南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇1好,我们已到了始建于1168年的江南贡院遗址。江南贡院是专门用来考试的场所,起初规模并不大,只供府、县学考试之用。明初乡试、会试集中在此举行。后贡院规模扩大,待到清朝,正式定名为江南贡院,已经是规模空前,形成东起姚家巷,西至学宫、孔庙,南临秦淮河,北抵建康路的方形整体,其号舍达两万多个,在当时全国贡院中首屈一指。民国之后,贡院冷落,只有明远楼等,作为历史文物被保留下来。
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇2秦淮河,是一条曾对古城南京的政治、经济、文化发展起过重要作用的河流。相传秦淮河是秦始皇下令开凿的一条人工运河。秦始皇东巡会稽,经过南京时,为方便船只行驶,曾下令开凿方山,使淮水与长江沟通,因而这段河道得名"秦淮河"。但据地质考察证明,秦淮河是一条历史悠久的天然河流,当时这条古老的河流确是曾从方山经过,但由于地理变迁,河流改道,逐渐形成了现在的河道。历史上的秦淮河,河道宽绰。自五代吴王杨行密在长干桥一带筑石头城以后,河道开始变窄,并被分隔成内、外"秦淮"。内秦淮河由东水关人城,经夫子庙,再由水西门南的西水关出城与外秦淮河汇合。河流全长10公里,这就是古往今来令无数文人墨客为之赞美倾倒、寻迹访踪的"十里秦淮"了。唐朝大诗人李白、刘禹锡、杜牧等都曾为她写下诗篇,孔尚任的《桃花扇》和吴敬样的《儒林外史》中,也都对"十里秦淮"有过生动的描写。古老的秦淮河与流经南京城北的长江相比,显得十分渺小,但是它与南京城的诞生、发展,以及南京地区的政治、经济、文化发展有着极其密切的关系。早在五六千年前的新石器时代,这里已有人类繁衍生息。迄今为止,沿河两岸发现的原始村落遗迹多达五六十处。六朝和明初封建朝廷一直把它作为都城的一道天然屏障和皇宫所需的天然通道。东吴孙权定都建业(南京)后,曾在秦淮河两岸作"栅塘",既可御敌,又可防洪。从六朝时起,夫子庙一带的秦淮河两岸已是居民密集、市井相连的繁华之地,秦淮河充当了南京地区对外贸易的主要航道,河中舟船穿梭,一派繁荣。据说,旧时的秦淮河两岸歌楼酒肆林立,河房水阁争奇斗艳,游艇画防灯火通明,富豪贵族在这里过着寻欢作乐、纸醉金迷的生活,劳动人民,特别是广大妇女却是以泪洗面,饱尝了人间的辛酸。那时南京的妓·女大多集中在秦淮河两岸。清代戏剧家孔尚任在《桃花扇》中描写的不畏权贵的名妓李香君,她就居住在秦淮河南岸的文德桥畔。美丽的秦淮河曾流淌过蛮荒时代的寂寞,六朝以来的繁华和奢靡,旧社会的污垢和劳动人民的血泪,甚至还溶有南京大屠杀的血腥。然而,今天的秦淮河,经过了历史的沉淀和人民的改造,已散发着健康文明的馨香,展现了清澈动人的风姿。它是南京历史的见证,难怪人们惯于把"秦淮"当作南京的代名词。
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇3游完学宫,向东过贡院西街走数十米,就是江南贡院。利用这一段时间,我给大家介绍一下夫子庙的其他情况。夫子庙地区除了夫子庙自身建筑之外,还有更为引人注目的民风民俗、特色市场和风味小吃。
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇4南京夫子庙,常简称夫子庙,是一座位于南京市秦淮河北岸贡院街的孔庙。“夫子”是孔子弟子对孔子的尊称。目前以夫子庙为中心、庙市街景合一的秦淮风光景区是集文化、旅游、购物、服务等功能于一体的文化活动中心。附近有夫子庙小学。
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇5Located in the south of Jiankang road in Nanjing City, it mainly refers tothe Confucius Temple, Xuegong and Gongyuan, but the streets around these threebuildings are traditionally called Confucius Temple. In the area of about 0.5square kilometers from pingjiangfu road in the east to Zhanyuan road in thewest, there are more than 300 shopping malls and shops, 2 cinemas and manyhotels and amusement parks, etc., and there is an underground commercial streetof about 10000 square meters underground. It can be said that Confucius Templeis a multi-functional service center integrating tourism, culture, commerce,catering and entertainment. More than 150000 people attended the festival,especially during the Jinling Lantern Festival. In 337, the Prime Minister WangDao built a school Palace on the North Bank of the Qinhuai River, which is theearliest building of Confucius Temple.
