


当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇1

  In order to implement the Ministry of Education and the four headquarters "on strengthening the national defense military training and training of the implementation of the views of the implementation of the work," PeiPingShi officer led us to August 10, 20xx to August 30 in the air force of a regiment with a soldier work out. 20 days of "military training" so I have a grass-roots level, to understand the situation of officers and men, to experience the soldiers life opportunities. I not only increased knowledge, rich experience, and re-understanding of the self, for the future into the army laid a solid foundation.

  First, the ideological and political aspects. In the absence of internships before the troops know little about the firm idea of some of the army can not be stable, worried about their fitness suited to the troops, can develop good, with the monitor, non-commissioned officers of the exchange, and their own during this time to see The news, to dispel my concerns, more determined to root the roots of my base camp of faith. As a national defense student, a republic of the paramilitary officers, to keep in mind the party and the people's expectations, not afraid of hardship, to achieve the motherland's strong military dream and life.

  Second, the quality of military and political aspects. Through the comparison with the grassroots officers and men, I think I still need to strengthen the quality of military and physical strength is a piece of our short board. Because there is no strict requirements before, during school did not strengthen their physical training, making themselves and the company there is a big gap between the officers and men. In later life, I should be strict with oneself, insist on physical training, so that their physical level has a big increase. In terms of psychological quality, I feel some impetuous, do what are feathery. For example, in the company cleaning, production of labor when they are always calm down to do things down. In the future life, I will continue to hone their own, so that they can threw himself into the work of learning.

  Third, the work style. Because the local university life has been learning, and less contact with the troops, while their own requirements are not strict enough, leading to their own style of loose. When I first came to feel particularly suited to the company, daily routine and completely different, there are many feel cumbersome rules and regulations. I also recognize their lack of these areas, so I humbly ask the officers and men, with their help in my style has been significantly improved, I phase

  This will bring great benefits to my future development.

  20 days of "military training" Although the time is very short, but I followed the deep friendship of the officers and men, as the lyrics written in the "war friendship and love to really express". During this time, I would like to thank the officers and men of the company for their care, as well as the leadership of the selection of training my concern. Through this military training I realized that their own shortcomings, but also correct their own direction of life, I will be strict demands on themselves, and constantly narrow their own

  Lattice of the gap between the officers, after graduation better qualified for their own work and make unremitting efforts.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇2

  Looking back, all have become the past, graduation soon, recalling the past three years, learning ability has been further improved, self-restraint ability has been significantly enhanced, the autonomy of life has also been further improved, and life, values are With a deeper understanding. In the Central Academy of learning and life, I always have so an eternal heart - environmental protection people loyal to the environment. This is my man of the Road - treat people with sincerity, to do, uphold the belief in action to create value, self - innovation. To this end, for my three years of study results in this upcoming graduation moment, do self-identification as follows:

  In the Central Hospital of the day, life is full of sunshine, between people are frank. Between the feelings of the students like a family but more than family, friends like between the feelings of brotherhood, the Central Institute of things I am very concerned about, so I fell in love with the Central Court of everyone, everything. At the same time independent life in my beautiful university three years also so mature, I also realized that the University of independent life is our fundamental life into society.

  In terms of thinking, I went through the primary class to the Department of audit, and then to the hospital's approval, I became the Environmental Protection Vocational and Technical College ninth into the activist party training, and after learning and assessment, Qualified to become a party activist. I was led by a man who knew a little about our party and who knew our Party.

  In learning, self into the Central Institute of the first day, I have not forgotten the purpose of the Central Institute to me - learn knowledge, learn to be a man. In the Central Academy, I received scholarships for the short-term goals even by the Institute of C and other scholarships twice; I learn more knowledge as the goal to participate in the national long-term self-test and has been too many doors. Although I have been affirmed in some ways, but I really need to achieve self-worth more efforts to read to the old, I learned the old will become the most basic ideas.

  In the work, I work in the student union days, I learned to behave. In the practice of the Association I know the cause of the great and a person's pay and achievements. In the social practice of college students in the work I got more difficult to find inspiration, inspired me to overcome the difficulties and courage.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇3

  My opinion on the monarch in England

  It’s known to us all, that there are still kings or queens in England, different from many other countries. What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational. So, let’s figure out the reasons for that.

  Reason 1. By searching in Baidu, I know that the king or queen of the Great Britain is also the leader of Canada, Australia and so on to some extent at the same time, for they are in the Commonwealth of Nations. They need a common leader who has a respectable identity to region and show their continuity in politics.

  Reason 2. Once given a chance to England , I would not miss to see the soldiers beside the palace. So do many people. It’s exactly the charm of royalty. I wonder what a big loss the tourism of England will suffer once there were no longer king or queen.

  Reason 3. the monarch also has it cultural meaning. We know there are many special parades in England which has some thing to do with monarch. And they need a person to be regarded as their god or goddess for solidarity.

  All in all, monarch do benefit the England in politics, economic, and culture. That’s exactly why the monarch exists in the great Britain .

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇4

  1.Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software, able to program with C and Fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like Autocad, Photoshop, Coreldraw and Dreamweaver.

  2.Strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.Good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with people.Patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.

  3.Completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill; Very adaptable and Good at leaning.

  4.Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.

  5.Fluent in oral English , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese.

  6.Having played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational capability.

  7.Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature .

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇5

  A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.


  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 需要个性稳重、具高度责任感的人。

  Work well with a multicultural work force.


  Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.

  愿意在压力下工作, 并具领导素质。

  Willing to assume responsibilities.


  Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

  思想成熟、上进心强, 并具有丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic, fashion-minded person.


  Strong determination to succeed.


  Be highly organized and efficient.

  工作很有条理, 办事效率高。

  Be elegant and with nice personality.


  With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.


