


三清山景点英语导游词 篇1

  ladies and gentlemen:

  welcome to sanqing mountain.

  sanqing mountain lies in the northeast of jiangxi province, with yujingfeias its highest peak (altitude 1 816.9m). sanqingshan has an area of 22 950 hm2,among which core tone covers 7 690 hm2, natural reserve zone 15 260 hm2.besides, buffer zone surrounding it covers 14 000 hm2.

  sanqing mountain is located at the conjunction between the yangtze plateand the huaxia plate, north to it is the jiangxi northeast suture cincture deepfault. ever since the indochina movement, sanqing has entered continent marginviolent changes and pro-pacific ocean structure development stage. at lateyanshan movement period, a large scale of acid magma intrude activities tookplace under the integrative effect of three faults in northeast-east,north-northeast and north-west. sanqing were uplifted during (at) late himalayanperiod. the sediment of carbonate which deposited during the carnbrian andordovician even late c, p and early triassic was eroded more easily than theharder granite. the granite rocks were exposed as a result the granite mountainsfurther developed their characteristic shape through erosion and dissection.sanqing continues to be uplifted till now.

  unique geologic structure and suitable geographic environment makes sanqingmountain famous with its granite hill forest physiognomy. and it is a naturalmuseum for the evolvement process of granite hill forest which is composed ofwith ridges and peak, apex wall, apex woods, apex pillar and stone sprout, etc.the various shapes of hills also have high aesthetic and tourism developmentvalue.

  sanqing mountain is the product of geological history of the earth andbiological evolvement, which includes all types of china"s mid-and sub-tropicalzone vegetation and they are in stale condition. with the increase of altitude,there are 6 vegetation cinctures by sequence, namely: indeciduous latifoliateforest, indeciduous-defoliation latifoliate forest, taiga-latifoliate forest,warm taiga,

  mountainous region moss-short crooked wood, alp meadow. besides, there areclumps and sheets of mid-and sub-tro///picmunities and various kinds offern. sanqing mountain is a ty///picposition, also a transitional areabetween mid-east sea and ancient-north in zoological division, specially, forthe large areas of east-china yellow firry wood and crag-livingmonkey-face-shape azalea short crooked wood it preserves that are rare in theworld. sanqing mountain belongs to pan-arctic pole vegetation zone, sino-japanforest vegetation sub-zone, central china plant geographical province. insanqing mountain, there are 2072 kinds of

  senior plant, 500 kinds of vertebrate, 1327 kinds of hexapod. among whichthere are 23 genera of plants that only grow in china, including 266 kinds;besides, then grows a local genus qianshan bramble which is only available inthis area. within the area there are 51 species of vertebrate and butterflies,and 33 species of wild plant under state protection, such as pseudotsugagaussenii, tsuga

  tchekiangensis, taxus mairei, pseudotaxlrs chienii, emmenopterys henryi,etc. also there are species of wild animal under the protection, such asmutiacus crinifrons, neofelis nebuloas, panthera padus, macaca thibetana,syrmaticus ellioti, tragopan caboti, mergus squamatus, andrias duvidianus,teinopalpus aureus, etc.

  monkey-face-shape azalea is a genus only available in central chinabotanical geographical province. a large area of crag-living monkey-face-shapeazalea short crooked wood ecosystem has developed in sanqing"s granite hillforest physiognomy environment. this system is critical for the preservation ofgranite hill forest physiognomy and aesthetical value. it has deep biologicalinfluence on the evolvement of granite hill forest. east-chinayellow firry is agenus only available in east-china, in sanqing mountain them is a large scaleprotistan east-chinayellow firry forestry ecosystem, it forms inlay landscapewith indeciduous latifoliate forest, thus becoming an important ecosystem typeto study the interaction between the development, growth and evolvement ofsubtropical pine forestry ecosystem and granite hill forest physiognomy. thecomplete forestry ecosystem and unique biodiversity makes sanqing a criticalarea in subtropical biodiversity protection.

  sanqing mountain also preserves lots of old architecture and taoism relics,including 230 relics including palace, temple, hall terrace, lane, pagoda,bridge, pool, well, tomb, tablet, pass, stone statue, stone carving, site, etc.these make it become natural-and-culture scenery with chinese traditionalculture, natural beauty and a large biodiversity.

  therefore, sanqing mountain has high geographic, aesthetics and culturevalue, combining fantastic natural scenery, especially the forest of granitehills scenery, and taoism culture with thousand years of history.

