



  冬天英语作文 篇1 Winter came! Winter came! Winter quietly into our lives, winter grandpa hidden in every corner of nature.

  Early winter scenery with the spring, summer, autumn scenery can be different Oh. Into the winter, our clothes gradually increased, but not the spring and autumn vibrant sportswear, but not the summer fresh and beautiful skirt, replaced by a thick coat. Into the winter, the trees become bare, and disappeared in the spring of the green buds, but not the summer cool shade, but not the autumn leaves of the golden leaves, replaced by the dry leaves and trees on the leaves of various styles of birds nest.

  Winter is not all bare branches, it also has beautiful scenery, on the hillside, those who are not afraid of the cold, with tenacious vitality of the wild, weeds, still green to grow. Field, tender green and green wheat seedling grow, after a rain, wheat seedlings appear more vitality, more dynamic!

  Winter scenery and other seasons of the scenery is very different, winter is the most personalized season. Winter in the wind, biting cold wind can be really cold ah! Winter in the clouds, winter grandfather step on the foot, will be drifting goose snow, I love the winter!

  冬天英语作文 篇2 I will never forget my experience at Harbin in this winter,It blows and snows almost every day here.And there is the beautiful light of ice and sculpture of snow both sides of the road.Because it is very cold in this city,so I begin to know the reason why we call it the "city of ice" .But I can't believe that the people who live here like to swim outside in winter.Although they say that it's good for health,I don't think that I will have a try forever.

  冬天英语作文 篇3 Four seasons is like a song, life is like a poem. Through the flowers of spring, the bright sunshine of the summer, the poetic and fruit of autumn, the winter is finally ushered in. City rapid cooling, winter cold breath, through the biting cold.

  Time is flowing quietly, the change of the season, as the winter as the sparse landscape, slow dance. This season seems like no flowers, just casually, with idle light several pens, the winter clean sketch into a splash ink painting, with a touch of poetry, a little chilly, some of the vicissitudes of life, but endless charm, yuyuehuanxiu.

  Standing in the wind of winter, feeling the solemnity of winter. The distance, branches and leaves are sparse, grass on the ground has withered, only some fine sunshine, mottled cast around, as if in the lonely heart with a little rich nightlife, banging on our mind naturally or half unconsciously.

  When winter comes, will everything be lazy? You see, the noisy river bed sleeps in the cold and stops running. You see, the river does not know when it has congealed, and no longer can see the beautiful reflection of the past. You see, the withered leaves fluttered gently, the birds stood quietly in the branches, counting the years in the winter scenery.

  Huakaihuaxie, a few degrees in winter. Looking at the continuous clouds, I hold the shards of the time, in this piece of winter, such as the sparse landscape, listen to the heart of the clouds, collect wet feelings. Between the waving, the wandering mind was placed.

  The years of dust and smoke, I do not know when, has quietly packed into the winter scenery of the sleeves, light sleep shallow sleep. I started looking for, frozen. In the depths of snow melting memory, spring scenery gradually clear, and winter songs, painting together......

  冬天英语作文 篇4 I was born in Guangdong, the southernmost province in mainland China where in winter the temperature seldom falls be low 5C. For the past 19 years, I had never seen snow. I couldn't remember from when I had been dreaming of seeing a real snow, and experiencing a bleak winter.


  冬天英语作文 篇5 寒冷的冬季,冷酷而又漫长。对于讨厌冬天的人来说,过冬简直就是度日如年。这时,如果从晴朗的蓝天上微微射下一缕完美无瑕的光线,就会为朔风凛冽的寒冬增添几分姿色。






  Cold winter, cold and long. For people who hate the winter, winter is just one. At this time, if the blue sky was shot down a perfect light, it will add a way for the cold winter.

  "Little master, jingle bell, get up!" One morning of winter vacation, is nostalgia in the warm bed sleep soundly > I, is a burst of rapid alarm from the dream into reality. "Oh, yes, it doesn't make me sleep well in the winter vacation." I'm complaining. I casually opened the curtains, presented in front of the street is covered with snow. He seems to have entered the Snow gleams white., wonderful fairy tale world. At this time, the sky is still floating in large snowflakes?? I can't help, stretching a stretch, dress up.

  After breakfast, I tidy up a good book bag to learn English. Out of the gate, the cold wind suddenly hit my face like a knife. I can not help a shudder. Out of the door, not a few steps, probably because of the snow, the ground is too slippery. My feet suddenly paralyzed, straight and smooth, the body then leaned back, just listen to "throwing" a sound, I take the form of wrestling fell to the ground, the bag of books scattered on the ground. The strenuous pain in the body and the sprained feet were not enough to support the body. I sat on the ground moaning and groaning, and I was at a loss.

  Just now, a aunt dressed in a fur coat came to her. She didn't care for 37 or twenty-one, and instantly pulled me up from the floor. She asked me with concern: "why is it so careless, does it hurt?" She slowly helped me to wipe the snow on the down jacket. "Thank you, aunt. I can't walk on my feet." Though my feet were sprained, I felt very lucky, and I could not help but warm up.

  The good aunt sent me to her home, and her mother kept thanking her. I swear at the bottom of my heart: I must learn from my aunt and be a happy person.

  In fact, the winter is not cold, beca

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