车到山前必有路 | |
拼音 | |
简拼 | cdsqbyl |
基本解释 | 暂无 |
详细解释 | 词语车到山前必有路 拼音chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù 解释[the car will find its way round the hill when it gets there-things will eventually sort themselves out] 比喻到时候总有办法可想 |
车到山前必有路 | |
拼音 | |
简拼 | cdsqbyl |
基本解释 | 暂无 |
详细解释 | 词语车到山前必有路 拼音chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù 解释[the car will find its way round the hill when it gets there-things will eventually sort themselves out] 比喻到时候总有办法可想 |