


名人新年寄语 篇1

  people are so worried about what they eat between christmas and the new year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the new year and christmas. ——author unknown

名人新年寄语 篇2

  new year’s day: now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ——mark twain

  it wouldn’t be new year’s if i didn’t have regrets. ——william thomas

  but can one still make resolutions when one is over forty? i live according to twenty-year-old habits. ——andre gide

名人新年寄语 篇3

  glory to god in highest heaven,

  who unto man his son hath given;

  while angels sing with tender mirth,

  a glad new year to all the earth.

  ——martin luther

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