


宁夏沙湖的英语导游词2023 篇1

  Shahu is located at the foot of Helan Mountain and the golden bank of theYellow River, 38 kilometers away from Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia HuiAutonomous Region. The total area of the scenic spot is 80.10 square kilometers,with more than 20 square kilometers of desert and more than 40 square kilometersof water area adjacent to each other. It has both the majestic desert and Gobiand the beautiful water town in the south of the Yangtze River. It is known as a"rare cultural tourist resort in the world".

  Shahu tourist area used to be a dish shaped depression in Xidatan ofYinchuan plain. It was recorded as early as 420__ A.D. In 1952, 5804 officersand men of the first agricultural construction division of the Chinese people'sLiberation Army came to Xidatan. They were blue sky above their heads,down-to-earth and hard-working. They opened up wasteland and cultivated land,built water conservancy projects, built houses and planted trees on this salineand alkaline land of "white in winter, watery in summer, rocks in the wind, andno grass in the land", It is one of the earliest state farms, and has a profoundculture of military reclamation. Now more than 80% of the employees working inShahu scenic area are descendants of the old military reclamation. They inheritand carry forward the spirit of agricultural reclamation, and strive to buildtheir hometown more beautiful and rich!

  Before the development of tourism, Shahu has always been a fish Lake ofQianjin farm. It began to develop and construct in 1989, and officially began toreceive tourists in 1990. With the help of the government and colleagues fromall walks of life, Shahu is like a baby growing up healthily! In 1994, Shahu wasrated as "one of the 35 trump tourist attractions in China" by the NationalTourism Administration. In 20__, it was rated as the first batch of 5A scenicspots in China by the National Tourism Administration. In 20__, it won the titleof "China's top ten charming wetlands" by CCTV!

  The lake is surrounded by Jinsha, the sand is surrounded by clear water,and the sand and water depend on each other. There have been poems praising:golden silk beach, silver silk water, who does not say that the beauty of ourSand Lake; the scenery on the frontier, the scenery in the south of the YangtzeRiver, people do not want to return in the Sand Lake. The vast lake water, thepicturesque golden desert, the graceful reeds, more than a million migratorybirds and a wide variety of swimming fish make it a natural combination of sevenresources, namely, Jinsha, Bishui, Cuiwei, flying birds, swimming fish, distantmountains and colorful lotus, making it a sea of sand, a world of water, aparadise for fish and a paradise for birds.

  "The blue waves are flying for thousands of miles, the distant mountainsare reflecting thousands of sails; the sand banks gather guests from alldirections, and the clear sky is a wonderful picture of the God of Kyushu." SandLake Recreation is the best in the world. There are four series: flying in thesky, sailing on the water, sliding on the sand and running on the ground. Theyare suitable for all ages. Power parachute, ancient camel bell, passion sandskating, cross-country surfing and other experience projects have their ownfun.

  "Sand Lake water warm bird prophet, is the flower silver carp fat tendertime.". Shahu is a "national ecological and healthy breeding demonstrationarea". The "Shahu big fish head" produced by Shahu is famous and known as thenatural "brain gold", which naturally becomes a good state banquet.

  "Water around sand dunes, the world is unique.". Shahu, with its uniquetourism resources, has received more than 1.3 million tourists from home andabroad every year after 20 years of sustainable development. It has become aunique tourism destination in Western China and an international tourismdestination for Arab countries and Muslim regions.

宁夏沙湖的英语导游词2023 篇2

  Sand Lake is a paradise for birds. There are 98 species of birds in 24families, 11 orders. Among them, there are national first-class protected birds:Great Bustard, Chinese merganser, white tailed sea eagle and black stork. Thereare 14 species of birds under the second level protection of the state, such asthe Yellow River, pelican, swan, white goose, mandarin duck, grey crane andHeron. Brief introduction of Shahu scenic spot in Ningxia

  Shahu reed has thin skin, long section and good toughness. After carefuldesign, we can create artistic products with unique shape and elegant taste. Theprocess of reed painting is complex. First of all, we need to cut the tip of thereed, then untie the reed, remove the knot, peel, plane the pulp, soak andflatten it, then draw, write and carve on the reed according to the patterndrawn in advance, and finally use an electric iron to make different colorsaccording to the needs. When making sculpture, we should make full use of thedirection of reed fiber to make the pattern clear and vivid. In some reedpaintings reflecting the scenery of Shahu Lake, the artistic conception isbeautiful, the meaning is infinite, lifelike and exquisite.

  Sweet and sour Yellow River carp is a delicious dish with bright color,beautiful shape and tender inside. The preparation method is as follows: first,remove the scales of the Yellow River carp, cut the abdomen, remove the viscera,and wash it; then cut the fish back into oblique knife patterns, wrap it withyellow paste, deep fry it in oil pan until golden yellow, pick it up and put iton a plate, and pour it with pre cooked sweet and sour sauce.

