


2023张家界英语介绍导游词 篇1

  Zhangjiajie is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of HunanProvince of the people's Republic of China, formerly known as Dayong. It islocated in the northwest of Hunan Province, in the middle and upper reaches ofthe Lishui River, and belongs to the hinterland of Wuling mountains. Chinesemainland is one of the most important tourist city in China.

  Friends: I believe you are not unfamiliar with Tianmen Mountain. The worldaerobatics Grand Prix held in November 1999 completed the feat of human flyingthrough natural karst caves for the first time, and the name of Tianmen Mountainsuddenly entered the world's vision. How many people hope to have a glimpse ofTianmen Mountain. Today, you finally get what you want!

  Tianmen Mountain is about 8 kilometers away from the south of ZhangjiajieCity. The top of the mountain is 1.93 kilometers wide from north to South and1.96 kilometers long from east to west. It covers an area of 2.2 squarekilometers and has an altitude of 1518.6. It is different from Wulingyuan'ssandstone peak forest landscape by its well-developed karst landform. It is aplatform shaped isolated mountain surrounded by cliffs.

  Tianmen Mountain was called Songliang mountain in the Han Dynasty. In theThree Kingdoms period, a door was opened on the wall of the mountain. Sun Xiu,king of Wu, regarded it as an auspicious omen and renamed it Tianmen Mountain.Tianmen Mountain is a masterpiece of nature. In the long geological history, ithas experienced marine sedimentation rising to continental sedimentation,forming a high mountain, and suffered hundreds of millions of years of wind andrain erosion, especially the Triassic Yanshan movement. At the end of theCretaceous, the large-scale Himalayan orogeny further uplifted the TianmenMountain, which was cut into isolated mountains by two fault canyons, resultingin a great height difference between the high mountains and the valley, with aheight difference of more than 1300 meters within a few kilometers, thuscreating the majestic momentum of the isolated peaks of the TianmenMountain.

  Tianmen Mountain is a mysterious carrier of historical culture and Buddhismculture, and a perfect combination of natural landscape and human landscape.

  In order to speed up the process of tourism development in Zhangjiajie,Tianmen Mountain is in the process of large-scale development and construction.Some scenic spots have not been officially opened; the world's longest ropewayand Tianmenshan temple are under construction.

  (Tianmen cave) on the 1264 meter high cliff of Tianmen Mountain, there is anatural gate cave from north to south. It is 131.5 meters from the bottom to thetop, 37 meters wide and 30 meters deep. On the top edge of the north side of thecave, there is an inverted dragon head bamboo with roots like dragon head andleaves like phoenix tail, so it is also called Phoenix Tail Bamboo. On the eastside is a trench more than 200 meters high, with spring water flowing from aboveand falling plum blossom rain. It is said that anyone who can open his mouth toreceive 48 drops of plum blossom rain can become an immortal. At the entrance ofTianmen cave, you can often see rock swallows flying and mountain Eaglescircling. With the change of weather, Tianmen cave sometimes breathes clouds,sometimes it is clear like a mirror, which forms a cyclic and ever-changingmeteorological landscape.

  So, how did Tianmen cave form? Geologist Mr. Qin gongjiong thought that itwas the result of "funnel" dissolution. He thinks that the terrain on the eastside of Tianmen cave inclines slightly to the west, while the terrain on thewest side inclines slightly to the East, and the core of syncline is facingTianmen cave road. The East and west walls are cut by two joints with a strikeof about 320 degrees, and a joint with a strike of 40 degrees intersects withthem at Tianmen cave. Two karst funnels at the top of the cave also play animportant role in the karst process. After the rain falls, the surface waterflows along the slope to the funnel, and part of the water flowing into the soilflows down the interlayer cracks of the stratum towards the core of thesyncline. The long-term continuous dissolution process makes the local collapse,and finally makes the two groups of caves merge into one, forming the Tianmencave.

  However, some people disagree with this: the Tianmen cave was formedaccording to this principle. Why is the base of the cave a huge platform? Canthese rocks "collapse" out of the cave? Therefore, the formation of Tianmen caveis still an unsolved mystery.

