in the river,which are like widows and Qifu gorge. Guanyin gorge is about 5 km long fromXiaotang estuary to Gaozhai downstream. In the gorge, the river bends slowly,the pool is deep and the beach is flat, and the mountains on both sides of thegorge rush straight into the sky. From gaozhaifang to xiawuqi, Shibing city tocaihuawan Miao village near Zhuge cave in Wuyang, the riverbed meanders 13kilometers. On the north bank near Shibing Chengguan, there are famous scenicspots such as dinosaur mountain, Jigong rock, Baimi daodou Baizhang Feiquan,etc.

  Zhuge gorge, also known as "ZHUGE cave", is the beginning of Wuyang. It issaid that Zhuge Marquis Wu dug a river here for water transportation during hissouthern expedition, so it got its name. The gorge is about 8 kilometers long.The cliffs on both sides of the river are towering and the waterfalls arefalling. There are many scenic spots in the gorge, such as the remains of theancient fiber road, waterfalls in Shuiliandong, wuguishi, etc. on the lowersection of Zhuge gorge, you can overlook the huge wofoshan in the east of Gaobeivillage. On both sides of Longwang gorge are nearly 200 meters of cliffs. Thenarrow part of Yanghe River bed is only 30 meters. Here is the famous "one linesky" of BINGTUAN Yanghe River. At the intersection of Longwang gorge and Xixiagorge, there are two peaks cleverly combined into a peacock shaped open screen.Xixia and 10 kilometers, along the coast of cliffs, towering peaks, beautifulscenery, one of Xixia waterfall, commonly known as "dafeishui", from a 130 meterhigh cliff pouring down, majestic.

  Wuyang River scenic spot, which was listed as a national scenic spot in1988, has many beautiful tributary canyons besides the main stream canyons,gaoku river with cascade waterfall, Xiaotang river with Jiuzhaigou travertinelandscape, and Shanmu river with famous scenic spot Yuntai mountain. Tiexi,which is not far from the famous historical and cultural town, has a very quietlandscape. It became a tourist area as early as 500 years ago in the middle ofthe Ming Dynasty.

景点英语导游词 篇10

  Ladies and gentlemen

  Hello everyone! The scenic spot we are going to visit today is Huangguoshuwaterfall.

  Huangguoshu waterfall is the first waterfall in China and one of the mostfamous waterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall wasapproved by the State Council of the people's Republic of China as a nationalkey scenic spot. Huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from Guiyang City,the provincial capital. It is located on Baishui River, a tributary of DabangRiver, which borders Zhenning County and Guanling County in western GuizhouProvince. It takes about an hour and a half to get to Huangguoshu by bus fromGuiyang.

  Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the most famouswaterfall in China. Huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upperwaterfall is 6 meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81meters; Due to the strong impact of the current, the splashed water mist candiffuse for more than hundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets onthe top of the cliff on the left side of the waterfall are often covered by thesplashed water mist. Visitors call it "silver rain sprinkles Golden Street".When the water is small in winter and spring, the waterfall will be divided intothree or five strands and hung down from the top of the bank. From a distance,the white curtain of water will float down like silk, fairy's face and lady'sraccoon.

  For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance of Huangguoshu waterfall hasbeen marveled by many scholars. In the Qing Dynasty, Yan yinliang, a famouscalligrapher in Guizhou Province and the inscriber of the word "Summer Palace",wrote a couplet in "wangshuiting": "white water is like cotton, it doesn't needto bow and bounce to disperse. The magnificent scenery of Huangguoshu waterfallis vividly summarized.

  Now we come to Rhinoceros Pool, where the waterfall falls. This pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. No onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. Anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. If it's 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

  Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? According to folklore, there is a tall Huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. According to the local accent, "Jue" and "Guo" have the samepronunciation, so people are used to call it Huangguoshu. This is a kind ofsaying. There is another saying. It is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. There was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called Huangguoshu waterfall.

  Compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, Huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as Victoria waterfall in Africa, niagarawaterfall in North America and anher waterfall in Venezuela. However,Huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. It is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. This waterfall is like astrange magnet. It has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. One of the most magical places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. Because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the Pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is called "watercurtain cave". This is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

  Ladies and gentlemen, "water curtain cave" has arrived. The water curtaincave is 134 meters long and consists of six windows, three Gudong springs andsix passageways. This is the scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese mythology. This is the first cavewindow, which is the lowest, only 40 meters away from the water surface ofRhinoceros Pool, but the cave window is the widest, more than 10 meters wide,located in the middle of the first and second waterfalls. When the water isheavy, the two waterfalls connect to form a curtain to seal all the cavewindows; when the water is small, it opens again and again, ranging from a fewmeters to more than 10 meters. Min likes a curtain that can be opened and closedat will. This is the second window. It's only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. This is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. It is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. There are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. There arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.This is the third hole window. It protrudes outwards, much like a balcony. Thewindow is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. There is a guardrail outside. Visitorscan reach for the waterfall when standing behind the guardrail, so people callit "touch the waterfall platform".

景点英语导游词 篇11

  Hello, friends from afar! Did you enjoy the scenery along the way just now?What's your impression of Zhangzhou? Ha ha, let's introduce myself first. I'mXiao Xiao, the designated commentator here. Today, I'll take you to uncover themystery of coastal volcano.

  There are many coastal cities and islands in our motherland. Why is the seaso attractive to tourists? Moreover, after visiting, every tourist still praisesit and remembers it vividly. Many tourists told me this, saying: Xiao, I came toyou before I knew what lush mountains and pure sea are

  Once upon a time, our stretch of beach and magical island, although it isnaturally beautiful, has always been "raised in the boudoir, people do notknow". It was not until March 20__ that Zhangzhou coastal volcano became one ofthe first batch of National Geoparks in China. It was known for its charm andtenderness that this magical land attracted a lot of attention and curiosity.Zhangzhou coastal volcano natural ecological scenic spot is set off in the bluesky, blue sea, sand beach and green forest. It integrates sightseeing, leisure,marine entertainment and popular science education. It is a comprehensivetourist resort that returns to nature and experiences life. At the same time,the scenic spot is also the largest, best preserved and most characteristiccoastal Volcano National Geopark in China.

  Zhangzhou coastal volcano includes Xiangshan, Linjinyu, Nanding island andthree bathing beaches, namely "one mountain, two islands and three bays". Now weare going to Linjinyu, one of the ten most beautiful islands in China. Linjinyuis a quasi ellipsoidal Island composed of volcanic rocks [basalt]. There is anancient crater formed more than 20 million years ago in the southeast of theisland. There are as many as 16 volcanic vents and several thousand squaremeters of rivet shaped stomatal columns on the Northeast beach, forming a rareancient volcanic island landscape in China. The origin of the name of Lin JinyuIsland stems from such a story: it is said that there was a Changtai man namedLin Zhen in the late Ming Dynasty. His parents died when he was young, and helived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. One year, the plague spread, andKobayashi was unfortunately infected. But his brother and sister-in-law had toput him on this isolated island. Xiaolin Zhen lived on the island's conches,animals and wild fruits. Before long, his plague was miraculously cured, andlater he was admitted to the number one scholar. Because Lin Zhen and Lin Jinpronounced Lin Jin in the pronunciation of Minnan dialect, later generationscalled this island Lin Jinyu in memory of this number one scholar. In takou'anand Changtai County of Zhangzhou, there are also Zhuangyuan square, the remainsof Zhuangyuan well and the imperial edict from the emperor.

