


南阳武侯祠英语导游词 篇1

  Good morning, everyone! Now, I will take you to visit Wuhou Ci, which islocated in WoLonggang, the western suburb of Nanyang city. The temple of marquisWu in Nanyang, also known as Zhuge cottage, is the former site of Zhuge Liang, afamous statesman and militarist in the Three Kingdoms period, who "worked hardin Nanyang". The place where uncle Liu visited three times in those days wasalso the place where people in the past dynasties paid homage to and sacrificedZhuge Liang.

  Zhuge Liang (181-234), with the name of Kongming, was born in Yangdu,Langya County, Shandong Province (now the south of Yishui County, ShandongProvince) in the late Han Dynasty. He lost his father when he was young, andthen went to Mu Liubiao in Jingzhou with his uncle zhugexuan. After Zhuge Xuan'sdeath, Zhuge Liang and his younger brother Zhuge all worked in Jielu,WoLonggang, Nanyang, and lived a life of cloth clothes that "lived in troubledtimes and did not seek fame and fame from Princes". However, he made friendswith famous people all over the world. He was full of wisdom and goodintentions. He lived in seclusion and pursued ambition. Mr. pound, a famousscholar at that time, compared him to a "Wolong" waiting for time to take off.In 207, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei paid homage to Zhuge Liang in Maolu.Since then, Zhuge Liang, 27, left WoLonggang, where he had been working for tenyears, and joined Liu Bei's political group. Later, he became the Prime Ministerof Shu Han and became the Marquis of Wuxiang. After his death, he became loyalto the marquis. Therefore, Zhuge Liang's ancestral temple is called "MarquisTemple".

  According to the records of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, WuhouTemple was built in the late Wei and Jin Dynasties. Through the continuousrepair and construction of generations, it has formed its present scale. Today,we see Wuhou Temple, covering an area of more than 200 mu, with more than 150halls, more than 70 procuratorial couplets and more than 300 inscriptions. It isthe largest ancient architectural complex in memory of Zhuge Liang in China.Today's Wuhou Temple maintains the layout style of the yuan and Ming Dynasties,and its wooden buildings are mostly rebuilt or added in the Ming and QingDynasties. The ancestral temple is built in accordance with the hillock, withBaihe River in the South and Zishan mountain in the north. The courtyard issurrounded by bamboo trees, pines and cypresses, clear water and pleasantscenery. The beautiful natural scenery and popular cultural landscape complementeach other, making people forget to return.

  Well, members of the group, now we have come to the population of WuhouTemple. Look at this "Eternal Dragon" stone square, which is 9 meters high and13.5 meters wide. It has three doors and four columns and is full of carvings."Eternal Dragon" means that Zhuge Liang is the dragon among the people,metaphorically WoLonggang is the land of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger. Youcan see that the second Daofang is called "Sangu Fang". It was set up during thereign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. On both sides, it is engravedwith "Sangu Chu, Emperor zhaolie of the Han Dynasty" and "true God Man". It isto commemorate Liu Bei's three talents. It is because of Liu Bei's sincereconsideration that Zhuge Liang left WoLonggang, where he had lived in seclusionfor ten years, to assist Liu Bei. He devoted his whole life to the army anddied. Only when he died, could Liu Bei divide the world into three parts andachieve the imperial career. Therefore, Zhuge Liang's achievements areunparalleled. Liu Bei's respect for knowledge and talents is real, not justverbal. This advantage is really worth learning from some of our leaders today!The three words "true God and man" come from Su Shi's eulogy of Zhuge Liang:"man, God, immortal, I don't know, true Wolong." Take a look at wolongtan in thenorth of Shifang. There are three ancient catalpa trees on those sides. It issaid that they were the trees that Liu, Mei and Zhang Sangu used to tie horsesin those days. Now there is another one. Guess who's horse was tied to the treesmore than 1700 years ago?

