


节约时间的英语演讲稿 篇1

  Some people feel like they are always busy doing something all day long,but they still have a lot of things to do. It seems that the time is neverenough. How can we spend our time effectively? Well, in my humble opinion, thereare several tips that we can use.


  First of all, we should make a list about the things we need to do today.The chef thing to remember is to do the things which are extremely criticalfirst. Second, be concentrated. For the people, they may lack of self-control,they are easily got distracted by other things, thus it’s important for them todo the things according to the list. Don’t do other things unless you havefinish your job. Last but not least, wake up earlier in the morning. You’ll findyou have more time to do the things you want.


  In a word, we should have a plan about the things we are going to do. Onlyin this way we can use time effectively.


节约时间的英语演讲稿 篇2

  Lu Xun said: "time is like a sponge in the water as long as you likecrowded there are some. "So we should manage your time well most efficient thingto do. For example on the bus during the meal to eat in the morning time toreview the contents of yesterday. "Noon and as fast as possible to eat time tolook at some of the textbooks. Evening meal should be eaten on the desk becausethe time on the desk are more important than time on the table. Managing yourtime is important.


节约时间的英语演讲稿 篇3

  As is known to us all, the most precious thing in the world is nothing but“today”. Therefore, it is necessary and significant for us to manage our timeefficiently. There are some suggestions and methods to manage our time.


  First, the most important thing is to know and understand how we have spentand managed our time before. Only in this way can we know in which we havewasted our time. We can do this by sorting out all things we do every day andthen select the necessary thing and the wasted time.


  Second, after the first step, what we should do is choosing the correcttime. As the saying goes, “to choose time is to save time”. For one thing, wehave to know and understand that which period we have more efficiency and havebetter quality in work or study so that we know how to make our schedule. Foranother, it is better to do the most important and urgent thing first in thatwe

  barely have enough time to finish all task within a day.


  Last but not the least, it is valuable to take full advantage of ourleisure time tiny pieces of time. For example, we can do some reading when weare waiting for a bus, or we can practice our listening on our way toschool.



  To sum up, time, like water in sponge, can be squeezed out if we like.Therefore, take full use of our time in that it is essential to lead a full andhappy life.


节约时间的英语演讲稿 篇4

  If you ask me what is the most precious I would say that it’s time.Time issomething once lost you could never have again.Therefore we should cherish itand spend it in meaningful things.However many people do too many meaninglessthings to kill their time such as playing computer watching TV or gossiping.Whenyou do these things the time has long been unwittingly flowed away.In my opinionthe best way to make full use of time is planning your time rationally andsticking the plan firmly.


  There was just so much to learn about when we were children.We must learnhow to speak the language of our country. Counting and using numbers must bemastered.Most important we must start to understand what is right anti what iswrong.


  As young students we must keep learning many new things. At sehool we mustlearn languages history geography physics chemistry and mathematics and acquirethe knowledge and skills necessary to be a good worker.

  作为年轻学生,我们必须不断学习新东西,在学校,我们要学语言、历史、地理、物理、化学和数学, 为了成为一名好的工作者,要掌握必要的知识和技术。

  Even when we reach oId age learning remains importanl to us.Retircdpeoplewhose children are all grown up need to keep busy.Reading new things anddiscovering new hobbies give many senior citizens a new purpose to their livesand keep them active and happy.


  Spending more time on something significant not only will make your lifefulfilling but also will give you a sense of accomplishment.Instead killing yourtime with meaningless things would bring you depression even despair.


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