三清山景点英语导游词 篇2

  Dear tourists

  How do you do!

  Welcome to the beautiful Sanqing mountain. First of all, let me introducethe general situation of Sanqing mountain

  Sanqingshan is located at the junction of Yushan and Dexing in thenortheast of jiubei. The main peak, Yujing peak, is 1817 meters above sea leveland is located on the top of the Huaiyu mountains. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the towering peaks of Yujing, Yuhua and yuxu, just like the three gods ofYuqing (Yuanshi Tianzun), Shangqing (Lingbao Daojun) and Taiqing (TaishangLaojun) worshipped by Taoism, and the ancient Sanqing palace.

  Sanqing mountain is located in the subtropical climate zone, but it has thecharacteristics of alpine climate. The annual average temperature is between10-12 ℃, the average temperature in July is 21.8 ℃, and the average annualprecipitation is about 20__ mm.

  The scenery of the Fourth Committee of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, withazaleas in full swing in spring and flowers in full bloom; at the turn of springand summer, with flowing springs and clouds; in midsummer, with thick shade, itis cool and pleasant; around mid autumn, with thousands of peaks competing andlayers of forests flying; in the cold of March, with ice flowers and jadebranches, it is like a glass fairyland.

  Sanqing mountain scenic spot is rich in tourism resources, with largescale, complete types and many scenic spots. The area of the scenic spot is morethan 220 square kilometers, and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.It is divided into seven scenic spots: Sanqing palace, tiyunling, sandongkou,Yulingguan, xihuatai, shiguling and Yujingfeng. Shandong Province in the threeQing Dynasty is unique in the west, North and south. It has the characteristicsof "the grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke andclouds of Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu". It has the characteristics ofQifeng and Yishi, Yunwu and Foguang, Cangsong and ancient trees, canyons andcaves, Xiquan waterfall, ancient buildings, stone carvings and stone carvings,which are wonderful and lifelike.

  Next, let's visit the above scenic spots everywhere!

三清山景点英语导游词 篇3

  Hello, I'm guide Wang from Shanghai Jinjiang International Co., Ltd. youcan call me guide Wang. Now we are going to Sanqing mountain. We'll go up bycable car later, and I'll explain to you after we go up. Please pay attentionnot to climb railings, rocks and trees, not to pick flowers, not to scribble andcarve.

  Tourists, now our foot is Sanqing mountain. Since ancient times, Sanqingmountain has enjoyed the reputation of "no more bustling place in the world, thehighest mountain in the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty". It isdangerous in the East, strange in the west, beautiful in the north and unique inthe south. Its beauty lies in its simplicity and nature, and its wonder lies inboth form and spirit. Sanqing mountain has always been known as "strange peaksand rocks, ancient trees and famous flowers, flowing springs and waterfalls, seaof clouds and fog". Today we are mainly looking at strange peaks and rocks.Please follow me.

  Look, this strange stone in front of us is called "goddess Sichun", alsocalled "Oriental Goddess". The shape of the whole mountain is like a beautifulgirl with beautiful hair and shawl sitting in the clouds, watching the people onthe ground affectionately. Because people regard it as a symbol of spring, theycall it "goddess of spring" or "Oriental Goddess". Because it is related tolove, it is also known as the peak of love in China. Please move on.