  Through sangufang and Xianren bridge, this road leads to the mountain gate.The mountain gate is the main gate of Wuhou Temple, which is simple anddignified. The three characters "Wuhou Temple" engraved on the stone plaque onthe forehead of the central gate are inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. After themountain gate, the first courtyard to enter Wuhou Temple is spacious, withancient cypresses covering the sun and green bricks covering the ground, whichis simple and natural. The stone square of "three generations of talents" on thecorridor in the courtyard corresponds to the hall of worship. This is to praiseZhuge Liang's talent and moral character, which can be compared with Yiyin, LVShang, Fu Shuo and so on. Let's turn around and look at the four big charactersof "master of military strategy". Military strategy originally refers to theancient Chinese military books and military tactics, and later used to refer tomilitary tactics. Here is also a praise for Zhuge Liang's military strategy.

  Members, this is the hall of worship, which is the main building of WuhouTemple. At the main entrance of the Dabai hall, there is a plaque in the runningscript of Liao Wenjin, the magistrate of Nanyang in the third year of Daoguangreign of the Qing Dynasty (1823). Inside the hall, there is a statue of Kongmingduan sitting on the front. He has a silk napkin and a feather fan, and hisdemeanor is solemn. It is the typical costume of the hermit Confucians in thelate Eastern Han Dynasty. On the left is his eldest son Zhuge Zhan, and on theright is his eldest grandson Zhuge Shang. The pillars under the eaves of thehall are covered with couplets and plaques of celebrities and poets of pastdynasties, which are full of the world's respect and admiration for ZhugeLiang.

  Look at this pair: "Lv Panxi yixinye King Zuo Qi's talent has been followedby Wan Langya's winner, Chang Jing Lun Bu Huan, and Qi Bao's uncle Zheng Zipi'sholy gate's promise is also in line with Xu Yuan's direct view of the virtuousand able people's efforts.". This couplet eulogizes LV Shang, Yi Yin, Guan Zhongand Zhuge Liang, who can help the emperor to turn the tide and run the country.It also eulogizes Bo Le, who recommends talented people like Bao Shuya, ZhengZipi and Xu Yuanzhi. It has profound implications and enlightens people.

  Look at this pair: "standing between Xinye and Weibin, I read that I was amaster of two dynasties. I was surprised by Sima. Jielu was singing Liang'sfather in the white water of Zifeng. The wind and cloud rose from Wolong forthousands of years." Here, product refers to grade and grade.

  Xinye Weibin refers to Yiyin and lvshang when they lived in seclusion. Thetwo dynasties refer to Liu Bei and Liu Chan. Jing Sima refers to the use ofwooden statues after Zhuge Liang's death, which made Sima Yi dejected. In thesecond couplet, Zifeng Baishui refers to Zishan and Baihe in the suburbs ofNanyang. Qu Yin, Liang Fu, or Yinyong, tells the story of Qi Xiangman Yingkilling three scholars with two peaches. It is said that it was written by ZhugeLiang. This couplet fully praises Zhuge Liang's lofty integrity and greatachievements. When he lived in seclusion, he was indifferent to his ambition,quiet and farsighted, which could be compared with the noble behavior of Yiyinand lvshang. He built the thatched cottage at the foot of Zishan mountain andthe Bank of Baihe River. He compared himself with Guan Zhong and Leyi, andpeople like Jiang Ziya and Zhang Zifang, who had been prosperous for 800 yearsin Zhou Dynasty and 400 years in WangHan Dynasty I know that "thatched cottagepair" talks about the world's situation and strategic decision-making, whichshows his political foresight and great talent; how strong and fierce his mindis, moving tears! With the spirit of dedicating himself to death, he helped thetwo emperors to establish the great cause of Shuhan.

