


工业设计师英文自我评价 篇1

  Politically, I have a good moral cultivation, and a firm political direction, the ideological requirements of active progress, is now the object of study to join the party. I abide by the law, love public property, care and help others, and in a pragmatic and enthusiastic about the spirit of enthusiasm to participate in school publicity and patriotic activities. I always to improve their overall quality for the purpose of the overall development of the struggle for the individual direction, establish a correct outlook on life and values.

  In learning, I am in addition to their own professional interest, but also spare time specializing in computer expertise, so I can easily operate a variety of network and office software. Has received college scholarships.Computer maintenance level, computer grade examination, iso9000 quality management system, internal auditors and other aspects of the certificate. In addition to the expertise in the area of excellence, usually I also dabbled a lot of network management and maintenance, web design and advertising design knowledge, especially for office automation software has a strong interest in the year college organized by the Chinese and English entry game b Group first prize. I believe that in the future theory and practice, which can have a greater increase.

  Through social practice, internship in the company, to the community to learn the philosophy of life, narrowing the distance between me and society, but also opened up a vision, increased ability to further clarify the future for me more intense competition A more solid foundation. I deeply understand: the person's life, the school is we lay a solid foundation of the platform, and society is always the University, adhere to the practice of learning from the practice of learning.

  University time is coming to an end, thanks to help my mentor, thanks to the brothers and sisters struggle together. In the future life path, I will put right attitude, correct positioning, study hard, continuous efforts to improve their overall quality, meet the needs of the times, to do a useful to society.

工业设计师英文自我评价 篇2

  Self-confidence, honesty, seriousness, rigorous, like learning, love of creation. Art skills solid, good at Flash, 3Dmax, AI, Photoshop, has many years of animation experience, can quickly adapt to new things, has a good aesthetic ability, a unique creative style. He was responsible for many web pages, animation, game projects, familiar with the two-dimensional animation and three-dimensional animation of the production process, both design and management capabilities.

  Has many years of industrial design experience, the accumulation of time and precipitation has its own design skills and style, character low-key, more careful, responsible, enterprising, honest and reliable.Have a strong sense of teamwork and a certain degree of leadership, with good hand-painted ability, sharp thinking, learning ability, outstanding ability to express. Design resume self-evaluation VI

  Has many years of industrial design experience, after the accumulation of time and precipitation has its own design skills and style, character low-key, more careful, responsible, enterprising, honest and reliable. Strong sense of team work, a strong sense of teamwork and a certain degree of leadership, with good hand-painted ability, sharp thinking, learning ability, outstanding ability to express.

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  Over the past four years, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge under the strict guidance of my teacher and my personal efforts. I have successfully completed different design projects between individuals and teams. I have a good command of English and a good command of the relevant design software. At the same time, work-study during college hone my will; internship enrich themselves and cultivate a wide range of skills. I am cheerful and lively, studious, have a good sense of teamwork.

  I like to challenge themselves, the courage to forge ahead with innovation, a team spirit.

  Serious and responsible work, there are hard-working spirit! I want a new starting point to create new achievements, my self-confidence, from my ability, your encouragement; my hope pinned on your eye. If you trust and hope to me, then my self-confidence, my ability, my dedication will be your most satisfactory answer.

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工业设计师英文自我评价 篇5

  I entered the College of Architecture and Decoration in 20xx, interior design professional learning. In the school, I try to learn the professional knowledge; master the basic theory of the professional knowledge, but also pay special attention to the theoretical knowledge and practice will be combined to develop their own hands-on ability.Mastering CAD, Tengen, 3D, PHOTOSHOP, LIGHTSCAPE and other mapping software; familiar with Word, Excel and other office software.Finally, we have a lot of experience in the field of computer science and technology. In addition, the individual can be hard-working, practical sound, good academic performance, honesty and trustworthiness, no violation of law and discipline, physical health, active thinking, with strong learning and innovation, optimistic and enterprising, good communication, good Of the team spirit. Integrity, perseverance is the pride I have the advantage, but also for me to fight for the respect of others.

  We enjoy the right to live in this world, it is obliged to social responsibility for their own words and deeds. Noble character, we contribute to the realization of the value of their own basic requirements, we live up to the parents and the expectations of the motherland of the premise. After four years of training, I already have the basic computer skills and design capabilities, and believe in interior design will create a blue sky.

  Have a solid professional skills, work orderly, can Chikunailao, a strong ability to express and communication skills, good at cooperation with people, a team spirit, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, a strong organizational capacity, studious, To recognize their own strengths and weaknesses to correct, and constantly improve themselves.Pragmatic and serious attitude towards learning, proactive work style, warm and generous principles of people, hardships and simple living habits shaped my unique personality and the pursuit of life and cultivate my correct outlook on life, world outlook, values, so I can optimistic To live and work and achieve the desired results.