当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇6

  Bryant. Bean. Bryant (Kobe.Bean.Bryant) Nickname : Kobe the Kid birthday : August 23, 1978 Height : 2.013 meters weight : 95.3kg languages : English, and speaks fluent Italian, has little knowledge of some French family : father, Joe, mother, two sisters, Sarah, Shae Education : Philadelphia, Lower Merion (Lower Merion) Constellation : Virgin Block Bryant's Birthplace : Pennsylvania Chau (with the standard, his family ingredients -- poor farmers) But he was born in Philadelphia. Bryant experience : Bryant. Bryant High School in representing schools from the tournament will be 2833 hours. (This break from Wiltshire. Chamberlain created and maintained 2,539-38 record). "Bryant," from the name of an Italian style steak, at 420 lire (in local as a relatively premium prices). Bryant's 30-centimeter-long Achilles tendon, Michael. Jordan 28.3 cm. His 14-year-old vertical jump from the ground to reach 135 cm. NBA experience : Bryant. Bryant was recruited in 1996 will be the first round of the eighth-ranked site. (At that time, the NBA team manager that he is only a high school kid up the rite of passage to manhood. Only the Lakers vice president Westdal said he eventually Cheng Kung University). He signed his first professional contract in 1996 with the Lakers signed a contract three years 3.5 million U.S. dollars. (In the NBA wage living in the middle - to-lower. )

  翻译成中文是这样:全称:科比.比恩.布莱恩特(Kobe.Bean.Bryant)昵称:Kobe the Kid 生日:1978年8月23日 身高:2.013米 体重:95.3kg 语言:英语,并能说一口流利的意大利语,还略懂一些法语 家庭:父亲乔,母亲,两个姐姐莎拉、莎亚 学历:费城劳尔梅里恩高中(Lower Merion) 星座:处女座 科比的籍贯:宾西法尼亚洲(用中国的标准来衡量,他的家庭成分是——贫农),但他出生在费城。 科比经历:科比.布莱恩特在高中时期代表学校出赛共获得了2833分。(这打破了由威尔特.张伯伦创造了2539分并保持38年的记录)。 “科比”的名字来源于意大利的一道风味牛排,售价420里拉(这在当地算是比较价格不菲的). 科比的跟腱长达30厘米,迈克尔.乔丹为28.3厘米。他十四岁时垂直弹跳离地以达到135厘米。 NBA历程:科比.布莱恩特是1996年选秀会首轮的第八顺位。(当时NBA各支球队的经理都认为他只不过是个高中上来的毛头小子,只有湖人队的副总裁韦斯特说他将来必成大器)。 他签定的第一份职业合同是在1996年与湖人队签订的合同3年350万美元。(这在NBA的工资中居于中等偏下。)

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇7

  I am cheerful, honest, optimistic, honest and prudent, serious and responsible and pragmatic attitude, with strong ability to adapt, has engaged in professional social work practice enthusiasm. I want to give a community the opportunity to practice the profession in the work of the director to play through in a different environment of continuous learning, continuous efforts to adapt to evolving social demands, hope you can give me a platform to show. Thank you!

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇8

  Marx and Lincoln were contemporaries, his evaluation of Lincoln is: "This is a will not be intimidated by the difficulties will not be confused by the success of people; his unyielding towards their great goals, and never act rashly Steady, and never retrogression ... ... In short, this is a reached a great realm and still maintain their excellent quality of the rare character of the outstanding moral person was so modest that even he became martyrdom After the fall, the world only to find that he is a hero.

  Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1809) the 16th president of the United States

  Political party: Republican Party

  February 12, 1809, Lincoln was born in Kentucky Harding County, a poor peasant family, the parents of British immigrants descendants. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to the southwest Indiana, land reclamation for a living.9 years old, Lincoln's mother died. A year later, the father married a widow.Stepmother kind and hard-working, treat their ex-wife's children as out.Lincoln also loves the stepmother, a family living in harmony and happiness. Because of family poverty, Lincoln is not a high degree of education. In order to maintain the family plan, when young Lincoln worked as a ferry on the Ohio River, plantation workers, shopkeepers and carpenters. At the age of 18, tall Lincoln was hired by a shipowner, with a flat barge with the people down the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to Orleans.

  This is the first time he came to a city of 40,000 people. The journey, Lincoln saw the black slaves suffered inhuman treatment. In 1830, the Lincoln family moved again and came to Coles County, Illinois, in the middle of the United States, "he said to his partner," until I have a chance to crack down on slavery. " Here, Lincoln began to live independently, and in 1832 enlisted. Lincoln's time is very short, after the demobilization, the local residents elected enthusiastic official activities of Lincoln for the state legislature candidate, but his first campaign did not succeed. Before the age of 25, Lincoln has no fixed occupation, four to make a living. Adult, he became a local land surveyors, proficient in measurement and calculation, often people are invited to solve the boundary dispute. In the hard work, Lincoln is always a love of reading the youth, his night reading lights always flash to late late. In his youth, Lincoln read all of Shakespeare's books, read American History, and read many books on history and literature.Through self-study he made himself a learned and intelligent person. In 1834 August, 25-year-old Lincoln was elected to the state legislators began his political career at the same time management of rural postal services, also engaged in land surveying, and with the help of friends to study the law. A few years later, he became a lawyer. In 1839, Lincoln met a member of the daughter of Mary Todd. She was 21 years old, well-educated, beautiful and lively, they married in November 1842, after the birth of four sons. Accumulated the experience of state legislators, in 1847, Lincoln as the Whig party, participated in the congressional election, won the first time, came to the capital of Washington.

  Before and after, the debate about slavery, has become a major event in American political life.In this debate, Lincoln gradually became anti-slavery. He believes that slavery should eventually be destroyed, first of all in the capital Washington should abolish slavery. Slavery, who represents the interests of the southern plantation owners, frenziedly opposed Lincoln. In 1850, the United States of slave power surge, Lincoln out of Congress, to continue as a lawyer. In 1854, the southern slave owners to enter the new Kansas into the United States, the use of force to force the implementation of slavery, caused a civil war in Kansas. This year, the Republican Party was founded, Lincoln joined, and in 1856 participated in the Republican vice presidential candidate campaign, without success. June 16, 1858, in the same Douglas campaign published a "family dispute" the famous speech. "The House of Splits can not last," he said. I believe that our government can not endure half the freedom of half of slavery. I do not expect federal dissolution, I do not expect the house to collapse, but I do expect it to stop splitting. It will either turn into one thing or all else into another.