  You see, this is the landmark landscape of Sanqing mountain - Python out ofthe mountain. It stands against the "Oriental Goddess". The emergence of Pythonis a huge granite pillar formed by weathering and gravity disintegration. Thereare several transverse cracks on the peak, but after hundreds of millions ofyears of wind and rain, it still stands. Its top is flat, its neck is slightlythin, and the diameter of the thinnest part is only 7 meters. It's like a hugeboa constrictor breaking out of the mountain and about to fly away. You can takephotos here and have a rest. We'll continue our tour later.

  Tourists, now we come to the West Coast scenic spot of Sanqing mountain.The stone presented in front of our eyes is called "Monkey King presentstreasure". Monkey King is about 7 meters tall, sitting on the cliff, holding atreasure in his hand, gazing at it with a charming naive manner. Who's themonkey king? The monkey king who made a big noise in heaven!

  Sanqing mountain is a world natural heritage, a treasure of JiangxiProvince as well as a treasure of China. This is the end of our trip to Sanqingmountain. Bon Voyage!

三清山景点英语导游词 篇4

  Welcome to visit the world natural heritage site (on July 8, 20__, the 32ndWorld Heritage conference held in Quebec, Canada included Sanqing mountain inthe world heritage list. Sanqing mountain became the Seventh World NaturalHeritage in China and the first World Natural Heritage in Jiangxi. )WorldGeopark (at 2:00 a.m. on September 21, 20__, at the 11th World Geopark Congressheld in Aloka, Portugal, Sanqing mountain, as the only declaration unit of Chinain 20__, was officially listed in the list of world geoparks by UNESCO, becomingthe 27th World Geopark in China), and national 5A scenic spot (September 6,20__)!

  Sanqing mountain is located in Zihu Town, Huaiyu Township, Nanshan Townshipand Bada township of Dexing City. Sanqingshan Jinsha cableway is located inJinsha village of Sanqingshan (Eastern Service Area) to the north of Zihu Town,Yushan County, and the Nanshan cableway of Sanqingshan is located in Shuangxi(Southern service area) outside Dongao village, Nanshan Township, Yushan County.Shandong is 90 kilometers away from Quzhou, Zhejiang, 115 kilometers away fromWuyishan, Fujian, 78 kilometers away from Shangrao, and 263 kilometers away fromHuangshan, Anhui. The total area of the scenic spot is 229 square kilometers,and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.

  Why is it called Sanqing mountain? "Sanqing" is the three highest godsworshipped by Taoism in China - Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing. It is said in theTaoist Scripture that "Yujing is the king of gods", which means that Yujing iswhere they live. The main peak of Sanqing mountain is Yujing, 1816.9 metersabove sea level. The three peaks of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua stand at the sametime, just like the three forefathers of Taoism, so Sanqing mountain gets itsname. Since Gehong first made alchemy in Sanqing mountain 1600 years ago, it hasbecome a famous Taoist mountain. There is a couplet in Sanqing palace, whichsays: "the Qing Dynasty is the most prosperous place in the world; Gao Lingyunis the first fairy peak in the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty",which means the special position of Sanqing mountain in Taoism.

  Sanqing mountain is 229 square kilometers in length, dangerous in the Eastand strange in the west, beautiful in the north and unique in the south. Atpresent, more than 500 landscapes have been developed, including strange peaksand rocks, ancient trees and famous flowers, flowing springs and waterfalls, andsea of clouds and mists

  Sanqing mountain was named as the world natural heritage site in 20__ forits unique geography and geology. It is called "the World Natural Museum ofgranite micro landform" by international experts. The history of the formationof this peculiar and valuable geological landform is very long. In the past 1.4billion years, Sanqingshan has undergone tremendous changes. It has beenimmersed in the sea for three times and sank to the bottom of the sea twice for500-600 million years. Due to the action of submarine volcanoes and theHimalayan orogeny in the late Jurassic period 180 million years ago and later,the mountains kept rising, the faults were densely distributed, and the verticalgranite bodies were eroded by weathering for a long time. Coupled with thegravity disintegration, the mountain wonders of Sanqing mountain today werefinally created.

