


贵州旅游英文版导游词 篇1

  Maybe some tourists are still savoring the magic of Maling River Canyon andthe thrill of rafting. Today we will take you to visit Wanfeng forest, anotherscenic spot of Maling River. As the saying goes: "predestined fate to meetthousands of miles", today let's go to meet Wanfenglin!

  It is located in the southern suburb of Xingyi City, Guizhou Province. Itis a typical karst peak forest landform. The peak forest is more than 600 metershigh, with unique peaks standing. Wanfenglin was once rated as one of the "fivemost beautiful peak forests in China" by {Chinese geography} magazine. Xu Xiake,a geographer and traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once visited Wanfenglin andpraised the peak forests connecting Guangxi and Yunnan: "it's magnificent forthousands of miles in Southwest China", "there are so many famous mountains inthe world, only here can form a peak forest; the steep peaks are separated fromeach other, and there are different kinds of senlieba bamboo pomelo." Inaddition to the picturesque peaks and beautiful Tianba, there are also theundercurrent of the Ming River, natural lakes and karst caves, which complementeach other. There are also Buyi ancient music - "eight notes singing" and "eightbowls" and other unique Buyi culture. The whole scenic spot is full of poeticand picturesque, like a fairyland on earth. Speaking of this magical andbeautiful Wanfeng forest, a beautiful story has been widely spread among thepeople since ancient times. According to legend, a long time ago, Wanfenglin wasa vast sea. In order to survive and multiply here, the Jade Emperor ordered thesea god to retreat from the sea, and ordered the four land gods to come down toearth for management. However, many years later, it is still desolate. Afterknowing this, the Jade Emperor discussed with the queen mother of the West anddecided to send her three children down to earth to govern. The third sister andbrother were very happy, so they decided to go down to earth that night andfinish the task as soon as possible: on the first watch, they found a way toopen the way, on the second watch, they met with water to build a bridge, on thethird watch, they gathered together in the mountains, on the fourth watch, theyrushed to fill the sea, and on the fifth watch, they called for the goldenharvest. However, when they had gathered in the mountains to prepare forreclamation, they were obstructed by Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Dragon King,which delayed their reclamation time. Not long ago, it was five o'clock, whenthe rooster crowed, the magic of the three brothers and sisters all failed. Thereclamation task could not be completed any more, and even they could not returnto heaven. From then on, the mountains that the three brothers and sisters cameto gather here and became Wanfeng forest. The third sister and brother could notreturn to heaven, so they settled down and led the craftsmen and technicians toteach all kinds of skills to the common people here, so as to make this placemore and more prosperous. Later, the third sister and brother were recalled toTianting. The elder sister became fairy peak when she ascended, the secondsister became xiunv peak when she ascended, and the third brother became generalpeak when she ascended.

  Well, the legend is over, and we have reached our destination. Please takethe audio items and get off to visit. Wanfeng forest is divided into two parts:the East peak forest and the West peak forest. Now we come to the West peakforest. From a distance, we can see that the West peak forest is a broad plateaukarst landscape. A beautiful mountain in the basin is integrated with greenfields, curved rivers, simple villages and lush forests, forming the bestecological environment in nature and a rare peak forest pastoral scenery in theworld . It's like a picture of "there are valleys in the peaks and peaks in thevalleys; there are fields in the peaks and peaks in the fields; there arevillages under the peaks and peaks in the villages." It's a beautiful landscapepainting. Some people call the land image here "eight trigrams field". Do youlook like it!

  What do you feel when you look at the scenery from a distance? Let's have alook at the villages in the peak forest. This is the Buyi village group. We livein the Buyi villagers. Now we come to the Buyi first village, which is known as"the first view of Wanfeng". Let me show you the cultural characteristics of theBuyi first village. Then we have "eight big bowls of Buyi" (pig feet stewed withgolden beans and rice, braised pork stewed with tofu, stewed pig skin, crispypork noodles, spareribs stewed with radish, plain pumpkin, stewed pork, stewedpork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewedpork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stew We can listen to the ancientmusic of Buyi, which is called "Ba Yin sit sing" and drink "Bento wine" (Buyirice wine).