  Just imagine that it was Liu, Guan and Zhang who came here to look afterthe cottage that led to Zhuge Liang's official career and the magnificent andcolorful history of the war of the Three Kingdoms. Despite thousands of years ofvicissitudes and vicissitudes, Zhuge's great name is still in the universe, andthe stories of the three kingdoms are popular all over the world. Zhuge Liang'spolitical, military and governing strategies are the precious spiritual wealthof the Chinese nation. Zhuge Liang's immortal reputation is always worthy ofpeople's memory. At this moment, standing in the temple of marquis Wu andremembering the great cause of Kong Ming's life, why don't we go back to ancienttimes and think about the time when Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion inwolonggangtou, Nanyang, studied hard history books, looked around the world, setgreat ambitions and cared about the people's livelihood, and spent his youthhere. In the last years of the Shu Han Dynasty, however, there was a Dou whocould not support him. In addition, his national strength was poor. AlthoughZhuge Liang was determined to unite the Central Plains, he went out of the QiMountain six times, but he could not sing alone. What's more, he lamented thathe died of illness after a long hard work. Later generations think about it, allof them feel regret. Just as Du Fu said in his poem, "if you look at the worldfrequently, you will benefit the old ministers in the two dynasties.". Beforeyou succeed, you will die first. "The heart is in the court. No matter what theleader is, why should you argue about Xiangyang and Nanyang?"

  This is a famous couplet written by Gu Jiaheng in Qing Dynasty. The firstcouplet says that Zhuge Liang is dedicated to the country, regardless of whetherthe monarch is the wise Liu Bei or the fatuous a Bandou. The second couplet saysthat Zhuge Liang is famous forever and praises the world. Why should wedistinguish between Xiangyang and Nanyang? This is a historical "case". It turnsout that Zhuge Liang recalled that he said before he left the thatched cottage:"Chen Ben Bu Yi, devoted himself to farming in Nanyang", but there was another"Longzhong Dui", which was in Xiangyang, Hubei Province.

  As a result, both Nanyang people and Xiangyang people said that Zhuge Lianglived in seclusion in his hometown. Scholars quoted classics one after anotherand refused to give in to each other. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there wasa lawsuit. Gu Jiaheng, a native of Hubei Province, was also the magistrate ofNanyang, Henan Province at that time. In order not to offend the people of hishometown, but also not to stab the official land, he had to come to "he xianni"and wrote down this pair of eclectic couplets riding on the wall, askingeveryone not to divide Nanyang and Xiangyang, thus alleviating a long-standingdispute. Therefore, this pair of couplets became famous for people's recitation.In 1959, Hu Yao, then Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee ofthe Communist Youth League, came to Nanyang to inspect his work. He appreciatedthe couplet and changed it into a couplet: "the heart lies in the people. Nomatter what the big or small things are, why should we fight for more or less?"The new content given to the revolution by the old form of the ancient namecouplet fully embodies the broad mind and noble sentiment of Comrade Hu Yao, therevolutionist of the older generation.

  It seems that up to now, Gu Jiaheng's couplet still gives us usefulenlightenment. In addition, there are many famous couplets in Wuhou Temple, mostof which praise Zhuge Liang's talent and virtue. If these couplets are puttogether and analyzed vertically and horizontally, it can be said to be an epicof the Three Kingdoms. Such as this pair: set three points, burn Bowang, go outof Qishan, immortal; Qi zhouyu, Ping Sima, capture Menghuo, spread from ancientto modern. There is also a wonderful couplet: collect two rivers, set up eightformations, seven capture and six out. Wuzhang originally set up 49 brightlights, only for the sake of kindness; take western Shu, attack Southernbarbarians, and refuse to the East and the north. The Chinese Army's account issealed with gold, wood and earth, and the water surface can be attacked by fire.The first couplet skillfully uses one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,eight, nine, and ten numbers. The second couplet flexibly uses 10 characters,including East, West, north, South, middle, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, andthe whole couplet contains 54 characters. It succinctly expounds Zhuge Liang'slife of fighting, which helped Liu Bei and his son to fight in the army after heleft the thatched cottage.