  During this period, he and Douglas conducted a debate on the issue of slavery, Lincoln believes that slavery should be abolished, but must be abolished by peaceful means, although his campaign did not succeed, but greatly expanded the Political influence .In 1860, Lincoln became the Republican presidential candidate, in November, the election announced to 2 million votes was elected the 16th president of the United States, but in the slave-controlled southern 10 states, he did not get a vote. Lincoln was elected president of the news, the rapid expansion of North-South contradictions, adhere to the slavery of the South to Lincoln's election as a disaster, Lincoln in South Carolina before the oath to quit the federal .In order to safeguard national unity, war triggered. As the US general election system enjoys popular support, with the election of the new president, the smooth transition of state power into the United States tradition.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇9

  I am a professional design graduate, skilled hand-painted, skilled cad, 3dmax, vray, photoshop and other design software, skilled office software. Understand the construction drawings, to understand a certain degree of decorative materials and construction methods. I am optimistic and cheerful, positive and studious, talkative, confident, with the design of innovative ideas; work seriously responsible, careful, able to endure hardships, dare to challenge, and can quickly melt into the collective. Although I have just graduated, but I am young, energetic, capable of doing any work. Although I still lack a certain experience, but I will use time and sweat to make up. Please rest assured that the leadership, I will be the quality and quantity to complete the task. The spirit of the positive demands of the spirit of unity, unity of students, respect for teachers, helpful, hardworking, honest and cheerful, good at communication with people, work with strong organizational management and practical ability, strong collective sense, with team spirit ,innovative mind.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇10

  Shakespearean representative work has 4-big tragedy: "Hamlet" (UK: Hamlet), "Othello" is (UK: Othello), "King Lear " is (UK: King Lear), "Macbeth " is (UK: Macbeth). 4-big comedy: "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", "The Merchant of Venice " ", Twelfth Night " ", "As You Like It" ("As you like it "). Historical play: "King Henry the Fourth Part 1 " ", King Henry the Fifth " ", King Richard II " and so on. Had written 154 sonnets , two leading cadre poems. Our · Jonson says he is "the times soul " , Max says he and Helladic Aisiku Ross are "the greatest human being drama genius ". Although Shakespeare uses English writing only,he is a famous writer of world but. Most work of him has all already been translated into various language , whose play performs also in the lot of country. Die of illness on April 23 , 1616. Body person Galileo is the same as Shakespeare and famous Italy mathematician , physicist , astrologer with the philosopher , experiment science the modern times first being born for 1 year.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇11

  January 8, the SARFT to listen to viewing center in 20xx No. 3 "listen to watch" on the published entitled "Hubei Ridge Ridge> program brand innovation service new rural construction," the research report, specifically to promote the province Innovative program columns, the typical experience of the implementation of brand projects. State Administration of Radio, Deputy Director Hu Zhanfan in the clear sample on the instructions: "Ridge up" adhere to a few years to do the peasant masses of friends, is not easy, worthy of praise. ''

  The research report of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television fully affirmed the guiding ideology, creative planning and a series of organization and implementation measures for the implementation of the "Ranghangxing" brand strategy in our province's broadcasting and TV system. The "Ridge Upward Rendezvous Program"Focus on the development of agriculture, rural progress, the peasants get rich propaganda party advocate, fastened the theme of the times, served the center work; work hard in the program close to rural simplicity of the original ecological fresh material reflects the farmers basic necessities,To reflect the real needs of farmers, take the initiative to adapt to the broad masses of farmers are most concerned about, the most direct and most realistic needs, become farmers to become rich friends of the mentor of the rich and the good of the mentor and his wife, ; In leading the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside, chorus' work hard for the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside provides a good platform to greatly meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses of farmers, the party committee and government to promote the work of a powerful tool, By the majority of farmers welcome and love.

  In recent years, Hubei Radio and Television System innovation program content and form, meticulous planning, organization and implementation of the province's radio and television "Ridge uplink" brand strategy.Through the joint efforts of the provincial radio and television departments and a solid and steady and effective progress, "Ridge uplink" brand strategy to take shape, the initial results, to explore a provincial radio and television services to new rural construction effective way.

  First, establish a typical, well-supported and cultivated Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" brand

  1, adhere to the service and innovation, Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" to practice, three close to the 'important positions

  In 20xx, Jingzhou TV Station in Hubei Province launched the "Ridge Uplift" section. To promote the healthy development of Jingzhou rural economy, promote the party's policy of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers to help farmers solve outstanding contradictions and problems, take the initiative to adapt to the "three rural" problem,Agriculture, forestry, science and technology, aquatic products and public health, and set up the Agricultural Expert Service Corps in the areas of planting, breeding, plant protection, processing of agricultural products, sanitation and epidemic prevention and so on all the year round, the farmers are most concerned about, the most direct and most realistic needs. Free for farmers to provide agricultural, agricultural services, to help farmers to solve a number of technical problems. , The reporter also with real feelings to explore rural plain original ecological fresh material, with the drama, story, folk songs, folk songs, drums, athletics, games and other farmers tastes program form, reflecting farmers' basic necessities, emotions , The inner world and the true story, so that the program practical, interesting and participatory organic unity, by the Jianghan Plain, the majority of farmers concern and love. According to incomplete statistics, more than 6 years to the column received a total of more than 180,000 letters, received more than 100,000 calls for the farmers to do more than 30,000 pieces of practical, there are hundreds of thousands of farmers to participate in live program recording.