  (Tianmenshan Temple) Tianmenshan temple was first built in the TangDynasty. It was called Yunbo temple, Lingquan courtyard and Songliang hall inancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, due to improper site selection, it wasrepeatedly destroyed by wind and often suffered from water shortage, soTianmenshan temple was moved from the eastern peak. It used to be a place withtowering ancient trees and thick shade. The lintel of the ancient temple isengraved with the four characters "Tianmen Xianshan". The couplet on both sidesof the gate is: "there is no night in the sky, and there is no mountain on themountain. It is said that Li Zicheng wrote a book by Ye Fu. The entrance is theGreat Buddha Hall, behind which is the Guanyin hall, with six bungalows on bothsides. The last one is the ancestral hall, which is of great scale. Folk can besummarized as "three into the hall, six ear room, brick wall, iron pot, such asKuang". The original architecture of the temple is very particular, withcornices and angles, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, and statues ofBuddhas and Bodhisattvas. There is also a big drum, a big bell, a seven levelstone tower and a Dahua money stove. According to the inscriptions, Tianmenshantemple was repaired seven times during the 163 years from the Qianlong period ofthe Qing Dynasty to the fifth year of the Republic of China. At that time, therewas an endless stream of believers from more than ten counties along the borderof Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou. Now Tianmenshan Tourism Co., Ltd. isrepairing Tianmenshan temple on a large scale, and the former prosperity willreappear.

  (longtouyan) it's called longtouyan. In the past, there were stone tapsthat could be turned on the collapse. Longtou rock faces a cliff. It is saidthat in the past, many pilgrims, in order to show their sincerity in praying forGod and worshiping Buddha, held the dragon's head in their hands and made acircle around the cliff. As long as they were sincere, they would guarantee younothing. Later, the dragon head was lifted off the cliff. Now we can only seethe stone pit where the dragon head was placed. Longtou rock is the best viewingplatform for sunrise and sea. Li Jing, the magistrate of Yuezhou in the MingDynasty, wrote a poem praising Tianmen Mountain

  The mountain reaches its peak, and the gate of heaven is within reach.

  Looking up at Penglai under the red sun, looking forward to Lufu whiteclouds.

  Cangya abrupt pine fir ancient, Qujing remote horse trace empty.

  If you want to build the highest peak, flying must rely on the skywind.

  (chisongfeng gold pool) this small pool is about 1.3 meters long, 0.6meters wide and only a few centimeters deep. No matter how dry it is, the waterwill not dry up all the year round. It is said that this is the gold pool ofchisongzi, the rain master of Shennong emperor in ancient times. Under thenorthern cliff, there is a peak like Danzao peak, which is called Danzao peak.At the top of the peak, there are clouds and mist, like the smoke rising fromthe stove. It is said that it is a stove used by red pine nuts for alchemy.There is a poem by predecessors: "in the past, there were immortal places. Therelics are left in Danzao, and they often come and go. " There are thunder caveand electricity cave under the peak of Danzao. It is said that in addition tousing the water from the golden pool, the red pine nut can reach a certaindegree of fire with the help of thunder and electricity.

  There are a lot of strange things in Tianmen Mountain, but the truth is notclear. Among them, there are four ancient mysteries, which have been handed downfrom generation to generation, and no one has solved them. The first is themystery of Tianmen opening, the second is the mystery of Guiguzi developing, thethird is the mystery of turning the water on the top of the mountain, and thefourth is the mystery of wild Buddha's treasure. It is said that under the beechtree is the treasure house of the wild Buddha. In the chapter "Tianmen Mountain"in the local records of Yongding County written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty,it is said that "in the Ming Dynasty, the wild Buddha flew to this mountain fromJiashan temple. The wild Buddha was a bandit. After the incident, he cut off hishair and became a monk. He escaped from heaven. "

  (ghost Valley cave) it is said that when Li Zicheng took Yefu up themountain, he took more than 100 people and horses and many gold and silvertreasures, hired nine wooden boats to sneak into Dayong secretly against the LiRiver, and went up Tianmen Mountain unconsciously. This time Yefu became a monk,he didn't really want to become a Buddha. Instead, he "sleeps" every day and"draws his sword to the altar" to "restore the Central Plains" and "wipe out thewhole world" one day. However, the situation took a sharp turn, the peasant armycollapsed, the Qing government was established, and Yefu finally died ofanxiety. It is said that before he died, he scattered all the treasures he hadbrought and hid them in several secret places in Tianmen Mountain. And poisonedall the migrant workers to death. For hundreds of years, I don't know how manybandits, pilgrims and mysterious monks of Tianmen Mountain have come to Tianmento worship. In fact, they have come back empty handed to peep at the terrain andsearch for treasure. Where the treasure is hidden is always a mystery.