  Now we have landed on Linjinyu, please be careful and pay attention tosafety. The volcanic landscape here is divided into three parts: basaltic rockgroup, lava lake phenomenon and giant columnar joints. The lush peaks on theisland, perhaps you can't imagine the volcanic eruption that took place tens ofmillions of years ago. Look at these basalts, carved by the waves, forming avariety of forms. Interested friends can take photos here. Now on the beachwhere we are, we can see 16 craters closely connected. The crater is concave inthe middle to form a ring. They are different in size. Do you think this ringlooks like a VCD floppy disk? You have to admire the uncanny workmanship ofnature. According to geological experts, this circular structure is formed bythe steam explosion caused by the heating of the aquifer under the lava, justlike when we usually boil water, we always leave a small hole on the cover. Someexperts also call this state "lava lake". Well, the peculiar landscape in frontof us is the columnar joints of basalt. It is mainly hexagonal and polygonal,hanging on the cliff of 20 to 50 meters. From a distance, does it look like agirl's vertical hair? On the island of Linjinyu, there are many stones formed byvolcanic eruption. The arrangement of the stones here is not regular, butstrange and different in shape. So, it has the reputation of "mythical world"and "abstract Gallery". Please expand your imagination. Look, is this stone likea horse? Ah, it's like a dolphin. You can all find your favorite animals here.You can find them.

  The rocks here are strange, the sea water here is blue, and the seafoodhere is also very delicious. Because this sea water is polluted by pure matter.Once upon a time, I heard such a joke: Several tourists eat seafood here, andthen begin to compete who eats the freshest fish. A said: the fish I eat is thefreshest! Because my home is close to the vegetable market, the pot is hot, so Ican buy fish in time. The fish are alive when they are in the pot. Of course,they are fresh. B: the fish I eat is the freshest! I invite some friends to gofishing on the beach. At the same time, I go to make a fire on the beach. Assoon as I catch the fish, I immediately cook it. Of course, it's fresh. C said:the fish I eat is the freshest! It's a thousand years ago. I had the honor toeat it once. I went out to sea by boat and cooked in the bow. When the waterboils, I lift the lid. At this time, a fish jumped out of the water, impartial,just fell into the boiling pot. It was only a few seconds after the fish leftthe sea, and then it went into the pot to cook. Of course, it was the freshest.Ding said: the fish you mentioned are not the freshest. Submarine volcaniceruption, the fish has not yet come out of the water, it was cooked, soZhangzhou coastal volcanic fish the freshest!

  These are all jokes. You can enjoy the sea and the sea breeze here. Whenyou are tired and hungry, you can sit down in our cabin and taste our authentickungfu tea and seafood. I hope Zhangzhou coastal Volcano National Geopark canadd some pure happiness to your life.

景点英语导游词 篇12

  About chongqing cities first. Billed as the "mountain city" of chongqing,really liked. The city built around the mountain, so the road is not like oursuzhou made peace, but the ups and downs. There, you are hardly out ofdifficulty, is going downhill. If you want to compare the two houses of the highand low is very difficult, because that the foundations of the house were notthe same level. Chongqing is a city on a three-dimensional, three-dimensional,once I was walking by the road, I saw a roadside hotel, went in to have a rest,drink a cup of coffee, that a stepped in, here is the 11th floor. Mentioned thatthe house, chongqing buildings more than suzhou, people walk in it, such astunnel vision. Chongqing is a famous jiangbei, 26 meters high, that is thetallest building in the city of chongqing, but now surrounded by tall buildings,chicken is made a swoop. Chongqing night scene is beautiful, in the evening wego to the "tree" the view, standing on a mountain, the mountain city lights,hand in photograph reflect with river water. Which chongqing sheraton hotelbuilding special type, like two big bamboo shoots, very funny.

  Chongqing is famous for its food all over the world. Go to chongqing, mymother and I are deeply regrets, suzhou is really no good snacks. Chongqingcuisine stand much more special, variety, and the price is cheap. My mother andI all the way walk all the way to eat. I think is the most inexpensive corncrisp, 5 dollars can buy a big bag. I ate a lot of meat string, taste verysweet. The most memorable or old oil hot pot of chongqing. This hot pot we arein the roadside stalls to eat. The hot pot after nine, so also calledscratchable latex hot pot. Put a lot of chili hot pot, but also good, noimagination of spicy. Hot pot in the old oil is really old, chopsticks dip out,have a few seconds, chopsticks, you married a thick layer of fat. Drop a drop ofoil in the water, also like wax immediately condense into a block. It is saidthat the oil has been eaten N times, is not very health, but it tastes reallygood, we eat very comfortable.