  2, focus on excavation and cultivation, Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" to serve the construction of new countryside brand column

  On the Jingzhou "Ridge uplink" column of innovation and excellence, Hubei Radio and TV Bureau from beginning to end to give enough attention and attention to the column growth and construction devoted a lot of effort. Timely help them sum up experience, a clear positioning and purpose of the program in a timely manner to promote and publicize, give encouragement. Since 20xx, Hubei Bureau of Jingzhou TV "Ridge uplink" section and its experience for more than 10 times research, that its successful experience: First, identify a close to the agricultural reality, close to rural life, close to the needs of farmers; The fourth is in the process of serving the construction of new socialist countryside, leading the whole society to participate in the "chorus." In the process of building a new socialist countryside, the whole process of building a harmonious socialist countryside, the construction of a harmonious culture of perseverance to carry out publicity and innovation and excellence; three focus on brand building, In September 20xx, the Hubei Provincial Bureau and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee jointly issued the Decision on Recognition of the Column of Jingzhou TV Station, calling on the journalists of the province to study the spirit of innovation and excellence in exploring the media service. Three agricultural "effective way.

  Second, the promotion and popularization, the full implementation of the province, "Ridge uplink" brand strategy

  In 20xx, the Hubei Bureau to promote the "Ridge uplink" brand and its experience, the implementation of the province "Ridge uplink" brand strategy as an important breakthrough in publicity and innovation throughout the year one of the two key tasks. In early April of this year, Hubei Bureau held in Jingzhou, the province's outstanding TV section "Ridge uplink" brand promotion site. Participated in the city (state) radio and television bureau director, TV station director, to the agricultural television program planner heard the Jingzhou television experience introduction, participated in the Jingzhou "Ridge uplink", spring to flower base "large television activities, to experience "Ridge on the line" on the Jianghan Plain masses of peasant masses of great influence and strong appeal. Activities on the same day, the public security county flower base station village is full of festive atmosphere, the village and the surrounding villages and towns more than 30,000 farmers in the rain to participate in the ridge upstream organization of agricultural resources, science and technology, literary fair. In the spring to flower base 'performance scene, ridge upstream farmer troupe performed farmer favorite literary programs. Bursts of applause, laughter, a true expression of the peasants of the spiritual and cultural aspirations of the outstanding radio and television

  Brand column of love.

  Hubei Bureau of party groups attach great importance to the province's "Ridge uplink" brand strategy to promote the work, made several specific deployments. In the process of planning and opening up the "ridge on the line", the Hubei Bureau has repeatedly stressed that the homogeneity to go around the start, differentiated development of the road, it is necessary to conscientiously study Jingzhou "ridge on the line" experience, adhere to Jingzhou " "The purpose and style, but also to strengthen innovation and excellence, into the local cultural elements, with the local characteristics of the" Ridge uplink "to the agricultural program.In late August, the Hubei Bureau also held to promote the "Ridge uplink" brand strategy seminar, inviting some experts focus on the consultation submitted around the "Ridge uplink" program with sample. Guide the province "ridge uplink" to improve program quality and service level. The experts confirmed that the units in a relatively short period of time as required careful planning, run "Ridge uplink" section, that the purpose of the program and positioning accurate, close to the content, in the performance of some new exploration, is very valuable . At the same time, the experts also pointed out that "Ridge uplink" to the program content, performance techniques need to be further improved. Such as material, some units from the production and economic point of view reflect more from the farmers basic necessities, living conditions, emotions, spiritual life and so on is not enough; theme, some units of the type of program description process more, The inner world is not enough, does not reflect the difference between agricultural news and political news; expression, and some units broadcast moderator is not lively, need to further strengthen the integration with the audience; production, some rough, more follow the original agricultural news Of the arrangement.Provincial Bureau in a timely manner to the views and opinions of experts around the guide to improve and improve around.

  After nearly six months of carefully polished around the deepening of the "Ridge uplink" brand concept, "Ridge uplink" program has become a television program in the running of the scenery business cards, farmers have become the favorite program, gradually become a new rural construction services An important force. At present, most of the city and state bureaus and bureaus in Hubei Province have set up the "Ridge Uplift" section, which provides information on breeding, breeding techniques, farmer stories, agricultural weather and hotline. Time broadcast, by the masses generally welcomed by the party committee and government leaders attach importance to and support the ratings effect is good.

  After the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held, the "Ridge Uplift" was organized in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Hubei Bureau. Through various activities and various forms, the spirit of the plenary session was publicized. Through the entertainment activities, the people loved the language expression, Yu Yue, enhance the propaganda effect, serve the center work, fasten the theme of the times, enhance the "Ridge uplink" influence.

  Third, innovation excellence, "Ridge uplink" brand strategy to achieve initial results

  1, "Ridge uplink" program in close to the efforts to become farmers, their own programs'

  From the perspective of ordinary farmers to start, around the masses of the production and life, the spirit of style to make a fuss, with a simple, concrete (Figure), with the simple, specific, , With the masses loved and accepted forms of expression, to show rural new look, reflecting the aspirations of farmers, highlighting the rural fresh air.

  Jingzhou TV to further deepen the "Ridge uplink" brand building, and constantly enrich the brand content, innovative brand, expand the brand extension, column information covers a broader, closer to the performance approach, participation, interaction is more common, more diverse forms of activities, brand value more Prominent, in the majority of the masses of the masses of the attraction, the influence to further enhance the service "three rural" more effective, but also to create a more lucrative economic benefits. January to August this year, "Ridge uplink" column has been pulling agricultural advertising up to 14 million yuan, better play "Ridge uplink" brand leading role. Other places to follow up quickly, the development of good momentum, such as the door "Ridge uplink" content close to strong, rich activities, but also a certain interactive, participatory and interesting. Xiangfan "ridge on the line" well-produced, large amount of information, service and strong. Shennongjia "Ridge uplink" combined with forest characteristics, with local cultural characteristics, the host better into the peasant masses. Yichang "Ridge uplink" in September since the launch, broadcast a total of 12 programs, only from Yichang City ratings share, "Ridge uplink" from the 83 channels in September at the same time viewing share of 18, rose to October 3 bits. Jingmen, Xiaogan, Shiyan and other places "Ridge uplink" program from the original agricultural program revision, the content of the close, performance methods and other aspects of a new exploration.