  Well, after eating the rural rice with national characteristics, we willcontinue to visit. When you go to Wanfeng forest, you have to look at Tiankeng,also known as cave funnel. There are more than 30 large and small funnels inXifeng forest alone. Let's go to see the shape of these karst terrain now.Tourists, on the opposite side is our east peak forest. As the East peak forestis not fully open, I can only show you its magical beauty. The eastern andWestern peak forests have different scenery, which are called nature's waterpainting and natural bonsai. Dongfeng forest is characterized by towering karstpeak clusters, with dense peaks, overlapping peaks, and deep karst funneldepressions scattered all over the place, making people mysterious.

  Well, members, today our tour of Wanfenglin is coming to an end. I believeyou have a deep understanding of Wanfenglin's evaluation of "Shan Xiong pullingbamboo shoots, steep peaks standing apart, uneven forest columns". I am veryhonored to spend this wonderful time with you, and welcome you to come again.Thank you!

贵州旅游英文版导游词 篇2

  Dear tourists

  Good morning, everyone! Welcome to join the Guizhou tourism team ofChongqing air travel. I'm Mu Ke, your tour guide. I wish you a happyjourney!

  It is believed that many people's understanding of Guizhou begins with thesaying "the sky is not clear for three days, the earth is not level for threemiles, and people are not silver"; I don't think the 38 million people of allethnic groups in Guizhou will agree with it, because its description isdiametrically opposite to the actual situation of Guizhou. "It rains at night,it's sunny, the roads are peaceful everywhere, and people are full of silverevery festival" is the real Guizhou. Occupying all the advantages of time, placeand people is actually "the treasure of China".

  According to the two character "Guizhou", it is "Zhong, Yi, Bei, Zhou",that is, "a treasure state of China", which reveals the peculiarity and value ofGuizhou. What kind of treasure is Guizhou? It is the perfect combination ofheaven, earth and human. It is a pure land of nature and human culture.Guizhou's "sky" is clean, humid and pleasant; Guizhou's "Earth" is composed ofvaried karst wonders; Guizhou's "people" live in a variety of culturalenvironments and create splendid cultures and civilizations. Guizhou is locatedbetween 24 ″ 37 ′ N and 29 ″ 13 ′ n, which belongs to subtropical monsoon humidclimate with abundant precipitation, small temperature change, warm in winterand cool in summer.

  Today, the earth's climate is getting worse and worse. In many parts of theworld, people are suffering from heat, drought, flood and sandstorm; Naturaldisasters are eroding people's homes on a large scale. However, in this preciousland of Guizhou, the weather is still four seasons like spring, three sunny daysand two rainy days, with fresh air and pleasant climate. It is like a rare largeair conditioner.

  The unique natural climate and environment have created a wide variety ofgreen vegetation in Guizhou, which is the magic picture of "mountainZhangjiajie, Jiuzhaigou everywhere". From this, Guizhou has won the reputationof "Park province" and "air conditioning province". This is where Guizhou'scharming charm lies. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen oncepredicted: "in five hundred years, Yunnan and Guizhou will compete in Jiangnan."What does Yunnan and Guizhou win over Jiangnan? Liu Bowen said: "thousands ofrivers in Jiangnan are the most important mountains in Yunnan and Guizhou." Theconcentrated expression of Guizhou scenery is the vast mountains. Guizhou is aplateau mountainous area, with mountains and hills accounting for 95.2% of theterritory's land area. It is known as "eight mountains, one water and onefield". Those who have been to Yunnan may have heard of its "Eighteen monsters";there are also eight monsters in Guizhou this time

  The first one: stone as tile

  Guizhou's stones are very special, with clear layers. They can peel offpieces of stone a few centimeters thick. Using these pieces of stone instead oftraditional sintered tiles, although the area is not too uniform and neat, itsaves the cost of firing, and is stronger and more durable than tiles. Whynot?

  Second strange: the old lady goes up the mountain faster than the car

  There are many mountains in Guizhou, so the road is also difficult. Thewinding mountain highway has been circling around the mountain. Even if thefastest car can go up the mountain along the winding mountain highway, it has togo up one by one. Naturally, the distance is dozens of times of people's walkingpath. Therefore, when the car goes up, even the slow old lady will arriveearly!

  Third: half of the houses are built on the mountain

  Anshun Dragon Palace scenic area has many houses built close to themountain. By borrowing the mountain as the back wall and skillfully borrowingthe terrain, it also saves the stone of one wall. According to the commonpeople, this kind of house has the advantage of being warm in winter and cool insummer!

  Fourth strange: shanbaoer is independent

  Guizhou's mountains, especially in southwest and South Guizhou, areisolated and abrupt. Only the foot of the mountain is connected with each other.Far from Yunnan's mountains, they are connected by the same ridge, rolling andgreen peaks. Maybe that's where shanbaoer stands alone?