  Please come here with me to visit the calligraphy of Yue Fei. This iscomposed of 2l stone tablets. They are exquisitely carved and very spectacular.Chushibiao is Zhuge Liang's memorial to Liu Chan in the fifth year of Jianxing(227 years). It describes his loyalty thought of "devoting all his efforts" torevive the Han Dynasty. It has become an eternal masterpiece with strong appeal.In 1138, Yue Fei, a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty who foughtagainst Jin Dynasty, passed by Nanyang on his way to fight against Jin Dynasty.After watching chushibiao, he was moved to tears by Zhuge Liang's spirit ofworking hard and dying. He could not sleep at night. He was filled with emotion.Later, at the request of Taoist, he wrote more than 1300 words of chushibiao inone go Recite and write to express your mind. Its characters are iron andsilver, and the Dragon flies and the Phoenix dances. It is natural and graceful,unrestrained and incisive, which shows the superb art of calligraphy. Today,when we visit Wuhou Temple and watch chushibiao, we can not only see Kong Ming'smind and ambition, but also appreciate Yue Fei's calligraphy. It's a greatblessing in this life.

  Now we go up the steps around the main hall and enter a quiet and beautifulcourtyard. The courtyard is surrounded by ancient trees, flowers and cypresses.This octagonal building is the world-famous Zhuge cottage. The thatched cottageis of brick and wood structure, covered with thatch and connected withcloisters, which is simple and crude. A stone tablet in 1478, the 14th year ofChenghua of Ming Dynasty, was erected in lunei. On the front of the stele, sevencharacters were engraved with "the old Lu of Zhuge and Kongming of Han Dynasty".A plaque written by Mr. Guo Moruo and the Democratic Party yuan Laoyu was hungin lunei and on the forehead. The eight corners of the thatched cottage are setup and eight wind chimes are hung, with a unique style. Whenever the wind blowsgently, the wind chimes jingle, as if telling a story that has been passed downthrough the ages. We can have a close view of the surrounding scenery when wetake a rest in the Lu. The ancients once said that there are eight scenes in oneLu. Eight of the ten scenes in WoLonggang can be seen here: Gubai Pavilion,yeyundi, banyuetai, Gonggeng Pavilion, Xiaohong bridge, Baoxi stone, Laolongcave, etc., which are built around the Lu, forming the trend of many starsarching the moon. Although these scenic spots are located in the same courtyard,there is no sense of congestion and embarrassment. The steles and corridors areconnected with each other. They are opposite to each other, forming a beautifuland quiet garden scenery. When you move, you can guide the scenery, showing thesuperb gardening art of the ancients.

  At the right back of the thatched cottage, it is a brick and stonestructure with a table structure. The plane is square and the height is aboutseveral feet. It can spiral up along the stairway. There is a brick wall patternplatform on it. You can watch the sky from a distance by relying on the railing.Zhuge Liang, who knew astronomy and geography, was good at making use of naturalphenomena such as wind, rain and fog to serve the war. Folk stories such asgrass boat borrowing arrows and offering sacrifices to the east wind were wellknown to women and children. There is a poem in the Qing Dynasty praising it:"the moon in the Han Dynasty is hollowed out to show the blue sky. With a highview, you can see the cold smoke. You can see the water in the forest and waitfor the full moon." The front of the platform is a semi-circular brick gate withthree characters of "banyuetai" written by Gu Jiaheng embedded on it and a halfmoon pattern on the side. On both sides, it is engraved with the couplet "sincethe universe, how many cloth clothes can make the mountains and rivers colorful?What's wrong with the humble room?" which evolved from Liu Yuxi's "this is thehumble room, only my Dexin" and "zhugelu in Nanyang, Ziyun Pavilion in Xishu,Confucius said: what is the humble room.".

