


对英国的评价英文版 篇1

  China generally has a traditional psychological, that there is room to have a home. Have a nest of their own, even if the small can feel at ease, as if also have a sense of belonging and home. Because of this, in recent years, China 's housing market will be so popular, buy a lot of people' s life struggle to become the goal. But in fact, in foreign countries, most people may not have their own house for life, but will choose to rent. If they stay tired of a place for a long time, you can always rent out the house, moved to another place, very free and easy. The following is a British student about the British concept of the house and views.

  I rented the first place in the UK, the landlord is our marketing department of a brand manager, a 30-year-old single woman.

  Her house is a townhouse with two floors. In front of only a small garden, because she did not have time to take care of; behind a small yard, for drying clothes. The first floor is the living room, living room and kitchen.There are four rooms on the second floor, the largest one she lived, and then two bedrooms were leased to me and a college student, there is a study, relatively small, next to her room. On the day of arrival, she said that in addition to her and another tenant's room, the other room I casually enter and use, as long as the clean and tidy just fine. Utilities are all included in the rent. I found the same day, every bedroom is no bolt, we can only cover the door and sleep, this includes the landlord's own room. Obviously, she bought the house this is owner-occupied, may have never thought about going to the strange tenants who modified the door lock it.

  On weekends, she went to Manchester to visit her boyfriend, and college students are always out partying, come back late. I grew up to no one slept a room in the school dormitory, at home is my parents room, a small attic, this one guarding a big house, scared to death. I often hard to see the tape, in order to wait for college students back! Finally one day, wait until two o'clock, and he did not return, I sleep too sleepy to sleep, stairs and corridor lights are deliberately not turned off. Early the next morning, someone knocked on my vanity door, I got up and ran to the room in front of sleepy eyes, apparently college students playing out all night just back."Why did not you turn off the lights last night?" I said, for fear of the darkness, but said I forgot, he said, "We are an island in the UK, with very scarce resources, and you will not waste it in the future," he said solemnly.Ah! "I heard Yileng Yi Leng, and this off a light have risen to the energy level - I humbly nodded. A week after the weekend, he was out, actually reminded me to forget to turn off the lights!

  Gradually big house living habits, and not afraid of the black. Just as I dreamed of settling in a big house for a whole year, the landlord told me that she sold the house, the job also resigned, to go to Manchester City to get married.

  I thought, work and the house are big things. Into the Chinese people, so how couples have to separate the two for some time and then from the long term, but for her unexpectedly is a proposal in the weekend after the decision. This house that sell to sell, it seems no one thought and lived a house it.

  On the house thing, then finally heard the real English version. A friend took me to see her parents living in a cottage on the outskirts of the famous city of York. In addition to the old couple 's room, the other two rooms are packed into rooms, such as adult children or guests to the time can be spent the night, the house is a small garden. When I went to a guest, asked the elderly, you must have a house in the city, right? The old man opened the chatterbox: "This house is bought after retirement, the mortgage is three years.This is our fourth house, but We have never had a house.When we got married, we bought a set of two rooms, and gave birth to a child after the three-bedroom replaced, regeneration and a four-bedroom replaced, and now they are away from home, and we retired , On the outskirts of the three-bedroom, Christmas is back enough to live Oh. Every time the mortgage is three decades, it has been for so, for, but never had. Now we estimate that death is not Will have a house it! "Said the old man, hearty laugh.

  Have a happy family life, the original and "have" a house is not much relationship. The British free and easy on the house, is from the island's cultural openness and mobility, or mature capitalist society, financial endowment insurance system?

  We have seen, we should have lamented it! Let the younger generation, may also wish to learn from them, do not be the house, the car was overwhelmed!

对英国的评价英文版 篇2

  My opinion on the monarch in England

  It’s known to us all, that there are still kings or queens in England, different from many other countries. What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational. So, let’s figure out the reasons for that.

  Reason 1. By searching in Baidu, I know that the king or queen of the Great Britain is also the leader of Canada, Australia and so on to some extent at the same time, for they are in the Commonwealth of Nations. They need a common leader who has a respectable identity to region and show their continuity in politics.

  Reason 2. Once given a chance to England , I would not miss to see the soldiers beside the palace. So do many people. It’s exactly the charm of royalty. I wonder what a big loss the tourism of England will suffer once there were no longer king or queen.

  Reason 3. the monarch also has it cultural meaning. We know there are many special parades in England which has some thing to do with monarch. And they need a person to be regarded as their god or goddess for solidarity.

  All in all, monarch do benefit the England in politics, economic, and culture. That’s exactly why the monarch exists in the great Britain .

对英国的评价英文版 篇3

  British emphasis on education, not only in the UK gathered in the world's most famous and oldest schools, colleges and universities, and there are some new and most innovative institutions. Education is a permanent topic of discussion ... Education is not only a matter of repeated thinking for the teacher, but also to parents and students to pay more attention. Britain is a country with a long tradition of education. Its education system after several hundred years of evolution, quite perfect and complex, and has a very large flexibility. In general, it is divided into three stages: compulsory education, continuing education and higher education.

  British people generally believe that the spoil of children and spoiled children is the biggest obstacle to the formation of independent character.To enable children to adapt to the needs of society in the future, to live independently, work, must be small to develop their ability to live independently, so that they learn to respect others and self-restraint, aware of their behavior responsible. If the child can not adapt to society in the future as other people, as parents can not fulfill the responsibility of education.

  British schools in the moral education is not called moral education, and called "personal social health education", or "social process", the British schools generally do not have a special moral education course, but the creation of including Buddhism and Taoism, including A variety of the world's major religious beliefs for the elective. This course is considered a child's moral and conscience is very important to cultivate a course. . The purpose is to let them know the basic truth of ordinary life, how to integrate into society self-discipline, as part of society. Core moral values are four: respect for life, fair, honest and trustworthy.