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  1.熟练操作PC、 Mac 电脑,精通Photoshop、Freehand、CORELDRAW等平面设计软件,对网页设计有层面上的了解;工作细致负责,能承受工作压力;有独到的创意和敏感的市场意识;较强的创作和执行能力;良好的沟通能力和团队作能力。

  2.熟练photoshop 、coreldraw 等绘图软件,有良好绘画基础,受过的美术教育,有近一年工作经验 ,工作热情,有的沟通能力,擅于新事物,新环境、际交往能力、市场洞察能力,勇于创新,强烈的责任感和团队合作精神。能够从事品牌标志设计,企业形象设计,包装设计,企业画册及年报、房地产设计、杂志排版、书籍封面设计等等

  3.系统学习了vi企业形象策划、广告文案写作、图形创意、招贴设计、包装设计、书籍装帧设计、摄影等专业知识;熟习平面设计软件Photoshop 、CorelDRAW 、InDesign;制图软件CAD;影视后期软件Premiere; 在学习中,我注重理论与实践的结合,己具备了相当的实践操作能力,可独立进行广告策划、平面广告设计工作。

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  在我工作经历中,让我感到幸运的就是公司给我这一次就业机会。与以往的工作经历不同的是,这里给人一种完全放松的工作氛围,没有因为测试出的 bug 和不能按时提交的软件模块功能而心怀忐忑,接触的人际关系也不再是有限的技术人员,在这里我学到很多以前不曾接处的东西,处理人际关系的能力,会不会说让人喜欢的话,处事的心态等。在此对一个月的工作和生活做一下总结,从中发现自己的缺点和不足,在以后的工作中加以改进,以提高自己的工作水平。



  在此我定下了明年的工作目标。了解公司的操作过程,运营方式,虽然我是公司的 it 技术人员,对于学习这些知识表面上看似无任何关联,我只要按公司给的需求开发出相应的系统即可。但我认为,最好的项目是最适合顾客体验的,要想做出受顾客欢迎的网站,要站在顾客角度上考虑。因此要融入到旅游行业,身处其境,才能做得更好。我跟华哥聊过公司的网络发展,华哥的目标是明年使至尊网成为华南最大的旅游网,使至尊网成为一个品牌。这是我们网络部的目标,也是我的目标。配合好华哥的工作,使网站能按时上线。与网络部的同事一起努力,把网络推广做到最好。

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  在大学的光阴岁月里,我更是惜时如金,不断从各方面严格要求自己。“知识就是未来”,除了完成大学的教学大纲要求,并且取得三年成绩优秀总评外,我还大量收集多个方面的知识。不仅扩大自己的知识面、增长见识,个人简历 ,而且帮助自己正确地树立了人生观、价值观,对社会做出自己的贡献!

  回顾大学三年,我学到的最有用的知识是:自信与自学!在此三年期间,我主修的课程是: AutoCAD,Pro/E,MasterCAM三个软件,机械制图,工程力学,机械制造基础,互换性与测量技术,模具拆装训练,机械设计基础,电工电子技术,液压与气动,塑料成型工艺与模具设计,数控加工工艺与编程,生产(模具),模具材料及表面处理,模具制造工艺,冲压工艺与模具设计,模具价格估算,冲压与塑压设备。

工业设计师英文自我评价 篇9

  Has a strong user research, market analysis, the Chinese users of social form, way of life has a wealth of understanding and unique views on the color, material feel delicate and sensitive, with color, material, surface treatment research and trend analysis Ability to understand the color of contemporary China has a deep understanding and their own point of view; be able to accurately grasp the social culture, fashion trends, the Chinese modern society and traditional cultural backgrounds have a careful study and profound understanding of the design work is full of enthusiasm, Strong design capability, design a wide range of products.

  Familiar with all kinds of office software and PS, CORELDRAW, CAD, 3dmax, and so on. We have a lot of experience in the design field, such as design, pottery, painting, cartoon, etc. , Maya and other professional painting tools, a strong learning and hands-on ability; a strong plane three-dimensional thinking, a strong three-dimensional sense of consciousness, color-sensitive to strong control; design style changeable, innovative, creative Innovation ability; and have good oral communication skills, can adapt to foreign travel.

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  I graduated from art and design professionals, has high artistic quality, design usually focus on the accumulation of theoretical knowledge and apply theory to work. Understand contemporary design trends, design and attention to detail, attention to user experience, to have a keen interest in color matching, master a variety of design-related software applications. Good team player with communication and adaptable. Is sincere, proactive work, serious, practical, able to endure hardship, with a strong practical ability.