  Because of the time, we only went to the ChaoTianMen in town, the jiangbei,HongYa hole, arhat temple, 18 ladder. Arhat temple is the most fun, there is a500 arhat hall, lohan, of different fun. I also calculate life there, it is saidthat will dry out a career, but fortune-teller warned me, can't fall in lovebefore starting work, ha ha! We only went to the outside "tiankeng" (claims tobe the world's second-largest tiankeng group). There is very far away fromchongqing, three hours' drive, but impressive view, worth a visit.

  Chongqing dialect also has distinguishing feature very much, we can onlycommunicate in mandarin there, chongqing people can understand basic mandarin,but all say not standard, we must be prepared to fight often can understand. Ifyou ask I want to go to chongqing, I'll answer loudly: "be!"

景点英语导游词 篇13

  Dear tourists

  Hello, everyone. On behalf of Anhui travel agency, I welcome you to YixianCounty for sightseeing. I'm Wang Bing, your tour guide of Xidi Hongcun. Pleasecall me Xiao Wang. I hope that Xiao Wang's explanation and service will makeyour trip more enjoyable. Sitting in the driver's seat is our driver, MasterWang, who has been driving for nearly 20 years, so we can rest assured aboutsafety.

  Xidi Hong Village is located in Yi County of Huangshan City. In 20__, itwas listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO. In 20__, it was rated as a 4Atourist area by the National Tourism Administration, and became one of the firstbatch of famous historical and cultural villages in China. In 20__, it was alsorecognized by the central government The TV station rated it as "China'scharming town". When it comes to Yi County, I would like to ask you a question.Surely you all know Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Land? Do you know where theparadise described by Mr. Wu Liu is? Yes, the tourist is right. It's in Yicounty. His descendants imagined that Yi county was the ideal state they pursuedin the Peach Blossom Land described by their ancestors, so they moved here.Therefore, Yi county is also known as "small Taoyuan". Li Bai, a great poet,once wrote a poem praising Gu Yi: "Yi county's small Taoyuan is a place withthousands of miles of haze. The land is full of trees and plants, and peoplerespect ancient clothes."

  Ladies and gentlemen, this morning we will visit Xidi Village, which isknown as the "Museum of ancient Chinese dwellings", and in the afternoon we willvisit Hongcun village, which is known as the "village of Chinese paintings".Xidi village is an ancient village built in the Northern Song Dynasty, where theHu family lived together. It has a history of more than 900 years. Xidi villagehas beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and continuous peaks. All itsstreets have been paved with blue stones in Yixian County. Most of the ancientbuildings are of wood structure. Huizhou three carvings (wood carvings, stonecarvings and brick carvings) are rich and colorful. Due to the less invasion ofwar in history, it has not been affected With the impact of economicdevelopment, the original form of the village is well preserved.

  When it comes to Xidi, I think many friends would like to know why it iscalled Xidi. In fact, there are two versions: one is that the village issurrounded by two streams, and the water flows from east to west. It is calledXidi when the East water flows to the West; the other is that Xidi is located inthe west of Huizhou Prefecture, where there was a delivery shop in the past, soit is called Xidi. Xidi village is shaped like a ship. What are its mast, sail,cabin and sea? Now let's find out.