In 1032, Emperor Renzong built Confucius Temple and Confucius Temple infront of the Academy. Later, it was destroyed several times and rebuilt severaltimes due to war. The present building was rebuilt in 1984. It reproduces thestyle and landscape of Jiangnan market in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. ConfuciusTemple is a place for offering sacrifices to Confucius, covering an area of26300 square meters. Zhaobi is located on the South Bank of Qinhuai River. It is10 meters high and 110 meters long. The top of the wall is covered with smallcylinder green tiles and the four corners are slightly tilted. Its length is thelongest in China.
There is a crescent shaped panchi on the north bank and a row of carvedstone railings built in the Ming Dynasty on the bank. On the east side of thestone fence is kuiken pavilion with three floors and six flying angles; on thenorth side is Wenshu square with four pillars and three gates, with four goldcharacters "Tianxia Wenshu" engraved in the middle; on the west side is Juxingpavilion with double eaves and carved ridge flying angles, and in front ofDacheng gate is Lingxing gate with six pillars and three gates. The buildingshere all have the word "Star", which means that the stars of the world aregathered here. Dachengmen is an ancient building with a beam and a bucket. Ithas a Dragon Ridge and three doors standing side by side. Each door has 45 studsand a faucet ring. On the left and right sides of the gate stand four stonetablets of the Southern Qi, yuan and Song Dynasties, and on both sides of theinner courtyard are corridors connecting the Dacheng hall. Dacheng hall is themain building of Confucius Temple. It is 16.2 meters high, 27.3 meters wide and20.9 meters deep. It has seven Ying double eaves, four slopes and five ridges.The standing carving of dragon and pearl on the main ridge is the first inChina. With 56 huge stones in the hall, it is majestic and spectacular. In frontof the hall, the bronze statue of Confucius in Danlong, 4.18 meters high, is thehighest in China. Outside the walls on both sides of the East and West are theEast and West markets carefully planned and designed according to the style ofthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, mainly dealing in antique jade, four treasures ofthe study, famous calligraphy and paintings and tourist souvenirs. Located atthe back of Dacheng hall, the academy is composed of Mingde hall, ZunjingPavilion, Chongsheng temple, Qingyun tower and other buildings. It is thehighest Academy in ancient state capital. Mingde hall is the main hall of theAcademy, which is now a playground.
From Wenshufang to the East, you can see a square three story woodenstructure building with a bucket arch and cornice Mingyuan building. It is thecentral building of the former Jiangnan Gongyuan. It is the place to monitorexaminees and issue orders during examinations. On both sides of the courtyardbehind the building are the imperial examination houses of the Ming and QingDynasties. The house is about 1.5 meters long and wide. There are only twoboards on the top and the bottom, with tables on the top and benches on thebottom. The examinees eat, drink and sleep in this narrow space for a few days.All the food they bring in should be checked, and even the steamed bread shouldbe cut to prevent cheating. In its heyday, Jiangnan Gongyuan covered an area ofmore than 70000 square meters, with 20644 houses, the largest scale of Gongyuanin China. Mingyuanlou is now known as "Jiangnan Gongyuan site", which is aprovincial cultural relic protection unit. The Confucius Temple in history usedto be an abnormal bustling city, especially in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, whenit opened in autumn, tens of thousands of candidates (up to 20000 people)gathered here, so bookstores, teahouses and inns came into being, andrestaurants and brothels also proliferated. At that time, some streets andalleys on the South Bank of the Qinhuai River were the "gentle townships" and"gold selling caves" for the children of rich families. There were also manyfamous prostitutes, such as Li Xiangjun and Dong Xiaowan, known as "Qinhuaieight beauties". Today, Meixiang building is rebuilt at 38 chaoku street, whichis open to visitors as Li Xiangjun's former residence.