  Dear tourists, now we come to Ningyuan building, also known as Qingfengbuilding. Sitting at the end of the central axis, it is the highest building ofthe whole temple. It is said that it is the former site of Zhuge Liang's studywhen he lived in seclusion in Nanyang. The name of the building comes from"quiet Zhiyuan". The plaque of "eternal cloud" originated from Du Fu's poem "Odeto historic sites": "the great name of Zhuge falls down to the universe, theportraits of Zong Chen are lofty, the three separate regimes are fiber planning,and the eternal cloud has a feather." On the doorpost hung a famous coupletwritten by Zhao fan, the salt tea envoy of Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, at WuhouTemple in Chengdu: "if you can attack the heart, the opposite will disappear.Since ancient times, you know that soldiers are not belligerent. If you don'tjudge the situation, you will be lenient and strict. You have to think deeplyabout how to govern Sichuan."

  When Zhuge Liang was in the southern expedition, Ma Shi once suggested that"attack the heart first, attack the city first, fight the heart first, and fightthe Army second". Zhuge Liang adopted this suggestion, and captured and releasedMeng Huo seven times, which had a soothing effect. Leniency and strictness arethe focus of Zhuge Liang's Dafa Zhengshu. After Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei toestablish his political power in Shu, he carried out severe rule of law andcarried out various reforms in accordance with the situation of "Liu Zhang wasweak in the dark, and the punishment was not severe" and "the local people ofShu were in a state of dictatorship". At that time, the prefect of Sichuanthought Zhuge Liang's "criminal law was severe" and suggested Zhuge Liang's"punishment should be relaxed" according to Liu Bang's lenient punishment whenhe entered Sichuan. Zhuge Liang analyzed the history and wrote the book of replyto the law according to the situation. He pointed out that according to theactual situation, we can't copy the lenient punishment of the people of Sichuan,and advocated that the rule of law should be strictly implemented according tothe situation of Yizhou at that time. Lianwen spoke highly of Zhuge Liang andemphasized the importance of judging the situation. This couplet isthought-provoking and full of profound and vivid dialectic thoughts of unity ofopposites, such as positive and negative, leniency and strictness, harmony andwar, cultural administration and martial arts. Therefore, Mao Zedong highlypraised this couplet and praised it as a thought-provoking "administrativechapter" and "public security policy".

  Now, let's take a look at Sangu temple. The couplet of "two watches rewardthree looks, a pair of feet for thousands of years" is hung on the gate post ofSangu temple. In the temple, the cypress stands upright, the grass is as greenas fungus, the courtyard is vast and deep, and the surrounding walls are coveredwith inscriptions, which is known as "stele wall". In the hall, there are goldstatues of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Guan Yu has red face and Phoenix eyes. He hasbeautiful beard and chest. He is calm and relaxed. He is majestic. Zhang Fei'sface is dark. He has leopard head and eyes. He has swallow jaw and tiger beard.He is impatient. When it comes to Zhang Fei, he is not a politician. He is notas far sighted as Liu Bei. He does not see the value of Zhuge Liang. When helooked at the hut, he didn't see Kong Ming. He said, "since I didn't see him, Iwill go back." He didn't complain. His performance was fair and reasonable. WhenLiu Bei was ready for the second visit, Zhang Fei said, "measure a villager. Whyshould my elder brother go by himself? He can be called here." Liu Bei'scriticism

南阳武侯祠英语导游词 篇2

  Now we are going to pay homage to Zhang Heng, an outstanding scientist andfamous writer in the Han Dynasty.

  Zhang Heng was born and buried in Nanyang. Zhang Heng's tomb is located inShiqiao Town, 25 kilometers north of Nanyang city. It is 8 meters high and 79meters long. It is surrounded by brick passageways and octagonal walls. It issurrounded by green pines and cypresses. It is planted all over the garden,covered by green grass, and the cemetery is solemn and quiet. The front of theflower wall is the gate of January. There are two tombstones in front of thegate. One is erected in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty, and the other iserected in the Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty. There is a stone inscriptionwritten by Guo Moruo in front of the tomb: "such a person with all-rounddevelopment is also rare in world history. It is admirable to worship him forthousands of years."