  Ladies and gentlemen, Hu Wenguang's memorial archway is standing tall atthe entrance of the village to welcome us. Originally, there were 13 memorialarchways arranged in turn, most of which were demolished. Hu Wenguang's memorialarchway was fortunately preserved because of painting and Mao Zedong'squotations. You can see that this archway is made of fine Yixian green, which isthe treasure of stone archways in China. When it comes to Hu Wenguang, he isvery famous. In Jiajing of Ming Dynasty, when he was the magistrate of WanzaiCounty in Jiangxi Province, he benefited the people and was loved by the people.He was promoted to the rank of governor of Jiaozhou with outstandingachievements. He was also the chief historian of Jingwang Mansion in HubeiProvince. He was honored as the "Prime Minister of Jingfan" by the fourofficials of the imperial court. Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty grantedpermission to build this archway to carry forward his achievements and spread itto later generations. Let's have a look again. There are 32 round decorativepatterns carved on the bucket arch under the eaves, which are quite exquisite.It symbolizes Hu Wenguang's 32 years as an official, and also expresses hisgratitude for the great kindness of the emperor.

  Members, let's move on. Now we are standing in front of the gate of Jingaihall. It is the ancestral hall rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. It has always beenthe meeting place of the Hu people. It is a brick and wood structure buildingwith a span of 30 meters. Let's have a look. The two black marble columns with aheight of 6 meters in the lower hall and the two ginkgo wood columns with adiameter of nearly 2 feet in the upper hall face each other and are symmetricalLiang Jia, how magnificent! Do you see the huge "filial piety" character in theback hall? It was written by Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianism of the Southern SongDynasty. Let's take a closer look at the word "Shou". Is it that you can see ahandsome young man bowing on his back and kneeling on the ground to show filialpiety to his elders, while his hindbrain is like a sharp mouthed monkey head,which means that filial piety is human and unfilial is animal It fully embodiesthe Chinese virtue of respecting the elderly.

  Now we are entering tujing hall. This is a residence of Hu Ji hall. As soonas we enter the hall, the first thing we see is a portrait of Hu Ji hall and histhree wives. Let's guess which of the three wives is the eldest, which is thesecond and which is the third. Hehe, most people think that the old and thefrail are the eldest Guess, that's a big mistake. Let's tell you, his eldestwife is very young and died young, so she is still pretty. Therefore, it's moreaccurate to judge according to their order. Then let's take a look at HuJitang's clothes. He wears sapphire plumes and patchwork clothes. At a glance,we can see that he is a top three. How can we see that In ancient times, ruby isthe first grade, red coral is the second grade, and sapphire is the third grade.Civil servants wear the pattern of poultry, and military officers wear thepattern of beast. If you look closely, Hu Jitang's clothes are decorated withthe pattern of poultry, so we say he is a civil servant of three grades. Theunique couplet on both sides of Dujing hall is "it's good to study, to dobusiness, to work well, to start a business is difficult, to keep a business isdifficult, to know whether it's difficult". The couplet compares business withreading, expressing the desire of Huizhou merchants to improve their status.

  Well, tourists, we visited dijitang, zhuimutang, yuanyangtang and otherscenic spots. The Xidi tour is over. After lunch, we will go to Hongcun, whichis also an ancient village in southern Anhui. What's special about Hongcun?Hongcun is also known as niuxing village. What about Niutou, Niuwei, Niujiao andNiudu 》Where is the spot of dragonflies? Let's have a look in the afternoon!

景点英语导游词 篇14

  Xiaogushan is different from Dagushan in Poyang Lake. Standing in theYangtze River 60 kilometers southeast of Susong City, Xiufeng is independent andformed during the Quaternary glacial period. "Block hundreds of rivers inthousands of miles, accept the mountains at the foot.". "Haimen stone pillar","Yangtze River unique", "river scenery" are the world's praise ofXiaogushan.

  The mountain is 86 meters high and only about one mile in circumference. Itwas once called Jishan because it looks like a bun on the head of an ancientwoman. The boat moves in the middle of the river, and the mountain graduallychanges. The villager said: "look at a pen in the south, look like a bell in thewest, look at the chair in the East, look at Xiaotianlong in the north." Lu You,a patriotic poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, praised: "the attitude ischangeable, and the belief in nature is also a beautiful thing."