  2, "ridge on the line" program refinement of public service, a farmer fortune mentor

  Hubei province's "ridge on the line" full of deep feelings of the peasant masses, and effectively enhance the sense of service, always focus on the peasant masses are most concerned about, the most direct and most practical interests of propaganda and reporting to meet the peasant masses of agricultural science and technology, legal knowledge,Breeding technology, market information, cultural life and many other requirements, and guide the majority of farmers in the party's rich peasants under the policy of rich, and promote rural reform and development.

  Xiangfan "Ridge uplink" from the July 28 broadcast has been broadcast 16, received more than 200 letters from farmers, more than 1,500 calls, has become a strong column Xiangfan TV columns. Tianmen "Ridge uplink" to run more than six months, has won the majority of the audience, especially the peasant masses great concern, trust and support, and constantly receive the audience into the phone and send text messages, many of them from Jingzhou, potential Jiang, Xiantao, Hanchuan, Yingcheng and other surrounding counties and cities in the audience, ask farming and breeding technology, market information and other related content. Shennongjia "Ridge uplink" received a letter from a friend of many farmers, "Ridge uplink" close to the lives of farmers, farmers would like to think, is the farmers program. Ezhou "Ridge uplink" has been running 25, received more than 400 letters from farmers, through the television media to solve more than 100 practical problems. Farmers friend said with deep feeling, "Ridge uplink" is to help us get rich friends mentor.

  3, "Ridge uplink" program to lead the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside, chorus' Hubei province 'Ridge up' closely to agricultural development, rural progress, farmers get rich this theme, fully publicize the party's ideas, accurately reflect the aspirations of farmers, Social conditions and public opinion, to ease public sentiment, to maximize the negative factors to dissolve and unite the hearts of the party and the people, for the new rural construction to create a good social and cultural environment; combined, three to the countryside ',, heart to heart' and so popular with farmers activities, The organization of diverse and rich content of the program development for the whole society to participate in the construction of new countryside provides a good platform to greatly meet the needs of the masses of farmers spiritual and cultural life, a party committee and government to promote the work of a powerful tool, Three rural 'bridge and link, to create a typical window of harmonious media' target positive efforts.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇12

  Michael Frank, the deputy director of government research for the Heritage Foundation at the Heritage Foundation, criticized the Obama administration as "not pushing for tax reform and regulatory reform" to improve employment, The Government's efforts are far from enough. Ethan Harris, the Obama administration's failure to launch a fiscal stimulus plan because of its Republican majority in the House of Representatives, was slow to move.

  In the employment and economic stimulus, the Obama administration relies on the US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) the color of financial policy is becoming increasingly strong. In the absence of such a backdrop, public opinion polls show that voters' support for Republican candidate Romney is on the table for employment and economic policy issues, and that this trend is becoming more pronounced.

  "Growth has stopped due to financial and commercial controls," as John Lonski said, and the market is critical of the US Financial Regulatory Reform Act.

  In foreign trade policy, from 20xx to 20xx, the Obama administration and strive to export "double" the plan has been setbacks. Although the main reason is the global economic slowdown, but Bauwos pointed out that the reason also includes the United States "failed to develop export promotion policy", in this issue, the criticism will also point to the White House.

  On the other hand, it is very important for the US-China economic relationship, which worries about the market, to "keep tensions from heating up and keep the status quo" (Ethan Harris).

  Medical insurance reform will increase the burden on enterprises

  The Obama administration has criticized the health-care reform law as the first priority of its first term, saying "it's better to wait until the recovery is firmer" (Ethan Harris).

  The core provisions of the bill is to reduce the number of uninsured, most national obligations to buy commercial insurance. While Mr Obama has proposed initiatives such as raising the tax burden on medical device makers and the efficiency of public insurance for the aged, it will inevitably increase government spending.

  In the United States, traditionally has a strong dislike of the government involved in private life, personal responsibility, in the universal health care issues, public opinion appeared disagreement. In a lawsuit to determine whether a mandatory public participation in a constitution is unconstitutional, Barry Bosworth, a scholar who is thought to be closer to the Democrats, expressed disappointment that " Support for reform ".

  In the diplomatic and anti-terrorism and other issues, the evaluation of differences

  Obama on the diplomatic evaluation of the differences. "The President is generally more likely to get a high rating, but Mr Obama is a huge success," he said, referring to the US war on terror and expressed his concern at the same time. And Ethan Harris said, "If you stand in the United States from the perspective of the responsibility of the world economy, the United States has not played a significant role in Obama's performance is not good or bad," Obama's response to the debt crisis in Europe and other issues Approach put forward their own point of view.

  John Lonski low evaluation of Obama, the reason is not satisfied with Obama's response to the debt crisis in Europe initiatives. John Lonski criticized that "the United States should be resolutely involved in crisis resolution." At the same time also dissatisfied that the United States "should be in urging China to expand domestic demand, improve the working environment and other issues on the further exert pressure."

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇13

  In December 1949, Mao Zedong's trip to the Soviet Union, often with the Soviet interpreter, sinologist Federline conversation. Federline often consulted Mao Zedong on a number of issues in Chinese literature, and Mao Zedong was also eloquent about it. Federling made these conversations. These conversations are really wonderful poetry.

  Fei Delin asked Mao Zedong to talk about the "Book of Songs", he believes that "the Book of Songs" "is undoubtedly the highest model of Chinese poetry."

  Mao Zedong said: "The Book of Songs" is the essence of Chinese poetry .It is derived from folk creation .All are unknown author .Creation of the time has been unable to check .This document to the past that old age with us. The poetry of the early Chinese aesthetics, this poem is true, easy to understand, the language is very concise.

  "Is it because of this reason that for thousands of years the Book of Songs has always been a sample of imitation of Chinese poets?

  Mao Zedong replied: "Yes, this is no problem .It can be said that the poetry of the poem of the later thought of each have had an impact.The problem is how to understand these ancient folk creation.This is the essence of the problem. For those who do not understand or misinterpret, we do not have to say, we can recall those who not only understand and try to imitate this ancient poetics, they imitate not only its rhetorical characteristics, but also inherited the " "The essence of the content of folk creation.

  "You mean the most successful poet in the creation of the unnamed predecessors?"