  Standing on the cliff 300 meters away, there is an inverted trapezoidalcave with trees at the entrance and waterfalls flying out of the cave. It issaid that Gui GuZi, a famous scholar in the Warring States period, once studiedthe book of changes in the cave wall, and devoted himself to practicing martialarts, creating the world-famous "ghost Valley magic skill". There is also asecret collection of Wulin, Tianmen 36 Tianchi, which is called Guigu cave bylater generations. Guiguzi was the founder of the Political Science in theWarring States period. His main work, maneuvering tactics, is known as awonderful book, which studies how to defeat each other by means of union ordivision in politics and diplomacy. Historians say that a history of the WarringStates period chaos is derived from Guigu cave, which shows that Guigu Zi isvery good. Luo Fuhai, a man of Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem entitled "ghost Valleycave": "peach blossom and flowing water go floating, smile into the clouds, andvisit the cave deeply. Hermit flow more buried surname Yu, vertical andhorizontal skills actually immortal. On the wall of the Dao script, sealcharacters are left, and lead is cremated in the furnace. I heard Jun playingmusic in my ears, and a waterfall fell to the top of ten thousand peaks. "Xixiping and guanliping at the foot of the mountain are famous places for hardQigong. Qigong master Zhao Jishu has visited European countries many times andwon honor for his motherland.

  From the end of 1980s to the 1990s, Li Guangyu, a veteran of Chisongvillage at the southern foot of Tianmen Mountain, had been let down for sixtimes to investigate the cave. Once, when exploring the cave, he occasionallytook pictures of Guiguzi's face studying the book of changes with his camera.This is a profile image with a five sense organ Gallery, which is clearlydistinguishable. It is similar to the picture of Guiguzi, which has been widelyspread so far. Whether the image of Guiguzi is so vivid is accidental orcoincidence, or God's intentional arrangement, which has become a mystery ofTianmen Mountain.

  (aerial garden) please note that there are many exposed stone buds andstone forests on both sides of the trail. They are high and low in differentshapes, like a line to welcome us. This is another remarkable feature of thekarst landform in Tianmen Mountain. There are many stone buds and stone forestson the top of the mountain, which are distributed in the middle of the denseforest, forming a unique and primitive air garden. They are like labyrinths oneby one, and they are also like the eight array pictures of Pushuo's confusionand changes. Tourists travel through it with unlimited interest. Folk legend hasit that anyone who can successfully pass through these labyrinths will be ableto pass through the so-called forty-eight gates of all living beings. Myfriends, you may as well have a try now. I wish you a smooth life.

  (Li Na's cabin) this seven shaped cabin is the house of Li Na, a famoussinger. In May 1997, Li Na finished singing a song "Qinghai Tibet Plateau", andsoon disappeared. The news media couldn't find her everywhere. It turned outthat she had come to Tianmen Mountain. After living for a few days, she wasattracted and shocked by the magical Tianmen Mountain, and soon made twodecisions: one is to officially move her registered permanent residence toYongding District of Zhangjiajie, where Tianmen Mountain is located; the otheris to build a house for herself on the top of Tianmen Mountain. On June 6, 1997,Li Na officially became a citizen of Yongding District. It was said that Li Nawas going to build a house in Tianmen Mountain. The people were very happy.Without saying a word, they lifted wood and bricks from the foot of the mountainto the top of the mountain, which was more than 1500 meters high. A month later,the house was built. In her "nest", Li Na made the third decision that shockedthe world: to become a monk! Before long, Li Na unconsciously studied Buddhismin Mt. Wutai, Shanxi, and changed her name to shichangsheng. Before she leftTianmen Mountain, Li Na sang "Ode to sister-in-law" for Aunt Hu, who had beenwaiting on her for nearly a month. Then she opened her voice and sang "TianmenMountain", a three and a half degree poem "tailored by her assistant" for her,in order to bid farewell to her second hometown.

  Tianmen Mountain

  Approaching you, for the eternal oath,

  Approaching you, for that distant dream,

  What makes my heart so peaceful,

  I finally saw Tianmen Mountain

  Friends, why did Li Na become a monk and settle down in Tianmen Mountain?It's not clear in a few words. It's up to you to decipher the mystery of Li Na'slife.