  The South Bank of Xiaogushan is opposite to penglangji. The river is soturbulent that the tide can't go up here. Because of the name of Haimen pass, itis called "Chu Sai Wu pass" which locks the Yangtze River. The main building ofXiaogushan is Qixiu temple, which was built in the Tang Dynasty. It is locatedon the hillside with green tiles and red walls. The statue of little girl isworshipped in the temple, which is called "Xiaogu Temple" by the people. Mysister-in-law is a pure and beautiful girl in folklore. She fell in love withPeng Lang, but in the end she couldn't get married, so she threw herself intothe river and died. After her death, she turned into a "little lonely mountain"named "Xiaogu mountain". Because Peng Lang was sad for his sister-in-law'sdeath, he turned into Shiji and stood by the river, which is also calledpenglangji. The "dressing Pavilion" on the top of the mountain is said to be myaunt's dressing place. The pavilion is very elegant, with two layers of sixcorners, and you can view the fertile fields of Yunshan mountain from thewindow. The "evergreen tree" behind the pavilion, also known as the "Thoreautree", grows out of the stone, strong and luxuriant. The old man said: "thistree is like the divine tree in the moon. The shuttle used by Vega in the skywas gouged out by this tree. Xiaogu temple has always had a large number ofpilgrims.

  Small isolated mountain, everywhere scenery, no scenery is not strange;Temple pavilions, hierarchical. There are longjiaoshi beside the mountain, steepby the river; there are longerdong in the mountain, warm in winter and cool insummer, unfathomable; there is Longkou on the top of the mountain, which is aspowerful as a roar in the sky. There are also yitianmen, longan stone, QiongYaDiCui, Mituo Pavilion, xianyuelou, banbianta, Haishen niche, Tianfei hall,jiechao temple, biyunti, Woyang stone, Guantao stone, Yushi stele, Temple relicsand Haimen stone carvings chanted by famous scholars. These historic sites add alayer of complicated aura to the mythical small isolated mountain cage.Traveling alone is like walking in fairyland. Xie Jin of the Ming Dynasty wrotea poem praising: "a high platform is built on rocks in the middle of the sky,and passers-by come here. Pei Yu still hears that the fairy is going, and takesLuan to suspect that the girl is coming back. Chengjiang autumn water brightmakeup mirror, the top cloud bin Wan bun pile. Why ask Penglai on the sea whenyou look at the southeast? There is an endless stream of Chinese and foreigntourists coming to Xiaogu mountain.

景点英语导游词 篇15

  Honghuagang District, formerly a county-level Zunyi City, is located in thenorth of Guizhou Province. It has beautiful scenery and is known as a pearl onthe northern Guizhou Plateau.

  Honghuagang tourism is mainly based on the long march cultural memorialsystem of Zunyi Conference site, including the military castle hailongdun in themiddle ages, the tomb of Yang can, the underground art palace in SouthwestChina, the historical sites and natural scenery such as Jindingshan, Xiangshantemple, Taoxi temple and Dabanshui primeval forest. It has rich Humanities andunique tourism resources. The city is surrounded by green hills and green trees.Xiangjiang River and Luojiang river run through the whole city. Zunyi Park,Hebin Park, Fenghuangshan Park and green river water blend naturally.

  Honghuagang is a subtropical monsoon humid climate, mild climate, fourseasons are suitable for tourism.

  Honghuagang District is located in the north of Guizhou Province, withLoushan in the north and Wujiang in the south, between Chongqing and Guiyang,the capital of Guizhou Province. Honghuagang District has eight streets andeight towns: Laocheng street, Wanli road street, Zhonghua Road Street,nanmenguan street, Yan'an Road Street, zhoushuiqiao street, Zhongshan RoadStreet, Beijing Road Street, Changzheng Town, Xiangkou Town, Nanguan Town,Zhongzhuang town and Hailong town , Shenxi Town, Jindingshan Town, Xinputown.