  Mao Zedong said:

  Yeah. It can be said that this is the language of art and poetry in the development of the most valuable image content. The innate talent of the ancient unnamed is to turn their ideas into concise poetry and songs. "

  Fei Delin said: "According to the history of Chinese literature, said in the" Book of Songs "after the nameless author, second to none of the Qu Yuan, he is the first poet with creative personality.

  Mao said: "Oh, this is your favorite subject matter, but this issue is not so simple to talk about. Qu, Quyuan lived where I am quite familiar with, is my hometown. So we Qu Yuan, his We are the descendants of this poet of genius, we are particularly deep feelings for him, but now people may not Hello, they do not necessarily understand the Qu Yuan  .Therefore, The great achievements.

  "I think, because of the local relationship, even if the peers are separated for many generations, there is a direct feeling of Qu Yuan, their evaluation of the poet is more persuasive.

  Mao Zedong said: "However, the home of the commemoration of Qu Yuan is very insignificant, not to mention the poet 's time has been more than two thousand years, for his fate, each generation has its own views.

  Fei Delin said: "Any great change in history will have some joys and sorrows of the story.As for Qu Yuan, political change is his personal misfortune.Qu Yuan painstakingly through his time, he was concerned about the people, to save the Chu Danger.

  Mao Zedong said: "The year after the war to the country withered, people are destitute, the destruction of Chu, this is one aspect of the matter.Then began another historical process, that is, scattered, competing for the interests of the vassal kingdom united process , The process is not the will of man for the transfer of Finally, it unified the Qin Shi Huang China ended, resulting in the formation of the first centralized and unified empire, which later China's fate has played an important role in. This is another matter The problem we will have to talk about the future.

  Mao Zedong said: "Yes, these are in my hometown of Hunan, occurred in the martyrdom of Qu Yuan --- Changsha .For this reason, Qu Yuan's name is more sacred to us .He is not only the ancient Genius singer, but also a great patriot: selfless fearless, brave and noble.His image remains in the minds of every Chinese. Both at home and abroad, Qu Yuan is an immortal image. We are the witnesses of his life. "

  Fei Delin said to Mao Zedong: "Now we the Soviet readers can understand Qu Yuan's poem.We know that Qu Yuan is a long time ago the poet, but also belongs to the future poet, he used poetry to express his mind, to express their own His "Li Sao" tells us that with the life experience to write poetry, only to know themselves, to change their own.

  Mao Zedong said: "Yes, ah, Qu Yuan's feats are not immediately recognized by people .It was later a lot of days, the poet's character was fully revealed, his image was really tall .Qu Yuan drink is a cup of bitterness Wine is also a liqueur for the truth, poetry, like other creations, is a spiritual creation.

  Fei Delin said: "Qu Yuan worries about the world of the people, the pain of the pain people love him, worship him, it can be considered a personal worship it ... ..."

  Mao Zedong said: "Yes ah, this worship is not made by Qu Yuan own, but love his people spontaneously produced this worship has continued to the present, can blame him? We can not be responsible for others, people to establish their The need for authority and idols, this is their thing, we can not be responsible for this.I do not think this is his fault ... ...

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇14

  "Big success by the team, small success by personal." This is the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years, Bill Gates, one of the summary, in his path to the rich and brilliant entrepreneurial way, always embodies the importance of team spirit , Bill Gates of this sentence industry is called "big success rule."

  Bill Gates was born in Seattle in 1955, he loves computers, he was 13 years old, has been able to carry out simple computer programming design, 14-year-old Gates and his high school classmate Paul. Allen began a further programming exploration . Since childhood love and thinking about the computer, Gates in front of the hole gradually opened a bright future of computer science. 18-year-old Gates admitted to Harvard University, the study of computer programming is hungry, he and roommate Steve Ballmer is very close, usually like to wear a printed Gates "to support Ballmer "Round neck shirt to show this unusual friendship. They are always learning about each other, encouraged, Steve Ballmer's shop, Gates at Harvard University was the first computer for the successful development of a programming language version. However, the next year Gates decided to withdraw from Harvard, in order to work with another friend Paul Allen to work hard in the community, co-founder of both of them Microsoft. In 1975, 20-year-old Bill Gates was appointed Microsoft chairman, CEO and chief software designer. In 1976 Gates and Allen registered (Microsoft) trademark, originally intended to be named "Allen and Gates" finally changed to "micro software company", fade individual personal, to highlight the company's team image.

  November 1983 Windows operating system debut debut, provided by the graphical user interface changed the text of the tedious, very intuitive and convenient, by the public favorite. In 1985, 30-year-old Gates at Microsoft's press conference for the first time with Melinda. Then, both fell in love, experienced a decade of tempting lingering love, January 1, 1994 finally to the marriage hall. In order to refuse a large crowd to come to celebrate the wedding ceremony admirers, Gates wedding ingenuity arrangements in the independent separation of Lanai Island in Hawaii held, fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the wedding is very limited, and must take a special helicopter or yacht to arrive. Gates and Melinda is said to be specially scheduled during the wedding all the hotel rooms on the island and all the helicopters, no noise, but also Pu Guizhen, making beautiful Lanai Island has become more quiet, peaceful and pure. In Lanai Island wedding in addition to their loved ones, in the guest table first Paul. Allen, Warren. Buffett so heart-to-heart, like brothers and sisters.

  With the growing prosperity of Microsoft, Gates is also more concerned about the charity around. In 20xx, the Gates held a grand charity event.Warren Buffett, a friend of Warren, announced that he would donate $ 30 billion of his own investment company to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which doubled the size of the fund to double The world's largest charitable foundation.

  All the way around the Gates business always flashing a group of followers, partners, supporters of the figure, the formation of elite teams, such as Steve Ballmer's intimate, such as Paul Allen's long-term work together,Such as Warren Buffett's generosity, it is behind a high-quality elite team achievement Gates career on the "big success", and this success can not be separated from Gates personal struggle of the local "small success."