  Zhang Heng, the word Pingzi, Nanyang County West e (today's Shiqiao Town)people. He was born in the third year of emperor Zhang's reign (78) and died inthe fourth year of emperor Yonghe (139). Zhang Heng is intelligent, quick andeager to learn, erudite and versatile. He has set up a towering monument in thehistory of science and culture in the world, and is known as "the world'scultural celebrity and China's science leader."

  Luoyang was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, Luoyangwas the political, economic and cultural center of the country. Scholarsgathered, schools were like a forest, academic atmosphere was strong, andculture and education were unprecedentedly prosperous. In order to broaden hishorizons, Zhang Heng visited Luoyang in March of Yangchun in the sixth year ofemperor Yongyuan (1994). This time he lived in Luoyang for six years. Duringthis period, he spent his main energy on traveling to Taixue, visiting famousteachers, seeking friends, learning modestly and studying assiduously.

  He was proficient in Five Classics (Yi, Shu, Shi, Li, Chunqiu) and Six Arts(Li, Yue, she, Yu, Shu, Shu). With the help of his good friend Cui yuan, hebegan to study astronomy, mathematics and calendar in natural science. He wrotea lot of beautiful Fu, which initially showed his extraordinary talent andattracted the attention of the society. He has a high attainments in literatureand science, which laid the ideological and theoretical foundation for him tobecome a great scientist.

  In the late autumn of A.D. 100, Bao de was transferred to NanyangPrefecture. Recommended by Cui yuan, 23-year-old Zhang Heng left Luoyang, thecapital, and went with Bao De to Nanyang Prefecture as the governor.

  In the fifth year of Emperor Han an's Yongchu period (111), Bao de andothers played on the Ming emperor in Beijing, which made emperor an know thatZhang Heng was knowledgeable, so he took the bus to Nanyang to enlist Zhang Hengto become a doctor of Shangshutai in Luoyang. Three years later, he was promotedto be shangshilang, and the next year he was changed to Taishiling.

  Taishiling was in charge of astronomy, calendar, meteorology andsacrificial ceremonies. This created a very favorable condition for Zhang Heng'sin-depth study and practice of astronomical calendar. In 133, Zhang Heng waspromoted to serve as a senior advisor to the emperor. In the first year ofYonghe (136), Emperor Shun of Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng was expelled from Luoyang,the capital, and became the Prime Minister of Hejian. Zhang Heng came to Luoyangfor the second time and lived for 26 years. In these 26 years, although hisofficial position changed several times, he served as the supreme historian forthe longest time. He did a lot of scientific research when he was appointed asthe imperial historian. Lingtai is the largest Astronomical Observatory in Chinaduring the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was used for 250 years. Zhang Heng notonly wrote some important scientific works such as Lingxian, earthquakecountermeasures, and notes on the armillary sphere, but also designed andcreated some ingenious instruments such as the armillary sphere and the Houfengseismograph, making outstanding contributions to mankind.

  In Lingxian, Zhang Heng explained in detail the natural phenomena of thechange of lunar phenomena and the occurrence of lunar eclipse. After scientificanalysis, many scientific opinions are put forward. He recorded the stars in thesky when he was observing in Lingtai. There are 2500 brighter stars, 124 regularstars and 320 named stars. This is roughly the same as the statistics of modernastronomy that 2500-3000 stars can be seen with the naked eye at the same timeand place. The number of stars observed in Luoyang at that time is basically thesame as that observed in modern times. Therefore, he also drew the Lingxian map,which is the earliest star map in China.

南阳武侯祠英语导游词 篇3

  Good morning, friends! Now, I will take you to visit Wuhou Ci, which islocated in WoLonggang, the western suburb of Nanyang city. The temple of marquisWu in Nanyang, also known as Zhuge cottage, is the former site of Zhuge Liang, afamous statesman and militarist in the Three Kingdoms period, who "worked hardin Nanyang". The place where uncle Liu visited three times in those days wasalso the place where people in the past dynasties paid homage to and sacrificedZhuge Liang.