  Honghuagang District has a history of more than 800 years and has been thepolitical, economic and cultural center of Northern Guizhou. During the springand Autumn period and the Warring States period, it belonged to the state ofcovering and attached to Yelang. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, it belonged to WuCounty, and was renamed Bozhou in 639 A.D. In the 29th year of Wanli in the MingDynasty (1601 AD), it was changed into Junmin government of Zunyi. In 1914, thegovernment of the Republic of China restored the name of Zunyi County. The citywas officially established on November 25, 1949. On June 10, 1997, with theapproval of the State Council, Zunyi City at the county level was abolished andHonghuagang District was established.

景点英语导游词 篇16

  Dear friends, the visit to Wai Bai Du bridge is over. Please take photosand get on.

  Please get in the car and watch your step. (while greeting guests, countthe number of people with the international standard point method)

  It's all here. (handheld microphone) can you hear me at the back?

  You are in the new era. It's time for dinner. Now I'll accompany you to theinternational hotel in Ginza, Shanghai. On the way, you'll see different kindsof shops and people's various styles. You can also ask various questions. Inorder to facilitate your visit, I'd like to distribute the map of Nanjing toyou.

  On the map that I sent you, the place marked with O is the internationalhotel for dinner today. It takes about 15 minutes to get there by car, and about3 minutes to get to the peace hotel at the entrance of Ginza (Nanjing Road).Just now, it must be a pleasure for you to walk on the Bund of Shanghai. TheBund of Shanghai is very similar to the park at the foot of the mountain inYokohama. It has beautiful scenery and is known as the symbol of Shanghai.Tomorrow you are going back to China. When you leave, please visit Xunli againand kiss Shanghai again. What do you think?

  I'm not tired of seeing the beautiful scenery, but I don't find itinteresting to repeat Tongsu's explanation. Let's take a look at the style ofthe Bund again in the song. What songs do you sing? Yesterday, I thought thatthe surface of the Wai Bai Du bridge was once a Japanese border. It was also theplace where the movie "Floating Life in Shanghai" came to bring the tapes of thesong "floating life in Shanghai". The name is "welcome to Shanghai".

  (with music recited by the former Qin Dynasty)

  Beautiful Shanghai, because of the presence of VIP guests, you are morecharming. The famous Wai Bai Du bridge, the European tall edifice, the endlessYangtze River, and the the Peace Hotel that are favored by Jue style andpleasant people in Shanghai are all unforgettable.


  Welcome to Shanghai

  At that time, you had been to Shanghai. I remember it was the lastnight,

  I shout to you:

  Welcome to Shanghai.


  "Good singing!" thank you all. "Today's tiredness must have disappeared.When you travel, your memory is the most important. Shanghai, which appears inthe song, must have left a deep impression!

  Dear friends, turn ahead and enter Nanjing Road.

  Nanjing road is the most prosperous street in Shanghai, which is just likeGinza in Tokyo. Nanjing road extends westward between the north and southbuildings of Heping hotel, with a total length of 5 km. The name of Nanjing roadwas set in 1865. Before that, it was called "big road", which was "big andsmall". The word "road" was written like this (showing the words whileexplaining, giving a graphic guide).

  Do you know what "road" means? It means the road a horse goes through. Inthe past, this was the British concession. At first, there was no road. TheBritish liked to ride horses, so they took a road out of it, which was called"the road". In 1848, the earliest Racecourse Park in Shanghai was built on Henanroad. From the park to the Bund, the newest road in Shanghai at that time wasbuilt. Later, due to the high land price, two more horse racing yards were builtin remote places (today's Tibet Road and people's Square). At the same time, newroads appear and continue to extend westward. From the peace hotel to Jing'anTemple, the main road of 5 Weng has been extended.

  Ladies and gentlemen, after listening to this brief explanation, I have aclearer understanding of the origin of Nanjing: Mr. Suzuki, do you have anythingto ask? No matter. If you have any questions, please say them and I will behappy to answer them. Mr. Suzuki said: it's like a holiday here. Why are thereso many people? I want to explain this.