  Art and design background, professional training experience, familiar with the design workflow

  Familiar with design software, you can hand drawings

  Societies have leadership ability, strong communication and collaboration

  Master design software Photoshop, Illustrator, Coreldraw, Flash

  Learn computer language Html, Css, Javascript

  CET (530)

  Proficiency in MS OFFICE: Word, PPT, Excel

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工业设计师英文自我评价 篇12

  Four years of campus life, so that my own overall quality, self-cultivation, human ability and communication skills have a qualitative leap; let me know in addition to learning the importance of personal ability and the ability to communicate the necessity.

  I went to university with my dream, my major is industrial engineering, I earnestly learn the profession, expand knowledge, and strengthen the principle of ability to exercise, a lot of knowledge of wealth, exercise their own ability. I strive to learn basic courses, deep research expertise, and achieved excellent results, many times among the best, year after year scholarships.

  In school, I love socialism, support the Chinese Communist Party and his leadership. Consciously abide by national laws and school discipline.Actively participate in various activities within the party school, to move closer to the party organization, and achieved a certificate of party school graduation. In school, I actively participate in classes from the class, the school's various collective activities, and make suggestions for the collective. Always concerned about the students, and we harmonious relationship. As a class cadre, I try my best to serve my classmates, actively assist my teachers in my work, carry out various forms of activities, coordinate the relationship between my classmates and the class, and make my class a vibrant and dynamic class.

  After-school life, I also adhere to cultivate their extensive hobbies, adhere to physical exercise, so that they always remain in the best condition. In order to improve their social interaction and the use of all aspects of knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. Four years, I joined the young volunteers, attended the school party school training, these experiences not only enhance my hard-working, self-reliance ability, but also improve my cooperation and exchanges with others ability.

  I understand my shortcomings and advantages, I have is young and knowledge. Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means enthusiasm and vitality, I am confident that with their own ability and knowledge in the work and life after graduation to overcome various difficulties, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of self-goal. Heaven and earth, learning is endless, I know that in addition to theoretical knowledge, my experience and experience is still shallow. I am convinced that the opportunity will be favored people who have prepared, I look forward to a better future, always ready to work with you, I am always looking forward to a better future!

  Four years of campus life, so that my own overall quality, self-cultivation, human ability and communication skills have a qualitative leap; let me know in addition to learning the importance of personal ability and the ability to communicate the necessity.

  I went to university with my dream, my major is industrial engineering, I earnestly learn the profession, expand knowledge, and strengthen the principle of ability to exercise, a lot of knowledge of wealth, exercise their own ability. I strive to learn basic courses, deep research expertise, and achieved excellent results, many times among the best, year after year scholarships.

  In school, I love socialism, support the Chinese Communist Party and his leadership. Consciously abide by national laws and school discipline.Actively participate in various activities within the party school, to move closer to the party organization, and achieved a certificate of party school graduation. In school, I actively participate in classes from the class, the school's various collective activities, and make suggestions for the collective. Always concerned about the students, and we harmonious relationship. As a class cadre, I try my best to serve my classmates, actively assist my teachers in my work, carry out various forms of activities, coordinate the relationship between my classmates and the class, and make my class a vibrant and dynamic class.

  After-school life, I also adhere to cultivate their extensive hobbies, adhere to physical exercise, so that they always remain in the best condition. In order to improve their social interaction and the use of all aspects of knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. Four years, I joined the young volunteers, attended the school party school training, these experiences not only enhance my hard-working, self-reliance ability, but also improve my cooperation and exchanges with others ability.

  I understand my shortcomings and advantages, I have is young and knowledge. Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means enthusiasm and vitality, I am confident that with their own ability and knowledge in the work and life after graduation to overcome various difficulties, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of self-goal. Heaven and earth, learning is endless, I know that in addition to theoretical knowledge, my experience and experience is still shallow. I am convinced that the opportunity will be favored people who have prepared, I look forward to a better future, always ready to work with you, I am always looking forward to a better future!

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工业设计师英文自我评价 篇15

  Skilled use of 3DS MAX, VR, AUTOCAD, CorelDRAW and some other computer work software. Industry contacts a wide range, familiar with solid wood, plate, software, some of the material properties, processing and material surface treatment process. Have strong communication skills, can be hard-working. Have strong organizational skills, adaptability and teamwork awareness.

  I am cheerful, optimistic, love life, the courage to challenge themselves. Have strong organizational skills and teamwork During the two years of university study hard to learn the various courses, but also actively participate in a number of community activities, improve their physical and mental development, improve the comprehensive ability. I am about to enter the community, experience in the experience are still inadequate, more need to continue to work in the future to enhance and improve themselves.

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