  Bill Gates once said, "If I just want to win, I would have gone to another stage." "I hope I am not the richest man in the world, this is not any good." He also did: 20xx October 28, Gates celebrated his 50th birthday in London, England announced that he will not politics, tens of billions of dollars of wealth will be donated to the community, not as a legacy to future generations. In the same year, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom Buckingham Palace was awarded the British Queen Elizabeth II awarded the "Honor Jazz Medal" in recognition of Gates and his wife Melinda to eliminate the Commonwealth and other developing countries, poverty and improve the health of local people Level of the efforts made. In 20xx, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom BBC television interview once again said that his 58 billion US dollars of property will be donated to the name of charitable funds, the money will be used to study AIDS and malaria vaccines, and the world's poor countries To provide assistance to reduce inequalities that exist globally.

  "When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, I had a lot of dreams about software development, and we wanted our software to have a big impact on the world, and having a computer at every desk and home was always the topic of our discussion. "This is the Gates of the old dream relive, and now his dream has been achieved, daily, we are sharing Gates's operating system, and therefore feel the power of the computer's charm. A fence three piles, a hero three help, when we aftertaste "big success rule", can deeply feel the team spirit of the noble.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇15

  Of course, I have always liked Stephen Hawking, like his book, today saw Benedict played Hawking, I know I must cry, I simmering, the last moment or not hold back, tears out of the eyes. With regard to Hawking's success, to the scientific community, how much significance of human, I Needless to say, on his love of science, life does not give up the spirit of how worthy of our admiration, I do not need to say, so I want to Another angle to talk about, I see "Hawking" feeling. I would like to say in particular that, apart from Hawking itself, behind the support of his people, gave him what effect, I think this is the film you want to express one of the themes.

  First, talk about his parents, especially his mother. Some people say that this is the British, they can survive anything. In his parents had just learned that Hawking had failed to save the sick, but two years, I thought his parents would like our ordinary parents, like holding crying, but the plot here deeply shocked me, he Parents' dialogue is this:

  Father: When he was young he asked me where the stars came from, and I told him I did not know, but do not worry, I'll ask people to ask, ... But until now, I did not give him an answer, But he was so eager to know the answer.Mother: (She is not as fragile as the average woman, she is very calm and said) You never a sentimental person, and if you become sentimental I can not accept. How long can he live?

  Father: Up to two years.

  Mother: (shocking scene) you have to support him! We must support him!We must carry on, and now he's going back to Cambridge and going back to his life. So his father was the mother of encouragement, immediately restored the fighting spirit, accompanied his son drove to Cambridge.

  The second time in Hawking serious condition, even the doctors told him that the hospital has no way to do anything for you, the doctors have to give up Hawking, Hawking very discouraged, this time, but also his greatParents once again firmly supported him. Is still his mother, firm on his father said: We must support him! We can not give him up!

  So his father and his son went to the front, facing almost self-giving son yelled: I have not given up your (I have not washed my hands on you)! Hear no, you must stick to it!

  So, in the success of Hawking on the road to his parents credit, when his father was Hawking instructor informed, Hawking completed a following Einstein after the very great cause of the time, his father's eyes flash With light, I was deeply moved.

  The second to say is Hawking's mentor.

  The first time when Hawking was enrolled, his father asked the mentor to give him an easy task to complete within two years (before his death), but the instructor refused. He said he must treat science and students equally. , Respect for the facts, can not give Hawking special. Such a strict requirement, which led to Hawking even in the last of life did not give up - of course, although we all feel that he can only live for two years, but the fact that his strong live to the present.

  His mentor has been a constant cosmology supporters, once Hawking in front of other teachers face criticism of others doctrine, attitude is very rebellious, so the teacher called to talk. Hawking that the mentor and his disagreement because of their exclusion, did not expect the mentor actually said such a passage:

  My father is a ... factory boss, he wants me to inherit his factory, when I told him I want to do physicist when he was very angry, he said that unless I won a scholarship or he will not give me a penny , He thought I could not do, but I did ... ... the way in science, you will be surrounded by countless voices to tell you that this is you can not do. This is why I choose to become a teacher, I will not leave because of disagreement to stop my students do he want to do any research! Do it, do only belong to you, your original things, you want to do!

  This passage deeply shocked me, science needs the spirit of seeking truth from facts, even in the scientific community, fame, exclusion of alien things are many, and the mentor has a great conscience, without him, no The conversation, Hawking will not dare to think so.

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇16

  I also like the reporter that Hawking is too much to lose his life, a moment can not leave the wheelchair, and the body is only three with the fingers active, the exchange is also extremely difficult. Fate is unfair to Hawking.But Hawking's answer made me very surprised. Hawking with his a grateful heart, touched everyone. He replied: "My fingers can move, my big brain can think. I have the ideal of life, I love and love my family and friends. Yes, I have a grateful heart` `` `` ``

  He confronted his fate, he did not feel lost a lot. But feel that they still have many.

  I read very moved, after the tremor in the mind. I also thought for a long time. Suddenly, my brain flashed a text of the sea: the most important thing is to have a soul, to have thought, the most important thing is to have a grateful heart. As long as a person has these, he is not useless people. A person with these, he is not useless people. A person has these, is owned, is happy, is the happiness of the `` `` ``

  Hawking, a terminally ill person, he can use the optimistic attitude to look at life, fate. With a grateful heart to treat people and things around. And we, a normal person, can not do it?

  No, no. As long as I have a grateful Yan, is a brain thinking, we can make their own lofty. There is a saying well: "People are not necessarily great, but they can make their own noble.

  I admire Hawking, he used an ordinary person can not imagine the perseverance and gratitude of the heart to overcome the disease. His constant quest for the spirit of impressed me.

  The life of the strong, scientific master, I will always be admired, is my goal.

  2, recently, we on the "wheelchair Hawking" article, after reading the text, I have been touched by the story of Hawking that shocked.