  The British also have the notion that "morality is infected, not taught." It is reflected in the British primary and secondary school moral education, that is, do not require children to memorize moral norms, but requires children from the depths of the heart, from daily life to understand and understand the ethics.

  The family is the cradle of child growth. In the UK family, absolutely do not see the children of no reason to spoil, the wrong child will be corrected or even punished. Parents tend to respect the child's independent personality under the premise of strict control of the children, so that they understand that their behavior is not without marginal, can not do whatever they want.British law clearly stipulates that parents allow their children to corporal punishment, so far many schools still retain the rules of corporal punishment of students.

  Chinese university lecturers more dedicated, always pay close attention to the classroom 90 minutes continuously instill new knowledge, as Chinese students are also more difficult, every day to digest a lot of information.Students from China's higher education institutions often have deep and solid theoretical foundation, because in China to learn more, the final results are usually determined by the final exam. In the UK, before the start of each course, the instructor will explain the time required to master this course, generally 100 hours per course, of which 70 hours are left to the students to read and study by themselves.

  Usually in the classroom, the teacher will send their own printed information, but the coverage of knowledge is relatively small, so in the first lesson, the teacher will recommend students to buy or borrow some of the relevant books, and foreign students from small Education is based on knowledge, practical ability is also very strong.

  "In the UK, high school, the teacher will each student as the best students, insist that every student has a bright spot." Students said: "In the UK high school, sports is the main course, mathematics is "In fact, in the final analysis, the domestic education is mainly mainly in the examination, the first test; in the UK is not, the students of the comprehensive development is the more important.

  UK 9 am classes, 50 minutes each, after 4 pm is the student's free time.Such a teaching arrangement for many people mistakenly think that the British students learning is easy, its

  It is true that each course in the UK is composed of two parts, the report or the paper accounted for part of the final exam accounted for another part of the completion of either of the two will affect the final outcome of a single subject. In foreign countries, write a paper is very particular about, citing the point of view of others must be marked on the source and author, or to identify cheating, cheating in foreign countries may be to court, very serious.

  Foreign attention to teamwork, most of the work is done in the case of the team, especially in the UK business. They like a group of different cultural backgrounds, different ideas, so contact with more culture will undoubtedly be very popular in the UK, of course, the premise of teamwork is not hindered by language, English is quite good. Teamwork inside, you will find foreign students to speak and write ability is very strong, which is completely inferior to the Chinese students, the individual may think that Chinese students in the test scores on the edge, but the capacity is still better than the British students , Which is the gap between China's education, foreign education is the ability to train.

  We can not critically say that China's education is good or the UK's education is good, perhaps in some aspects of China's education is not so targeted in the United Kingdom, but in some respects Chinese education is still very worthy of our trust. In the face of British education we should do is to take its essence to its dregs, a selective reference is desirable, such as "moral is infected, rather than being taught," this view is worthy of our thinking, and capacity-building Focus on the combination of theory and practice, as well as the affirmation of the students, for the domestic "to take the test scores as a student to assess whether the only standard of excellence," this approach is not acceptable to all students, I believe most students will More like the evaluation criteria abroad, it is not so absolute.

对英国的评价英文版 篇4

  This book gives me a deep impression especially the description about the man’s braveness and persistence.

  When I was a high school student, I’ve finished this book in Chinese. But when I read it in English, I really gain something new both in the way of expression and the spirit it shows to us. May be different ages to read the same book we will learn different things from it. At least, for my part, that is true.

  Firstly, I would like to review some information about this book. Such as the background, major characters and the topic of it.

  The Old Man and the Sea is a story by Ernest Hemingway, written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works, it centers upon Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.

  The Old Man and the Sea served to reinvigorate Hemingway's literary reputation and prompted a reexamination of his entire body of work. The novella was initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers' confidence in Hemingway's capability as an author. Its publisher, Scribner's, on an early dust jacket, called the novella a "new classic," and many critics favorably compared it with such works as William Faulkner's "The Bear" and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick.

  The old man Santiago from The Old Man and the Sea is a character seen in many perspectives, as a hero, an ordinary fisherman, an unlucky old man, and a wise man. Throughout the novella he is made out as a person of motivation, passion, and hope. Despite what others do or do not think he is a man of action, and not one consumed by regret. The young and old villagers’ view of Santiago is an important one, but not a differentiating one. The villagers are split into two groups. The older fishermen that respect Santiago and wish him luck, and the younger fishermen that see him as little more than bad luck. While neither group is particularly important to the plot, each of their views sets an ambiance of Santiago forthcoming adventure. Without their views Santiago would be little more than a lucky old fisherman. Santiago has a resolute grip upon reality and lives by it. He sees himself as a man with little direction but enough determination and experience to live. He chose not to see what others thought but instead lived by how he perceived the world. His constant struggles and his persistent resolve to overcome the marlin and himself show his earnest desires to live and fish.

  The boy is a crucial element to Santiago world. Mandolin is always at the edge of Santiago mind when he thinks of convenience. At times with the fish, Santiago thinks to the boy and then to his own lack of ability. He may deny it,but at times it is his relationship with the boy that both makes him realize he needs help, and compels him to go on.

  Christian imagery and concepts are important assets to the old fisherman personality. He is seen as a kind man, and although expresses his frustration towards certain points, only conveys his anger towards the evil representation of the sharks. His kind, infinite eyes, and he carrying his mast like Jesus and his cross only augment his Christ-like personage. His loneliness and greatness are both shown as Mandolin is assigned a new boat after 40 days with Santiago, the same length of time as Christ spent in the wilderness.