  Zhuge Liang (181-234), whose name is Kongming, was born in Yangdu, LangyaCounty, Shandong Province (now the south of Yishui County, Shandong Province) atthe end of Han Dynasty. He lost his father when he was young, and then went toMu Liubiao in Jingzhou with his uncle zhugexuan. After Zhuge Xuan's death, ZhugeLiang and his younger brother Zhuge all worked in Jielu, WoLonggang, Nanyang,and lived a life of cloth clothes that "lived in troubled times and did not seekfame and fame from Princes". However, he made friends with famous people allover the world. He was full of wisdom and good intentions. He lived in seclusionand pursued ambition. Mr. pound, a famous scholar at that time, compared him toa "Wolong" waiting for time to take off. In 207, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Feipaid homage to Zhuge Liang in Maolu. Since then, Zhuge Liang, 27, leftWoLonggang, where he had been working for ten years, and joined Liu Bei'spolitical group. Later, he became the Prime Minister of Shu Han and became theMarquis of Wuxiang. After his death, he became loyal to the marquis. Therefore,Zhuge Liang's ancestral temple is called "Marquis Temple".

  According to the records of longgangzhi written by Kangxi of Qing Dynasty,Wuhou Temple was built in the late Wei and Jin Dynasties. It has beencontinuously repaired and added to form its present scale. Today, the WuhouTemple, which we see, covers an area of more than 200 mu, has more than 150halls, more than 70 procuratorial couplets and more than 300 inscriptions. It isthe largest ancient architectural complex in memory of Zhuge Liang in China.Today's Wuhou Temple maintains the layout style of the yuan and Ming Dynasties,and its wooden buildings are mostly rebuilt or added in the Ming and QingDynasties. The ancestral temple is built in accordance with the hillock, withBaihe River in the South and Zishan mountain in the north. The courtyard issurrounded by bamboo trees, pines and cypresses, clear water and pleasantscenery. The beautiful natural scenery and popular cultural landscape complementeach other, making people forget to return.

  Well, members of the group, now we have come to the population of WuhouTemple. Look at this "Eternal Dragon" stone square, which is 9 meters high and13.5 meters wide. It has three doors and four columns and is full of carvings."Eternal Dragon" means that Zhuge Liang is the dragon among the people,metaphorically WoLonggang is the land of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger. Youcan see that the second Daofang is called "Sangu Fang". It was set up during thereign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. On both sides, it is engravedwith "Sangu Chu, Emperor zhaolie of the Han Dynasty" and "true God Man". It isto commemorate Liu Bei's three talents. It is because of Liu Bei's sincereconsideration that Zhuge Liang left WoLonggang, where he had lived in seclusionfor ten years, to assist Liu Bei. He devoted his whole life to the army anddied. Only when he died, could Liu Bei divide the world into three parts andachieve the imperial career. Therefore, Zhuge Liang's achievements areunparalleled. Liu Bei's respect for knowledge and talents is real, not justverbal. This advantage is really worth learning from some of our leaders today!The three words "true God and man" come from Su Shi's Wu Hou Miao Ji, whichpraises Zhuge Liang's saying: "human, God, immortal, I don't know, true Wolong."Take a look at wolongtan in the north of Shifang. There are three ancientcatalpa trees on those sides. It is said that they were the trees that Liu, Meiand Zhang Sangu used to tie horses in those days. Now there is another one.Guess who's horse was tied to the trees more than 1700 years ago?

