无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇1我来当导游,在蠡园西南角,临湖建“六角亭”,这就是蠡园风景之最的“月波平眺”。它飞檐翘角,绿瓦红柱,因亭顶原立有一只仙鹤,故又叫“仙鹤亭”。1958年整修时拆除了,换成现在的葫芦攒尖顶。顶上有12根楞木,斗拱相连,雕刻着60只金凤凰,每五只凤凰由一条龙率领,中间绘有双龙戏珠,所以也叫“龙凤亭”。1981年,无锡书画家倪小近写的“月波平眺”匾悬挂在亭正中央。站在亭中可以眺望五里湖,领略湖光山色,所以也叫“望湖事”。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇2假山群中最大的建筑是“莲航”。它建于1930年,三面临池,一侧和驳岸相连,分成三个舱:前舱是落地长窗,中舱装饰着矮墙花窗,尾舱隔有粉墙栏杆。航是园林湖泊中建造的一种船形建筑,主要供人在游览时驻足停留,观赏水景。江南园林造园多以水为中心,蠡园又建在太湖边,因此陈梅芳在假山群中造了这座莲航,使游人不在水中划船,却如同置身舟中的感觉,充分体现了造园者的用意。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇3各位游客:我们现在将去游览的景点是蠡园。蠡园距无锡市区10公里,位于前湖北岸的青祁村,是一处以“堆造假山、巧借真水”而闻名的江南水乡园林。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇4各位游客:在华东线的旅游城市中,无锡是因濒临美丽的太湖而著名的。在这个“充满温情和水”的城市中,景色宜人,人文答本,吸引了南来北往的佳宾。今天就让我们一同前去欣赏这颗“太湖明珠”的迷人风采。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇5我来当导游,假山石阵是台园景区的主要特征。1930年陈梅芳建渔庄时,用太湖石堆砌假山群,由浙江东阳人蒋字元设计建造。来到假山群,只觉峰回路转,曲折盘旋,置身其中,如入迷宫。假山群的建造丰富了园林内容,增加了山林野趣,又分隔了景区空间。这些假山都以“云”字题名,有云窝、云脚、穿云、朵云、盘云、归云、留云等。假山最高处是“归云洞”,高12米。在此可以眺望全园景色。我们到此,是否有一种“身在此山中,不知云深处”的感觉呢!假山虽小,却风景独特。在假山群旁,还配置着小亭、池塘、小溪、曲桥、石笋,并且种植了各种名贵花木,大有会稽兰亭之风光。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇6Lihu lake, also known as Wulihu Lake, is the inner lake of Taihu Lakeextending into Wuxi. It is located in the southwest suburb of Wuxi, a famouscity in the south of the Yangtze River. It is about 10 kilometers away from thecity center and is shaped like a gourd.
The name of Lihu comes from the legend of Fan Li and Xi Shi: it is saidthat in the spring and Autumn period more than 2400 years ago, Wu Yue wasdefeated and captured in the battle of Fu Jiao, King Gou Jian of Yue. Fan Li, asenior official of the state of Yue, gave advice. Gou Jian endured humiliationand took the policy of "lying on the staff, tasting courage, and striving forgovernance". He found a gorgeous beauty, Xi Shi, in RUOYE stream of Zhuji Zhuluomountain. He was given the mission of humiliating himself and serving thecountry. He made Wu King Fu Chai indulge in wine and sex, lost his guard againstYue, and killed his loyal minister Wu Zixu. When the state of Wu was destroyed,Fan Li ranked first. Gou Jian is suspicious, so he can only share weal and woe,not happiness. Fan Li retired after success, and sailed in Taihu Lake and 72peaks with Xi Shi. After entering Wuli Lake, I missed the beautiful sceneryhere. I went boating on the lake all day and couldn't bear to leave for a longtime.
Lihu park also has good scenery. The lake is dotted with water chestnut,and the reed and calamus are elegant. There is also a man-made beach. Althoughit is not as small as a natural beach, it is also a good place to play in thewater. The cool water rippling on the feet is very pleasant.
The construction of Lihu Park adheres to people-oriented and water as thesoul. In the garden surrounded by clear water, small bridges and trestles withdifferent shapes make up all the scenic spots in the garden. The garden in thegarden -- Shiyuan, embracing with green shade. Built with four pavilions ofLiuyun, Tianyuan, Yuehong and Qinghui, and a 100 meter long corridor around thewater, the water mirror corridor will collect the ancient and modern poems,paintings and photographs of celebrities praising Taihu Lake, and show theprofound cultural heritage of Lihu lake. It can also serve as a platform for thepublic to participate in Lihu cultural activities and exchange exhibitions. Lihupark is the best place to watch Lihu bridge.