  Santiago change at the end of the novella turns him into almost a universal hero. By being at sea, his ventures were never limited and the events of the story just seemed to happen. After he rebukes himself for his arrogance with the marlin, Santiago goes home and dreams of the lions playing in Africa, signaling a cycle of a child-like rebirth through Mandolin.

  Throughout the story many aspects can be found about Santiago personality merely by the content of his 3-day fight with the marlin. The ideology that encompasses the story is only consumed by Santiago pure will to persevere. Certainly Santiago is a man of many themes and personality traits.

对英国的评价英文版 篇5

  Really much more in the ah! We even travel to bring work, so one day had enough to return to the hotel can not take a good look at the TV to take a cool bath, to write from the homework. But I do not mind, because I have a private blockade diary, I write a diary every day. Summer vacation was very annoying, summer vacation so long,

  I arranged for a day out to play one day at home and enjoy it. But my mother always reminds me: "You ah, always when a 'house woman', go out and run twice. Summer to exercise, winter can not exercise it! No wonder the summer is always cold!" I had to obey orders, The district ran a sweat to go home, came home was about to blow the air conditioning in the room, on the qq, but the mother said: "So much sweat!" Blowing air conditioning will be cold! My air conditioning remote control confiscated, alas!

  Winter is cold, everyone knows. But I like winter! Although the winter is very short, but it can be the New Year! I like the Chinese New Year, the New Year can go back home, and family and friends can eat reunion dinner, you can set off firecrackers, fireworks! Most importantly, the Spring Festival is my "annual money section" ah!

  Pocket money who gave, really cool ah! But also can use pocket money to buy sand guns to play, and can use money to buy a New Year gift! And when the winter vacation, we went back to see foreign snow, snowball fights, snowman, really happy! Mom also took us to eat "Little Sheep", playing hot pot and drink "bone soup", drink warm, but also comfortable ah! Can be a lot of bad things in winter! Mother and teacher will nag: winter, and more wear clothes, do not catch a cold! My mother would "do it dry" to we dressed like a dumplings, the package of Yanyanshishi, do not see you are thin or fat.Students also joke with each other: "Haha, dumplings!" "You are not? Fat dumplings!" Finished on the fight. And the action is particularly inconvenient, the body wrapped in thick cotton-padded jacket, seems to be breathless!

对英国的评价英文版 篇6

  Shakespearean representative work has 4-big tragedy: "Hamlet" (UK: Hamlet), "Othello" is (UK: Othello), "King Lear " is (UK: King Lear), "Macbeth " is (UK: Macbeth). 4-big comedy: "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", "The Merchant of Venice " ", Twelfth Night " ", "As You Like It" ("As you like it "). Historical play: "King Henry the Fourth Part 1 " ", King Henry the Fifth " ", King Richard II " and so on. Had written 154 sonnets , two leading cadre poems. Our · Jonson says he is "the times soul " , Max says he and Helladic Aisiku Ross are "the greatest human being drama genius ". Although Shakespeare uses English writing only,he is a famous writer of world but. Most work of him has all already been translated into various language , whose play performs also in the lot of country. Die of illness on April 23 , 1616. Body person Galileo is the same as Shakespeare and famous Italy mathematician , physicist , astrologer with the philosopher , experiment science the modern times first being born for 1 year.

对英国的评价英文版 篇7

  Recently, the experts spoke highly of the award nominee writer, famous screenwriter Ba Longfeng's novel, "I love forever", they are from the novel's text features, the overall structure, characterization, ideological content, artistic appeal, etc. , Enthusiastic evaluation.

  It is reported that the novel "Never Lost My Love" for the famous Maopi shortlisted writer, screenwriter Mr. Long-Feng 15 years ago, painstakingly created the youth love local inspirational Juxian. From today's point of view, more like a writer's nostalgia for nostalgia. The book tells the story of China's western province of G province L (Gansu Lanzhou University) master's and girlfriend L large foreign graduate Kathly and love girlfriend Xu Fen between the love of disputes, magnificent artistic structure, rich in content, delicate strokes, the plot exceptionally moving, Art of the early life of the author, emotional summary. The book is about 500,000 words, will be included in the Chinese Literature and History Publishing House "span novels library" grand launch, is expected in October 20xx to meet with readers.

  Love, affection, friendship, world collision, natural, human, moral, ethical blending; under the microscope anatomical villages and towns in the town of the town, Society, focus on burning youth passion ... ...

  Manuscripts are polyphonic novels, the theme of rich: not only focus on telling pure love story, but also for the history of enterprises left a mirror.Faced with the great development of the west, the novel shows the truth that "governing the poor must first rule the foolish". And inspire the world: "know how to solve a problem is one thing, there is sufficient human and material resources to actually solve this problem is one thing, there is often a process between the two." The heroine's blood and tears of the words - "An era of morality, often provides some of the spirit of this era of crime", it is a lot of emotion, tears.

  "Never lose my love" in the figure of the real, vivid, clear, touching, Kai people mind, tear-jerking. The hero of the multi-talented, inspirational strong, do not meet the real life and work hard. The heroine beautiful and life experience, because of unbearable moral burden and loss of confidence in love, and ultimately do not marry the mentally handicapped.This makes the hero life punishment and return to the village. The real love of a human extinction!

  According to Chinese history and literature publishing editor Xue Yuan Yuan introduction, the book text is highly mature, will be the return of realism literature masterpieces, but also a model of lyrical novels. Both the "ordinary world" as the objective value of understanding, and "Young Werther's troubles" kind of strong lyricism. It can be said, catching up with the "ordinary world" style, it is the national version of "Junior Werther's troubles"! Unique novel plot Plenty of vividness brought about by the great readability, contains a huge film adaptation value.