  On April 27, 1997, bainiao Park was officially opened to tourists, with aninvestment of more than 3 million yuan and an area of 1090 square meters. Ofcourse, it is mainly composed of migratory birds. The incubation period of birdsis from April to June every year, and the breeding period is from July toAugust. During this period, the number of birds is up to one million. Thisbirdwatching platform can accommodate hundreds of people. It is equipped withthe most advanced high-power telescope in China to provide a first-classenvironment for birdwatching First class facilities, first class service.

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  Nansha North Lake, Lake run Jinsha, sand embrace green lake, lake waterlike the sea, soft sand like silk, Tianshui color. Shahu Lake is rich inresources. In the clean, warm and cool lake water, there are dozens of kinds offish all the year round. There are not only common carp, silver carp, grass carpand crucian carp, but also Wuchang fish, giant salamander (giant salamander),which is 160 cm long and weighs more than 60 Jin, and big turtle, which is morethan 1 meter in circumference. There are more than 130 kinds of birds living inthe Sand Lake. In addition, there are amusement park, watchtower, aquariumpalace, reed maze, yurt Hotel, Xixia palace, desert dry boat, water slide, waterparachute, water motorcycle, sand ropeway, boating in the lake, natural bathingbeach and other tourism projects. It was here that Zixia's rafting scene wasshot at the beginning of dayua journey to the West. [1]

  Shahu in Ningxia is a masterpiece of nature. The lake is bright and sandy,with flocks of migratory birds, picturesque reeds and beautiful scenery. Thereare not only deserts, but also ten thousand mu of Pinghu Lake. It is not onlythe gift of God, but also the earth shaking artistic creation of the industriousand intelligent people in northern part of the Great Wall. It used to be a farm.After the founding of the people's Republic of China, it has gradually become anatural scenic spot integrating the ruggedness of the northwest and the beautyof the south of the Yangtze River. With its unique tourism resources andsuperior reception conditions, it has become an ace scenic spot and a nationalaaaaa eco-tourism area determined by the National Tourism Administration.

  The boat ploughed open the sparkling surface of the lake, the rolling waveslike a thousand hectares of good farmland, green reeds, just right scattered onthe surface of the lake, the wind blowing, the branches and leaves whirling,rustling, the sound of the motor startled a bird standing at the top, anddisappeared. With the sound of the resting motor, a new world appeared in frontof us: Desert, camel, crowd .

  Shahu scenic spot in Ningxia: one of the world's 500 environmentalprotection units, awarded the honorary title of "global top 500 environmentalprotection" by the United Nations.

  Shahu in Ningxia is a unique and beautiful landscape, which integrates thewater town in the south of the Yangtze River with the desert scenery, and thenatural landscape as the main body. The combination of sand, water, reed, birdand mountain constitutes a unique and beautiful landscape. It has become ascenic spot integrating scenic tourism, sightseeing and entertainment, sportscompetition, recuperation and summer vacation; The beauty of Shahu Lake inNingxia is reflected by the reeds and the wonder of Shahu Lake in Ningxia isreflected by the birds flying and the fish leaping. The North Lake in Nansha andthe green lake in shabaocui are the best combination of primitive eco-tourism,which not only highlights the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, but alsohighlights the power of the fortress.

  Lakes, deserts, reeds, lotus, migratory birds and lake fish combine thegreat wall and the south of the Yangtze River, forming a beautiful landscape.Shahu in Ningxia is a miracle created by heaven and a heaven on earth.

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  Hello everyone! Today I'd like to introduce Shahu to you.

  Shahu is located in the north of Ningxia, more than 100 kilometers awayfrom the capital Yinchuan. Originally, this is a farm lake. Because of itsbeautiful scenery, it has become one of the national 4A scenic spots and 35 acescenic spots.

  When it comes to Sand Lake, the most attractive things are reeds, birds andsand. In spring, the reeds are not completely green, but the migratory birdscome to the party from the south. Therefore, the best choice to visit the SandLake in spring is to see the migratory birds.

  In summer and autumn, we can go to the sand mountain by boat in the SandLake to go sand skiing, camel riding and go karting. If you step on the sandbarefoot, you will feel hot under your feet. At this time, if you go to see thereeds, it will look like a variety of green reeds, people feel very cool. Andthe sparkling lake is the most exciting fish and birds. When it comes to fish,you'll think of the big catfish in Shahu. Because you don't put any feed whenfeeding, the fish is very delicious. There are many kinds of birds in Shahu. Youcan see them dancing and playing every time you come.

  In winter, the lake is covered with ice and the sand mountain is coveredwith white snow. At this time, you can exercise your muscles to ski or skate.It's fun and exciting. By the way, you can also play ice top here!

  After listening to my introduction, I believe you are also moved! Then cometo Shahu as soon as possible and join us to enjoy the beautiful scenery!