Lihu Park in Wuxi is a free park. Located in the North Bank of Lihu, BinhuDistrict, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China, it was officially opened to theoutside world on October 1, 20__. Covering an area of 300 mu, the park isdesigned by American Pan Asia e-way company and Wuxi Landscape Design Institute.The garden is dominated by plant landscaping, with four seasons of flowers andtrees forest belts of "beauty of spring", "beauty of summer", "charm of autumn"and "condensation of winter". The water mirror Gallery, a circular 100 meterlong corridor built around the water, displays the ancient and modern poems,paintings and sculptures praising Taihu Lake.
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇7各位游客:我们现在将去游览的景点是蠡园。蠡园距无锡市区10公里,位于前湖北岸的青祁村,是一处以“堆造假山、巧借真水”而闻名的江南水乡园林。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇8四季亭还各有一个更好听的名字,这是在1980年《无锡日报》上公开征集评选的,它们分别是:春亭叫“溢红”,夏亭名“滴翠”,秋亭为“醉黄”,冬亭称“吟白”。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇9Wuxi Liyuan is located in Qingqi village on the West Bank of Lihu lake,2.5km southwest of Wuxi City. It is named after Lihu lake. It is said that morethan 20__ years ago in the spring and Autumn period, Fan Li, a senior officialof the state of Yue, helped the king of Yue destroy Wu, and then he took abeautiful woman Xi Shi to go boating here. Later generations named this lakeafter Fan Li in memory of him.
In 1927, Wang Yuqing of Wuxi built Liyuan on the basis of Qingqi Bajing.Liyuan covers an area of 5.2 hectares, including 2.2 hectares of water. Visitorscan visit Liyuan in three parts. That is: the rockery area in the middle, thelakeside levee and the four seasons Pavilion in the west, the promenade, thepavilion in the center of the lake and the layer wave overlapping shadow area inthe East. Sijiting district is the main scenic spot of Liyuan. This pavilion wasbuilt in 1954, which is derived from the meaning of spring, summer, autumn andwinter. It is respectively titled "Yihong", "DiCui", "zuihuang" and "Yinbai".Spring plum is planted in spring Pavilion, peach blossom bamboo is planted inSummer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragrans is planted in Autumn Pavilion, andwintersweet plum is planted in winter Pavilion. There are many flowers in thefour seasons, and the fragrance is far away.
Passing through the four seasons Pavilion, there is LiuDi on the west sideof the garden. On the southwest corner of the pavilion, there is a smallhexagonal pavilion built according to the lake, named Wanghu Pavilion. Visitorscan see Lihu lake and Shitang peaks. In the house of Wanghu Pavilion, there are12 pieces of wood, on which 60 colorful Phoenix are carved. Each Phoenix is ledby a dragon. The dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious and lifelike. In thenorth of Siji Pavilion is the famous "Qianbu corridor", which is about 300meters long. The leaky windows on the corridor wall are made of tiles. On the 89flower windows, the patterns are different, which is very negative to the charmof Jiangnan gardens. Su Shi, minanggong and Wang Yangming, writers of SongDynasty, and calligrapher of Ming Dynasty, all have stone inscriptions fortourists to enjoy.
Liyuan is the most scenic spot in Lihu Lake scenic area. When visitorsvisit the lake scenery, they all stop here to enjoy the scenery. The long willowdike, the long corridor near the water, the delicate bridge, the gorgeousPavilion, and what a picture of "overlapping waves, snow waves and smokegreen"!
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇10民国初年,在蠡湖畔建青祁八景,1927年-1936年在原有基础上建蠡园,后几经扩建。相传春秋时范蠡、西施退隐太湖,即在这里泛舟,园内的建筑多以范蠡、西施为主题,来这一看爱情,二看精致。
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇11Lihu lake, formerly known as Wulihu Lake, is an inner lake in the northeastof Taihu Lake. Liyuan, which stretches into Lihu lake, is an old park in Wuxi.It has the style of Jiangnan garden. It is famous for its waterscape, withnarrow and long lifts, small bridges and long corridors on the water. Peachblossom is in full bloom in March and April, and lotus blossom in June andSeptember, just like a water garden.
