


安全员自我评价 篇1


安全员自我评价 篇2



安全员自我评价 篇3


  2.在所长的正确领导下,认真对辖区的设备和人员进行职能监督,在计划、布置、检查、总结、考核生产工作中,杜绝习惯性违章行为,坚决狠杀无票工作,坚决惩治保护器退出运行行为,使自己能掌握分管的设备运行情况以及威胁安全生产的重大隐患与薄弱环节。 3.在农电设备组的亲自指导和工作布置下,及时了解安全生产情况。月月能深入村检查安全生产、每月分四次对设备进行夜巡和特巡,对设备的缺陷进行分类,落实督促设备组进行完善。使设备能健康稳定运行。能及时完成上级领导交给的工作任务。




安全员自我评价 篇4





安全员自我评价 篇5






安全员自我评价 篇6



安全员自我评价 篇7

  I am motivated, hard-working and practical. After the University of learning has been engaged in the construction and security staff of the ability, a solid professional knowledge. Graduated a year of work experience, engaged in the construction management of the project are: Meishan Silverpeng International Hotel Project, Chengdu Museum of the new museum project, Daci commercial cultural complex project, Chengdu Yintai Center Steel Building, Northeast Sichuan natural gas with high Sulfur plant. Now I can work in engineering construction, project management, safety management and so on. Self from the West China Normal University project cost management undergraduate has all passed, two construction division examination has been adopted. Phoenix Nirvana, want fire clusters, I firmly believe that hard work will have a reasonable return. I hope that I can find a satisfactory destination, together with the cause of the bright future, to a better tomorrow!

安全员自我评价 篇8

  20xx coming to an end, in this year I gain a lot. As a young employee, I am very grateful to the company to provide me with a learning and growth platform. Looking back on this year, I made the following summary of their own.

  1, in the ideological understanding: I think as a group of employees, should do love the collective, unity colleagues, respect for leadership, work with the overall situation, do not engage in specialization, not individual-centric, do not do harm to the collective Do not maliciously slander the enterprise, to be an upright person, to be full of enthusiasm, positive and progressive dedication to the enterprise. I as a young employee, there are still many shortcomings, should be modest and studious, and more to the leadership, the elders to ask, learn from his rich work experience and extensive comprehensive knowledge, continuous progress, and strive to make up for their shortcomings .

  2, in terms of work: I abide by labor laws, on time to complete the leadership to my work, the work of meticulous, the better. I am active, difficult to move forward, do not shirk responsibility, do not know to ask, unity colleagues, with the leadership, to create the conditions to complete the task, so that the leadership satisfaction, make yourself pleased. In the first half of the year, we made a "three-four-set" on the production plant. I made a detailed inspection from the process, installation, materials and quality. I checked the drawings strictly to find out whether there was any inconsistency. At the same time combined with their work experience to see if there are leakage design, the construction of the amount of hidden dangers, whether easy to operate.

  3, in learning: the first half of this year, I studied the process, device operating procedures, and basic knowledge of oil refining. In the second half of this year, due to company needs, to Chemical Co., Ltd. to learn the operation of the device. In the training, in strict accordance with the rules and regulations, the implementation of leadership led the command to learn the normal operation, product quality control and regulation, open parking, accident handling, equipment maintenance and routine maintenance, DCS operation and on-site manual operation, theoretical knowledge. In the study, I actively ask the master, do not know to ask, learn from the master's work experience, sum up the strengths of each master, observe the unique mode of operation master.

  As a refinery workers, safety is always the most important, safe production is the responsibility of the individual, but also responsible for the factory. I strengthen personal safety education and training, improve personal safety awareness, while actively learning safety knowledge, strive to achieve "three no harm" to safeguard the company's property.

  As employees, I understand that the company to develop, the staff will work hard. Only by the joint efforts of all employees in order to win profits in order to survive, and only every employee to create economic benefits, employees can get the salary they deserve, the company can run down. Do not work hard today, try to find a job tomorrow. This is the simplest reason, so I make every effort to strive for learning more and better technology in the future to create greater benefits to the company, my future will be even better.