  He is a member of Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Provincial Association for the Advancement of People's Literature and Art. He is a member of Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Provincial Association for Democracy and People's Political Consultative Conference. He has a master's degree in film and TV literature. He is a screenwriter, writer, Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Press and Publication Bureau of Radio and Television, Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Radio and Television, Chinese Literature and History Publishing House, Chinese Press, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Publishing House and many other organizations contracted writers, "the second book reading recommended" top writers (With Ji Xianlin, Chen Zhongshi, Jia Pingwa, Zhang Chengzhi, Zhang Xianliang and other columns), "the fifth of the Sanqinshu month 30 kinds of books (the book)," National "), and the winner of" Five First Engineering Award "," Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Provincial Major Cultural Project "," Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Major Literary and Artistic Creation Project "and" China University Publishing House Best-selling Book Award ".Published in various types of text more than 280 million words, published four books, of which, "write diary weekly and epistolary" by Wang Meng, Liu Heng and other editor in chief of the set of books, "middle school students sports training" is "compilation" series one. China Daily "," China Daily "," China Daily "," China Daily "," China Daily "," China Journal "," Gansu Daily "," Xi'an Daily "," Ningbo Daily "," Lanzhou Daily "," Huashangbao "," Hong Kong Commercial Daily "," Time Business Daily "," Sanqin Metropolis Daily "," Lanzhou Morning News "and" Lanzhou Evening News ". .

  Ba Longfeng masterpiece: novel "take the fork of love" "cloud cross the Qinling Mountains" (nominated for the ninth Mao Dun Literature Award, the summit of "the second book recommendation book" list, selected "Silk Road summer walking Chang'an - Northwest literature books recommended "," the fifth Sanqinshu month 30 books recommended ")" Falling earth "(adapted into 36 episodes)" Silk Road Love ", comment" language subjectivity perspective "The Long March on the Screen", "A Brief History of the Long March Movie and Its Criticism", "The Narrative Strategy Analysis of the Long March Movie", "On the Long March of the Long March" "The Analysis of the Theme of the Long March Movie" "The Baihua Literature" On the Visualization of the Film and Television Anthropology Works "The Inner Time: The Third Dimension of the Life Elves" "The Art of Narration - The Narrative Analysis of the Invisible Man""Love": "omnipresent disillusionment" "Lu Yao creation of traditional cultural psychology", the screenwriter of the film and television works "You are my scenery" "Mosuo sisters" "Changan Holiday" "Yun Wang Qinling" "Justice sword "Love Lombard" "Silk Road Love" and so on. Involved in the planning of the film and television drama has more than 200 (set), presided over the film and television movie "love invincible" "travel divorce" and so on.

对英国的评价英文版 篇8

  Nelson Mandel is a former President of South Africa, the first to be elected in a fully representative democratic election, who held office from 1994–1999. Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist. The South African courts

  convicted him on charges of sabotage, as well as other crimes committed while he led the movement against apartheid. In accordance with his conviction, Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island.

  Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela supported

  reconciliation and negotiation, and helped lead the transition towards multi-racial democracy in South Africa. Since the end of apartheid, many have frequently praised Mandela, including former opponents. Mandela has received more than one hundred awards over four decades, most notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He was

  chosen as the present of South Africa in 1994.This speech was his inaugural address speech.

  The night of South Africa lasted too long. Since the 17th century, western colonizers and their descendants to take possession of this beautiful and fertile land lawfully vigorously implemented the apartheid system. Especially after the fifties in this century, white regime put the use of penalties and punishments to the top of the system. Meanwhile, the white dictator’s perverse acts were resisted by the majority of black, scorned and imposed long-term sanctions by the international community as well. The abused blacks fought for freedom and national equality for three centuries, and finally gained the power of multi-racial elections in a peaceful way. On May 10th, 1994, the famous black movement leader Nelson Mandela was sworn as President of the new democratic South Africa.

  In this remarkable historical moment, Mandela, standing at the microphone, published his stirring human hearts inaugural address.

  The speech successfully set a emotional tone with mingled happiness and sadness. At that time, for one hand, the miserable blacks were full of excitement, with their broken hearts; for another hand, the whites who had conscious repented their unhappy past, though the stubborn whites left. Long-term isolation having become the past,

  South Africa restored dignity, but racial barriers and the same racial discriminations cannot be immediately eliminated. Feelings of South Africa’ people were extremely complex. The whole world contemplating it was also surprise and excited. As the first president in the new South Africa, who has lived in prison for 27 years and struggled for the whole life, Mandela filled with emotions. Facing this audience, the speaker was neither condemning past nor praising peace. It was sad without angry and happy without crazy. What’s more, the mingled feelings caused the broadest vibe.

  The speaker focused on national reconciliation, unity and reconstruction, dealing with misfortunes intellectually, doing away with ultra words. The grief and resentment stayed in audience’s heart for a long time, but words are very quiet and nice, which let us have a lingering aftertaste. Mandela used “us” to contain different races, and omitted the contradictory procedure but stressed the results, being cautious and politely telling the desire of reconciliation, which of course pleasant and acceptable. Today, South Africa has become a wealthy and powerful country. With the coming of the 20xx World Cup, she will become better and better!

对英国的评价英文版 篇9

  "Big success by the team, small success by personal." This is the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years, Bill Gates, one of the summary, in his path to the rich and brilliant entrepreneurial way, always embodies the importance of team spirit , Bill Gates of this sentence industry is called "big success rule."