Wu Jingzi, a famous writer in Qing Dynasty, once lived on the Bank ofQinhuai River. After 19 years, he wrote a famous book "scholars' history" whichcriticized the imperial examination system. On the site of his former residence,Qinhuai Water Pavilion, a building of the style of river hall and river house inMing and Qing Dynasties has been built, which is called "Qinhuai family" hotel.There are folk activities such as antique wedding and so on. At present, morethan 100 kinds of traditional snacks have been discovered. With foreign fastfood such as KFC and McDonald's, visitors can enjoy them. Jinling LanternFestival is even more famous. It's called the Lantern Festival on the 12th andthe Lantern Festival on the 18th of the first month of the lunar calendar. Infact, since the beginning of the new year, people have been buying, selling andwatching lanterns. There are dozens of colorful lanterns, which make peopledazzled and confused.
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇6Hello, everyone! Welcome to Nanjing Confucius Temple. The Confucius Templeis located on the Bank of Qinhuai River in the south of the city. It is ahistoric site and tourist attraction that Nanjing people are proud of. It is aprosperous place where culture, commerce, sightseeing center and Temple marketare integrated.
Confucius Temple, also known as Confucius Temple and Confucian temple, is aplace to offer sacrifices to Confucius, a famous educator and thinker in China.Confucius was honored as Confucius in ancient times, so his temple is commonlyknown as "Confucius Temple". Due to the orthodox status of Confucianism, itsfounder Confucius was highly respected by the rulers and scholars of feudalsociety. There were more than one Confucius temples all over the country. As aplace for feudal scholars to worship, Confucius Temple is mostly arrangedtogether with educational facilities (such as school palace, Gong Yuan, etc.),that is, the so-called temple is attached to school, usually in front or on oneside of the school palace.
Historically, there were three Confucius temples in the urban area ofNanjing, one in the compound of the current municipal government and the otherin the Chaotian Palace. Now we are going to visit the third and most famousplace. It was moved from Chaotian Palace in the first year of Jingyou of SongDynasty (1034). At first, it was Jiankang school, Jiqing road school in YuanDynasty, Guoxue in Ming Dynasty, yingtianfu school in Qing Dynasty, andJiangning school and Shangyuan school in Qing Dynasty. It was destroyed in theXianfeng Period, rebuilt in the Tongzhi period (1869), and burned by theJapanese during the Anti Japanese war. The existing Confucius Temple was rebuiltin the early 1980s. It uses the former temple and the later school, ConfuciusTemple in the front and the Academy in the back, and the later Gong Yuan isarranged on the left side of the Academy. Therefore, the relatively completepattern of Confucius Temple in Nanjing includes three parts, namely, ConfuciusTemple, Academy and Gongyuan. The North-South central axis with Dacheng hall asthe center and the main buildings on both sides and the Jiangnan Gongyuanexhibition hall with Mingyuan building as the center have become the maintourist spots in the Confucius Temple area.
Due to its long history and convenient water transportation, ConfuciusTemple area has become a famous "beautiful place" and a place where celebritieslive in ancient Nanjing before the appearance of Confucius Temple. Therefore, inaddition to the main scenic spots mentioned above, there are also scenic spotssuch as Wu Jingzi's former residence, ancient taoyedu, Cuiyuan, one hundred yearold shop Street, wendeqiao, Wang Xie's former residence, Wuyi lane, meixianglou,etc.
Now we are standing at the starting point of the central axis of ConfuciusTemple - Confucius Temple Square. Looking around, there are panchi, Zhaobi andmufang in the south, Juxing Pavilion, KuiGuang Pavilion and business district inthe East and West, Dacheng hall in the central axis and the East and West citieson the East and west sides of Confucius Temple in the north, which form theunique atmosphere of Confucius Temple area different from other cities, that is,the pattern of Temple market integration in history.
Look at the river in front of the square. It's called Qinhuai River. It'sthe mother river of Nanjing people. It's 110 kilometers long and gave birth tothe early Nanjing civilization. The section that flows through the square is apart of the Inner Qinhuai River. When the temple was built, it was transformedinto panchi, named after the water flowing through the Confucius Temple in Qufu.A red wall on the south bank is a large screen wall built in the Wanli period ofthe Ming Dynasty (1575). It is 110 meters long and majestic. It is the largestscreen wall in China. Zhaobi played a role of shelter and decoration, which wasthe beginning of the whole Confucius Temple complex. The stone railings on theNorth Bank of panchi were built in Zhengde (1514) of the Ming Dynasty. Aftermany vicissitudes, they became the only best preserved ancient architecturalsketch in the Confucius Temple complex, which had been repaired before the AntiJapanese war. Here, visitors take a rest on the fence and enjoy the beautifulscenery of Qinhuai.