  It is said that the first time Guiguzi went to Tianmen Mountain was fromganziping to laodaowan, from the cliff to the top of the mountain, and then toguigudong. Under the cliff, there is still a chain.

  (overlooking Tianmen) standing here, you can overlook Tianmen cave facingnorth and Tongtian Avenue being built by Tianmen Mountain company. It was herethat CCTV crew 6 filmed the amazing scene of the plane passing through theTianmen gate during the world flying race in November 1999. It's more than 200meters from Tianmen cave.

  Tianmen Mountain, like Zhangjiajie, is a national forest park with richvegetation. About 500 mu of primary secondary forest is preserved at the top ofthe mountain. According to the investigation, there are 532 species of vascularplants in 134 families, 353 genera. 95% of them are broad-leaved forests. Therare tree species under state protection include Davidia involucrata, Xiangguo,Lianxiang, Acer palmatum, Acer Sanguinalis, Eucommia ulmoides, Torreya grandis,silver Finch, etc. In this primary secondary forest, along this path, we willfind many rare tree species. This is Acer Sanguinalis. The cortex on the surfaceof the trunk is blood red. In autumn and winter, the bark on the surface of aslightly older tree splits in large pieces and adheres to the trunk. It is thinand looks like shaking scales. This is Carpinus. Carpinus is a new family ofvegetation species on earth. It was first discovered in Tianmen Mountain byProfessor Lin Yuanwang of South China Forestry University in 1998 and named"Dayong Carpinus" by the authority of the State Forestry Department. This is athousand year old tree called "Carpinus king", which needs to be embraced by twopeople. Carpinus Carpinus is hard and can be used as farm tools and furniture.It can extract rubber and extract oil from seeds.

  (Davidia involucrate Bay) Davidia involucrate is known as the "livingfossil" of plants. It is an extremely precious tree species in the world. Thedistribution of Davidia involucrate communities is especially rare at the top ofhigh mountains with an altitude of more than 1500 meters. However, large-scaleDavidia involucrate communities have been found in Tianmen mountain and Badagongmountain. There are more than 100 Davidia involucrata trees in this area, so itis also called Davidia involucrata Bay. Davidia involucrata is like a dove. Whenit blooms in June, its branches are like doves with wings spreading to fly.There are also Gastrodia elata, Huanglian, Danggui, qiyeyizhihua and otherprecious medicinal plants in the forest. In 1984, the forest farm workers founda unicorn with only one horn on its head in this area. Its whole body is numbgray and the size of a calf. On the mountain, we also found two monkeys, about10-13cm long. Historical records: Mi monkey, also known as Haba monkey, is smalland can be hidden in the sleeve.

  (Lingquan courtyard is the site of Yunbo nunnery) the Lingquan courtyard islocated on the back of Yunmeng Mountain, facing the southwest from thenortheast. The original building has two rooms and three rooms, facing the sunfrom the Lee. The environment is very beautiful. At the end of Tang Dynasty andFive Dynasties, Zhou Pu, a scholar, retired here. In 1975, under the ancienttrees in front of the site, a seven star bronze sword with inscriptions on thedragon's head was excavated. The inscription is "emperor xuanzu of TianmenMountain". Together with four bronze Bodhisattvas, it was identified as acultural relic of the Tang Dynasty and a national first-class cultural relic.Emperor Xuan should be a Taoist. It is said that the Tianmen bronze sword wascollected by monk Danzi during the reign of Li Heng, Emperor suzong of TangDynasty. It is a treasure of Zhenshan. It is said that monk Danzi is the firstabbot of Tianmen Mountain Buddhist temple, which proves that there is aprecedent of integrating Buddhism and Taoism in Tianmen Mountain, and Puguangtemple in the city is a typical example of the confluence of Buddhism,Confucianism and Taoism.

  (Yunmeng Summit) Yunmeng summit is surrounded by cliffs on the East, Westand north sides, with three natural viewing platforms on the edge. Looking downfrom here, you can see the housing streets in Zhangjiajie City and the gulliesand peaks on both sides of Xianren river. There are also three sister peaks ofchaotianguan in the northwest, and mountains in Yongshun, Cili and Yuanling inthe distance. It really has the feeling of "looking at the small mountains" and"Lishui is as thin as intestines". It will be a great pleasure to watch the seaof clouds here. The rolling clouds, like empty huge waves, are surging, givingpeople a heroic way to conquer mountains and a detachment from the world.