  Bill Gates was born in Seattle in 1955, he loves computers, he was 13 years old, has been able to carry out simple computer programming design, 14-year-old Gates and his high school classmate Paul. Allen began a further programming exploration . Since childhood love and thinking about the computer, Gates in front of the hole gradually opened a bright future of computer science. 18-year-old Gates admitted to Harvard University, the study of computer programming is hungry, he and roommate Steve Ballmer is very close, usually like to wear a printed Gates "to support Ballmer "Round neck shirt to show this unusual friendship. They are always learning about each other, encouraged, Steve Ballmer's shop, Gates at Harvard University was the first computer for the successful development of a programming language version. However, the next year Gates decided to withdraw from Harvard, in order to work with another friend Paul Allen to work hard in the community, co-founder of both of them Microsoft. In 1975, 20-year-old Bill Gates was appointed Microsoft chairman, CEO and chief software designer. In 1976 Gates and Allen registered (Microsoft) trademark, originally intended to be named "Allen and Gates" finally changed to "micro software company", fade individual personal, to highlight the company's team image.

  November 1983 Windows operating system debut debut, provided by the graphical user interface changed the text of the tedious, very intuitive and convenient, by the public favorite. In 1985, 30-year-old Gates at Microsoft's press conference for the first time with Melinda. Then, both fell in love, experienced a decade of tempting lingering love, January 1, 1994 finally to the marriage hall. In order to refuse a large crowd to come to celebrate the wedding ceremony admirers, Gates wedding ingenuity arrangements in the independent separation of Lanai Island in Hawaii held, fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the wedding is very limited, and must take a special helicopter or yacht to arrive. Gates and Melinda is said to be specially scheduled during the wedding all the hotel rooms on the island and all the helicopters, no noise, but also Pu Guizhen, making beautiful Lanai Island has become more quiet, peaceful and pure. In Lanai Island wedding in addition to their loved ones, in the guest table first Paul. Allen, Warren. Buffett so heart-to-heart, like brothers and sisters.

  With the growing prosperity of Microsoft, Gates is also more concerned about the charity around. In 20xx, the Gates held a grand charity event.Warren Buffett, a friend of Warren, announced that he would donate $ 30 billion of his own investment company to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which doubled the size of the fund to double The world's largest charitable foundation.

  All the way around the Gates business always flashing a group of followers, partners, supporters of the figure, the formation of elite teams, such as Steve Ballmer's intimate, such as Paul Allen's long-term work together,Such as Warren Buffett's generosity, it is behind a high-quality elite team achievement Gates career on the "big success", and this success can not be separated from Gates personal struggle of the local "small success."

  Bill Gates once said, "If I just want to win, I would have gone to another stage." "I hope I am not the richest man in the world, this is not any good." He also did: 20xx October 28, Gates celebrated his 50th birthday in London, England announced that he will not politics, tens of billions of dollars of wealth will be donated to the community, not as a legacy to future generations. In the same year, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom Buckingham Palace was awarded the British Queen Elizabeth II awarded the "Honor Jazz Medal" in recognition of Gates and his wife Melinda to eliminate the Commonwealth and other developing countries, poverty and improve the health of local people Level of the efforts made. In 20xx, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom BBC television interview once again said that his 58 billion US dollars of property will be donated to the name of charitable funds, the money will be used to study AIDS and malaria vaccines, and the world's poor countries To provide assistance to reduce inequalities that exist globally.

  "When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, I had a lot of dreams about software development, and we wanted our software to have a big impact on the world, and having a computer at every desk and home was always the topic of our discussion. "This is the Gates of the old dream relive, and now his dream has been achieved, daily, we are sharing Gates's operating system, and therefore feel the power of the computer's charm. A fence three piles, a hero three help, when we aftertaste "big success rule", can deeply feel the team spirit of the noble.

对英国的评价英文版 篇10

  After many years of intense studying and life,I have a good capability to endure the pressure from life and a calm mind,meanwhile I have better logic thinking and judgement ;I am honest to others,optimistic to life,and calm;I have better group cooperation spirit and some consciousness of creation;I admire those people who will change his words into actions.Just like this,I have come through those days,I stick to my belief,try my best to be a practical man and do my work effectively.

对英国的评价英文版 篇11

  In order to implement the Ministry of Education and the four headquarters "on strengthening the national defense military training and training of the implementation of the views of the implementation of the work," PeiPingShi officer led us to August 10, 20xx to August 30 in the air force of a regiment with a soldier work out. 20 days of "military training" so I have a grass-roots level, to understand the situation of officers and men, to experience the soldiers life opportunities. I not only increased knowledge, rich experience, and re-understanding of the self, for the future into the army laid a solid foundation.

  First, the ideological and political aspects. In the absence of internships before the troops know little about the firm idea of some of the army can not be stable, worried about their fitness suited to the troops, can develop good, with the monitor, non-commissioned officers of the exchange, and their own during this time to see The news, to dispel my concerns, more determined to root the roots of my base camp of faith. As a national defense student, a republic of the paramilitary officers, to keep in mind the party and the people's expectations, not afraid of hardship, to achieve the motherland's strong military dream and life.

  Second, the quality of military and political aspects. Through the comparison with the grassroots officers and men, I think I still need to strengthen the quality of military and physical strength is a piece of our short board. Because there is no strict requirements before, during school did not strengthen their physical training, making themselves and the company there is a big gap between the officers and men. In later life, I should be strict with oneself, insist on physical training, so that their physical level has a big increase. In terms of psychological quality, I feel some impetuous, do what are feathery. For example, in the company cleaning, production of labor when they are always calm down to do things down. In the future life, I will continue to hone their own, so that they can threw himself into the work of learning.

  Third, the work style. Because the local university life has been learning, and less contact with the troops, while their own requirements are not strict enough, leading to their own style of loose. When I first came to feel particularly suited to the company, daily routine and completely different, there are many feel cumbersome rules and regulations. I also recognize their lack of these areas, so I humbly ask the officers and men, with their help in my style has been significantly improved, I phase

  This will bring great benefits to my future development.