  Fifth: growing vegetables on the roof

  This is not a common phenomenon, but a special way, that is, when theresidents with good conditions are building houses, they often use cement toreinforce the roof, and then leave a parapet, spread good soil in the parapet,and grow some common vegetables, but they also end up with a feeling that theycan not ask for people without asking for them!

  Sixth strange: chili as a home dish

  Guizhou is located in the plateau and mountainous area. At the same time,the rainy weather makes up a complete humid climate. Eating chili often candrive away the cold and strengthen the body? Sometimes I don't understand. Onthe edge of the desert in the northwest, the residents in the setting sun alsohave chili after eating. So what are they doing? Maybe under the bad foodconditions, in order to have a meal? Guizhou residents, especially Miao and Dongpeople, like spicy food, but also acid . As the local saying goes, "if you don'teat sour food for three days, you'll walk around (meaning unstable)". Thus, twofamous dishes were derived: one is fish in sour soup. During the production, thetomato and ginger are put into the rice soup, stored in the earthen jar forfermentation, and then a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese pricklyash, green onion and Chinese toon are added to cook with the fish. The soup isfresh, tender, hot and sour, and the appetite is wide. The second is tiger skinpepper, that is, green pepper is roasted on the fire, torn into strips, mixedwith soy sauce and other seasonings, and served on the plate.

  The seventh: three mice in a sack

  The rats here, of course, refer to the giant rats. Each mouse weighsseveral kilos and can be packed into a sack.

  However, this monster should be the same as the three mice and a sack inYunnan.

  The eighth: take it with you in the toilet

  It refers to the fact that there were few toilets in the past, and the longskirts of Miao people made it convenient to use the toilet everywhere. InGuizhou, more than 40 ethnic minorities, such as Miao, Dong and Buyi, live inharmony and have colorful ethnic customs. Women especially like to dress up withsilver ornaments. It is said that a Miao woman's silver ornaments weigh 16 kg.However, when working in the field, they don't wear accessories, and they oftenwear skirts (also known as hundred fold skirts) on their lower body. When youneed to "release", you can squat down at any time, and the skirt opens around,just like a natural toilet.

  Also heard another guide said: the uglier the better sell (GuizhouGastrodia elata) bark as medicine to sell (Guizhou Eucommia ulmoides) wine notfloating at home abroad (Guizhou Maotai)

贵州旅游英文版导游词 篇3

  Hello everyone! Welcome to Guizhou tourism, which has the reputation of"cultural state, ecological state, singing and dancing state, and wine state".I'm the tour guide of this tourism activity. My name is _ _ and you can call me_ guide.

  Now our location is Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou Province. Guiyang isknown as "the city of forest". As we all know, there is heaven above and Suzhouand Hangzhou below. As a matter of fact, the capital of shunshu is in Guiyang.From the image orientation of Guiyang, we can feel its "green" and "ecological"breath.

  Wang Yangming, a great ancient philosopher, praised that the mountains inthe world are emerald in the clouds and precious; they stretch for thousands ofmiles, and the sky is boundless. Today, let's go to the mountain of Guizhou:Fanjing Mountain.

  Fanjing Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangkou, Yinjiang andSongtao counties in the east of Guizhou Province, China. The highest peak isFenghuang mountain, with an altitude of 2752 meters. Fanjing Mountain is notonly the first mountain in Guizhou, but also the main peak of Wuling mountainsin central and Western China. It is also one of the 14 world nature reservesthat have joined the United Nations "man and biosphere", known as the"ecological kingdom".

  The whole mountain area is large, east-west width is about 21 kilometers,the north and South are about 27 kilometers, and the total area is 567 squarekilometers. The sub peak "Hongyun Jinding" is the essence part of the Fan Jingmountain. It is also part of the middle part of the Fan Jing Mountain ScenicArea. Its total area is about 150 square kilometers. It travels on the East-Westtwo line, and today we are on the east line. Songtao in the South has not beendeveloped yet, and these three counties are under the jurisdiction of Tongrenarea.