  In the new year, I will continue to constantly improve themselves, thinking, "Qi Xian Qi, see not Yin and self-examination", continue to advanced, excellent colleagues to learn. Technically, more learning, more thought, more observation, learning the strengths of others, to make up for their weaknesses. Strict demands on their work, excellence, seek truth from facts, not complacent, not frivolous, so a better than once.

  I firmly believe that I will do better!

安全员自我评价 篇9

  作为一名团员,我积极参加团的活动,正确行使团章规定的权利,模范履行团员义务。因此,我志愿申请哈尔滨商业大学“优秀团员”称号。 我的原则是:尽我所能努力做好每一件事。 漫漫人生路,我想如果我能勇于尝试新的东西,不断挑战极限,并尽我所能努力做好。这样的话,即使到了人生的终点,我也能坦然地告诉别人:我能,我行,我是一个真正的成功者。因此,在进入大学初,我就为自己设立了四年的短期目标,以达到激励自己不断前进的目标。同时还送给自己四个字:切忌懒惰。争取能够在大学四年提高自身素质,培养自身综合学习的能力。在思想政治方面,上学期,我向学院党总支递交了入党申请书,表明了我想入党的决心。在实践过程中,我积极履行在申请书中给自己提出的要求,认真学习“三个代表”重要思想和党的路线、方针、政策问题。不断提高自身的思想觉悟,为更好的为同学服务作好准备。在工作方面,为了更好的锻炼自己,同时,也是寻找一次为同学服务的机会。在开学初,我就报名参加了学院秘书处的工作,并很快成为负责人之一。一个学期的活动,我结识了许多朋友,也学会了一种技能——沟通。与他人合作,最重要的就是要不断的沟通。所以在班集体中,我就经常了解大家对老师和对我的意见,并试着在谈话中找出解决之道。 积极参加班级及学院团日的活动,我还积极参与了我班推出的“拒绝推销,我有主张”和“文明就餐问卷调查”两项活动。在向广大同学宣传的同时,能够和其他同学一起工作、学习,我感觉到自己在不断成长起来。

安全员自我评价 篇10

  My company safety management wages always implement the "safety first, prevention first" approach, adhere to the "pipe production must control security" and "who is in charge who is responsible" safe production responsibility system, improve the scientific management and staff consciousness civilization construction, the establishment of effective safety production security system. Up to now, the company's construction projects of any level of security is not an accident.

  Our company established at the beginning of the establishment of production safety management organization, responsible for the company's safety production management authority. Improve the safety management system and project manager for each job security responsibilities, draw a network diagram of production safety, the development of a series of security measures to safeguard production, the operating procedures and technical requirements, standardize the behavior of employees, so that there is safety chapterto follow and to be implemented in production management to ensure the effective operation of safety management. And developed a "production safety emergency rescue plan," so that every employee has mastered the knowledge and basic rescue skills to implement mausoleum safety work thoroughly guaranteed.

  Company leaders have targeted identified safety production responsibility system, layers of implementation. Production safety leadership team often go to work on-site inspection, the timely reporting of production safety situation and the measures taken by the leadership of the company to eliminate potential security risks. Under the direct leadership of general manager, seriously implement the higher level of production safety guidelines, policies, regulations, systems, etc., to promote the safe production of this project.

  Companies to give top priority to production safety work, the various functional departments and project manager of the unit also strengthened its focus on production safety work. The company often organize various functional departments and personnel to the project manager responsible for the safety assessment of safety inspection records, and in-depth on-site inspection, the inspection results as a performance evaluation based on one record. In order to facilitate the company employees to learn safety laws and regulations, increase production safety propaganda, set up a full-time security staff in the project manager. Provisions of the project manager of production safety publicity and education work serious and responsible, induction of new staff in conjunction with the relevant departments to conduct pre-job safety education, a good job to help deal with this project special operations personnel training. Do special trades workers 100% of the certificates.

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