  There are many people in this area. There are three main reasons. First,Nanjing road is a world-famous busy street. People gather here for sightseeingand shopping. Second, Shanghai people also come here for shopping and visitingon holidays. Third, so far, there are almost no underground service facilities,so people have to gather on the ground.

  Mr. Lu Xun said that there was no road on the ground, and when more peoplewalked, it became a road. But after the road is formed, with various servicefacilities, people will naturally gather.

  On both sides of Nanjing Road, there are more than 400 shops, among whichthe most famous shops and restaurants are concentrated between the peace hoteland the first department store. For example, Shanghai's most popular bookstores,food stores, clothing stores and famous restaurants in Guangdong, Sichuan andBeijing are all here. Please look at both sides of the car. Hualian CommercialBuilding and Shanghai clothing store are famous for their fashionablefirst-class clothes, which are favored by young women. Shanghai people payattention to dress. As you can see, the costumes of pedestrians on the streetare different. It's like a fashion show. Come on! Please see! There is a lady incheongsam. The slit on both sides of cheongsam is a traditional Chinese dress.It is very suitable for the charming lady in our group to wear cheongsam. Thiskind of bold and open dress in Japan will certainly attract men's attention.Cheongsam is available in friendship stores and hotel shopping malls.

  Please look at the left front of the car. The place where many peoplegather is the famous Beijing restaurant "yanyunlou". Do you know why there areso many people there? Because there will be a wedding banquet there. If you wantto take photos, please have your camera ready. I ask my master to slow down. Yousee, there are red flowers pinned on the chest. The bridegroom and bride arewaiting for the guests at the door. In China, the legal marriage age is 22 formen and 20 for women. People fall in love freely. There are two kinds ofmarriage: matchmaking and free love. Most of them are free to love andmarry.

  Dear friends, after entering Nanjing Road, we met all kinds of people:there were outsiders eating ice cream while shopping, and there were fashionableladies in cheongsam But have you noticed that the old man in that kind of dress,you see, is the old man standing there wearing a white hat, wearing yellowclothes, holding a small red flag. What does he do? Do you know? I want to havea prize guessing game, please participate.

  Mr. Kobayashi, please talk about it. Oh, you said he did business on thestreet. So, Mr. Murakami, what do you think he does?

  It's a commercial promotion on the street. It seems that you are all wrong.Let's invite a lady to guess the riddle. What do you say, Miss MichikoYamaguchi? "The manager who guides the traffic order." By the way, she guessedright. In order to thank them for their assistance, we gave them first, second,third and third prizes respectively. Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to enterNanjing West Road. On the right side of the car, the tall building is the firstdepartment store in Shanghai. The first department store is one of the largestin China, with more than 30000 kinds of goods. Here, there are about 200000shoppers a day. Since the implementation of the policy of economic reform andopening up, the living standard of the Chinese people has improved. As thesaying goes, "seeing is believing." please have a good look.

  Nanjing road is a place for Chinese people to pursue the latest fashion,rich life and high consumption. In a word, this road reflects all aspects ofShanghai People's economic, cultural and spiritual life. Some people even saythat if you can't get to Nanjing Road, you have never been to Shanghai. Don'tyou think so?

  When we arrive at the international hotel, we appreciate the scenery ofNanjing Road during the day. We must want to know the charming night view ofNanjing Road --- the never night city of Shanghai. Here I don't say that afterdinner, you can take a walk on Nanjing Road and taste it slowly!

  Thank you for your hard work today.

景点英语导游词 篇17

  Shifang is located at xibakou of Chaohu Lake, the entrance of Hubin Avenue.It was built in the midsummer of 1994. It is an antique brand style square withancient cultural landscape. It stands on the lakeside with great momentum,symbolizing the east gate of Chaohu Lake. There are four couplets on both sidesof the stone square, writte

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