  (Tomb of Zhoupu) Zhoupu was a scholar of the Late Jin Dynasty in the FiveDynasties. In order to avoid the war at that time, he lived in seclusion inLingquan courtyard of Tianmen Mountain for entertainment. At that time, thefather and son of Ma Yin and Ma Xifan, the kings of Chu, who ruled the Southseparately, admired his talent and learning, and invited Zhou Pu out of themountain many times, but he politely declined, and later died in TianmenMountain. His tomb is surrounded by a ring of natural stone teeth. In front ofit, there are three arched stone buildings. After the collapse, there is a tomb.Zhou Pu tomb is an important historic site on the mountain. Zhou Pu wrote inTianmen Mountain

2023张家界英语介绍导游词 篇2

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is __X. I'm the tour guide ofZhangjiajie.

  Zhangjiajie is the first 5A scenic spot in China. In Zhangjiajie, thetemperature is several degrees lower than usual, and there are countless treesinside. It is a natural oxygen bar, and the scenic spots are unpredictable. Whenit rains, Zhangjiajie can best reflect its beauty.

  Here is the most famous Zhu Bajie's daughter-in-law in Zhangjiajie. The skyhere is much brighter than other places, and there is always a fog here, whichwill not disperse. Look at that! The fog is unpredictable. It's like a pigcarrying a beautiful daughter-in-law on his back. The stream next to pig'sdaughter-in-law runs through Zhangjiajie. Moreover, the water in this stream iscertified by the state and can be directly drunk. Moreover, there are manyprecious salamanders in the stream, and the water here has been flowing for ahundred years, so it has become a wonder in Zhangjiajie.

  This is Bailong elevator. Bailong elevator has magnificent momentum,complex process, 326 meters of operation height, 1 minute 58 seconds ofoperation time and 4000 person times per hour. It is one of the "top teninternational tourism landscape projects". Bailong elevator is the world'shighest, largest carrying capacity and fastest outdoor sightseeing elevator,which can be described as "the first elevator in the world".

  This is the "No.1 Bridge in the world". The "No.1 Bridge in the world" is anatural bridge. It is about 20 meters long and only 1 meter wide. 5 to 3 meters,and the bridge is very flat, but below it is an abyss. In this environment, isit worthy of the first bridge in the world to train such a stalactitebridge?

  Our journey is over, I hope you can remember this trip, goodbye!

2023张家界英语介绍导游词 篇3

  Dear friends

  hello everyone!

  See Lishui river again, it's time for us to say goodbye. In just a fewdays, I know that you have fallen in love with Zhangjiajie, and you can see thatyou are reluctant to give up Zhangjiajie from your eyes, which reminds me of ayoung talent singing by the Bank of Kangqiao many years ago: "I walk awaygently, just as I come here gently, I wave my hand gently to say goodbye to theclouds in the West.". Yes, let's leave Zhangjiajie with this beautifulscenery.

  In a few days, we visited Huangshi village, Tianzi mountain, Shili Gallery,Huanglong cave, Baofeng lake and MaoYan river rafting. Do you still remember? Wesang and laughed all the way. We could not forget the surprise when we walkedinto the quartz sandstone peak forest. We were surprised by the magical nature.We could not forget the majestic and precipitous Huangshi village. Of course,there were the indomitable pines growing on the cliff. We could not forget thebeautiful and quiet Jinbian river. There were also some well-known and unknownflowers on the roadside; Can you forget the beautiful peak forest of Tianzimountain? Yes, they stand up and shake their spirits, showing the spirit, spiritand spirit of the people in the mountain. I can't forget the walk of ShiliGallery, wandering among the landscape paintings. The most important thing isthat there is a hale and hearty old man to accompany me. Do you remember themagnificent stalactites in Huanglong cave, the dreamlike scenery in Baofenglake, and the thrilling surf in MaoYan river. Yes, all of these let us indulgein it and enjoy the joy it brings us.