  Fanjing Mountain, the whole territory of the magnificent mountains,overlapping peaks; steep slopes, deep valleys, towering peaks; streams,waterfalls hanging; ancient geological formation of the special geologicalstructure, shaping its diverse, magnificent mountain landscape. According totextual research in ancient books, Fanjing Mountain was called "three valleys","Chenshan" and "siqiongshan" before Tang Dynasty, and "Fanjing Mountain" afterMing Dynasty. Fanjing Mountain, the name of the mountain, has a strong Buddhistcolor. It comes from the "pure land of Brahma". According to historical records,the original name of Fanjing Mountain was "three valleys", but later it became"Fanjing Mountain". Maybe I have to ask the Buddhist monks of that year."Fanjing" is the "Buddhist pure world".

  The fame and development of Fanjing Mountain originated from Buddhism. Thehuge temples of the four great Huang'an and 48jiao'an in Fanjing Mountain areahave established the Buddhist status of Fanjing Mountain as a famous "ancientBuddha Taoist center". It is the only Maitreya Bodhisattva Taoist center amongthe five famous Buddhist mountains in China. Buddhist culture has put a solemnand magical color on the vast Fanjing Mountain. The ancients said: "the world'smost famous mountain monks." Nature has created the fantastic scenery of FanjingMountain, while Buddhists are famous for the beautiful scenery of FanjingMountain.

  My friends, you have come all the way here to see the beauty of FanjingMountain with your own eyes. Don't you want to feel the happiness of life? Yes,Fanjing Mountain is extremely beautiful. It can be said that it is a greatpleasure for people to visit it and see it with their own eyes. A long time ago,in the long geological history, the infinite power of nature It has created thebeautiful style and various strange landscapes of Fanjing Mountain, which isfascinating and intoxicating.

  Now the city people are used to the red and white life, but occasionallythey will feel boring to this kind of life. At this time, come to FanjingMountain, such a paradise, will let you breathe clear air, bring you spiritualenjoyment. Take this opportunity to have a real close contact with nature.

  The first beauty of Fanjing Mountain lies in its unique peaks, which arecalled unique, unique and verve. The four famous Chinese works "journey to thewest" are said to be a journey to the West. It is said that when the Tang monksand disciples passed by, because of the height of the mountain, the horse's feetwere stirred, that is, several stacks of scriptures fell from the horse's back,forming a group of peaks on Fanjing Mountain, which is also known as "tenthousand volumes of books".

  The unique stone "mushroom stone" in the world is shaped like a stack ofscriptures. It is said that this day's craftsman was made by the great sageMonkey King himself, who made a havoc in the heavenly palace. No matter thewind, thunder, sun and rain, it still stands on the top of the mountain afterthousands of years. The corresponding "red cloud and golden top" of MountFanjing rises from Mount Fanjing, Protruding 100 meters above the ground, it canbe called "a pillar of blue sky". On the top of it, there are two temples,namely Maitreya hall and Sakyamuni hall. It is said that Buddha came to theworld through this roof. So our friends who come to Fanjing Mountain, as long aswe climb the top of Hongyun Buddha and worship the Buddha, we can share thepeace of the world.

  Next, I'd like to introduce the "magical scenery" of Fanjing Mountain.Talking about the "magic" of Fanjing Mountain, there are ten points to sum up:strange mountain, strange stone, strange tree, strange flower, strange animal,strange wind, strange cloud, strange water, strange temple, strange light! Itcan also be said that there are ten unique, which can be described by fourpoems: strange stone, strange tree, wind and cloud, strange animal, rare bird,Buddha light and snow; there is another unique high road, which is closed to thesky when entering the cloud.

  Fanjing Mountain is a famous Buddhist mountain with high mountains, steeproads and abundant rainfall. There are thousands of animals and plants growingin the mountain.

  That Fanjing Mountain stone, the world's unique mushroom stone, 10000volumes of books can be called "the world's unique.".

  Among the rare trees in Fanjing Mountain are Lagerstroemia indica, known asthe "king of Asia", Taxus chinensis, endangered plants Davidia involucrata,Rhododendron Baili, etc.

  Some of the strange animals in Fanjing Mountain are known as "the onlychild in the world - Guizhou Golden Monkey", whose population distribution isamong the top in China, and the second-class national protected animal - bigcarp (also known as "giant salamander") and so on.

  Fanjing Mountain is high and windy, but the trees have never been broken bythe wind. Is it strange? It's sunny and sunny. When you are walking in thewoods, suddenly there are dark clouds on the other side of the mountain,covering the whole peak. Often when you climb to Jinding, you are preparing tolook forward to the mountains, but when you get to the top of the mountain, apiece of white clouds surround the whole peak, just like you are in a fairyland,with a kind of heaven and earth The feeling of flying.