  20 days of "military training" Although the time is very short, but I followed the deep friendship of the officers and men, as the lyrics written in the "war friendship and love to really express". During this time, I would like to thank the officers and men of the company for their care, as well as the leadership of the selection of training my concern. Through this military training I realized that their own shortcomings, but also correct their own direction of life, I will be strict demands on themselves, and constantly narrow their own

  Lattice of the gap between the officers, after graduation better qualified for their own work and make unremitting efforts.

对英国的评价英文版 篇12

  In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce she nearly died. She survived but the fever left its mark - she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very difficult to speak.

  So how did this child, blinded and deafened at 19 months old, grow up to become a world-famous author and public speaker?

  The fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. It was as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release.

  Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other senses. She followed her mother wherever she went, hanging onto her skirts; she touched and smelled everything she came across. She copied their actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself, like milking the cows or kneading dough, she even learnt to recognize people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also tell where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet.

  By the age of seven she had invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to her family, if she wanted bread for(Motivational model ) example, she would pretend to cut a loaf and butter the slices. If she wanted ice cream she wrapped her arms around herself and pretended to shiver.

  Helen was unusual in that she was extremely intelligent and also remarkably sensitive. By her own efforts she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.

  At the age of five Helen began to realize she was different from other people. She noticed that her family did not use signs like she did but talked with their mouths. Sometimes she stood between two people and touched their lips. She could not understand what they said and she could not make any meaningful sounds herself. She wanted to talk but no matter how she tried she could not make herself understood. This makes her so angry that she used to hurl herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration.

  As she got older her frustration grew and her rages became worse and worse. She became wild and unruly. If she didn't get what she wanted she would throw tantrums until her family gave in. Her favorite tricks included grabbing other people's food from their plates and hurling fragile objects to the floor. Once she even managed to lock her mother into the pantry.

对英国的评价英文版 篇13

  The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely.

  Michael Dell, CEO and founder Dell Inc., said of Steve Jobs’s passing Wednesday

  "Today the world lost a visionary leader, the technology industry lost an iconic legend and I lost a friend and fellow founder. The legacy of Steve Jobs will be remembered for generations to come. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to the Apple team."

  The President of the United States Obama : Steve was among the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.

  he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.

  Mr. Iger’s statement:Steve Jobs was a great friend as well as a trusted advisor. His legacy will extend far beyond the products he created or the businesses he built. It will be the millions of people he inspired, the lives he changed, and the culture he defined. Steve was such an ‘original,’ with a thoroughly creative, imaginative mind that defined an era. Despite all he accomplished, it feels like he was just getting started.

对英国的评价英文版 篇14

  Speaking of Van Gogh, people regarded him as a crazy genius, he completely by intuition, to find a way, the inner emotional outbreak on the canvas. His life is incredible story, his father said he was eccentric, friends said he could not live with a room, even the most intimate brother also do nothing for him. He has talent, but because of too crazy and pale; his sincere feelings, but because of no disguise of sincerity was as mental disorders; his art has a persistent and fanatical pursuit, but because of his weird style and not be accepted . Until after death, only some of his talent greatly appreciated, this is Van Gogh's unfortunate, it is human sorrow.

  Van Gogh, the full name of Vincent Van Gogh, March 30, 1853 was born in Brabant in the north of the Netherlands, a small village called Flotte Gundt.His father Duolidisi · Van Gogh is a honest honest, benevolent love of Calvin sect pastor; mother Anna · Kornilia · Carpentus beautiful and kind, came from a prominent family in The Hague. Many of Van Gogh's patrilineal families were engaged in painting-related work, and his three uncles were famous painters. It should be recognized that the loving parents and the fine arts received from childhood are important influences on Van Gogh's good conduct and the formation of artistic sensitivity.

  Van Gogh almost no formal training in any painting. To get the canvas, oil painting and painting tools to run around day after day, the spirit is also constantly in a state of contradiction, the pursuit of artistic perfection and under pressure, even if he is not the direct cause of illness later, but also to his Life tragedy planted seeds. Van Gogh is interested in the reproduction of the real emotion, that is, he is to express his feelings of things, not the visual image he saw. Van Gogh classified his work as a different type from that of the impressionist painter: "In order to express myself more forcefully, I am more free to use colors." In fact, not only is color, , Shape and proportion are also changed shape, in order to show the world between a very painful but very real relationship. Van Gogh is a true sense of the artist, which is also known as the performance of the artists shared the characteristics. Van Gogh, when it comes to his creation, sums up this feeling: "For it, I take my life to risk; because of it, half of my intellect crashes;

  Van Gogh's passion, from the world in which he lives, from the people he knew people do not contain the strong reaction. Van Gogh's work is ahead of him far beyond the pace of the times, highly avant-garde, forward-looking. But it is a great sorrow for the painter himself, he painted with modern consciousness, the same need to have a modern appreciation of taste and aesthetic ability of people to see painting, painting. However, "acquaintance all over the world, friends can be a few people" This is really a sad untimely. Van Gogh life poverty, the only appreciation of his work is his brother - Theo. Theo is Van Gogh's supporter of life, not only from the spirit, but also in the material Van Gogh gave a great help. It is Theo became a painter in the material and spiritual hope and pillars, so that painters and pain in the pain of the double torture to continue to adhere to the painting until the end of their lives. The most touching is Van Gogh after the death of six months, Theo is also sad over the death! It was said that Theo is Van Gogh and live in the Theo died after they buried them in Orville.

  Van Gogh's emotional performance does not exclude the role of rational thinking on the creation, he wrote in a letter: "Do not think I am willing to work hard to make themselves into a mad state.On the contrary, remember that I Attracted by a complicated calculus that led to the rapid creation of a fast-moving painting, but which were carefully calculated in advance. "Van Gogh's creation is a grooming, a rallying, The resulting form of creation, showing the intense process of emotional generation, rather than just the emotional state of mind and description.