  Through sangufang and Xianren bridge, this road leads to the mountain gate.The mountain gate is the main gate of Wuhou Temple, which is simple anddignified. The three characters "Wuhou Temple" engraved on the stone plaque onthe forehead of the central gate are inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. After themountain gate, the first courtyard to enter Wuhou Temple is spacious, withancient cypresses covering the sun and green bricks covering the ground, whichis simple and natural. The stone square of "three generations of talents" on thecorridor in the courtyard corresponds to the hall of worship. This is to praiseZhuge Liang's talent and moral character, which can be compared with Yiyin, LVShang, Fu Shuo and so on. Let's turn around and look at the four big words"master of military strategy". Military strategy originally refers to theancient Chinese military books "six Taos" and "three strategies". Latergenerations used it to refer to military strategy. Here is also a praise forZhuge Liang's military strategy.

南阳武侯祠英语导游词 篇4

  China has a recorded history of some 3,600 years, beginning with the ShangDynasty(16th——12th century BC)。The first stage is the primitive society。 Thehistory was much associated with the supposed pre-Xia Dynasty(21th-16th centuyBC)。 The second major periob lasted from about 2,000 to 200 BC。 The historydated the beginning of the slave society from the Xia Dynasty, which constitutedthe first Chinese state。 The third stage extended all the way from 221BC, whenQin Shihuang united China, to the Opium War of 1840。 Historical docments namethe third period as the Feusal Imperial Rule。 The feudal society in China passedthrough a period of disunity beginning at the Three Kingdom Period, and endingin shoet-lived Sui Dynasty(581——618), Western Jin(265——316)via EasternJin(317——439) and the Southern and Northern Dynasties(386——589)。

  The following story occurred in the three Kingdom Period。 At the rnd of theEastern Han Dynasty(25——220) a gtrat peasant revolt happened。 Many localofficials developed into warlords to assisty the Han Emperor in suppressing therebellion。 During this period the watlotds took the opportunity to build uyptheir own political and military strengty and made themselves into autonomousregional warlords。 Finally the warlords carved the Han Empire into threekingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu。 The populous episodic novel,The Romance of theThree Kingdoms traces the rise and fall of the three kingdoms and vividlydepicts the turbulent social conditions at that time。 The rulers of the threeindependent kingdoms struggled for supremacy。 Cao Cao and his son establishedthe kingdom of Wei at Loyang。 He was in actual control of only the North Chinahomeland。 Two rivals soon proclaimed emperors themselves elsewhere。 The kingdomof Wu with its capital in Nanjing occupied dChangjiang Valley, The kingdom ofShu was created with its capital in Chengdu。 Ti was in the control of Sichuanand parts ojf the highland of south China。

  Wuhou Temple is much associated with the kingdom of Shu。 It is the place tocommemorate Zhu Geliang, Prime Minister of the kingdom。 Wuhou was a top officialtitle conferred upon Zhu Geliang after his death。 It is unfortunate that nohistorical documents have recorded the time of its establishment。 However, DuFu, a top Tang Dynasty poet wrote a poem of kwhich two lines say as below:"Wherewould I find the Prime Minister's shrine?Somewhere outside Jinguan, in a densecypress glade。"

  This poem helps us infer that Zhu Geliang Temple was already in ezistencein the Tang Dynadty。 During the Tang and Song Dynasties Zhu Geliang and EmperorLiu Bei had their independent temples in Chengdu, At the beginning of the MingDynasty the two temples merged into one。 Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty themerged tempke was destroyed during war chaos。 The present buildings date fromthe Qing Dynasty in 1672。 The main entrance gate hangs a horizontal inscribedboard。 It says, "Han Zhaolie Temple"。Han refers to the kingdom of Shui; zhaoliewas Liu Bei's posthumous title。 The board indicates that the whole temple wasbuilt in honor of Liu Bei。 But why do all the people call it Zhu Geliang Tempkeinstead of Han Zhaolie Temple? It is due to Zhu Geliang's invaluable historicalcontribution, and his political and military strategies to the development ofthe kingdom。 In the view of the local peopoe his prestige far gan to call it ZhuGrliang Temple regardless of the emperor's dignity and the temple's originalname。 Gtadually more and more people accepted the new name of the temple throughcommon practice。

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