a sausage, some sausages. A reactive game: try to say>T: Good job.>Give the phonetic symbol and pronounce it: /`b?sk?t/.
Look at the screen, arrange the letters and try to spell>(Write down the word.)
T: Right. Look, a piece>“ts” is a combination, we’ll pronounce /ts/.
I have some biscuits.
T: Great. Close your eyes and taste this, tell me what it is: It’s delicious, it’s smooth and soft.
The pupils guess the food.
Show the card: /`?el?/ Try to read it.
T:>A. drill B. daily C. jelly
The pupils choose the right>(Write down the word.)
T: Jelly is an uncountable word, so it hasn’t got plural form. Look, some jelly.
Let’s play a game: What can you see? Look, remember and say>sausages, eggs, jelly, chocolate pies, chicken, fruit, biscuits, a>A picture>T: Look and listen, Miss Lin and some children are coming. Listen to the dialogue and try to repeat, then try to give the answers about: What’s>T: After the picnic, what’s>(On the screen: rubbish) Practice to say the word.
Ss: Rubbish.
T: Yes, rubbish. What shall we do after the picnic?
Try to say the sentence. (Write down the sentence.)
Please you look at the screen, choose the right answer.
A. Throw the rubbish>B. Take away the rubbish.
C. Put the rubbish under the tree.
The pupils choose and know how they should do.
(Write down the answer.) Take away the rubbish.
The pupils try to read the sentences in pairs.
Look at the screen and talk about the three drills.
What shall we do after…?
What shall we do…?
What shall we…?