关键字 外贸 进出口 管理信息系统(关键词黑体小五号空2格,仿宋小五号,各关键词中空1格)
design and discussion on the information system on import and export business management(黑体小四号)
chen wenpei tang bingyong(宋体五号)(donghua university,shanghai XX51) (宋体六号斜体,各单词间空1个字符)abstract foreign trade information management system has been widely used in the field of foreign trade and mangement. the corn to build foreign trade information management system is to build import and export information management system. this report analyzes the building of import and export information management system in a pratical way and provides a solution in a technological way. (abstract为黑体小五号空4个字符,宋体小五号)
keywords foreign trade import