In the early years of the Republic of China, the eight sceneries of Qingqiwere built on the Bank of Lihu lake. From 1927 to 1936, Liyuan was built on theoriginal basis, and then expanded several times. It is said that Fan Li and XiShi retired from Taihu Lake in the spring and Autumn period, that is to say,they went boating here. Most of the buildings in the park are based on the themeof Fan Li and Xi Shi. Come here to see the love and the delicacy.
To the left of the gate of Liyuan is a group of rockeries. Don't go to therockeries first, and then go out after a tour. Take the direction of BaihuaMountain House and go south to Siji Pavilion. Four seasons Pavilion refers to apond with four pavilions on each side. Plum blossom is planted beside springPavilion, Nerium indicum is planted beside Summer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragransis planted beside Autumn Pavilion, and wintersweet is planted beside winterPavilion. There is a big lawn in the north of the four seasons Pavilion. It'svery pleasant to sit on the lawn, chat with three or four friends, or have apicnic. To the west of Siji Pavilion is a sampan wharf. You can row on the lake.The reference price of pedal boat is 25 yuan / 40 minutes, and that of hand boatis 20 yuan / 40 minutes.
Continue to walk south to the long dike on Lihu lake, which is called"South dike spring dawn". This is the best place to enjoy the flowers in spring.There are a row of weeping willows on the bank. The willow branches swing withthe wind. There are many peach trees among the willows. There are many kinds ofpeach flowers. There are different colors of peach flowers on a peach tree.There are pear flowers, cherry blossoms, blowing petals spread on the lake, likea pair of colorful tin embroidery. In the southwest corner of Chunxiao, there isa lake watching Pavilion named "yuebo Pingtiao". There is a cruise ship wharfwhere you can take a cruise ship to xishizhuang.
Xishizhuang is an artificial island built in the south of Li. Along thestone road around the island, there are many scenic spots named after Fan Li andXishi. In the Taozhu residence, Fan Li helped Gou Jian, king of Yue, defeat thestate of Wu and go into business after retiring. There is a super big abacus inthe shangsheng hall, which is very interesting. It takes two hands to pull theabacus. Xishi garden is decorated with Xishi's embroidery workshop, boudoir,study, and exhibits of tin embroidery. There are also spring and autumn stageand other attractions on the island. The island is not big. A tour around theisland takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Take a boat back to Chunxiao of Nandi, and walk northeast to Qianbucorridor. This is the old building of Liyuan. It is on the Lihu lake. On oneside, there is a wall, and on the other side, there is water. There are 80hollowed out flower windows on the wall. The patterns are very beautiful. At theeast end of Qianbu corridor, there is the pavilion in the center of the lake,which is "clear, red, smoke and green". The red brick and green tile of Ningchuntower, which faces the pavilion across the water, is small and has strong colorcontrast. It is one of the landmark buildings of Liyuan. In the eastern part ofLiyuan, you can see the ferris wheel of Lihu Park in the East. With Liyuan asthe foreground and ferris wheel as the background, the photos are veryartistic.
Then go northwest to chunqiuge, which belongs to the eastern region. Thereare three floors in the pavilion, which is the high building of Liyuan. There isa teahouse on the upper floor. You can drink tea while overlooking the beautifulLihu lake. Finally, back to the rockery group, a large pile of Taihu Lake stonesformed a variety of strange peaks, all named after the word "cloud", such asyunwo, yunjiao, Chuanyun, etc. Guiyun peak is the highest, with a height of 12meters. Entering the rockery group is like entering a labyrinth. You can alsoclimb to the rockery to play.
Liyuan is close to Yuantouzhu in the West. Many tourists will arrangeYuantouzhu and Liyuan for one day tour.
无锡蠡园景区导游词 篇12便利的交通为到无锡旅游的宾客提供了方便。航空:无锡硕放机场已开通北京、福州、佛山、惠阳等多条航线。铁路:无锡地处京沪线上,每天在无锡停留的快车逾百列,全国各大城市都有火车可直达无锡。公路:沪宁高速公路经过无锡,与华东每个城市每天均有旅游汽车往返;九条国道、省道成放射状通向全国、全省。水路:从浙江湖州可乘旅游船经太湖到无锡;从苏州、镇江、丹阳可乘游船经古运河到无锡。