  So, in addition to these, is there anything worth remembering? Yes, theclouds on the Tianzi mountain, the monkey play by the Jinbian River, themelodious and graceful folk songs on the stilts, and even the Tujia people'sconvenient and environmentally friendly little basket on the market. As a matterof fact, what we are reluctant to give up is not only that. When we come toZhangjiajie, we feel a kind of soft life. Today, people who are tired in modernlife increasingly hope to find a post station for their soul. Here, Zhangjiajiehas given it to you. Walking in the mountains and rivers, there is a brightmirror of mountains and rivers to illuminate our hearts, drink a mountainspring, wash away many tired in our hearts. So many of our group members weredeeply moved when they saw a wisp of cooking smoke, or the bright blue sky. Yes,this quiet life has been away from us for too long. There are also many groupmembers who say that the moon in Zhangjiajie is very big, round and bright.That's for sure. If you breathe in the air without pollution, the moon is verymoist. So, my dear friends, when you are tired, come back to Zhangjiajie, feelthe fresh wind, and enjoy a night's stay in Longxing.

  Finally, I would like to thank you for your presence, which givesZhangjiajie a stage and gives us the opportunity to show you our infinite charm.I would also like to thank you for your support and understanding of our work inthe past few days, so that our journey will be so colorful. At the same time, weare deeply sorry for the shortcomings in our work. I hope you can give us morevaluable opinions. With your suggestions and encouragement, we will continue toimprove.

  Well, dear friends, our destination has arrived, send you thousands ofmiles, there will be a difference, please leave your smile, take away the deepaffection of our Zhangjiajie people, I wish you all the best in the future life,all the best. Still, Zhangjiajie will always welcome you. Goodbye, friends!

2023张家界英语介绍导游词 篇4

  Dear guests

  Hard work all the way!

  Now, you have reached the destination of this trip: Zhangjiajie. My name is__X. I'm a professional tour guide of X__ travel agency. The license number isX__. The city tourism complaint telephone number is 8380193. It's a great honorto be your guide today. I will serve you wholeheartedly and spend a wonderfultrip in Zhangjiajie.

  Zhangjiajie City, located in the heart of Wuling mountains in the northwestof Hunan Province, covers an area of 9563 square kilometers with a totalpopulation of 1552000. Zhangjiajie is a multi-ethnic area, with 19 ethnicminorities with Tujia as the main body reaching 1118400, accounting for 72.06%of the city's total population, including 980000 Tujia, 108000 Bai and 26900Miao (according to the statistics at the end of 1998).

  Zhangjiajie belongs to the monsoon humid climate of the middle subtropicalmountain prototype, with an average temperature of 16.8 degrees Celsius, anaverage annual rainfall of 1400 mm, a frost free period of 258 days, an averagetemperature of 28 degrees Celsius in summer and 5.1 degrees Celsius in coldmonths. It can be said that there is no severe cold in winter, no severe heat insummer and pleasant temperature in four seasons. It is the most suitable placefor human beings to live.

  Please look back: Tianmen Mountain is famous all over the world. I believeyou still remember the magnificent scene of the world aerobatics Grand Prix inDecember 1999 when the plane passed through Tianmen cave.

  The river we see now is called Lishui river. It originates from Badagongmountain in Sangzhi County, marshal Helong's hometown. It passes through cliffgorge for hundreds of kilometers and flows into 800 Li Dongting Lake. It is theless polluted and most beautiful "ecological river" among the four major riversin Hunan Province. The first domestic unpowered rubber boat tourism rafting islocated in Maoyan River, which is the most splendid in the upper part of the LiRiver.

  The initial formation of the modern geomorphic framework of Zhangjiajie wasabout 100 million years ago in the Yanshan Himalayan period of the Mesozoic andCenozoic. Located between the uplift area of Yunnan Guizhou Plateau and thesubsidence area of Dongting Lake, the uncanny workmanship of nature has createdspectacular canyons, turbulent rivers, isolated stone peaks, deep karst cavesand mysterious underground Yinhe river for us. The first stop of our trip,Wulingyuan scenic spot in Zhangjiajie, is a classic work of nature'sorogeny.

  Now, I will briefly introduce the development history of ZhangjiajieCity.

  Zhangjiajie used to be called Dayong instead of Zhangjiajie. It is the seatof ancient Yongguo. According to historical records, "Yong is the name of acountry. "Zuo Zhuan" in the 16th year of Wengong (611 BC), Chu destroyed Yong Sothere is a saying that "Dayong, ancient Yongguo is also".