The Wende bridge on the west side of panchi is now hanbaiyu bridge. It gotits name from the Confucian school's advocacy of article morality. Because thedirection of the bridge is the same as that of the meridian, every November 15of the lunar calendar, when the bright moon is in the sky and you look down fromthe railing, you can see the shadow of the bridge on both sides of the bridge.The bright moon in the river is divided into two and a half months, which iscalled "Wen de Fen Yue". Wu Jingzi recorded it in his book scholars. If you havea chance, you might as well come to Wende bridge on November 15 of the lunarcalendar to have a look.
A group of Hui style buildings at the entrance of South Wuyi lane ofwendeqiao is called "Wangxie ancient residence". As the settlement area of WangXie and Wang Xie in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it has a great influence,especially the verses of Wu Yi Xiang, the famous work of Liu Yuxi in TangDynasty, which makes Wu Yi Xiang and Wang Xie's former residence very famous,and now it is "the historical and cultural exhibition Hall of Six Dynasties inNanjing." You can visit it when you have time.
Now, to the north of the stone column is the newly rebuilt Tianxia Wenshusquare, which indicates that it is the cultural center of Tianxia. Three doorsand four pillars, quite spectacular. In ancient times, it corresponded to theLingxing gate at the back, which was used for the emperors to go on a pilgrimageto worship Confucius. The high gate square in the middle was the royal roadwhere the emperor was lucky to come. It was used for the princes of the countyto go in and out. The ordinary officials and subjects could not pass through, soit was usually closed with wooden fences.
The star gathering Pavilion on the west side of the square in front of thetemple has a hexagonal cornice, which is simple and elegant. It looks like atwo-layer structure with double cornices on the outside. In fact, it has onlyone floor. The name of the pavilion is the gathering of stars and talents. Inthe East, the small courtyard facing the water is KuiGuang Pavilion. The KuixingPavilion in the pavilion has three floors and six sides, and faces QinhuaiRiver. The scenery is unique. In ancient times, there was a saying of "Kui ZhuWen". Kuixing, or Kuixing, is a sign of prosperity of the literary movement anda symbol of winning the first place in the imperial examination. Therefore,Kuixing was regarded as a God by the students of the past dynasties. KuiGuangPavilion and Juxing Pavilion look at each other from the east to the west,echoing each other and integrating into one.
The stone square gate in the north of the square in front of the temple isthe first gate of the Confucius Temple - Lingxing gate, with six columns andthree gates. It is simple and beautiful, and the lintel in the middle isengraved with the seal character "Lingxing gate". Lingxing is the "Wenxing" inancient astronomy. The reason why it is named is to show that scholars in theworld gather here. The brick relief inlaid with peony pattern between the threedoors is exquisitely carved and gorgeous. The top of the stone column is made ofcloud plate, which means Huabiao, as a sign. This is the gate for the emperor toworship Confucius.
After passing the Lingxing gate, we came to the Dacheng gate of Dachenghall.
Dachengmen, also known as Jimen, is the main gate of Confucius Temple, withZhijing gate on both sides. In feudal times, only officials could get in and outof dachengmen, while ordinary scholars could only get in and out from otherdoors. Entering the gate, there are four ancient steles on the left and right:in the East, there are the stele of fengzhisheng's wife in 1331, the remnantstele of Jiqing Confucius Temple in 1330, and the stele of kongyuwenli in 484,which was moved by the municipal government. This book is based on the picturestele of Confucius asking for rites.
On both sides of the courtyard and corridor are arranged eight ofConfucius' twelve students, namely min sang, ran Geng, ran Qiu, Duan Muzi, ranYong, Zai Yu, Yan Yan and Zhong you. They are all carved from white jade of HanDynasty. They are very devout and lifelike.