  Hawking in the United Kingdom at the age of 21 suffering from Lu Gale's disease, soon to be long-term imprisonment in a wheelchair. But he insisted on fighting for the cause of science to contribute. Once again at the academic report, Hawking once again to his charisma and the scientific spirit of seeking to move all the people: my fingers can be activities, my fingers can think; I have a lifelong pursuit of the ideal, I love and Love my family and friends; Yes, I have a grateful heart ""

  Yes ah, if I was the Hawking, I will think: fate is too cruel to me, so I lost too much. Hawking replied with a smile of this passage, in my mind deeply engraved. He not only does not complain about the fate of his injustice, but thanks to fate left him a finger.

  Fate does not fall down a person, will only make people strong, and Hawking is such a person. He faced various hardships of life and not pessimistic retreat, he defeated himself, defeated the life, become a strong life. Even face more of the failure, but also to move forward, struggle in the end. Looking back at the past, a retreat on the difficulties to shrink, hesitated. Once, because the application did not understand a solution to the mother inadvertently said the sentence: "really a stupid." And there is no confidence in their own.

  I admire Hawking, admire him no matter how much difficulty encountered, are constantly to pursue, so as to achieve success. The life of the strong, scientific master, I will always be the most admired people, is my goal!

  3, "he sat in a wheelchair for 40 years, the body only three fingers move, however, he wrote the scientific book" A Brief History of Time "in the world has numerous readers" "" Whenever read this passage , I can not help but praise Hawking - you are really a person who is stubborn!

  Hawking's fate is very rough. Shortly after graduating from Cambridge, he was paralyzed by Lugaré's disease, and in 1985 Hawking was deprived of his ability to speak. "" Although fate was unfair to Hawking, he was unimaginable in this unthinkable Hard to become a scientific giant, was elected to the youngest member of the Royal Society, became a big scientist like Newton to become one of the Lucason Professor of Mathematics! He continued to explore the scientific spirit and courageous tenacious personality strength deeply touched me.

  After reading this text, I deeply sentiment: Hawking, although disabled, but his thinking is not disabled, he brought us knowledge, give us strength!Hawking is in the disease anytime, anywhere can take away his life, there is no pessimistic back, with amazing perseverance and courageous tenacious personality to face up to fate, tirelessly explore the mysteries of the universe, a strong and strong young people are Can not complete the exploration of cosmology, not to mention the sick Hawking! This is the Hawking spirit!

  I must learn from Hawking, study hard every day, the future will become the pillar of the country, add luster to the motherland for the country, for the community to make greater contributions to the construction of the great motherland more prosperous and strong!

当兵的英文版自我评价范文 篇17

  Tagore is to introduce the West to the Indian culture and the introduction of Western culture to India's influential figures. Born in May 7, 1861 Bengal Bengal in West Bengal, August 7, 1941 died in the same place. Families belong to businessmen and landlords, Brahman caste. His grandfather Devangat Tagore and his father, Dean Ranath Tagore, were social activists supporting social reform. Tagore went to Oriental College, Normal School and Bangladesh College, but did not complete the formal learning. His knowledge from the father and brother and the tutor of the ear, as well as their own efforts as much.

  He started poetry from the age of 13, 14-year-old published a patriotic poem "dedicated to the Hindu temple." In 1878, he went to England to study abroad, initially studying law, then transferred to the University of London to study English literature, study of Western music. In 1880 returned to China, specializing in literary creation. In 1884, left the city to the village to manage the ancestral field. In 1901, in Bangladesh Boll Puer near Santi Nick Tan founded the school, 1905 after the national liberation movement into the climax, Bangladesh and all the people of India are opposed to the Bangladesh division decision, the formation of vigorous anti-imperialist patriotic movement. Tagore went to Calcutta to join the movement, outraged, wrote a large number of patriotic poetry. But soon disagreed with the other leaders of the movement, he disagreed with the burning of British goods, abusive British "direct action", and advocated more "constructive" work, such as to rural areas to develop industry, eliminate poverty and ignorance. In 1907 he withdrew from the movement back to Santi Nick Tan, had lived in seclusion, buried creation. In 1913, he was the English version of "Gitanjali" won the Nobel Prize in Literature, hence the world famous literary world. University of Kolkata awarded him a Ph.D. The British government sealed him as a jazz. After the outbreak of the First World War, he has more than 10 times across the ocean, visit dozens of countries and regions, spread peace and friendship, cultural exchanges. In 1919, the Amritsar massacre occurred, the British army shot and killed more than 1,000 Indian civilians, Tagore statement to give up the title of jazz, to protest. In 1930, he visited the Soviet Union, wrote the "Russian Letters".

  He condemned the Italian fascist aggression against Asiabil. Support the Government of the Spanish Republic against Fascist head Franco. After the outbreak of the Second World War, he wrote an article denouncing Hitler's injustice. He has always been concerned about the fate of world politics and people and supports the just cause of mankind. Many critics say the poet is a "human child". Because they are innocent, kind. In many modern poets, Tagore is a "child's angel." His poem is like the innocent angel's face; looking at him, he "feels the meaning of everything", feels peace, feels comfort, and knows the truth. "Tagore's philosophy" says that the popularity of Tagore's writings attracts the interest of people all over the world, half in his idealistic idealism and half in the solemnity and beauty of his literary works.Tagor's literary activity begins Very early.

  At the age of fourteen, he began to write the script. Later, he and his friends gradually translated into many kinds of English, poems have "gardeners set", "new moon", "fruit collection" "birds", "Gitanjali", "love gift"And" Qi Road "; script:" sacrifice and other "," post office "," the dark room of the king "," spring cycle. "; Essays:" students "," personality " : "My memories", "hungry stone and other", "family and the world" and so on. In Bengali, according to the Indians, his poems are more beautiful than the English ones: he is the first of our saints: the one who does not reject life, but who speaks the life itself, that is why we love him The reason.

  His poems contain profound religious and philosophical insights. For Tagore, his poem is his gift to God, and he himself is the suitor of God. His poems in India enjoy epic status. He himself was seen by many Hindus as a saint. Participated in the leadership of the Indian Renaissance, in addition to poetry outside Tagore also wrote novels, essays, travels, drama and more than 2,000 songs.

  His prose content is mainly social, political and educational, his poetry, in addition to its religious content, the most important i

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