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  Tourists, Shahu is located between Yinchuan and Shizuishan, at theintersection of Yaoxi highway and Baotou Lanzhou railway, 56 kilometers awayfrom Yinchuan. Our tour bus starts from Yinchuan, about 1 hour to the scenicspot. Let me take this opportunity to introduce the general situation ofShahu.

  Shahu is a new tourist attraction. It is named after the Wanqing desert inthe South and the thousand mu Pinghu Lake in the north. Relying on the naturalscenic spots and taking the lake and sand as the content, it has formed theunique style of Saishang tourism, which integrates the appreciation andparticipation, and has attracted a large number of tourists from home andabroad. The total area of Shahu Lake is 45.10 square kilometers, including 8.2square kilometers of lakes, 12.74 square kilometers of mobile sand dunes and24.16 square kilometers of marshes.

  Perhaps some tourists would like to ask: How did Shahu Lake form? ShahuLake used to be a butterfly shaped depression in Xidatan of Yinchuan plain. Asearly as 407 ad, there were records of garrison here. After the founding of newChina, Shahu was assigned to Qianjin farm. In the autumn of 1958, mountaintorrents broke out, resulting in the breach of drainage ditches and a largeamount of water discharged into depressions, forming a lake with an area of morethan 10000 mu. Because the shape of the lake is very similar to a big Yuanbao,it is called Yuanbao lake.

  In September 1989, Bai lichen, then chairman of Ningxia Autonomous Region,visited Qianjin farm. Attracted by the "sand color" of the lake, he proposed theidea of developing Yuanbao lake and establishing a tourist area. In 1990, Bailichen came here again. With the theme of Lake (Park) and sand (Hill), which aretwo unique resources of the scenic spot, he gladly renamed Yuanbao Lake Shahu.Since then, the construction of Shahu tourist area has begun. Since then, in aseries of activities organized by the National Tourism Administration, Shahu hasbeen promoted to the overseas tourism market together with the famous scenicspots such as Guilin landscape in Guangxi, Tianya Haijiao in Hainan andZhangjiajie in Hunan, becoming the second of the first batch of 35 trump touristattractions in China.

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  Sand Lake

  Ladies and Gentlemen.

  Welcome to Sand Lake Nature Reserve. Located In Pingluo County, 56Kilometers north of Yinchuan City and 20 Kilometers from Shizuishan City, SandLake’s surface covers 85.10 square kilometers area. Including 62.16 squarekilomerts of land and 20.2 square kilometers of water. The average depth of thelake is 2.2 meters; its deepest point is 4 meters. Moving dunes cover 12.74squares kilometers. In 20__ The China Tourism Administration designated SandLake a 5A Scenic Spot.

  The combination of water and sand makes Sand Lake a uniquely beautifulspot. It is also rich in natural resources, including sand dunes, reeds, birds,fish, and lotuses.

  Now we’ve arrived at the observation tower to appreciate the panorama ofSand Lake. Sand Lake is similar in shape to a golden shoe; hence the name“Shoe-shaped Gold Lake.” Looking over to the south, we can see the rolling sanddune; to the north, we can see green water with reeds. You may have visited manyother popular scenic spots with sand, water, and reed marshes, but none are asunique as Sand Lake. Go aboard a boat and enjoy the magic experience of SandLake!

  ? One of Sand Lake’s most distinguishing features is its three squarekilometers of reeds. The

  reeds flutter in the wind as if a slim and graceful girl is welcoming theguests from far and near. Thanks to the reed marshes, the Lake is divided upinto different portions, whichi makes the scenery distinct in gradation. Reedsare not only beautiful but also have practical use. The reeds can be usedforpapermaking as well as for covering things. We can see and example nearby-theroofs of the pavilions are all made of reeds to protect them from the harsh sunand rain. Sand Lake has altogether 16 fish species. The common species are grasscarp, common carp, catfish, silver carp, as well as blunt-snout bream and giantsalamander the are rare in North China. Big Fish Head is the specialty of SandLake. The weight of a Big Fish Head can be ten to twenty kilos. It is so big,that just its head can fill up a big pot.

  Now we’ve observed a small building in the east, that’s Bird Island, whichiis the resting place of 98 different bird species. The birds are all migrants,and from May to Septermber is the best time to observe them. Studies have shownthat the nature reserve is home to 1.5 million birds, some of which areprotected species. Now we come to the Birdwatching Tower, wichis is 18 metershigh and is located 20 meters from Bird Island. We can see tens of Thousands, ofbirds from the half-sealed Bridwatching Tower. If we us the telescope here orour own binoculars, we can clearly observe the birds’behavior.

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  糖醋黄河鲤鱼此菜色泽明亮,造型优美,外焦里嫩,是“ 塞上江南”的美味佳品。其制法是:先将黄河鲤鱼去鳞,剖腹,去内脏,洗净;然后在鱼背上切成斜形刀纹,再裹黄糊,下油锅炸至金黄色,捞起装盘,浇以事先烹制的糖醋调汁即成。


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