Looking forward, the platform in front of the Dacheng hall is Danlong,commonly known as the terrace. It is 1.4 meters high, 21.8 meters wide from eastto west, and 14.0 meters long from north to south. It is surrounded by stonerailings, 24 cloud looking pillars, and stone lanterns are set at the twocorners of the platform. This terrace is used for sacrifice, singing anddancing. The statue of Kongyu in the middle of the terrace is particularlyeye-catching. It's made of bronze, 4.18 meters long and weighs 37 tons. It'sexquisitely made, lifelike, full-bodied, with a kind and deep face. The eyebrowsreveal the wisdom of a great thinker and leave a very deep impression on people.On both sides of the terrace, there were two verandas, which were used toworship the memorial tablets of the 72 sages in Confucius' gate and to storesacrificial, ceremonial and dancing utensils. Now it is reduced to a small twoveranda and changed into a stele gallery. There are more than 30 steles with inkmarks of famous calligraphers such as Zhao Puchu, Lin Sanzhi and Wu Zhongqi,which are displayed for tourists to enjoy.
At the end of the terrace is the majestic main hall of Confucius TempleDacheng hall, which is 16.22 meters high, 27.3 meters wide and 27.9 meters deep.It is an antique building on the top of chongcaoxie mountain. Under the eaves ofthe front, there is a sea blue vertical plaque, which reads "Dacheng hall".Confucius is the most sage and forerunner of Dacheng, and Dacheng refers toConfucius. The word "Dacheng" comes from "notes. Learning notes", which is thehighest level of learning. It can also be seen in Mencius wanzhang. "Confuciusis the sage of time. Confucius called it jidacheng. " There is a beautifulstanding sculpture of "double dragons playing with pearls" in the bird's kiss onthe roof, which is the first of its kind in China; The light and beautifultendency of the roof covered with green tiles is obviously different from themagnificent tendency of the yellow glazed tiles used in the roof of the northernConfucius Temple. It is more easygoing and popular. This is also one of theperformances of Nanjing Confucius Temple closer to popular culture, or "do asthe Romans do". The whole building is magnificent with double eaves, crisscrossbrackets, seven couplets in the hall, 26 wooden columns in the corridor, 16lattice doors in the front and back, and purlins in the inner hall. In thecenter of the hall, there is a 6.5-meter-high and 3.5-meter-wide portrait ofConfucius, the largest in China. On the front two sides of the portrait, thereare another four of the 12 students, namely Mencius, Kongji, Zengshen andYanhui. In front of the portrait, there are also ancient musical instrumentssuch as Gong, Qin, wokonghou, chime, Bianzhong, guzheng and drum.
38 inlaid murals reflecting Confucius' life stories are hung on thesurrounding walls, which are called "Confucius' holy trace". They are made ofinner jade from Zhejiang, Fujian, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Qinghai, Guangxi,Guangdong and other provinces (regions), famous crystals from jixueleng,Shoushan stone, feicuilv, zhoucunleng and precious jewelry such as gold,jewelry, Luodian, etc. by 2oo craftsmen in Yueqing, Zhejiang Province. It takesthree years The total investment is 5.8 million yuan. The picture adopts theChinese classical panoramic composition method, supplemented by the detaileddescription of textual research, with fine workmanship, natural color, richthree-dimensional sense, giving people a sense of lifelike magic. Each sheet is2.5 meters high and 1.3 meters wide. There are 408 figures in the painting. Theshape is natural and lifelike. The 38 murals are the picture of the holy trace,the preface to the title, the prayer of Nishan, the Qilin Yushu, the ErlongWulao, the Juntian Shengjiang, the zudou Xueli, the functionary commissar, thename Rongfu, the functionary Chengtian, the questioner Laofu, Wenshao in Qi, YanYingju Feng in Yan, the retreat of Shishu, Jiagu Huiqi, returning to Tianxiegouo, zhushaozhengmao; the female music Wenma, and Yingu Qulu. Help peopleout. In Song Dynasty, people felled trees, attacked the Falcon, struck the chimeby Shiwei, learned to play Qin by Xiang, drove back to Xihe, asked linggongabout Chen, Zilu about Jin, in chenjueliang, zixijufeng, songqiuling, Xingtanritual music, kneeling by Chihong, Xishou Huolin, Mengdian Liangying, Zhirenbiegui, Han Gaosi to Lu. This is just like the couplet in the temple, which saysthat "Qi Bei Si Shi Xing heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, sun and moon are inaccordance with their virtue; teach the world to follow Yao, Shun, Yu and TangWenwu as teachers". The truth is that "the Tao of heaven and earth runs throughthe ancient and modern times, and the six classics are deleted and listed in theConstitution for all ages.".
