
        established in xxx, ***x co., ltd., with the registered capital of *** million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. *** is the juridical person of this company.   ms. ***, born on xx/xx/***x, has been working for ***x co., ltd as the director of technology department since january xx.   her income of the past three years is listed as followed:        ***x有限公司成立于xxx年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设计及注塑加工。***x有限公司法人代表为***,注册资金为人民币***x万元。   ***女士,出生于***x年xx月xx日,于xx年1月起至今在本公司任职,担任技术部主管工作。       其近三年的年薪收入(税后)情况如下 (单位:rmb元)   year  年度   annual pay  年工资   yearly bonus  年奖金   other  其他津贴   total annual income  年总收入   其个人所得税由公司统一代扣代缴。 特此说明!  remark: ms. *** ‘s individual income tax, cut off from her income, is paid by our company.     联系人 (contract person):   east mold zhuhai co., ltd. ******xx有限公司   dept. of human resources 人力资源部   ms. *** xx   联系电话 (tel): 
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