  Aristotle said: genius figures are different from ordinary people. Great writers and writers are often great lunatics. We can not speculate on the painter's muzzle at the moment of what his mind, perhaps he thought of his life failed emotional life, but at least there is his brother Theo affection he was pleased; perhaps he thought of his life Art exploration in the misfortune, but at least he left behind 850 paintings and 800 drawings to wait for a hundred years after the people know and interpret; perhaps he never thought to buckle the trigger, for him, "Life is pain", death is relief.

  This genius is rare, even in the liberal arts of Western countries, is still not understood, let alone in China's education system. Our ancestors have been away from us, and we are still alive without fear ""

对英国的评价英文版 篇15

  I also like the reporter that Hawking is too much to lose his life, a moment can not leave the wheelchair, and the body is only three with the fingers active, the exchange is also extremely difficult. Fate is unfair to Hawking.But Hawking's answer made me very surprised. Hawking with his a grateful heart, touched everyone. He replied: "My fingers can move, my big brain can think. I have the ideal of life, I love and love my family and friends. Yes, I have a grateful heart` `` `` ``

  He confronted his fate, he did not feel lost a lot. But feel that they still have many.

  I read very moved, after the tremor in the mind. I also thought for a long time. Suddenly, my brain flashed a text of the sea: the most important thing is to have a soul, to have thought, the most important thing is to have a grateful heart. As long as a person has these, he is not useless people. A person with these, he is not useless people. A person has these, is owned, is happy, is the happiness of the `` `` ``

  Hawking, a terminally ill person, he can use the optimistic attitude to look at life, fate. With a grateful heart to treat people and things around. And we, a normal person, can not do it?

  No, no. As long as I have a grateful Yan, is a brain thinking, we can make their own lofty. There is a saying well: "People are not necessarily great, but they can make their own noble.

  I admire Hawking, he used an ordinary person can not imagine the perseverance and gratitude of the heart to overcome the disease. His constant quest for the spirit of impressed me.

  The life of the strong, scientific master, I will always be admired, is my goal.

  2, recently, we on the "wheelchair Hawking" article, after reading the text, I have been touched by the story of Hawking that shocked.

  Hawking in the United Kingdom at the age of 21 suffering from Lu Gale's disease, soon to be long-term imprisonment in a wheelchair. But he insisted on fighting for the cause of science to contribute. Once again at the academic report, Hawking once again to his charisma and the scientific spirit of seeking to move all the people: my fingers can be activities, my fingers can think; I have a lifelong pursuit of the ideal, I love and Love my family and friends; Yes, I have a grateful heart ""

  Yes ah, if I was the Hawking, I will think: fate is too cruel to me, so I lost too much. Hawking replied with a smile of this passage, in my mind deeply engraved. He not only does not complain about the fate of his injustice, but thanks to fate left him a finger.

  Fate does not fall down a person, will only make people strong, and Hawking is such a person. He faced various hardships of life and not pessimistic retreat, he defeated himself, defeated the life, become a strong life. Even face more of the failure, but also to move forward, struggle in the end. Looking back at the past, a retreat on the difficulties to shrink, hesitated. Once, because the application did not understand a solution to the mother inadvertently said the sentence: "really a stupid." And there is no confidence in their own.

  I admire Hawking, admire him no matter how much difficulty encountered, are constantly to pursue, so as to achieve success. The life of the strong, scientific master, I will always be the most admired people, is my goal!

  3, "he sat in a wheelchair for 40 years, the body only three fingers move, however, he wrote the scientific book" A Brief History of Time "in the world has numerous readers" "" Whenever read this passage , I can not help but praise Hawking - you are really a person who is stubborn!

  Hawking's fate is very rough. Shortly after graduating from Cambridge, he was paralyzed by Lugaré's disease, and in 1985 Hawking was deprived of his ability to speak. "" Although fate was unfair to Hawking, he was unimaginable in this unthinkable Hard to become a scientific giant, was elected to the youngest member of the Royal Society, became a big scientist like Newton to become one of the Lucason Professor of Mathematics! He continued to explore the scientific spirit and courageous tenacious personality strength deeply touched me.

  After reading this text, I deeply sentiment: Hawking, although disabled, but his thinking is not disabled, he brought us knowledge, give us strength!Hawking is in the disease anytime, anywhere can take away his life, there is no pessimistic back, with amazing perseverance and courageous tenacious personality to face up to fate, tirelessly explore the mysteries of the universe, a strong and strong young people are Can not complete the exploration of cosmology, not to mention the sick Hawking! This is the Hawking spirit!

  I must learn from Hawking, study hard every day, the future will become the pillar of the country, add luster to the motherland for the country, for the community to make greater contributions to the construction of the great motherland more prosperous and strong!

对英国的评价英文版 篇16

  Marx and Lincoln were contemporaries, his evaluation of Lincoln is: "This is a will not be intimidated by the difficulties will not be confused by the success of people; his unyielding towards their great goals, and never act rashly Steady, and never retrogression ... ... In short, this is a reached a great realm and still maintain their excellent quality of the rare character of the outstanding moral person was so modest that even he became martyrdom After the fall, the world only to find that he is a hero.

  Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1809) the 16th president of the United States

  Political party: Republican Party

  February 12, 1809, Lincoln was born in Kentucky Harding County, a poor peasant family, the parents of British immigrants descendants. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to the southwest Indiana, land reclamation for a living.9 years old, Lincoln's mother died. A year later, the father married a widow.Stepmother kind and hard-working, treat their ex-wife's children as out.Lincoln also loves the stepmother, a family living in harmony and happiness. Because of family poverty, Lincoln is not a high degree of education. In order to maintain the family plan, when young Lincoln worked as a ferry on the Ohio River, plantation workers, shopkeepers and carpenters. At the age of 18, tall Lincoln was hired by a shipowner, with a flat barge with the people down the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to Orleans.