From the north gate of Dacheng hall, you can enter Xuegong district throughDongshi.
Dongshi and Xishi have been changed from the East and West passagewayswhich used to enter and leave the academy to the places where the ships can sellgoods on the Qinhuai River. Now they have become the most distinctive places forarts and crafts, cultural goods sales and cultural activities in the ConfuciusTemple area.
The school palace was a place to cultivate talents in feudal times. Therewere different levels, such as county school, government school (road school,state school, etc.) and national school. They were all adjacent to ConfuciusTemple, which showed the orthodox status of Confucianism in building the countryand cultivating self. The school palace includes Mingde hall, Zunjing Pavilion,Jingyi Pavilion, Chongsheng temple and Qingyun tower. Entering the gate of theschool is the ancient Mingde hall. It is a place for scholars to listen to theirtutors' preaching of holy teachings and instructions (ethics and governmentdecrees) after their monthly pilgrimage to the sun (i.e. Confucius), so as tocultivate their loyalty and patriotism. As for the name of mingdetang, sometourists may ask that there is only "Minglun hall" in the Confucius Templecomplex. Why Nanjing Confucius Temple is an exception, which is called"mingdetang"? Indeed, in Nanjing Confucius Temple, mingdetang was originallyalso called "Minglun hall". It was just Wen Tianxiang, the Prime Minister of theSouthern Song Dynasty, who was imprisoned when the yuan army was about toconquer Nanjing, in order to show that he would rather die than surrender Hechanged "Ming Lun Tang" into "Ming De Tang" in order to show his loyalty to thecountry and serve the people. Zunjing Pavilion, built in the middle of MingDynasty, is 18.7 meters high, with double eaves and T-shaped ridges on the topof the mountain. It is an extraordinary Hall for storing Confucian classics andteaching lectures. It is now an exhibition hall of folk customs. Standing sideby side with Zunjing pavilion are Chongsheng temple and Qingyun tower. Zunjingacademy is divided into two sides behind Zunjing Pavilion. In the Qing Dynasty,Qingyun building was changed into a library, and Zunjing Academy was used as alecture center, which is equivalent to the classroom now. The small highlandbehind the Zunjing Pavilion, called Weishan, has a Jingyi Pavilion. AllConfucian temples in the world have Jingyi Pavilion. It began in the Jiajingperiod of the Ming Dynasty. In the pavilion, the emperor's motto of "JingyiZhen" was set up as the motto of the students. The so-called "respect one" isthe dedication to Confucianism.
After touring the Academy, walk tens of meters to the East past GongyuanWest Street, which is Jiangnan Gongyuan. During this period of time, I wouldlike to introduce to you some other information about the Confucius Temple. Inaddition to the buildings of Confucius Temple, there are more noticeable folkcustoms, characteristic markets and snacks in the area.
Dear friends, this is the end of the tour of Confucius Temple. Thank youfor your support and cooperation!
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇7各位游客。在昨天的游程中,我为大家安排游览了中山陵、明孝陵、灵谷寺,总统府旧址等名胜古迹。今天,我将带大家到秦淮河、夫子庙去游览。秦淮河旅游区,位于南京老城区城南,从市区出发,坐汽车约需20分钟才能到达。它是一个以夫子庙为中心,集游览、购物、品尝风味于一体,展示古城风貌和民族风情的旅游地。
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇8各位游客,我们现在就来到了夫子庙。“六朝金粉地,十里秦淮河”,指的就是南京城南夫子庙地区的秦淮河风光带,自六朝起,这里就是居民商业集中地,为古都繁华地带。
南京夫子庙导游词简介 篇9各位游客,大家好!我们今天要参观的是位于秦淮河畔的夫子庙。说起夫子庙,我们还得先来谈谈南京人的母亲河-----秦淮河。秦淮河又名淮水、小江、龙藏浦,是南京文化的古老渊源。它从东水关入城,从西水关出城,流经夫子庙前的这一段长约十华里,因此被称为“十里秦淮”。从古至今,秦淮河的两岸就是一派繁华的景象,唐人杜牧的诗是这样说的:“烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”,一首诗说尽了秦淮河的繁华。解放以后,经过南京市政府的大力建设,今天的十里秦淮已成为展现江南特有风貌的国家5A级风景名胜区。
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