  As early as in the late primitive society, the ancestors began to breed onboth sides of the Lishui river. In the period of Yao and Shun, "Shun put his joyin Chongshan to change Nanman", so there was a saying of "Nanman" in Chinesehistory. The mountain standing side by side with Tianmen Mountain is Chongshan.After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, the first emperor of the Qin Dynastydivided the world into 36 counties, and Dayong was assigned to Qianzhong County,which is now Yuanling County. Later, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty,assigned Dayong to Wuling county (now Changde City) and changed it to ChongxianCounty; In the sixth year of Wu Yong'an in the Three Kingdoms period (263),Songliang mountain, which is now Tianmen Mountain, suffered a landslide, whichdestroyed half of the mountain and created a world wonder, a huge cave throughthe mountain. Sun Xiu, king of Wu, regarded it as an auspicious omen. He changedSongliang mountain to Tianmen Mountain and divided Wuling County into TianmenCounty, which was in charge of four counties, so as to enhance the politicalstatus of Tianmen Mountain. In the long history of 1720 years, Dayong waspromoted and abolished several times, and went through more than 30 times ofconstruction and reform. In the early 1980s, due to the discovery of a rarenatural wonder of sandstone peak forest in the northern mountains of DayongCounty, the world was shocked.

  So there was a series of big moves by the government:

  In September 1982, the first National Forest Park in China was established,which filled the gap that there was no national park in China;

  In February 1985, the former Central Committee of the Communist Party ofChina inscribed for Wulingyuan;

  In May 1985, the State Council approved the withdrawal of Dayong county andthe establishment of Dayong city (county level);

  In May 1988, the State Council approved the promotion of Dayong city to aprefecture level city with jurisdiction over Yongding District, WulingyuanDistrict, Cili County and Sangzhi County;

  In August 1988, Wulingyuan was listed in the second batch of 40 nationalkey scenic spots;

  On December 24, 1992, Wulingyuan was listed in the world heritage list byUNESCO;

  In April 1994, the State Council approved the change of Dayong city toZhangjiajie City;

  In March 1995, he personally inspected Zhangjiajie and positioned it forits future development: "building Zhangjiajie into a famous tourist attractionat home and abroad.".

  So far, Zhangjiajie has finally completed the long span of time and space,and finally walked out of Xiangxi, Hunan, the whole country and the world fromthe "boudoir".

  In order to achieve Jiang's goal as soon as possible, Zhangjiajie City hasformulated the "tourism driven" development strategy, which has been affirmed byHunan provincial Party committee and government. It is clear that Zhangjiajieshould regard tourism as the leading industry of the city's economic developmentand the pillar industry of enriching the people and strengthening the city.

  Since the establishment of the National Forest Park in 1982, after nearly20 years of development, Zhangjiajie's leading industry position has beenfurther clarified. Since the establishment of the city, the city has received16.8 million domestic and foreign tourists, including 400000 overseas tourists,with a tourism income of 3 billion yuan. In 1999, the city received 3.27 milliondomestic and foreign tourists, with a total tourism income of 950 million yuan,ranking second in the province. The proportion of tourism income to GDPincreased from 2.34% in 1989 to 16.9% in 1999. Tourism has become a leadingindustry driving the city's economic and social development and plays anincreasingly important role in the development of tourism in the whole provinceand even the whole country. The structure of the three industries was adjustedfrom 47:18:35 in 1989 to 27.0:26.4:46.6 in 1999. The leading position of thetertiary industry is more prominent and the economic structure tends to bereasonable. It has initially built a large tourism environment pattern withairports, customs, railway stations, high-grade highways, modern communications,star hotels, universities and technical secondary schools, advanced medical andhealth facilities, national folk culture exhibition base, and constantlyexpanding and improving functions. At present, Zhangjiajie railway station hasopened passenger trains with more than 10 large and medium-sized cities inChina. Zhangjiajie airport has opened flights to more than 20 large andmedium-sized cities in China, and charter flights to Hong Kong, Macao andBangkok have been opened. The city has more than 400 hotels (including more than20 star rated hotels), with a total of 40000 beds. There are 52 travel agenciesin the city, including 5 international agencies and 47 domestic agencies. Thetourism industry has 18000 employees, initially forming a supporting servicefacility integrating "food, housing, transportation, tourism, entertainment andshopping". At the same time, we have successfully received a large number ofParty and foreign heads of state and international friends, and successfullyheld several international forest protection festivals and world aerobaticscompetitions, thus winning the reputation of Zhangjiajie and expanding itspopularity. Zhangjiajie tourism is becoming mature.

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