  Strange water: the spring water from Fanjing Mountain is natural mineralwater, which can be drunk everywhere, cool and sweet.

  Strange Temples: there are two temples on Fanjing Mountain, one is theHuguo temple, the other is the Zhenguo temple, and there are many ancienttemples and pagodas that have never been found in the forest.

  There is Buddha light in Fanjing Mountain. If you are sincere, you can seeBuddha light when the weather is good.

  In addition to the above, what attracts you more is the ten thousand stepladder. In addition to enjoying the scenery and seeking peace, the people whocome to Fanjing Mountain also have a challenge to their physical fitness. Allthe people who can walk up to Fanjing Mountain are heroes. I believe you willnot let me down.

  In addition, the waterfall, sunrise and sunset of Fanjing Mountain are alsovery spectacular and beautiful.

  Fanjing Mountain is a high mountain with steep slopes. Streams rush out ofhigh mountains and valleys and fall down from the cliffs of the valley to formwaterfalls. The vivid portrayal of Fanjing Mountain is that it rains all nightin the mountains and there are waterfalls everywhere. There are many waterfallsin Fanjingshan, the most spectacular of which are "Renzi waterfall", "Yuao" andFanjingshan waterfall group.

  Fanjing Mountain has four distinct seasons: green peaks and brilliantflowers in spring; azaleas and fragrant flowers in a hundred miles; cool insummer, waterfalls everywhere, and a mineral spring bath at any time; crisp inautumn, red leaves are like rosy clouds; in cold winter, it is covered withsilver, ice and jade. Fanjing Mountain is really a wonderful place for tourism,summer vacation, flowers and snow. Now let me go into this mysterious forestwith you.

  Love nature, so live, love life, so love yourself. I hope you can have arelaxed and comfortable spiritual enjoyment in the journey, and all yourtroubles can disappear. It will be a new journey of life to welcome all ofus.

贵州旅游英文版导游词 篇4

  Hello, everyone

  I'm Dai __ from __ travel agency. Call me "Dai Dao". In the past few days,I will take you to visit the scenic resort Huangguoshu waterfall. During thetour, please recognize the sign of the guide flag to avoid following the wrongteam. If you have any problems or requirements, please try to put forward them.I will try my best to solve them. Finally, I wish you all have a good time, eatwell and live comfortably.

  Huangguoshu waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and one of the mostfamous waterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall wasapproved by the State Council of the people's Republic of China as a nationalkey scenic spot. Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall? It is saidthat farmers near the waterfall used to grow Huangguoshu for a long time. Thereis a large yellow orchard beside the waterfall, so this waterfall is calledHuangguoshu waterfall. Huangguoshu national key scenic spot is located in thesouthwest of Guizhou Province. It is one of the first batch of national keyscenic spots and the first batch of AAAA grade tourist areas assessed by thestate. It is 128 kilometers away from Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou Province,and 45 kilometers away from Anshun, the central tourist City in the West. Thereare Yunnan Guizhou railway, Zhuzhou Liupanshui double track railway, Huangguoshuairport, 320 National Highway and Guiyang Huangguoshu high-grade highway runningthrough the whole area The newly built Qingzhen Huangguoshu Expressway goesdirectly to the scenic spot! "

  You see, Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the mostfamous waterfall in China. Huangguoshu waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101.0meters wide, surrounded by 18 waterfalls of different sizes and styles, forminga huge waterfall "family". It is rated as the largest waterfall group in theworld by Guinness headquarters, and listed in Guinness records. Huangguoshuwaterfall is the most spectacular waterfall in Huangguoshu waterfall group. Itis the only waterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down, front,back, left and right. It is also a waterfall that has water curtain cave and canbe heard, viewed and touched from inside and outside.

  Handsome guys, beautiful girls, "water curtain cave" has arrived, pleasetake your valuables with you. The water curtain cave is 134 meters long andconsists of six windows, three Gudong springs and six passages. You should befamiliar with this. The scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese fairy tales was shot here. I hope youwill hold up your camera, take a picture of Huangguoshu waterfall, keep it inyour memory and publicize it to more people, because Huangguoshu waterfall isthe pride of China!

  Dai Dao, I want to say goodbye to you. As the saying goes, "it's hard tosee each other, but it's also hard to leave each other" and "it's different tosend you a thousand miles away.". I'll be your guide next time. Finally, I wishyou a safe journey! Happy family! Good health!

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