  This is the first time he came to a city of 40,000 people. The journey, Lincoln saw the black slaves suffered inhuman treatment. In 1830, the Lincoln family moved again and came to Coles County, Illinois, in the middle of the United States, "he said to his partner," until I have a chance to crack down on slavery. " Here, Lincoln began to live independently, and in 1832 enlisted. Lincoln's time is very short, after the demobilization, the local residents elected enthusiastic official activities of Lincoln for the state legislature candidate, but his first campaign did not succeed. Before the age of 25, Lincoln has no fixed occupation, four to make a living. Adult, he became a local land surveyors, proficient in measurement and calculation, often people are invited to solve the boundary dispute. In the hard work, Lincoln is always a love of reading the youth, his night reading lights always flash to late late. In his youth, Lincoln read all of Shakespeare's books, read American History, and read many books on history and literature.Through self-study he made himself a learned and intelligent person. In 1834 August, 25-year-old Lincoln was elected to the state legislators began his political career at the same time management of rural postal services, also engaged in land surveying, and with the help of friends to study the law. A few years later, he became a lawyer. In 1839, Lincoln met a member of the daughter of Mary Todd. She was 21 years old, well-educated, beautiful and lively, they married in November 1842, after the birth of four sons. Accumulated the experience of state legislators, in 1847, Lincoln as the Whig party, participated in the congressional election, won the first time, came to the capital of Washington.

  Before and after, the debate about slavery, has become a major event in American political life.In this debate, Lincoln gradually became anti-slavery. He believes that slavery should eventually be destroyed, first of all in the capital Washington should abolish slavery. Slavery, who represents the interests of the southern plantation owners, frenziedly opposed Lincoln. In 1850, the United States of slave power surge, Lincoln out of Congress, to continue as a lawyer. In 1854, the southern slave owners to enter the new Kansas into the United States, the use of force to force the implementation of slavery, caused a civil war in Kansas. This year, the Republican Party was founded, Lincoln joined, and in 1856 participated in the Republican vice presidential candidate campaign, without success. June 16, 1858, in the same Douglas campaign published a "family dispute" the famous speech. "The House of Splits can not last," he said. I believe that our government can not endure half the freedom of half of slavery. I do not expect federal dissolution, I do not expect the house to collapse, but I do expect it to stop splitting. It will either turn into one thing or all else into another.

  During this period, he and Douglas conducted a debate on the issue of slavery, Lincoln believes that slavery should be abolished, but must be abolished by peaceful means, although his campaign did not succeed, but greatly expanded the Political influence .In 1860, Lincoln became the Republican presidential candidate, in November, the election announced to 2 million votes was elected the 16th president of the United States, but in the slave-controlled southern 10 states, he did not get a vote. Lincoln was elected president of the news, the rapid expansion of North-South contradictions, adhere to the slavery of the South to Lincoln's election as a disaster, Lincoln in South Carolina before the oath to quit the federal .In order to safeguard national unity, war triggered. As the US general election system enjoys popular support, with the election of the new president, the smooth transition of state power into the United States tradition.

对英国的评价英文版 篇17

  Mandela is a totem-style figure, and Martin Luther King, with extraordinary personal charm, with a firm political ideals. As a politician, there is no ideal not, but the ideal is not enough light. He is a good leader, but not a good leader.

  Mandela as South Africa's "father" and "saint", and not eager to the presidency, he must be a president, this is a sign, but also very fun not re-elected. Since 1999, South Africa has entered the "post-Mandela era", many countries around the world, have also experienced a similar period.Countries have experienced their own transition period, and may even lead to civil war, these are the strong historical assets of the negative process of liquidation. As with Mandela, "reverse discrimination" is one of them. No one is perfect, we have no reason to ask Mandela is a perfect person.

  There is still a long way to go to achieve true racial reconciliation.Mandela's contribution is to portray the right outlook for South Africa's future, point out a clear direction, and gain broad political acceptance. In this way, despite the various problems now facing South African politics, it can still be expected that the "buffer period" after the current situation in South Africa will be improved.

  In international politics, although the reality is always ruthless, we still have no reason to abandon the yearning for the good things of equality, freedom and peace. It is too early for a new country, unstable and only twenty years old, to come to a conclusion. The general social problems of black administration, including the prevailing conditions in Africa, war, AIDS,

  Economic backwardness, the future will not be improved, whether out of this vicious circle, I do not know. But I believe that this is because the economy, the reasons behind education, but not because of race.

  Desire civilized happiness, you have to suffer the pain of civilization, this is for the future happiness. In fact, some time, I will feel racism is an unsolvable problem, but often see there are a lot of people in this effort, put away the idea. Mandela has left many beautiful things for human society. The slogan "Let the land be high or low, regardless of you and me" is the result of his struggle for more people to accept it. Vested interests to accept. Is such a person, so that the rules of the world cold, shining from the glory of human nature.

  The reason why people are, is the pursuit, longing for good things, even at the expense of their own interests. Mandela's life merits, left to future generations comment. But ask yourself what Mandela has done in his life, a firm pursuit of ideals, and ask who can do it? Mandela's greatness is that he is a determined fighter, and always confident to change the future. In his body, the power of human nature than any other. His pursuit, also won the universal recognition of human society, whether black or white.

  It is such a person's existence, the world is worthy of our nostalgia. Those history, it is worth to move us. The controversy over Mandela will not end, he wrong place, to reflect on, the right place to commemorate. He has a variety of problems, we are now commemorating Mandela, is to commemorate his spirit.

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