  The micro geomorphic types of granite peak forest in Sanqing mountain arecomplete, which can be said to record the evolution process of geomorphology.For example, the macro geomorphic evolution series is from "peak range - peakwall - peak cluster - Stone Forest - peak column - Stone Cone", plus "cliff,peak valley and molding stone". These nine kinds of landforms can be seen inSanqing mountain. In the core scenic area, there are 48 Qifeng, 89 moldingstones, 384 scenery and landscapes, among which two are rare in the world, thePython and the goddess Sichun. After seeing this, Paul, President of theNational Park Foundation of the United States, exclaimed: Sanqing mountain isone of the few boutiques in the world and a treasure of all mankind.

  Sanqingshan is also a "natural laboratory" for studying the paleogeology,paleogeography and paleontology evolution of East Asia and North America.According to the theory of continental drift and seafloor spreading platetectonics, during the Triassic period, the world continent was once a unifiedancient land. It formed its present shape through drift 6.5 million years ago,and the seed plants on the ancient land also migrated with the drift of theancient land. Based on the analysis of the flora of Sanqing mountain, it isfound that Liriodendron in Sanqing mountain and Liriodendron in North Americaform a corresponding relationship, and it is the representative of thecorresponding components. Another example is that the East China yellow fir inSanqing mountain is the American Citi fir, which also forms a correspondingrelationship. All these can prove that the Sanqingshan mountains and the NorthAmerican continent were originally linked together.

  Sanqing mountain is also known as an important "biological refuge" for EastAsia during the Quaternary ice age. During the Quaternary glacial period, due tothe global temperature decline, many plants were devastated. However, due to thewarm and humid climate of Sanqing mountain and the complex terrain environment,it became a refuge for many ancient plants. Now there are 2373 species of higherplants in Sanqing mountain, many of which are rare. Like Taxus chinensis, Taxuschinensis, Ginkgo biloba, tiannvhua and so on, Sanqingshan is also thedistribution center of hemlock. Especially in the warm spring season, thousandsof acres of Alpine Rhododendron trees are in full bloom. It's fascinating. OnSeptember 26, 20__, the rare plant species of Sanqing mountain were launchedinto space with the "Shenqi" experimental module. There are 25 kinds of plantspecies, 200 grams in total, including rare and endangered species ofshuanghuamu and Acer pulcherrima, Chinese endemic species of Cyclocaryapaliurus, Ilex zingiberensis, Yingchun cherry, etc., East Asia North Americainterspecific species of Ailanthus altissima, national key protected species ofCamellia Cheung, and dominant species of pear, Phoebe bournei, Carpinusleigongensis, etc. The seeds of endangered plants in Sanqing mountain, whichhave traveled in space, have been sent to Sun Yat sen University forcultivation. After successful cultivation, they will be transplanted to Sanqingmountain endangered botanical garden. Sanqing mountain is a world naturalheritage site with rich plant species, including 33 rare and endangered plants.At present, the Sanqing Mountain Management Committee has acquired 1000 mu ofland in Lingtou mountain for the establishment of an endangered botanicalgarden, and plans to introduce North American plants of the same genus, rare andendangered plants, ornamental plants and flowers. During the tour, you will seethat these plants are hung with signboards, so you can have a look at theirstyle.

  Sanqingshan is also a national animal protection base. 1728 species of wildanimals have been identified, of which 54 species are under state keyprotection. For example, seven species are under state first-class keyprotection, including black muntjac, clouded leopard, leopard, white necked longtailed pheasant, yellow bellied horned pheasant, Chinese merganser duck andgolden spotted pheasant. There are 47 species of wildlife under the second levelnational key protection.

  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sanqingmountain as well as the fascinating scientific investigation of geology, botanyand zoology.

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